Chapter 256 Tomorrow

"I want my little brother to know that you can't use that teapot to brew this scary incense. The thicker the porcelain bowl, the better the taste."

The guy leading the way said with a smile, and led the way without looking back.

Wang Tong put his hand in the basket and grabbed the dagger, and followed the other party silently. When he reached a door in the backyard, the man opened the door to signal Wang Tong to go in, and then closed the door behind him.

After entering, Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, it looked like another house here, in the backyard of this house, not far from the back door of the house, Xiang Yan was smiling and greeting there.

"The street facing the grocery store entrance and the street facing this house have to go around in a big circle, and no one thought that they would be connected. Although they are close, they are a safe place."

Only then did Wang Tong take his hand out of the basket, shook his head and said:
"You are not an aborigine here in Tianjin. Since you have paid homage to me, you must be targeted by someone with a heart. I'm afraid it's not safe here."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Xiang Yan laughed out loud, made a gesture of asking sideways, and explained:
"Inside the business city and outside the city, there are businesses in several counties of Hejian Mansion. They have to manage the business up and down. As long as Tianjin Wei comes to an official, they have to go to see and give gifts. After a long time, no one cares. Let's talk about it. , the outsiders of the Xilai Inn over there don’t know it’s business, so they can’t think of going together.”

Wang Tong didn't continue this topic, the room was cleaned very clean, but there was no one here, the two sides sat down, Xiang Yan got up and poured a cup of tea for Wang Tong, and said:
"There are only two old servants serving here, and they were sent outside to buy vegetables. Don't be offended if you slow down my lord."

"You don't have to be so polite, I'm here this time because I want some news!"

Xiang Yan looked more cautious, leaned forward, and Wang Tong continued:
"List of Chuantou incense."

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Yan showed a look of astonishment on his face, and said eagerly:
"My lord, there are nearly [-] people who burn incense in the bow of the boat. This is just what everyone has seen with their eyes. There must be some people who don't know. How can this list be given?"

Wang Tong probably knew this number, but his words made Wang Tong angry. He put his hands on the table next to him and asked in a rough voice:
"In a place so close to the capital, 6000 people burn incense and form an association. If you have news to report, how can the imperial court allow these thieves to be rampant?"

Even though Wang Tong is a member of Tianjin Jinyiwei, Xiang Yan also clearly knows the status of this 16-year-old boy in the eyes of the big bosses in the capital. distrust.

After hearing this, Xiang Yan hesitated for a moment, stood up immediately, went to Wang Tong and knelt down, but his tone was very fierce. Xiang Yan has been a spy for so many years, and he has long been calm and quiet, and he has cultivated a good self-cultivation Kung fu, but at this time I was really excited.

"The grown-ups are in the capital. They don't know that the humble workers are working hard outside. It has been eight years since the humble workers came to Tianjin Wei. When they first came to Tianjin, they knew that there was a Chuantouxiang association. They rushed to the capital and sent them to the capital, but there was no news. At that time Chuantouxiang only has 300 people, and it became [-] in two years. Later, the humble job sent an urgent letter, but was reprimanded by a letter, saying that water transportation is related to the fundamentals of the world, and it involves water transportation. It has its own river yamen, you What's the matter, how can I let the humble job do it, how can I manage it?"

Unexpectedly, there is such a secret, Wang Tong's matter is also silent, Xiang Yan is obviously angry, kneels there and looks at Wang Tong straight up.

"Get up! It's all right to tell the official about this. With the current situation, I'm afraid you will be exposed to outsiders, and you will suffer a catastrophe soon!"

"Since I came to Tianjin, no official has dared to touch this Chuantouxiang. Many generals and schools with military positions have been crushed by them. They are either cowardly or unable to hold their heads up. According to the rules, humble positions should have returned five years ago. Dongchang has an experience, why do you still have adults here to come to Tianjin, and kill those fragrant heads and Xiangtou in the street, so that the humble officer dares to say these things to the adult, otherwise, how dare the humble officer."

Wang Tong stood up, dragged Xiang Yan up from the ground in silence, and sat back by himself. Xiang Yan was able to say these words, and he had more or less given the details.

"It's your fault. Since I can't give you the details of everyone's list, what about the people in Chuantouxiang in the city? You are investigating and monitoring them every day. What's the matter?"

Xiang Yan gave a wry smile, and said:
"My lord, the surveillance and detectives here in Dongchang don't treat the officials well. Spying on the civilians is what Jinyi's own army does. Chuantouxiang is so big, and the attitude of the capital is ambiguous. The low-ranking side doesn't dare to investigate openly. So far, there has been no success, but if the adults want, Beizhi can provide a few courtyards for burning incense in the city. These are things that are known, and they are all from Beizhi's own investigation, and the others are really gone."

Wang Tong shook his head, sighed and said:
"Give me the addresses of several yards, it's better than nothing."

Xiang Yan looked like he wanted to ask something, but he hesitated for a while and still didn't open his mouth. After saying hello, he went to get a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote a few addresses on the paper.

Wang Tong folded the paper and put it in the bamboo basket, got up and walked out, Xiang Yan thought about it and asked:
"Boldly ask me, what does your lord want this list for?"

"Don't ask, just keep checking now, the more you check, the more useful it will be, and it will be good for you too!"

Wang Tong waved his hand and turned back along the original road.

When he came out from the front door, the grocery store was much more lively than when he came in. He walked out amidst the crowd coming in and out, and Wang Tong went to several other shops on purpose to buy some kitchen condiments and For dim sum, these shops are all in different places and need to go back and forth.

Tan Jiang and the others followed from a distance, looking like passers-by. Wang Tong sometimes pretended to remember something and turned around suddenly, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

It seems that no one has followed this way, and Wang Tong is also a little self-deprecating. The superficial knowledge of his secret work is all obtained from movies, TV dramas and novels. I thought, if Chuantouxiang had this ability, I'm afraid she wouldn't be confined to this small place of Tianjin and eat the food on the canal.

When he walked to the mansion in the Drum Tower, Wang Tong thought of a possibility. Chuantouxiang was closely related to water transportation. More than 6000 young and strong laborers went out to those bosses and thugs, as well as the sailor Cao Ding on the water boat. The porters and porters on board are probably the main force.

On the various waterways outside Tianjin, there are many ships loading and unloading during the day and night, and there are many large ships of unknown origin and invisible, such as the Japanese pirates I saw that night. These ships have been semi-open In and out, but after all, it cannot be advertised.

Naturally, the goods on the ship cannot be loaded and unloaded, but there are many laborers for the porters, and there are too many people. If you want to make people feel strict, this is similar to the Baojia system of burning incense and forming a self-contained group. This is the purpose of the establishment of Chuantouxiang.

After returning to the mansion and changing clothes, Wang Tong called several members of the Tan family into the house. Now there are only four members of the Tan family by his side, and the rest are in the recruit training camp.

When General Tan and the others entered, Wang Tong was looking at the address written by Xiang Yan. There were three courtyards for burning incense in the city. Besides the one he went to last time, there were two more on the street in the west of the city.

The prosperity of Tianjin Acropolis and the canal are closely related to the capital. The west of the city is the closest to the official road to and from the capital, and it is not far from the canal. There are many shops on this street. There are two yards for burning incense here. , really handy.

"Go to the new barracks outside the city right now, and bring all the battalion leaders into the city tomorrow morning, and tell Ma Sanbiao to take care of the rest of the young men and be on standby at any time."

Before Tan Jiang and the others came in, Wang Tong had already written the order and stamped it. The atmosphere was quite solemn at this time, and Tan Jiang and others subconsciously accepted it respectfully with the etiquette of leading a military order.

"Master, can you tell me what you will do after entering the city tomorrow, so that the battalions can be prepared!"

"Tomorrow the Japanese officials will be waiting at the north gate. I will know then. Let's go out now. All preparations must be made after dark. Tonight, we will send personnel to guard around the camp. If there are any spies following us, we will arrest them first." Return to the camp and be imprisoned!"

"As ordered!"

"Go now! Don't delay!!"

After several members of the Tan family went out, Li Hutou called Zhang Shiqiang in again, and Wang Tong picked up another official document and handed it to him, saying:

"Brother Zhang, take this official document to the Tongzhi Office of the Qing Army and wait for it before dawn tomorrow. Hand it to him as soon as possible. The gates of the four cities will be closed and he will be in charge. Don't be delayed by him."

Zhang Shiqiang bowed to accept the order, Wang Tong turned to Li Hutou and said:
"Hutou, I also have an errand for you!"

Li Hutou immediately stood upright, with uncontrollable excitement on his face, Wang Tong said solemnly:

"The 20 farmer and 50 new recruits are under your command. Do nothing else but guard this house. You will lock up all the maids sent by Panda, the soldier, and the eunuch Wan Dao, the eunuch who supervises the grain, tomorrow morning." Go to the small courtyard, when will I come back, and when will I let them out."

Li Hu gave a solemn military salute, Wang Tong reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Follow me to go out on horseback first, and walk through these major roads in Tianjin City. If you don't know the road tomorrow, go prepare the horses!"

Li Hutou agreed happily, and ran out quickly. Wang Tong stood up and pulled out half of the waist knife, and inserted it back again. The smile on his face gradually disappeared.
Thank you all and enjoy the holiday
(End of this chapter)

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