Chapter 255 Prelude
"... Hurry up to see the scene, the soldiers trained in the saline-alkali field have come out."

"The one who walks neatly"

People on both sides of the canal greeted each other and ran towards the newly built road. Life on both sides of the canal was quite boring, and such joy was rare.

According to Wang Tong's instructions, the [-]th households of the second battalion and the first battalion were on duty today on the return trip. They lined up in a column and took big strides.

For the common people, they have also seen soldiers and horses crossing the border. Those soldiers also had formations, but they walked very casually, and they always seemed a little listless. They lacked that energy, but now these young men are strong and strong. , all wearing the same style of clothes, and holding the same weapons in their hands.

Although the team of about 300 people walks on this road, it exudes a different kind of temperament. The common people who come to see the excitement have a very strange feeling. At first, they think that there are not many people, but after a few more glances, they are I also feel that these people are much more than the actual number.

"The boys in the first battalion are capable and willing to practice. Master Yu told me that these 200 people have taken the equipment, and there is no problem in knocking out the combined second battalion and third battalion. This will affect the balance of the training camp too much. , this time I will dismantle it first, and when the work to be done is over, I will crumble it and disperse it to each battalion!"

Wang Tong and Li Hutou's mounts were very close to each other. Wang Tong kept explaining to him why he needed to deploy troops and to disperse them in such a way. Li Hutou was a little confused, but his attitude was still serious.

"Don't leave your skills behind. I heard from General Tan that you have already started to learn archery from Tan Gong. You must study hard and practice hard. By then, you will be better than everyone in the first battalion. At that time you Go in, no one dares to refuse!"

After saying the last sentence, Li Hu was stunned for a moment, but he understood, a serious expression appeared on his face, and he nodded vigorously.

"Eat more meat and eat more, so that you can grow taller and stronger Zhao Hong, what's going on ahead!?"

He had been talking all the time, so he let the horse walk freely, but when he turned his attention, he found that the horse had stopped there and would not go away. Zhao Hong, whom Wang Tong greeted, was the battalion officer of the second battalion. For those who were more alert, Zhao Hong hurried over.

"My lord, the people in front are watching the excitement too much, they have blocked the road ahead, so they are walking slowly."

"On official occasions, call me an adult!"

After Wang Tong corrected a sentence, he sighed, turned his head and said to General Tan behind him:
"General Tan, after training in each battalion for so long, they are gradually getting into shape. My military discipline is also strict, and you are also tightly restrained. But look at us sons and daughters, each of us has become a good boy."

Tan Jiang's face was a little weird after what he said, he seemed a little stunned, he seemed a little dumbfounded, Wang Tong turned around and said to Zhao Hong:

"You are guards in brocade clothes on duty. You are wearing robes and holding weapons in your hands. You are blocked by the common people. Do you even need to think about what to do? Show them what an official mission is!"

Wang's words were vague, but his gestures made a chopping movement. Zhao Hong was stunned and immediately turned back, shouting a few words.

Each battalion is Yu Ding, a military household, who does not farm and work, and the young men who are willing to serve as soldiers are not of any duty, but the punishment for bombing the camp was severe. The training these days has made them even more respectful of military discipline and watch the excitement It is the inheritance of China for thousands of years. At the beginning, everyone was a little awed by the road. Later, more and more people crowded over, and gradually blocked the road.

Without the order from above, these soldiers slowed down and did not dare to move. Their hesitation actually made the idlers onlookers even worse, and some wandering people even laughed there.

After battalion officer Zhao Hong ran back, he shouted loudly a few times, and the soldiers in the queue responded in unison. The neat answer startled the people around them, and some even laughed even louder.

Afterwards, they stopped laughing, and as neatly as that answer, all the young men on the outside of the team raised their spears and slapped them all around.

The idlers who watched the excitement were too close, and the spear was suddenly raised to take a picture. Nine times out of ten, they couldn't dodge it.

Just now the battalion officer Zhao Hong yelled for a long time, but he didn't see how much space was given up by the people in front of him. There was a lot of beatings, and the two sides of the road were immediately vacant.

"Keep going!!"

Returning to normal speed again, Wang Tong shook the reins, looked ahead and said loudly:

"These sons and daughters are going to fight in the future, and they will see blood. They are like sheep in peacetime. What to do when they get to the battlefield, they will have to wait!!"

The voice was a bit loud, not only the riders around, but even the soldiers in front could have heard it clearly. Everyone had a thoughtful expression and continued to move forward.

After returning to the mansion, it is easy to find accommodation for hundreds of soldiers. Whether it is the official office of Jinyiwei or the mansion on the other side of the Drum Tower, there are a large number of empty houses. That's all, the supply of Bingbei Dao Yamen is nothing more than changing the location.

Zhang Shiqiang separated from Wang Tong and his party in the middle of the journey, but it didn't take too long to rush back. He was Wang Tong's most trusted person, and no one stopped him.

In this mansion, everyone knew that Mr. Wang had no female relatives to serve him, and he did all the trivial things in life by himself. Zhang Shiqiang asked at the door of the house, and walked in directly.

After entering the room, he was stunned. Wang Tong was changing clothes. It was not official robes or casual clothes, but the clothes worn by the servants at home. Zhang Shiqiang opened his mouth in surprise, and Wang Tong asked while putting on his belt:
"I'm going out later, is there any news from the blacksmith workshop?"

"Bean said that the craftsmen in our workshop can make it, but there is no place in the city to build the furnace, and the copper material for casting the cannon needs a lot of copper, at least 3000 taels of silver will be spent."

Speaking of this, Zhang Shiqiang hesitated for a while. Now that there is such a large amount of money, he is always a little nervous to say it. Wang Tong glanced at Zhang Shiqiang and said calmly:

"Supporting him is the top priority. Don't be afraid to spend money, what you are afraid of is wasting time."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Zhang Shiqiang breathed a sigh of relief, pondered for a while, and asked:
"Qiao Da wants to ask my lord, those three fan ghost craftsmen have some real skills, and this cannon can still be made. I asked if I should make a small cannon that weighs one kilogram first. This is the fastest, and three or six kilograms can also be made. But it has to be slow, and the general cannon that weighs nine catties and twelve catties is not sure."

One catty, three catties, six catties, Wang Tong was stunned by this number, Zhang Shiqiang also saw the confusion on Wang Tong's face, and quickly explained:
"One catty and three catties refer to the weight of cannonballs. Our Ming Dynasty divides them according to this. It is said that the western side also divides in this way."

Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's luck, Wang Tong really has some ideas about this, thanks to the amount of information that exploded in that life, but this strange division made him a little confused, one pound is roughly equal to nine hundred grams, nine hundred A gram is 18 taels. According to the measurement of this era, a catty is 16 taels. This method of dividing by catty is similar to that of a pound.

Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said to Zhang Shiqiang:
"To build a six-pound one, if you want money and people, don't suppress it here. Rather, he will waste it, build the thing first, and then talk about it. The official wants to test the cannon. There is a problem with one cannon. This officer wants one of their heads, so go and spread the word!"

Zhang Shiqiang went out in a hurry, Wang Tong tied the short knife on his calf, thought for a while and tied a pair of short spikes on his arm, and buckled down the straw hat on his head before walking out of the house. There are quite a few people here, and besides the fishermen and sailors, many people on the shore have also learned the habit of wearing straw hats to shade the sun.

If the current Wang Tong hadn't come to him to take a closer look, no one would have recognized that this was Wang Tong from the Jinyiwei Thousand Household, but would have thought that he was a servant. In this era, unless you met him face to face, you could only tell him by his attire. Who is who, and there are very few people who have met Wang Tong in Tianjin.

Walking out the door, several generals of the Tan family also changed into servants' clothes, Wang Tong said in a low voice:
"Go through the back door, I'll go first, you don't have to follow too closely, spread out, as long as you can see me, it's broad daylight, you can react to anything!"

Everyone bowed in unison, Wang Tong walked out, Tan Gong was more active, watched Wang Tong go out, turned around and whispered to Tan Bing:
"Although our young master is from Jinyiwei, it's not like you and Brother Jian have both practiced in the Yamen. How come you are so familiar with such things as spies and detectives?"

"Otherwise, how can we let our brother call him the master, stop talking, and follow up."

Near the Drum Tower is the best plot in the Acropolis of Tianjin, and there are many shops. After Wang Tong went out in disguise, he also saw a few men poking their heads, but he didn't pay much attention to Wang Tong, so he just let him pass.

Wang Tong had a bamboo basket hanging on his arm, which looked like a boy who went shopping in the street. The servants of the rich family went out to do errands.

"Xilai Groceries" is a large grocery store that sells everything from toothpicks to large Jingdezhen vases and even high-quality wood furniture. It is very lively with people coming and going on weekdays.

Wang Tong entered the door, walked up to the accountant who was making plans, and asked politely:
"May I ask the shopkeeper, has the 'Scaring Incense' ordered by our family arrived?"

The accountant looked up and asked nonchalantly:
"How much is it?"

"30 taels of gold flower and silver."

"It's here, it's in the back of Curry, I'll ask a guy to go get it with you!"
A not-so-pleasant holiday
(End of this chapter)

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