Chapter 251
In Wang Tong's own blacksmith workshop, there are also more than a dozen blacksmiths and apprentices transferred from the Tianjin Firearms Workshop, and they must be very familiar with the situation there.

There were people coming and going in the courtyard, and Wang Tong was sitting in the main seat of the main room, watching the letters from the capital, except for the correspondence with Emperor Wanli, Zhang Cheng and other high-level officials, and the communication between Li Wenyuan, Song Chanchan, and Lu Wancai. There are also constant letters, that is the center of Ming Dynasty politics, the more news you know, the better.

There was a desk next to him, and Cai Nan was sitting there writing on a piece of paper. After writing a few sentences, she raised her head a little uncertainly, and asked:
"My lord, do you think the sentence 'all operations must use standard measuring tools, anyone who violates it will be punished severely, and those who make serious mistakes will be beheaded' is appropriate or not."

Wang Tong raised his head, pondered for a while and said:
"The meaning is correct. After finishing writing, go read it to Ma Sanbiao and change it into vernacular. He can understand it before reading it to the craftsmen and laborers in the workshop."

Cai Nan nodded in agreement, wrote a sentence, raised her head again, hesitated and said in a low voice:
"The little one has known the grown-up for a year, and has only been working with the grown-up for less than a month, but the grown-up is so kind to the young one, and I have to say something offensive. Long live God values ​​the grown-up, and the grown-up is this Tianjin Weijinyiweiqianhu , Tianjin Jinyi's pro-army has such a long history of disadvantages, the current rectification has already seen results, and the above can also see the real credit. My lord should focus on this now, and it will be of great benefit to the future, but my lord"

"Don't hesitate, just say it, I won't blame you!"

"The villain is bold. Whether it is the ministers of the court or the father-in-laws in the palace, everything will be done according to the law. It is a broken rule for us Jinyiwei to build artillery. It is unavoidable for those who are at odds with the adults to do it. Taking advantage of the opportunity to play tricks behind the scenes, if the adults put all their minds on this workshop, it will be even worse!"

Wang Tong shook his head and smiled, and answered:

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools, and you will know it in the future."

Without explaining too much, Cai Nan sighed in his heart, but he did not say anything more, after all, he had just defected to Wang Tong, and some things could not be said clearly.

Not long after, Qiao Da and two craftsmen from the fire organ workshop came to the house. The blacksmith's shop is located in the city, so it is very convenient to greet them.

These people looked at the three foreigners kneeling in the courtyard in amazement, entered the room respectfully and kowtowed, Wang Tong slowly repeated the words he had just heard.

After finishing speaking, the two craftsmen kowtowed their heads to confirm their statement, and added:
"These three people are capable. The steel they smelt is indeed different, and they also know how to build a good furnace. It's just that they are too playful. They go to the city to eat, drink and have fun all day long, and they don't work seriously."

Since he has the ability, it's easy to say, Wang Tong nodded and let the two craftsmen go down, but Qiao Da was left behind. Wang Tong patted the table with his hand, and asked with a smile:

"The iron material you bought is not bad!"

Hearing this praise, Qiao knelt on the ground and kowtowed again with a big smile, and said respectfully:
"It's all for the adults to do errands, and the small ones must do their best."

"Not only are the things good, but the price is also cheap. You can also bargain. Doesn't it mean that the price has increased by [-]%, and you cut down [-]%, and then [-]%. How much cheaper can it be!"

Only then did Qiao Da understand the meaning of Wang Tong's call. The smile on Wang Tong's face turned into a sneer. He leaned on the back of the chair and continued in a cold voice:

"I have been in Tianjin for less than half a year. I heard that you have already raised a foreign house? You are also the daughter of a scholar in Xianghe County. You really have a lot of promise!"

The floor of the house was covered with blue bricks, and Qiao Da kowtowed tremblingly, his forehead was covered with blood, Wang Tong glanced again in disgust, and said in a cold voice:

"I found the craftsman who made the cannon for you. I will bring you back. I will make a cannon for you within a month. If you can't make it, I will cut off your head. If you make it, you will be rewarded with money!"

Qiao Da was trembling all over. He always thought that the seamless matter was ruined by Wang Tong. He thought that he would definitely not survive today, but he didn't expect that there was still a way out.

For him, it was like a life-and-death cycle, staying there at a loss, Wang Tong snorted coldly, then Qiao Da came to his senses, kowtowed more vigorously, and said in a crying voice:

"Even if the little ones jump into the stove, they have to make cannons for adults."

"The people who use the artillery to use the money should go to Zhang Shiqiang to withdraw it. Spend what you want. Wait for the amount of silver you have stolen to Zhang Shiqiang to make a report. Whether you will be rewarded or chopped off in the future, this will be a proof. Lead the people away!"

Wang Tong waved his hand in disgust, Qiao Da kowtowed a few times, thanked him in tears and left, and the three foreign artisans kneeling outside peeked at the situation in the hall, a little dumbfounded and a little trembling.

After the four craftsmen left, Wang Tong's face returned to normal, and he raised his voice to say hello:
"Prepare the horse, let's go to Xingcai Inn before dark!"

Wang Tong's reprimand just now fell into Cai Nan's eyes, watching Wang Tong's expression quickly return to normal from anger, explaining Qiao Da's secret plainly, but not punishing him according to the rules, this made Cai Nan Really can't figure it out, Wang Tong gathered the documents and other things into a pile, sorted them out briefly, and went out.

Walking to the door, Wang Tong turned his head and said with a smile:

"If it wasn't for rushing to make cannons, Qiao Da's head would be cut off today, but all the craftsmen in the workshop are his fellow villagers or apprentices he recruited, and he also went to iron materials, fuel and other miscellaneous household items. Contact to buy, kill him, the workshop may be abolished immediately, use it as an incentive!"

It turned out that the soldiers of the Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu were not useless at all, they were local aborigines, and it was difficult for the gossip and gossip of their parents to escape their eyes and ears.

They also inquired about Qiao Da's concubine. When the news reached Hang Daqiao, the Hang Baihu immediately felt that this was a good opportunity to perform. He arranged for people to inquire everywhere, so Qiao Da took kickbacks and was greedy for money. It's just that he thinks he's doing it secretly, and when someone asks him about it, he knows everything.

When the news reached Wang Tong, it just happened to catch up with the incident of the three foreign craftsmen.

Qiao Daben is the blacksmith sold by the wealthy businessman Gu Zibin, and he has no life-and-death friendship with him, let alone any blood relationship. Seeing that Wang Tong is rich, he must have moved his mind.

When Wang Tong went out to get on his horse, he had already decided to arrange for Gu Zibin and Cai Nan to keep an eye on the blacksmith's workshop. They were about to start building cannons, and a large amount of money and goods came in and out.

When it was about to get dark, Chai Fulin, the owner of Tonghai Warehouse, came to Panda's house on Bingbei Road in a carriage, and asked someone to inform him according to the rules. Not long after, the housekeeper trotted out to greet him.

Panda of Bingbeidao is a fourth-rank official, and this Chai Fulin is at most a donated supervisor. According to the rules, Chai Fulin has to kneel and kowtow when meeting.

But Panda, who always pays attention to rules, greeted him at the second gate. When he saw Chai Fulin, he clasped his fists and greeted with a smile:

"Boss Chai, I haven't seen you in half a month!"

"It's been half a month, and I just arrived at home this afternoon. I'm here to visit you, my lord."

"You are very polite. Please come inside. The tea is ready."

The conversation between the two parties showed no difference in identity at all, and they were completely peers. After entering the room and taking a seat, the Mr. Chai wiped his face with a handkerchief, and asked with a smile:

"Three days ago, the goods from Yangzhou were delivered to your lord's house, but are you satisfied?"

Panda, who usually pretends to be reserved, was quite relaxed in front of Chai Fulin. Hearing this question, he picked up his tea bowl and said with a smile:

"Women from the south of the Yangtze River are really extraordinary. They are tender and timid, so special!"

"It's good that adults like it. These girls are considered first-class goods in Jiangnan. This time, I have heard some news and want to tell adults."

After chatting for a while, Chai Fulin changed the subject casually, and Panda also put down his teacup and sat forward:
"Then Wang Tong has been thinking about casting cannons these days, and he asked for materials from Lao Lu's side, but Lao Lu's side couldn't stand it, so he threw the three restless ghosts over there, and now his blacksmith shop has moved Outside the city, the stove is lit every day, and labor is recruited everywhere, haha, after all, I am still a child who can’t grow up, and I have only settled down for a few days, and I start to play.”

Hearing this, Panda snorted coldly, and said disdainfully:
"A vulgar villain, besides such absurd skills, what else can he do? It's nothing more than a waste of money, food and public funds."

"It's good to do this. The cannons are all made by craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry and the Imperial Supervisor. What can he do? He has a busy job, so he won't have to ask around."

Panda nodded ponderingly, picked up the tea bowl to shake off the foam, and said in a low voice:
"730 tank boats, 58 shi of grain, tomorrow you send someone to check again, there will be some difference in the fraction and the difference will not be too much."

Hearing this, Chai Fulin showed a smile on his face, stood up solemnly and said with fists in his hands:

"My lord, please take care."

Panda took a sip of tea and said with some concern:

"Jin Yiwei's official is always not at ease. It's better to arrange someone to keep an eye on it. This Wang Tong is relying on the power of the capital, and his bad habits of Fanzi have become worse. Don't make any more troubles!"

"Please rest assured, my lord, Wang Tong's every move will be watched by someone, and he will report back every two hours."

The sky was getting dark, the city gate was closed, and both sides of the canal became quiet. The lobby of Xingcai Inn was full of merchants and travelers from all over the place. Wang Tong and his men sat in the corner unnoticed.

"Master, there are a few people who have been staring at us"

Tan Bing suddenly came over and said in a low voice.
Thank you everyone. If you have a monthly pass, please continue to vote for Lao Bai. On the last day, you can’t fall at the end
(End of this chapter)

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