Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 259 One step forward and one step back

Chapter 259

The owner of Tonghai Inn, Chai Fulin, had no smile on his face, and strode with a gloomy face. Interestingly, the long follower who led the way in front of him also had a gloomy face, muttering non-stop.

"Boss Chai, my adults are not very happy. You just broke in like this. The younger ones can't do it. You are not so unreasonable on weekdays!"

Chai Fulin didn't answer the conversation all the time. The concierge said it over and over several times along the way, and finally made Chai Fulin impatient. He stopped and said in a cold voice:

"I gave you a lot of money in the door bag. This time I came here in a hurry and didn't bring any money, so I'll show my face!?"

"Boss Chai can't say that, rules are rules."

Halfway through speaking, Chai Fulin raised his foot from behind and kicked the porter on the ground. The porter was lying on the ground in a daze. When Chai Fulin walked into the main courtyard by himself, he shouted angrily. :

"Chai, you dare to beat me in the mansion, let's see if you can still enter this gate in the future."

When Chai Fulin walked into the main courtyard, Panda and Wan Dao had already walked out of the house and came down the steps to greet him. Both of them had official identities. Although this businessman was rich, his social status was the lowest. At this time, Chai Fulin It should be time to kowtow, but coincidentally, the porter just caught up and complained with a full face of grievance:
"Master, Boss Chai thinks that the younger one is not respectful enough, so he scolds the master for being undisciplined, and even beats the younger one."

Seeing Panda and Wandao coming out, Chai Fulin walked towards the house without even arching his hands, and said in a cold voice:
"Such an underfed killer, if I were my servant, my hands and feet would definitely be broken and thrown on the street waiting to die!"

Chai Fulin passed by, Wan Dao hurriedly turned to follow, Panda was stunned, pointed at the concierge who had realized that something was wrong and shouted:

"Come on, come on, break this shameful killer's hands and feet, and throw it at the north gate!!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the concierge who was limp on the ground, turned around and quickly followed in.

Someone outside had already taken the porter away, and the sound of the porter screaming for mercy came into the room, but no one paid attention to it.

After Chai Fulin came in, he didn't sit down. After he entered the room, General Li Dameng, who was sitting on the seat, also got up and greeted him with fists.

"Boss Chai, what should I do if things have turned into such a mess? After thinking about it, I can't come up with a way to deal with it. I really don't know what to do!"

The eunuch Wandao said eagerly when he entered the room, but Chai Fulin's face was gloomy but he didn't talk to him. When Panda also hurried in, Chai Fulin said:
"What to do, I have nothing to do. According to the past, there are still officials on top of the officials. No matter how disobedient the person who comes here is, he will be caught if he finds the boss above him. If he doesn't want to be troublesome, this boat head incense is more than 6000 People like to eat food on the water canal. If you touch them, at least it will be a civil uprising. If the water transport is involved, it will be a big deal. The young master is leaning against the sky"

Li Shenjiang suddenly interjected:
"The general's soldiers and horses can go to Jinghai or Beitang. The noise in the city can be dispersed before the soldiers and horses rush back."

"It's so easy there, so what if there is a commotion now, he has nearly three thousand young men in his hands, and there are more than a thousand soldiers in it, just outside the city. The meat that was delivered to his mouth? Well, after much deliberation, what this little thief did when he came to Tianjin, every step of the way is clearly visible, but he followed the rules, so that you can't find fault. This step by step, At this point, he is an official, he uses the king's law, if he takes a step, we can only take a step back."

Listening to Chai Fulin's narration, Panda was a little slumped, leaning on the back of the chair and said:
"Wouldn't it be that there is nothing to do, let him bully him step by step."

"Naturally, the matter of burning incense and silver inside and outside the city has ever spread outside?"

"No, something happened to those who wanted to sue."

After hearing Panda's answer, Chai Fulin lowered his head and took two steps forward, raised his head and said in a cold voice:
"When I came here this morning, I heard that shops that don't burn incense have to hang a sign of safety, and the money paid is a quarter of that of burning incense. Jin Yiwei collects money from good people. What is the rule? Mr. Pan, Mr. Wan, go to the school Write a letter to pass the news to the capital, the censor officials have always liked to harass the good people and extort money from the people, let them make a fuss, and things will be easy to handle."

Panda nodded, and the eunuch Wan Dao hesitated for a while and said:
"Boss Chai, from the time of Lord Jiajing, the people's upheavals have been happening one after another, and everyone is afraid from top to bottom. The palace sent them to Changzhou the year before last, and the tax of each workshop was levied. There was a commotion in the street, and that unlucky ghost was immediately recalled to the capital, and sent to the Clothes Bureau as an errand, let Chuantouxiang make such a fuss?"

"No, at this time, there are so many boats coming from sea, those Fujianese boats can't be delayed, otherwise it will cause big trouble, we can't even handle it."

While talking, there was a loud report from the housekeeper outside:
"Master, the urgent letter sent by Gao Tongzhi of the Qing Military Office said that it must be delivered to you, Master!"

Panda was a little puzzled, and quickly agreed. While speaking, the door opened, and a government official ran in. He kowtowed respectfully, then handed over the document, and said there:
"Master Pan, my lord hastily forwarded the urgent letter from Dezhou to you. The fleet of Mr. Zhang Ge, the chief assistant, has already left Shandong, and it is estimated that it will arrive in Tianjin in three days."

Panda opened the official document and glanced at it, then raised his head and said to the housekeeper:

"Reward this guy with two taels of silver."

The man sent out, the door was closed again, everyone in the room looked at each other and smiled wryly, Panda shook the newspaper in his hand, and said boringly:
"Eunuch Wan, please collect the inspection tape on the river first, so as not to block Zhang Gelao's way back to Beijing, Candidate Li, didn't you say that Zongbing Qi will also come to welcome you this time?"

Chai Fulin showed a smile on his face, clapped his palms together, and said:
"Okay! When Mr. Zhang Ge comes back, the little thief can be quiet for two days. When Mr. Zhang Ge returns to the capital, the censors will start to make trouble. You must know that the ministers in the court don't like this Wang Tong. See After seeing this little thief's misdeeds in Tianjin."

Everyone in Tianjin feels a little dazed. People inside and outside the city have known a taboo over the years, that is, don't offend Chuantouxiang, or the family will be ruined.

But in the morning, after a short period of chaos in the city, suddenly there was no trace of Chuantouxiang in the city. Jin Yiwei, who was always considered a wimp and no one looked down upon, quickly took control of the whole city this morning.

Once the habits that everyone has developed over the past few years have disappeared, everyone naturally finds it very weird, but no one thinks it is bad after thinking about it carefully.

The people are less bullied by those domineering incense holders, and the shopkeepers don't have to pay such high money for burning incense. There are many benefits, and who thinks this is not good.

"My lord, the rascals who took advantage of the fire to rob the city have arrested seven people. Please tell me how to deal with them!"

The battalion officer of the first battalion reported to Wang Tong.

In the morning, Jin Yiwei rushed into the city, and several streets were mobilized at the same time. Although it was said that it would not disturb the common people, the use of swords and soldiers would inevitably make people panic.

However, there were also some rascals who felt that there was going to be a riot, so they took weapons and started to take advantage of the fire, but this was already in Wang Tong's expectation. The cavalry patrolled the streets and immediately arrested such a disturbance.

Everyone also knew how to look at the wind, and after catching a few, the rest scattered away, obediently staying at home and not daring to go out.

"I broke off my hands and feet, and dragged him to the Qing Army Hall by horse and handed it over to Tongzhi. All these civil affairs are under his control!"

Sitting in the main hall, Wang Tong looked down at the book case, and replied absently, but the battalion officer standing below did not care about Wang Tong's mental state when he gave the order, and made a military salute, and strode down.

Seeing that Wang Tong was not in the right state, Cai Nan who was beside him said cautiously:

"My lord, there is news from the Tongzhi of the Qing Army that Mr. Zhang Ge will go to Tianjin in three days. Should we make preparations here?"

"No, Mr. Shoufu doesn't like me very much. What are you going to do when we meet? You have to settle the account of the Ping'an brand before dark. Calculate how much money you can collect in the first three months and stamp it with the seal of our thousand households. Hurry up!"

Hearing what Wang Tong said carefully, Cai Nan got up from the desk next to him and agreed, but before he sat down, Wang Tong said again:
"Every battalion that participated in the operation called a few people to dictate today's situation, or you can record it, or find a writer to write it down. This must be done before dark."

The assignment was too urgent, Cai Nan glanced at the sky outside, quickly pleaded guilty, walked out of the room to make arrangements, Wang Tong patted the table, got up and shouted to the outside:
"Prepare the horse, prepare the horse, go to the barracks outside the city!!"

"The old man has already heard what the boys from the Tan family said about what happened in the city today. You fought well, and this soldier has also trained well."

Yu Dayou took a sip of tea and praised with a smile. Wang Tong stood beside him and said with a smile:

"There are only thieves in the city. If the soldiers and horses we train can't clean them up, then it's better to jump into the sea."

"You don't sit in the city, what's the matter in rushing over, don't use this official tone with the old man, just say it!"

"Zhang Ge's old man will pass Tianjin in three days, and General Qi will also come here to respond. Master Yu and General Qi are familiar, can you help me with one thing?"

"what's up?"

"Master Yu knows that the cannons are being made here, but there are cannons but there are no gunners to fire them. I want to borrow a team of gunners from Lord Qi Jiguang. I need Master Yu to help me negotiate this!"

"But there is no one who can shoot a cannon?"

Yu Dayou was stunned for a moment, and burst into laughter. Wang Tong was a little embarrassed. He also remembered today. Yu Dayou's laughter stopped, but his brows frowned, and he asked:
"This old man also finds it strange. Jinyi's army doesn't need to defend the city or fight in the field. Why are you casting cannons!?"

(End of this chapter)

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