Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 260 The Quiet Street

Chapter 260 The Quiet Street

From Yu Dayou's point of view, even if the Tiger's Mighty Army was first established, he would not recommend the addition of artillery. Since Wang Tongneng had an in-depth discussion with this veteran, he found that this veteran is quite disgusted with firearms.

He thinks that the quality of the firearm is not good enough, and it is easy to hurt soldiers when using it. Moreover, after the troops have firearms, they lose their courage. When the enemy rushed to the front, the ammunition had already been used up, and if they lacked courage, they naturally did not dare to fight hand-to-hand.

If there are no firearms, at least soldiers have to fight hand-to-hand. Even archers must be within range to shoot. This concept is a gap between the times.

For a well-known general who is nearly 80 years old, Wang Tong will not foolishly elaborate on the concept of the new era. After all, the Huwei Army is in charge by himself, and for this era, what Yu Dayou said is extremely accurate.

However, famous generals belong to famous generals, and old people are also old people. Yu Dayou probably took the young man to try and try again, and if he failed, he would have a chance to come back. Since Wang Tong opened his mouth, he also agreed to talk about it.

The city was almost calm and it was getting late, so Wang Tong simply stayed in the recruit camp at night and returned to the city the next day. In the evening, Wang Tong got up and walked up to the watchtower on the south side of the camp.

Standing high and looking far away, from this position, you can already see the Haihe River clearly. In the middle of the night, the lights on both sides of the canal are gradually extinguished, and the lights flickering in bits and pieces, but it looks darker, while the lights on the other side of the Haihe River are still brightly lit, and I don’t know how many people are Busy loading and unloading over there.

There was nothing to say all night, and Wang Tong was going back to the city in the early morning of the next day. Li Hutou was following him now. Some of the Tan family members had to train in the new barracks, and some had to watch in the city.

The troops were just transferred into the city yesterday, and everything was still not stable, so General Tan, an experienced guard, was left behind. He only had Tan Bing and three Tan family members who did not often guard him. After checking, he was still in the camp. people will return to the city.

While tidying up the horses, he saw Ma Sanbiao coming and leading the mount. Wang Tong frowned and said in a deep voice:
"Sanbiao, you still have an errand here, what are you going to do!"

Before Ma Sanbiao replied, Tan Bing explained in a low voice with a smile:

"Master, ask Sanbiao to follow us to the city gate, and he will come back on horseback. Your Excellency must always have some skilled people to follow."

Ma Sanbiao also scratched his head and explained:

"Master Tan said, if he didn't follow, the place outside the city made me have to follow my lord. If there is anything, I can help."

In terms of martial arts and bow horses around Wang Tong, the Tan family is of course well-trained elites, but Li Hutou and Ma Sanbiao are not inferior to them. The disadvantage is in terms of strength, and Ma Sanbiao is tall and strong, and has a foundation in riding skills. Over the past year, he has grown very well. Tan Jiang told Wang Tong privately that among the seventeen members of the Tan family, Ma Sanbiao can beat at least ten one-on-one.

Wang Tong nodded his head in agreement, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart. Jiang Tan, as his housekeeper, naturally had his reasons for making such an arrangement, but the uncomfortable part was not this side, but the arrangement itself meant that he was in danger .

The things that are done inside and outside the city, although they are like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, they are being overwhelmed step by step, and the interests of too many people have been cut off step by step.There is no resistance in the open, but I don't know if there will be tampering behind the scenes.

It doesn't always feel good to be stared at secretly. In the past, Wang Tong seldom realized it, but now it's clearly in front of him, and he really feels uncomfortable.

Tried all the joints of the saddle and bridle with his hands, and made sure that it was tied well. Just as Wang Tong was about to get on the horse, he remembered something and raised his voice to say hello:

"Bring a buckler here!"

All the weapons were available in the recruit training camp, and someone immediately brought a round shield to Wang Tong. The diameter of the round shield was slightly shorter than his arm, and it was made of wood with iron leaves. Wang Tong took it and hung it on the side of the saddle by himself.

He looked at the other people, but found that they were already fully armed, no different from when they were fighting. Wang Tong shook his head and got on his horse.

The recruit training camp is about [-] steps away from the area where shops, warehouses and warehouses are concentrated. There are no buildings on the ground between these [-] steps.

Before the new barracks were set up here, it was full of potholes, rocks and weeds, but now it is much neater. The work of the laborers in the new barracks is to clean up the surrounding area and build roads.

But even if it is neat and clean, there are no businessmen who want to build houses here. It’s not that Jinyiwei’s power is scary, but it’s too far away from the pier, and the businesses next to this open space are not. It's too prosperous, the two warehouses are just for maintenance, and the two restaurants are low-class shops that can be eaten for two cents, but people on the pier seldom patronize them, but business has been good recently, because they need their help for the meals of the new barracks .

The rest are freight yards and warehouses, piled with heavy and heavy goods that cannot be sold. Anyway, it doesn’t take too much money to be so far away from the canal.

As soon as the gate of the camp was closed behind him, he saw a few people passing by on the other side of the road in front of the camp gate. Wang Tong used to come and go to this camp, and he rarely saw any pedestrians. It was very deserted. In the past, Wang Tong would not Pay attention to something, but those things before leaving the camp have already made him wary.

Before the horse moved, Wang Tong had already reined in, and asked in a low voice:

"This place is usually deserted, why is there someone now!?"

Tan Bing looked over there, smiled and said:

"Those two restaurants are now making meals for our camp, and they are about to get rich, so they hired a lot of people. These days they are considered to be in compliance with the rules. A few days ago, people often came to watch and watch the soldiers drill. I took the whip and whipped it back, which made me a lot more honest."

Ma Sanbiao picked up his horse from behind and said harshly:
"In Xiaofang's restaurant, there is a bowl of yellow rice porridge in the morning, and the braised pickles are wrapped in a big pancake. It's delicious. I didn't have enough food in the camp this morning. I'll get another set to eat on the road later, my lord. Do you want it?"

To say that Ma Sanbiao is straightforward is not necessarily true, he usually knows how to advance and retreat, but he just said this to ease the atmosphere.

Hearing his words, everyone laughed, and Wang Tong also said with a smile:

"You are a big-bellied man, and bring me a share later to Tan Bing. These recruits and laborers should not have a little bit of food, at least they must be full. Even my own officials feel that the soup is too watery for breakfast , It is conceivable to feed the people below, the money allocated by the capital is not for us to save, it has to be spent, and it is only when it is spent where it should be spent.”

After finishing speaking, he shook the reins and steed forward. Daming seemed to have become a habit of detaining soldiers from top to bottom. Even if the generals below were taught not to be greedy, they were also used to saving Wang Tong money. It is a habit to ask if it is really necessary to pay the full amount of money.

These habits and problems made Wang Tong tireless. Recruiting soldiers to the army is to make people work hard for you to fight. If you don’t pay enough money, who will work hard for you when the time comes.

After riding a few steps, Wang Tong raised his voice and said:

"Tan Bing, next time the barracks will pay the salary, I will pay it myself."

After a few hundred steps, I walked into the store warehouse area, walked through a goods yard, and turned right to see the two restaurants, which happened to be on the way back.

There are a lot of stones piled up on the freight yard. It is said that the construction of the river dam ship lock in the Huaihe River area five years ago required a large amount of stone materials. But the project was completed the year before last, so there is no need for it.

In this era, it took a long time to transmit news from the north to the south. Many granites were transported to Tianjin, but no one cared about them. It was too expensive to return them, and there were not so many projects for local sales. They simply stayed in the local area and sold slowly. .

These piles of stones are placed in the open air, and no one is watching them. They are things that no one steals. They are piled up layer by layer. Among them, it's like walking in hills and ravines, the sight is severely blocked.

Wang Tong subconsciously became nervous. This place is a good terrain for an ambush. Everyone was vigilant and put their weapons in front of the saddle, fully alert.

But the nervousness turned out to be in vain. Nothing happened until they got out of the warehouse and turned to the street. Seeing the deserted street, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grass and trees are soldiers", Wang Tong thought of this word, if he was always so nervous, it would be too sensitive, Ma Sanbiao said with a smile behind him:

"The restaurant is over there, I'll go over and let them do it first!!"

Ma Sanbiao just ran out from behind on horseback, but Wang Tong yelled to stop, looked around the street, and asked in a deep voice:
"Those two restaurants must have recruited a lot of helpers for the meals of so many people. They should be busy with lunch now. Why is it still so quiet here, and there is not even a smoke from the kitchen!"

At this question, Ma Sanbiao also stopped his horse, and Wang Tong said:
"Anyway, it's not far away, you can definitely hear it if you shout from here."

"Xiao Fang, you bastard, the elder is here, come out and kowtow to serve."

Ma Sanbiao's voice is extremely loud. After this shout, I'm afraid the whole street can hear it, but the street is still silent. Such a name-calling shout, even if the called person does not move, the people on the street will not move. I would come out to watch the excitement, not to mention seeing people walking around when I left the camp.

The weather was hot, but the silence on the street made Wang Tong feel cold all of a sudden.

At this moment, there were sudden sounds in several places on the street.
The bowstring rings!Screaming through the air! ——
Tomorrow will return to normal, everyone still has a monthly pass, please support Lao Bai's book!thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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