Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 261 Ambush and Kill

Chapter 261 Ambush and Kill
The bowstring rang, and warriors in this era were extremely sensitive to this sound. The moment Wang Tong heard it, his legs began to beat the horse's belly on guard.

The spurs were hanging from the heels of his riding boots, and the force directly pierced the flesh, and the mount under Wang Tong was hurting, and he jumped forward suddenly.

It was at this moment that screaming arrows were shot rapidly, and several arrows were shot at the position where Wang Tong was just now. Ma Sanbiao was on the other side, and only one side was exposed to the opponent's aiming. Moment had already held the round shield in his hand, there was a loud "thud thump", the arrow was nailed under the round shield, and the arrow feathers were still trembling.

Tan Bing moved extremely quickly in a haste, his whole body tilted to the other side, hiding in the stirrups, but the arrow was fast after all, and he was still shot in the shoulder.Hiding on the other side also screamed in pain.

The rest of the Tan family were not so lucky. They were shot by arrows at the first moment, and fell down from the horse screaming.

Tan Bing slid off the horse sideways, and just lay on the ground, ignoring the pain in his shoulder, and directly drew his waist knife.

Fortunately for Li Hutou, he was surrounded by adults, and the archers might not be able to see his figure, so he was not missed at the beginning. After the first round of shooting, he stayed alone on the horse. With that, Li Hutou reacted quickly, jumped off the horse, and leaned over to the side of the street.

After a short pause, the bowstring snapped again, this time the whistling sound was much less than before, but it was more purposeful, and the panicked horses running on the street became targets.

The horse had a big target and neighed for a while, and the horses on the street fell to the ground one after another.

The streets were narrow, Wang Tong's horses galloped close to one side, looking at where the arrows were coming from, and the archers were all shooting arrows on the roof, close to one side, they couldn't aim, and they couldn't even see Wang Tong.

Everything happened in a very short time, and Wang Tong's horse only galloped for more than 30 steps, that is, to the door of two restaurants.

About [-] steps forward, a big man in green clothes quickly ran out from the intersection and stood in the middle of the road, aiming at Wang Tong with his bow and arrow.

Twenty paces, within such a short distance, a trained archer can say that he can hit a hundred shots, and Wang Tong can clearly see the ferocious smile on the big man's face.

At this moment, Wang Tong's heart twitched violently, his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, everything seemed to have stopped, but immediately Wang Tong felt his blood was burning, he kicked the horse desperately, raised his knife and shouted:

"God wants me to come, how could you kill me!!!"

Wang Tong's mount had already lost his temper, but now that he was suffering from pain, it was even more crazy. The archer thought that the opponent was a soft-shelled turtle, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce.

Like the roar of a wild beast, the sudden acceleration of the horse made the archer's arms tremble uncontrollably, but the arrow had already flown out.

The arrow missed, but didn't miss too much. Wang Tong hid behind the horse and aimed at the head. The arrow whizzed towards him. Wang Tong had no time to dodge, and he didn't dodge either. He stared at the archer with red eyes. , holding up the waist knife.

The arrow whizzed past Wang Tong's cheek, but Wang Tong didn't seem to feel it. The big man in Tsing Yi panicked and pulled out the arrow from the quiver in a hurry, but the first time he didn't attach the bow and fell to the ground. When he was about to take the arrow and shoot again, he found that Wang Tong had already rushed in front of him.

The archer wanted to turn around and flee, but it was too late, Wang Tong borrowed his horsepower, and slashed down with a sharp blade in his hand, the man's head and half of his body were cut off directly, blood spurted wildly, and his body fell to the ground.

It was only then that Wang Tong felt his face was hot, and he stretched out his hand to wipe it. His hand was covered with blood, and his cheek had been scratched by the arrow just now. At this moment, he remembered that there was an archer on the roof behind him.

Suddenly there was a screaming sound behind him. It wasn't Ma Sanbiao, Li Hutou or Tan Bing. Wang Tong reined in his mount, picked up the round shield on the side, turned the horse around, and pulled out the shield that was hanging in front of the saddle. short firearms.

"They're on the roof, three standard, tiger head, rush in!"

Tan Bing pulled down a set of bows and arrows from the nearby corpse, shouted at his companion, grabbed the dead companion's body, and pushed it towards the center of the street.

As soon as the corpse went out, it was hit by three arrows immediately, but Tan Bing rushed out the next moment. Before the archer on the opposite roof had time to set up the arrow, Tan Bing took aim, opened and closed his arms, left and right. In bursts, the two screamed and were shot, and fell from the roof.

The third archer had already drawn his bow and set his arrow, and just about to aim, Tan Bing ran back to the house again. It happened to be a dead corner, and the roof was a shaggy thatched roof. He moved forward cautiously, but heard There was a sound behind him, and when he looked back, he saw a child with a short spear rushing forward.

With such a short distance, the bow and arrow didn't even have time to shoot. The child walked briskly, swinging his arms, and pierced straight into the man's lower abdomen. After a bloody hole was opened, the archer fell towards the street.

Several other people on the roof have also noticed this side. Some people are about to shoot towards this side with their bows and arrows. Li Hutou reacted very quickly, lying on the roof and crawling quickly, reaching a dead end in a few moments superior.

Ma Sanbiao was holding a round shield and a big knife in the other hand. He had already climbed over the dilapidated courtyard wall. He broke through the wooden door and entered the house just now, and carried Li Hu's head up to the roof.

He took the knife and shield and fell into another yard, but there were several horses parked in that yard, and a man was holding a knife on the other side. The movement of the three marks of the horse falling to the ground was too loud, and this man was also alarmed. Hurry up Running over here, Ma Sanbiao didn't want the round shield in his hand, and just threw it over.

The man swung the knife, and Ma Sanbiao rushed over with the big knife and poked at his head. The man dodged hastily and sliced ​​forward with the knife in his hand. Ma Sanbiao moved a little faster than him. When the poke missed, he turned his wrist and chopped it down, chopping it on the man's neck.

The two archers who were probing on the roof also heard the movement and hurriedly turned their heads. Ma Sanbiao did not dare to move rashly for a while, but used the horse as a cover, and rubbed towards the house step by step.

Tan Bing had just shot an arrow, and touched the wound on his shoulder, gritted his teeth, cut off the obstructing arrow shaft with a backhand, and climbed up to the roof with the bow and arrow.

"Hutou, report to the barracks for help!!"

Li Hu didn't make a sound, and came to the hole in the roof with his hands and feet, grabbed the edge and jumped down. Tan Bing raised his head cautiously, looked at the people who were still on the roof, and there were four more.

Ma Sanbiao attracted two people, but there were two other people staring at this side. They were obviously attracted by Li Hutou. Tan Bing cursed in a low voice, climbed up a few times, and suddenly He stood up, stretched his bow and nocked his arrow.

Tan Bing's skill in bow and arrow was not as good as Tan Gong among the generals of the Tan family.

Just as he was about to shoot the second arrow, the wound on his shoulder was in severe pain, but he could no longer use his strength, and one person on the adjacent side and the opposite side had already aimed at him.

Tan Bing threw himself down suddenly, but he knew that he couldn't escape, so he closed his eyes subconsciously
"Touch!" There was a loud noise and a scream, but it wasn't him. Tan Bing lay down on the thatch and let out a big sigh.

The archer on the opposite roof is already panicking. The man on the opposite roof is very difficult to deal with. His archery skills are strong, fast and accurate. Just now his companion was shot to death. He thought he was going to die. I don’t know why the other party didn’t shoot the arrow. , If you don't shoot this tough guy, you won't even have to run.

But just as the bow was drawn, someone shouted from below. The one on the street must be the enemy. Could it be the target who ran away just now? There was a blood hole in the chest, and the bones fell down directly.

The two companions on the opposite side died in an instant, and the two archers who were still aiming at Ma Sanbiao panicked. Before they knew what to do, Wang Tong, who was originally in the blind spot of their vision, ran to the other side of the street. shouted at the top:
"Look here!!"

With this yell, the people above turned their heads almost subconsciously, and the second short firecracker in Wang Tong's hand also fired. The low roof was not far from the street, and the firecracker was also accurate.

There was only one person left on the roof. If he could calm down, he might not be able to shoot Wang Tong, but this person panicked, dropped the bow and arrow in his hand and jumped off the roof regardless.

Ma Sanbiao hid behind the horses. He thought he could snatch a horse and escape, but how could things come true? He jumped off the roof and rolled on the ground before standing still. Ma Sanbiao had already raised his hand Come up to him with a big knife, raise the knife and drop it!
The wound on Wang Tong's face was a bit deep, and the blood was still flowing, but Wang Tong recklessly loaded the firecracker with ammunition in a corner and tamped it with a cleaning rod.

Footsteps sounded on the street, Wang Tong turned his head and saw five men in green clothes hurried over with swords in their hands, Wang Tong raised his right arm and rubbed his face, calculated to get closer, and the man jumped out.

How wide is this street, and the distance between them is less than ten steps. Before those men stopped, the two firecrackers in Wang Tong's hands fired at the same time.

The two fell in response, Ma Sanbiao and others were on the other side, Tan Bing was on the roof, Li Hu went to call for reinforcements, and now it was Wang Tong who faced the remaining three.

Wang Tong threw away the blunderbuss, pulled out the Xiuchun knife from his waist, and looked coldly at the man in Tsing Yi who stopped in front of him and dared not move forward.

The three of them saw that Wang Tong was the only one, and they were holding the Xiuchun Knife in their hands, and immediately became more courageous. Just as they were about to approach, they heard someone shouting not far away:
"My lord, where are you!? The subordinates are here!"

The three of them looked at each other, turned their heads and ran, Wang Tong was about to take a step, but suddenly felt dizzy, he hurriedly used the knife to support his body, the wound was bleeding non-stop, it should be safe.
There will be another update later, everyone has a monthly ticket, please support
(End of this chapter)

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