Chapter 257
"People are afraid of officials, but when there are too many people making trouble, officials are also afraid!"

"Jin Xiangtou, you are highly respected, you can see clearly, we have more than 6000 people in Chuantouxiang, how many people are there in Tianjin City, no matter what officials come to our side, they dare not do anything to us!"

"Hehe, the old man has been in Korea for more than 20 years, and he has been in Daming for 30 years. It's the same over there."

In the courtyard where Wang Tong killed someone last time, four big men were standing in the room, and an old man was sitting in the middle, drinking tea leisurely.

It was Xiangtou Jindoucang who respectfully kowtowed to Wang Tong that day and was completely subdued. His attitude at this time is completely different from that at that time, and his speech and behavior are inherently superior to others.

The few big men on the side echoed their words, politely and in awe, and after a word of flattery, a man next to him said in a low voice:
"The incident between Cui Baotou and Jiang Song made us lose face. Recently, that kid transferred hundreds of people into the city from outside the city, not to mention the thousands of people practicing on the saline-alkali flat outside the city. Xiangtou, it's too dangerous, we need to make preparations in advance."

Jin Doucang smiled leisurely and said:
"Why didn't you prepare for it? Isn't the person you send out to watch every day a preparation? Wang Tong is young, and he was afraid after killing someone. The person who killed us was just a moment of blood. Officer, he has a boss above him, this Wang Tong is also a mess, otherwise why would he come to our Tianjin and do such reckless things, he must be reprimanded by his superiors."

These Koreans are all soft-tempered, and they have to support them when they are wronged. People on the ground in Tianjin have a lot of dealings with Koreans. How can the people below believe the dream story of being beaten with a hooded head.

Seeing that the people below were about to speak again, Jin Douchang said with a smile:

"He brought so many people into the city. Wang Tong is an official, and we are civilians. If he really wants to do something to us, why don't we be driven out? The old man told you that it was because Wang Tong was afraid, so he got these people Come protect it!!"

After saying this, everyone felt that there was some truth, and looked at the crowd nodding. Just as Jin Doucang was about to speak, he saw the front door being pushed open suddenly, and a strong young man stumbled in.

"Xiao Pu, what's wrong with you!"

Several people shouted and asked at the same time. Everyone recognized that this was Jin Xiangtou's confidant, and also Pu Quan from Korea. Pu Quan's usual fierce appearance was completely gone, and he said in a panic:
"Jin Xiangtou, leaders, Wang Tong is leading a large team towards us."

Just now he was saying that Wang Tong was scared, who would have thought that such a thing would happen in the blink of an eye, it would be like a solid slap in the face of Jin Xiangtou.

But who cares about this at this time, these days Wang Tong and Chuantou Xiangjing do not interfere with the river water, the two sides have not interfered in the slightest, and what Wang Tong did seems to have nothing to do with Chuantouxiang, did not expect nothing The sudden onset of symptoms.

"Close the door quickly and call the incense crowd!!"

Such an order could only be issued in a hurry, the door of the main room was originally open, the leader inside shouted, and the pilgrims outside nervously closed the door.

All the people in the room stood up and looked outside nervously. The white beard and white hair of Jindou Cang were trembling, staring at the closed door and said harshly:

"Isn't he afraid of us making trouble?"

"Tianjin Jinyi pro-military has thousands of households running errands, open the door quickly!!"

It was almost the work of the front and rear feet. The dense footsteps sounded outside, and someone shouted angrily outside. The dozens of young and strong incense people in the courtyard didn't know what to do at this time, and all turned their heads to look To the door of the house, but what can people like Jindou Cang do.

Pu Quan, who ran in panting, was a little panicked, jumped there and shouted:
"Block the door with a wooden stake, and don't let those dogs in!"

He has completely lost his sense of proportion here, but the few people around him still reacted and covered his mouth with their hands. The incense crowd outside didn't know how to react. Hearing this order, they hurriedly held wooden stakes and were about to hit the door .

"Bump the door!"

The reaction inside has not yet been improved, and someone outside has already issued an order loudly, "unload the truck", "sixth small flag, seventh small flag to go out", that is, three sentences, the big wooden door of Chuantouxiang House trembled violently There was a loud bang.

It was so fast. Looking at the suddenly recessed door, everyone in the yard couldn't help but take a step back, and the second time they slammed into it.

The wooden stake on the door broke directly, and the door opened with a loud bang. A dozen people holding the wooden stake outside could be seen retreating, and people with spears and sword shields rushed in.

"Everyone kneels on the ground, otherwise it will be regarded as a serious crime of treason and will be shot to death!!"

The words were clear, Chuantouxiang and the other incense pilgrims were scared out of their wits when they saw such ferocious officers and soldiers. They didn't know what to do, but when they heard this, they all knelt on the ground.

Jin Xiangtou and a group of people in the room were standing there in a daze when they suddenly heard several loud noises behind them, and someone shouted:
"Kneel down, kneel down, or shoot and kill!!"

Seeing Jin Yiwei's soldiers coming up with spears and swords, Jin Xiangtou completely lost the appearance of saying "he's scared" just now, and was the first to kneel down with a sullen face.

Officers and soldiers rushed in and forced everyone to kneel down, but the matter was not finished, and someone outside shouted an order:

"Tear down this door!!"

The wooden stake that hit the door just now began to hit the walls on both sides. After a while, the walls on both sides collapsed, and soldiers with knives and axes hacked at the door frames on both sides. The magnificent gatehouse and gate collapsed soon.

"My lord, no one let go!"

Following this report, several knights rode straight into the courtyard, the gates had been demolished, and the horses were not hindered in the slightest.

The person who ran in the front was Wang Tong. He didn't get off his horse, but stopped the horse directly in front of the main house, and asked in a cold voice:

"Why did you follow me out of the city at night?"

Those who were kneeling were worried, they didn't know what charges Wang Tong would use to accuse him, but they were all stunned when they heard this, so Pu Quan raised his head and shouted regardless:

"My lord, I am wronged, the younger ones only stare at my lord during the day, who will follow me at night?"

In the middle of speaking, several people kneeling beside him directly covered his mouth. Jin Douchang reacted quickly, but he heard that Master Wang Tongxing's questioning should have been out of the city to watch at night. He was also very confused, but until this time hissed shouted loudly:

"My lord, the little old man is willing to guarantee his wealth and life. He may send a few people to guard the mansion during the day, but it is absolutely impossible to follow him out of the city at night. If the little old man speaks half a lie, please kill him." little man."

The rest of the people also reacted, all kowtowed and weeping blood, they all admitted without hesitation about the stalking in the city, but they followed outside the city at night, and they all swore that there was no such thing.

Wang Tong stared at them, frowned gradually, and immediately asked in a cold voice:
"How many incense sticks are there in total?"

"Back to the old man, five!"

"Are you ordering separately, and each of you doesn't know what to do!"

"Master, if there is no notification from the five incense heads, how dare the incense crowd below stare at the elder's side, the movement of the incense crowd inside and outside the city, everyone who wants to enter the city, the little old man must know, otherwise , the money on duty will not be distributed.”

Although he was anxious and panicked, he answered every question in a very orderly and clear manner. Wang Tong's eyes gradually narrowed, and he followed him out of the city at night. At that time, in order to be able to explore the Haihe River at night, Wang Tong took a few people with him. Follow up at night and send people to besiege, that is the danger of being killed.

Originally, Wang Tong didn't want to have a conflict with Chuantouxiang so early, but the other party dared to do this, which touched Wang Tong's bottom line.

And there are spies watching at night, this is more or less elite, if it is not for the old and spicy people like Tan Jiang, Wang Tong may not be able to find out, I thought that the murder had already deterred these people from moving around, I thought the bow of the boat would not be too sweet It's a non-governmental association, I didn't expect it to be unexpected.

This kind of situation forced Wang Tong to move, but he didn't expect that Jin Douchang completely denied it, and it didn't look like he was fabricating a lie, which made Wang Tong a little confused. Could it be that there was something in it that he didn't know about.

After pondering for a while, two knights arrived from outside the courtyard, dismounted at the door, ran to Wang Tong's horse, and reported loudly:

"Report to my lord, the two houses of Chuantouxiang in the west of the city have been broken down, and no one has escaped."

Hearing this, Jin Douchang, Pu Quan and the others trembled all over, not daring to move. Wang Tong nodded and ordered:

"Go back and tie everyone up and tie them with ropes, and wait for the officer's order!"

The messenger cavalry turned around and left, Wang Tong turned around immediately, and said coldly to the people in Jindou Cang:

"Today, the official came here, but he wanted to kill people. If you know what to do and kowtow early, then the official will make it clear that all the people on the bow of the boat are not allowed to step into Tianjin City, and they are not allowed to burn incense and gather in the city, and they are not allowed to approach me. Within three miles of the Guanna training camp, if not, shoot and kill!!"

Jin Doucang, who had been kneeling there all this time, raised his head sullenly, and said in a harsh voice:
"My lord, there are six thousand people on the bow of my boat, aren't you afraid of the anger of the crowd?"

"Don't be afraid, you can kill them all!"

Wang Tong replied coldly, ignoring the stunned people, turned his head and said loudly:
"The army listened to the order, tied up all the people in the house and drove them out of the city, and then the whole city checked the incense burners. From now on, the merchants in the city are not allowed to burn incense."
Well, I sincerely accept the readers' opinions, and I will not sigh at the end in the future, ^_^, I will only share happy things with you in the future, thank you, happy holidays
(End of this chapter)

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