Chapter 258
".In an instant, tigers and wolves came out everywhere, and the city of Jin has never seen the sun since then."

——"The Master's Notes of Yangliu House"

".Entered the house and searched, the woman's name was called Tong, the benevolent and righteous man swallowed his anger, and dared not speak out. Since then, everyone in Tianjin has called Wang Tong a ghost, which can stop children from crying at night."

——Scattered by Anonymous
".The city gate just opened, Wang Tong bowed to the sky three times, got up and grabbed a handful of paper figurines and paper horses, breathed out on it, and drank "sickness", the paper figurines and paper horses turned into blue-faced fangs The monster soldiers and generals are scattered away, what do you think, the boat head incense is the inextinguishable golden incense lit in front of the Buddha's lotus throne, if the incense in the city is inextinguishable, his Wang Tong will show his original form."

——The fourth volume of "Research on Forbidden Bibliography" "On the Commentary on the Heroes of the North"

On the second day of June, less than an hour after Tianjin Acropolis gate opened, the five Tianjin Jinyiwei battalions and two reserve battalions under Wang Tong, under the leadership of the general, directly placed the bows in three courtyards in Tianjin. Surrounded.

This day happened to be the time to gather people to burn incense, and almost all the incense people in the yard had gathered, but they were caught off guard, and none of them escaped.

Within an hour, the incense congregations in these three courtyards were all tied up with ropes and driven out of the city. Fifty soldiers from the reserve battalion were placed at each city gate, and these people were not allowed to enter the city.

Then the first battalion to the fifth battalion, under the leadership of the battalion officer, each battalion is responsible for several streets, and under the leadership of the local Jinyi guards at Hang Daqiao, they checked the shops one by one.

Naturally, there is no shop in the city that does not burn incense. The conditions given by the guards in Jinyi are very simple. Throw away the incense burner and hang a sign of safety. The sign of safety is a quarter of the price paid by burning incense for one year. If you continue to burn incense and are found, the shop will be confiscated Do not stay in Tianjin Wei.

The purpose of doing business is to make money and make a fortune, and to pay less unnecessary money, who would not want to, even some superstitious people who are blind and superstitious, looking at the ferocious guards in brocade clothes, looking at the shining sharp blade, will do it wisely.

Apart from those thugs who were driven out of the city, there were also residents who actually lived in Tianjin. They had to go back to the city, and they were not embarrassed by this Jinyiwei. They kowtowed at the city gate outside the city. He was tall, crying bitterly and said that if he quit Chuantouxiang, he could go back to the city.

Everyone is not determined to burn incense and worship, and this bow incense is not a great religion that has been passed down for many years. In the past, the government didn't care about it, and everyone followed the letter to see if there was any profit. Immediately there were kowtows at the city gate to admit their mistakes.

The common people who came and went, regardless of whether there were incense pilgrims inside or not, looked at the pilgrims at the city gate kowtowing like garlic, crying and saying that they were deceived by lard, and quit teaching.

I also saw carts of incense burners pulled out of the city. Those porcelain and pottery ones were smashed directly, and those copper and iron ones were directly knocked flat. I was usually cautious and awed. I dare not do anything, dare not say anything.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and Chuantouxiang, who was usually considered mysterious and terrifying, plummeted in his personal heart, and quickly became a joke.

The weather in Tianjin in June is just right, there are no major events recently, and the various yamen are not under each other, so everyone has a habit of being late.

The lords of each family were noisy at night, and went to the government office after getting enough sleep the next day. When they went to the government office, the city gate had been open for more than two hours.

Everyone got up early today because Jin Yiwei searched Chuan Tou Xiang all over the city. The servants of each family knew that this was a big deal, and they would rather wake up their lord's dream than to disturb his dream.

Bing Beidao Panda's official uniform hadn't been put on yet, and Wan Dao, the supervising grain over there, rushed over in a sedan chair, and saw that the eunuch had a belt tied around his waist, and his head was covered casually. Square towel.

There wasn't much panic on the eunuch's face, on the contrary, he looked a little disconcerted and distraught. As soon as he entered the door, he tripped over the threshold and fell towards the inside.

Fortunately, the two servants by the door hurriedly stretched out their hands to support him, but Wan Dao shook his head and waved directly:
"Get out, get out, you can't come in without orders, quickly find someone to ask General Li Shen to come over, go!!"

This "go quickly" was almost shouted at the top of the lungs, and the servants in the room took a look at Panda and ran out in a hurry.

Bing Bei Dao Panda walked back and forth anxiously in the room, and Wan Dao, the supervisor, stared at him for a while, then suddenly said:
"Master Pan, you have to take care of this matter, you and I both know what that bastard Wang Tong did, if we don't care about it, disaster is about to happen!"

"How to manage, how to manage Pan, Chuantouxiang said that Potian is a good citizen, he Wang Tong is a member of Jinyiwei, and he has the authority to patrol and arrest. This official is in charge of the people, what can I do? What's wrong, Mr. Wan, Pan has told you a long time ago, let the boat bow incense be restrained, restrained, there is already a lot of money in the river and sea, and if you want to burn some incense inside and outside the city, sooner or later you will have to pay for it. If you cause trouble, you still indulge and indulge, how about it, now that Wang Tong makes trouble, what can you do, you have to take advantage of that, it depends on how you explain!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Dao immediately pointed at Panda, shaking his hands, and said sharply:

"Master Pan, you can't say that. I didn't see that you received less than a penny when I sent you a share of Runyin money. The situation in Tianjin Acropolis was maintained by the two of us. If Wang Tong made such a mess, our family Unlucky, Mr. Pan, can you still sit firmly in this position? Mr. Pan, the sixth branch of the cabinet, your big tree can't lean on it, and if it doesn't have the support behind it, it will fall down at the first blow."

After being torn apart by Wan Dao, Panda's face darkened, then he turned around and walked a few steps in the room, then turned around and said:
"Pan didn't say he didn't care about it, but in what name and how did Pan manage it. The civil affairs of Tianjin City are the Qing army's acquaintance in Hejian Prefecture."

Speaking of this, it seemed that something had come to mind, Panda raised his voice and said loudly:
"Send someone to ask Han Tongzhi, if Jin Yiwei is messing around in the city like this, isn't he afraid that he, a fifth-rank official, will not be able to sit still? Go and ask, and after the questioning, he will bring a message to the official!"

Someone outside agreed with a loud voice, and hurried away, Wan Dao completely lost his sense of proportion, and said sharply there:
"Master Pan, Shangshu impeached Wang Tong, used troops and horses in the city, harassed the good people, and caused panic among the people. He said that Wang Tong raised troops and horses privately, with evil intentions."

While talking, I heard a loud announcement from outside:

"Master Li is here!~~~~"

Panda and Wan Dao looked at each other, but they were silent. Li Dameng, who was in charge of Tianjin, walked into the room. Although he was well dressed, his expression was not very good. Once he entered the room, Li Dameng didn't speak. , Wan Dao, the food supervisor, had stood up and said hastily:
"Lord Li, send troops into the city quickly!! Send troops to drive out all the people in the city! Soldier entering the city in broad daylight is a rebellion, it is treason."

After counting, the oldest person in the room is Li Dameng, who is also more stable than the two of them. After stepping into the door, he turned around and said to his own soldiers:

"One zhang away from the door, keep a close watch!"

After the guards closed the door, he gave Wan Dao a cold look, sat on the seat without paying any attention, and asked in a cold voice:

"Send troops into the city? Why do you enter the city? When a certain family came on horseback, except for the guards at the gate, the other places were the same as usual, and there was no confusion at all. Is a certain family leading troops into the city to calm the chaos or Come and make trouble!"

"No more pawns on the street?" "So soon?"

Hearing Li Dameng's words, Panda and Wan Dao were stunned, and Wan Dao realized that when he came from the mansion, there was nothing unusual on the road.

"If the sons of a certain family enter the city, you think those boys will live under restraint. At that time, Marshal Qi will lead the soldiers to quell the 'chaos' of a certain family. I really didn't expect that the city gate did not open early today. He Wang Tong It took less than two and a half hours to lead the people into the city, drive out the gang of incense holders on the bow of the boat, and smash the incense burners from one merchant to another. Now that the market is so peaceful, it is as if there were no soldiers crossing the border. Do you two know? What does this mean!?"

Panda and Wan Dao looked at each other, both a little confused, then General Li Shen stood up and said in a hoarse voice:
"The march is fast, the orders are prohibited, and the military law is strict. This is a strong army. This is a strong army. If a certain family really leads troops into the city, the king will close the city gate. How can the attack last for three days? The soldiers of Jizhen Conquering and suppressing, who is causing the rebellion, who is rebelling, can you think of it?"

Bing Beidao Panda let out a sigh of relief as he leaned back in his chair, and murmured:

"It's only been a few months, how can he train such a team of troops, how can he..."

"I beg the boss of Tonghai Inn!~~"

There was a communication outside, and Wan Dao and Panda jumped up as if their buttocks had been stabbed by needles. Wan Dao actually shouted in front of Panda, the master:

"Please, please come in!"

"These three houses will be the places where the battalions will be stationed in the future, and each battalion will send 20 people to watch them!"

In the official office of Jinyiwei Qianhu, Wang Tong gave instructions to his subordinates who listened solemnly, and then said to Cai Nan beside him:

"The merchants who put up the signboard must register the account as soon as possible, and every money in and out must be clear."

Cai Nan nodded and said in a low voice:
"Just now, my lord was away, and Hang Baihu sent the names of the five incense heads of Chuantouxiang, which are Jinducang, Chengguang, Puquan, Meng Jiande, and Chen Cai."

There are five Xiangtou in Chuantouxiang, who are in charge of everything. These five names must be the same, but Chai Fulin from Tonghai Inn is also called Xiangtou, but he is not among the five——
(End of this chapter)

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