Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 250 The Apprentice from Franji

Chapter 250 The Apprentice from Franji
When Wang Tong saw three foreign devils in Taoist robes enter the door, he was stunned by the inexplicable sense of astonishment, and then burst out laughing.

Although the weather was very warm, the foreign devils were barefoot. When the wind blew, the hem of the Taoist robes lifted up, revealing the hairy big white legs. In Wang Tong's view, this image was as ridiculous as it could be.

However, in the eyes of others, this is not the case. The servants and maids who serve people in the mansion on the Drum Tower are all servants sent by Panda and Wan Dao. The servant of the basin happened to pass by, and when he saw the three foreigners, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he yelled, and the basin fell to the ground.

Wang Tong turned his head and looked over, the boy's face was pale with fright, he took two steps back and fell over there. The two maidservants serving Mrs. Ma were also frightened.

At this time, it is not funny, but it makes people dumbfounded. Although Tianjin Wei is also a seaport, it also has contacts with Goryeo, and the traffic with Goryeo is not normal.

The ports where the Shibo Division is established are all in Zhejiang and Fujian, and foreigners can also go ashore in the troubled waters of Guangdong and Macau.

Westerners seldom come to the north. Most of the Westerners who come to the north are missionaries. These people are usually used to mixing with literati, or they go to the rich and noble classes, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see.

This Tianjin Wei is a military city, although it is prosperous, it is not a center, naturally there are no foreigners to be seen, this foreign devil with a high nose, deep eyes and blue eyes, in the eyes of the common people, is no different from that ghost.

Not to mention these servants, Li Hu took a look, turned around and ran back to the inner hall, Wang Tong wondered, this kid has always been very courageous, why is he so timid today.

Unexpectedly, he ran back again in a blink of an eye, but with a seven-foot short gun in his hand, he jumped directly into the yard, and shouted viciously:


In this short period of time, Ma Sanbiao and others were startled, and rushed out with swords. The three foreign devils were no less frightened than the servants of Wang Tong's mansion. Terrified out of his wits, he immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly:
"Master, Master, the young ones are good citizens, and the young ones are good citizens!"

The well-spoken Chinese is just Mandarin with a Hejian Mansion accent. Wang Tong couldn't help his smile, but he couldn't lose his composure in front of so many people, and his face turned red. uncomfortable.

"These days, the legs and waists of foreigners are still soft!"

Wang Tong uttered a sentence that no one could understand, and walked down the steps. At this time, Cai Nan ran into the courtyard in a panic, and saw the three foreigners kneeling on the ground, and the courtyard full of enemies. He looked even more terrified, he had messed up his errand, but he didn't expect such a big mess when he came back.

Cai Nan stepped forward and hurriedly said:

"Master Wang, the firearms workshop said that there were too many orders from the border towns in various places and they were in a hurry, and they couldn't find any manpower. They said that there were three master craftsmen who were skilled in their crafts and could give us some advice. They didn't think so, but gave the three of them a job. Fan Gui, this little one had no choice but to bring it back. On the way, I went to a tailor shop and bought a few old Taoist robes for him to wear. I also bet a small gold medal there. I was just arranging the porter to go, and I was disturbed. grown ups"

Cai Nan was a little at a loss, Wang Tong waved his hands with a smile, and said:
"I followed my late father to Macao, Guangdong three years ago. I don't know how many fan ghosts I have seen there. These three are also ordinary-looking, and they can't scare me. You also collected your things. It's such a fuss. What do they look like, get the three of them dressed!"

Seeing the appearance of the foreign devil kneeling and kowtowing as cowardly as a mouse, Wang Tong's subordinates also gradually stabilized their minds and went to work separately.

For Wang Tong, the white people he saw in that life were all arrogant and superior, but the white people in this era are all grassroots and humble, and occasionally there is a missionary priest, which is completely inferior, which makes Wang Tong Tong occasionally feels a little weird.

Those three foreign devils didn't get permission to stand up, and they were still kneeling there respectfully. Wang Tong walked up to them and asked calmly:
"What's your name, don't say your foreign names, just say how people in Daming call you?"

"Back to the master, the younger one's name is Carlos." "The younger one's name is Acero." "Bean"

"Where do you come from?"

"The little ones are Frangji people, and they are where Da Ming often talks about the Great Luzon."

Luzon (modern-day Philippines) in Southeast Asia is now a colony of white Europeans. The scholar-bureaucrats who are somewhat vague about world geography think that since Luzon is occupied by others, his suzerain country can be called Da, so they came up with a The statement of Greater Luzon.

The name Franchi refers to two countries in Ming Dynasty, the current Spain and Portugal, but the one that turned Luzon into a colony is Spain.

When Carlos answered in this way, Wang Tong, whose knowledge was somewhat different from this era, quickly reacted, and said casually:
"It turned out to be Spain."

The voice was not loud, but the three foreigners looked up in astonishment. Wang Tong's pronunciation was slightly similar to the real one, and he might be the first among the Ming people they met.

"What did you do in the past, why did you come to Daming, how did you come to Tianjin Wei, and how did you work for the government-run firearms workshop?"

Wang Tong asked several questions in a row. According to his vague historical knowledge, the firearm manufacturing technology in Europe has begun to lead Ming Dynasty by a large margin. Spain is a big country in Europe, so the level of firearm manufacturing is naturally quite advanced. If these three people come from there By the way, this is a pie that fell from the sky.

But in this era, the East and the West are separated by thousands of miles, and the information is extremely difficult to communicate with each other. There are also many people who fabricate their identities to fool around and cheat money, so it is natural to ask clearly.

"Returning to the Elder Master, the little ones used to be apprentices in a workshop in the northern part of the Franji Kingdom. In order to avoid military service, they became sailors on a ship and came all the way to Daming."

Having said that, the bearded Carlos' voice was a little erratic, and he knelt there and said:
"The little ones have never seen such a rich and civilized country. Compared with Franz, this place is like a paradise. The little ones stayed here, hoping to live here and become this civilized empire. But apart from Macau and some ships, the younger ones couldn’t find work. At that time, Mr. Lu, the owner of the firearms workshop, was on business in Guangdong. He advertised everywhere that he wanted to recruit craftsmen who knew how to make firearms. It is said that the further north the Ming Dynasty is, the more prosperous cities will be, and I am excited to reveal the list."

After hearing a few words, Wang Tong turned around and called Ma Sanbiao, and gave some instructions in a low voice. Ma Sanbiao nodded and hurried out the door. After a while, he heard the sound of horseshoes, and he had already left.

"Eunuch Lu came here to preside over this workshop at that time. If it wasn't for the three of you, how could he have received so many awards from the emperor and the cabinet? But this cheapskate hasn't given us a penny for several years. As for the wages, he did not know how much he made in materials and smuggled firearms, so the younger ones launched a strike with the workers, and he actually drove us out naked. The younger ones still have hundreds of taels of silver there. "

"Can you make firearms?"

Just like the domestic people in that generation had no mouth to praise how good the foreign country was after going abroad, all foreigners in this era who have been to Ming Dynasty are all amazed at the civilization and affluence of the Eastern Empire. Every missionary and businessman wrote travel notes and other words , are exhausting all the commendatory words to praise.However, in the era of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, such praises turned into insults, and everyone despised the ignorance and filth of this barbaric country.

Listening to the statements of these three foreigners, there are no flaws, and judging from their backgrounds, it seems that there is no need to fabricate lies. This is the key point of Wang Tong's question.

"The little ones can make!"

Wang Tong obviously noticed the hesitation in the other party's answer, and his voice couldn't help becoming stricter:
"Don't deceive me with lies. I have also worked in the Franc machine workshop in Macau. You can lie to me now. If the things you make don't meet the requirements, Mr. Lu will let you have no clothes, and I will let you have no clothes." head!"

Among the officials of the Ming Dynasty, it is rare for Wang Tong to be so young, and he is probably the only one who works in the workshop of a foreign blacksmith in Macau.

Hearing Wang Tong's shout, the three foreigners trembled in unison, Carlos was stuttering and unable to speak, but Bean beside him raised his head in fear and said:

"My lord, little people can make cannons, and they can also make fast guns and three-eyed guns."

"Where's the bird gun!?"

The fast gun and the three-eyed gun are more like firecrackers loaded in an iron pipe, while the bird gun is an imitation of a matchlock gun. This component is relatively complicated, and anyone who can master this technique is considered an excellent craftsman.

Under Wang Tong's knowledgable questioning, the three foreigners looked tense and were sweating. The forced questioning made it too late for them to make up. Wang Tong's knowledgable made them dare not make up. Bei An hurriedly replied:
"The little ones don't dare to say they can do it, but if you show it, the little ones can do it!"

Wang Tong stared at them for a while, seeing that the three of them were kneeling on the ground and did not dare to look up, Wang Tong said coldly:
"I also have a workshop, and I also want to make firearms. The wages and benefits are all easy to talk about. They are definitely better than you and Mr. Lu's subordinates, but there are some rules that must be explained clearly. If you make things crudely, you will be beheaded. If you incite workers to strike, you will be beheaded. Today If it is found to be false in the future, he will be beheaded."

There was only one kind of punishment, beheading. The three of them were in cold sweat, and could not utter a word except kowtow.

"Put on all your clothes and continue to kneel in the yard. Wait for someone to verify what you said!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Tong turned around and walked into the room, where the three foreigners knelt down neatly, not daring to move.
I didn't expect so many things to happen near the holiday, the second one will be later
Just to put it bluntly, the foreign countries in most of our minds are European countries except Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union, Japan, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and only these few countries are called foreign countries. In concept, huh, huh, just make fun of it

(End of this chapter)

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