Chapter 254
Sea pirates and Japanese pirates, these two terms made the hearts of the few people who came out to investigate feel a little heavy. There was no conversation on the next road, and they returned to Xingcai Inn in silence.

Calculating the time to go out and investigate, it is estimated that there will be about two hours before dawn, and the city gate will open later, and Wang Tong and others will have to rest at the Xingcai Inn before going back.

Wang Tong has been thinking about the differences in the joints between the north and the south of Ming Dynasty, between Ming Dynasty and Japan, between Ming Dynasty and Nanyang, and even between Ming Dynasty and North Korea, Daming and Western Ocean. What can be done in this, after all, in this era The ocean is equal to completely free trade. When the goods enter the Haihe River, there are many possibilities outside.

At the entrances of the big inns by the canal, it is not counted to hang lanterns at the entrances, but usually a flagpole is erected to carry the signboard flags, and after closing at night, the lanterns are hung up again, which is more expensive than the dark road just now. Much brighter.

Wang Tong stretched out his hand to hug Li Hutou who was sleeping on the carriage, but Li Hutou was also alert. As soon as Wang Tong touched it, he immediately sat up and put his hand on the dagger at his waist for the first time. Everyone burst into laughter.

Huang San from Xingcai Inn greeted him, and first led the carriage to the stables in the backyard. Inexplicably, Wang Tong found that Huang San's expression was not normal.

Perhaps because of the illusion of exhaustion, Wang Tong didn't pay much attention to it, because he knew they would come back, and the inn also kept the door open, and went into the lobby to sit down. Everyone was a little tired, and they all wanted to take a breather.

Tan Jiang and the others were in a bad mood. They also had a bloody battle with the Japanese pirates in the southeast, and perhaps their relatives and colleagues died in the battle. Seeing the pirates and Japanese pirates appearing so close to them, they really would not be in a good mood.

The group was silent for a while, and was about to get up to speak when they heard the sound of the side door of the inn lobby, and the shopkeeper, several clerks, and Huang San all came out.

Wang Tong was taken aback, there wasn't much rest in this inn, he got up early and was busy very late, so after dinner was over at that time, everyone had to hurry up and go to sleep.

Immediately Wang Tong reacted, sighed and said:
"Those thieves who are watching you, let them go!"

The group of people who came out of the inn knelt down in unison almost when Wang Tong was speaking, and when they heard what Wang Tong said, two of them went limp and fell directly on the ground.

Ma Sanbiao was yawning, but he didn't react for a while when he heard this, then jumped up violently, drew the short knife behind his back with his backhand, and was about to curse viciously.

Wang Tong waved his hand at him, and asked the shopkeeper and Huang San in a deep voice:
"You know that this official is Jin Yiwei, right!? You know that this official is not as useless as the old Jin Yiwei!? You know that this official killed Chuantouxiang and a few bastards!? Don't kowtow, answer!!?"

Wang Tong's voice raised a little, and the shopkeeper raised his head tremblingly and said:
"The Eldest Master lived in a small shop from the very beginning when he came to Tianjin. What the Eldest Master did in the city was widely spread, how could the younger ones not know about it?"

"What if you don't let people go?"

"My lord, who dares not to burn incense among these businessmen outside the city, and locks up these few people. As long as the news spreads, it's a trivial matter not to open this inn. I'm afraid the little one and the people in the shop will be thrown into the sea. Feed the fish, someone offended them by this canal in the past, and the whole family of that person is gone, there are villains, and the guys in the shop also have their own age."

The shopkeeper said that he was extremely terrified, and the ten people behind him knocked their heads on the ground and banged loudly. It was quite a quiet night, but they stopped now as if they were beating drums.

Wang Tong stomped his feet impatiently, and asked in a cold voice:
"Do they know where I am going?"

"You guys can't offend Chuantouxiang, and you can't offend the old man. After letting those few go, they didn't dare to stay longer, and ran away with their arms."

Wang Tong sighed and said in a muffled voice:

"You think the government can't come every day, but Chuantouxiang gets along day and night. If you offend the government, you might be a gangster and go there. If you offend the Chuantouxiang, you will lose your life. Isn't that the truth?"

The people below just continued to kowtow, not daring to reply, Wang Tong turned his head to look at the people around him, everyone looked helpless, Ma Sanbiao was also messing around in the market, and he understood this better than others, at this moment Also discouraged.

"Don't kowtow, I don't blame you, everyone stays here, Tan Bing, Tan Jian and the shopkeeper lead the horse to the door of the shop, let's go to the barracks to rest tonight!"

Tan Bing and Tan Jian stood up silently and walked to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper's face was full of tears, but he still looked up a little confused, and said:
"It's getting late, the old man is still going there, and there will be hot soup and hot water waiting for him in the small shop."

Wang Tong didn't answer, and the shopkeeper was dragged out of the door. Wang Tong and Ma Sanbiao ordered:
"Go find a buddy and go find some bread in the kitchen."

The other side also followed, and Wang Tong also fell silent, but General Tan placed all the weapons stored in the shop on the table, within easy reach.

The clerk in the store also felt that the atmosphere was not right, he knelt on the ground and did not dare to breathe out. After a while, the horse was brought here, and the bread was also taken. Wang Tong hung up the knife and said:
"Take the bread and feed the horses first!"

Horses eat grass, but at critical times, feeding some hard food, such as bread and fried dough sticks, can make the horsepower sufficient and last longer.

This is almost the most basic knowledge of the cavalry. Hearing Wang Tong's order, everyone crushed the hard dough cakes and put them in the palm of their hands and brought them to the horse's mouth.

After everything was finished and the saddles and bridles were put on, Wang Tong and the others got on the horses. The shopkeeper of Xingcai Inn followed out somewhat at a loss. Wang Tong turned around and said with a smile:

"If I live in this store, I'm afraid I'll have an uneasy life tonight. Even if you don't report to me, do you dare to say that other people in the store won't go?"

Hearing this, the shopkeeper's face immediately turned pale, and he looked back at his own buddy with unbelievable eyes. Wang Tong shook the reins and walked away.

"Master, is there anything weird in that shop?"

"The look on Huang San's face when he entered the store was not right. Whether it's because he let go of the scouts from Chuantouxiang, or because of other activities, we'd better be careful here."

There was no chasing soldiers, although the night road was difficult to walk, but everyone was familiar with it, and the journey was safe and sound, and soon arrived at the recruit training camp.

In the recruit training camp, there are naturally sentry soldiers on duty at night. After seeing Wang Tong and several instructors coming over, they dutifully checked the badges of Wang Tong and others, and then called people to open the gate of the recruit camp. Usually, one of the generals of the Tan family is in charge of the general affairs, and Yu Dayou makes decisions on major matters, but there is nothing to do at night.

After entering the camp, everyone who was still a little nervous just disappeared without a trace. Wang Tong didn't say much, and only gave one order to the servants, Li Tao, Sun Xin and others who rushed over:
"Go to bed, we'll talk about everything tomorrow!"

"Clear another area around the boot camp and ask Qiao Da where a blacksmith workshop can be built. The workshops in the city must be moved here as soon as possible!"

Early the next morning, all the military academy and Wang Tong's cronies gathered in the military tent, and some people were even called out from the city after the city gate was opened.

Wang Tong sat at the head and issued orders one by one in a deep voice, while Cai Nan took notes one by one with a pen beside him.

"The novice has been training for several months. It is not enough to just practice. From now on, each battalion will rotate and do business. There are five battalions plus two reserve battalions. Every seven days, one battalion patrols around the camp, and one battalion enters the city to guard the base. In the official mansion, there is another battalion on standby, waiting for the transfer of silver from the capital to escort it to the destination."

The people below listened to the order attentively, Wang Tong paused for a moment and said again:

"The first battalion does not participate in the rotation. The [-]th and [-]th households of the first battalion take turns. They go to the city's Jinyiwei thousand households to station in turn. The ordnance management side, the battalion officers of each battalion go there immediately after the military discussion is over, and set the number. Allocate, from now on, the whole battalion will enter a state of combat readiness and be on standby at any time!!"

The atmosphere suddenly became chilling, but everyone in the young military academy below was very excited, and there was no sign of fear. They saluted and agreed, and they all went out to handle errands.

"Brother Zhang, should we pay the silver from the blacksmith workshop? The problem now is to make cannons. Your money is given loosely, but you can speak harshly. You might as well tell them that if you can't make cannons, the front Those crimes will be doubled!"

Ever since it was discovered that Qiao Da was greedy for money, Zhang Shiqiang, who felt dereliction of duty, kept a close eye on the blacksmith workshop, but for Wang Tong, the cannon was the most important thing at present.

"Ma Sanbiao, take Chihei and the others, and organize the young men who are now working in the same formation as the battalion head. There must be an order at critical moments, and these people will also be pulled out when necessary."

Ma Sanbiao also agreed loudly, he has been by Wang Tong's side, and this is the first time he has received a clear errand, which really excites him.

"Dahai, the old brother who led our capital to Tianjin, now you want to lock up these lazy people in Qianhu in Tianjin. You are Baihu, and everyone else can be given the position of general banner and small banner. Waste can’t be used for nothing like this, we have to let them do things.”

Sun Dahai quickly bowed and agreed, Li Hutou was about to jump up beside him, but there was still no place for him, and after everyone had received their errands and paid their bills one by one, Yu Dayou who was beside him asked with a smile:

"Jin Yiwei is just an errand for patrolling the streets to find people, but these newcomers are trained by you as if you are a soldier. The orders just now seem to be going to war. I don't understand. There is no big deal inside and outside Tianjin. Enemy, is it worthwhile to use cannons?"

"The cannon is another one. As for the other things, the rats in the city are making too much noise, and they need to beat them hard!"

Wang Tong replied lightly.
Eleven or seven days, one update every day, Lao Bai slows down, in order to be able to create in a better state

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(End of this chapter)

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