Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 262 The Time Has Not Come

Chapter 262 The Time Has Not Come

When Li Hutou rushed to the street, he saw blood dripping down Wang Tong's face, his eyes were a little dazed, but he was still leaning on the knife.

Li Hutou, who was extremely worried, took a step back in his first reaction. The others were even more unbearable, and some people stopped in their tracks.

"What are you still doing there, looking stupidly, quickly bandage the wound, and help the master down!"

Tan Bing walked to the street with his hands on his shoulders, and shouted at the crowd, only then did everyone react and surrounded him in a hurry.

"Come here and move the corpse away"

At the end of the sentence, I was already a little choked up. There were still several corpses of Tan family generals lying on the street. The dozen or so of them had been together all year round. Although they all had different surnames, they seemed to be brothers.

Ma Sanbiao held a knife and walked down the street with a gloomy face. Seeing Tan Bing choking there, he just felt uncomfortable. Turning his head and seeing the noisy people surrounding Wang Tong, he remembered that Wang Tong didn't know what to do. , exclaiming:

"What's up, my lord!?"

"My lord is fine."

A Xiaoqi turned around and yelled, and was interrupted by Wang Tong in the middle of speaking. Wang Tong, who was surrounded in the center, sat on the ground, a little dazed because of too much blood flow, and the experienced man was arranging for someone to disassemble the door panel. , ready to carry Wang Tong back, they thought he was unconscious.

Unexpectedly, Wang Tong could still give orders. Wang Tong's voice was so cold and almost emotionless that everyone could hear clearly:

"Ma Sanbiao, lead the cavalry to chase along the road and see if you can find anyone. Tan Bing, lead the people to search the street carefully. Don't kill people, but keep alive."

After Wang Tong finished speaking, the street was quiet for a while, and then it became busy again. Ma Sanbiao led dozens of soldiers on horseback and chased along that road.

Tan Bing endured the pain and began to lead people to search house by house.

"My lord, the people in the restaurant are all dead, it should be the hands of those thieves."

The result soon came. The blood from the wound on Wang Tong's face also stopped. The bleeding just now was non-stop because the blood had clotted several times, but under the violent movement of the charge, the wound burst several times. Now When the person sat there without moving, the bleeding gradually stopped.

"The few people watching the goods yard here have disappeared, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive!"

While speaking, Yu Dayou, who was in the camp, also came here, frowned and looked at the corpses of the Tan family, and then went to look at the corpses of the big men in Tsing Yi who were placed aside, and then came to Wang Tong, Looking at Wang Tong sitting there, Yu Dayou nodded and said:
"If you want to lead troops, the first thing is that you can't be afraid of this fight. Usually, you only know how to train soldiers, but you are also a fierce general who can fight. Don't worry, old man."

After a word of praise, Yu Dayou raised his voice and said:

"Go to that shop and get a clean pot, boil some broth quickly, and add more salt."

Wang Tong only wanted to close his eyes and take a nap, but he didn't dare to sleep. He thought that the overall situation in the city was settled, but he didn't expect the other party to move so quickly. Today's encounter, if he was a little careless, he might die Here, don't underestimate the ancients, don't underestimate the ancients.

Tan Bing came over from the crowd and said:
"Master, those thieves couldn't find anything on them, but the bows are all high-quality goods, not the kind of hunting things in common people's homes."

Wang Tong raised his head stiffly, shook his head slowly, and said in a low voice:
"There are too many people talking, so I will talk about it later!"

Yu Dayou looked at Tan Bing's drooping half shoulder, frowned and said:
"Hurry up and go to the city to ask a doctor to come over. If you delay like this, your arm will be useless."

Tan Bing lowered his head and was silent for a long time before saying in a harsh voice:

"Our brothers have been together for nearly 20 years. I didn't expect to lose three of them today."

At the end, his head drooped very low and he was speechless. Li Hutou also wiped his tears with his hands while Yu Dayou looked calm and just said:

"Those who hold knives don't die on the bed. If they die, they will die. If you live well, you are worthy of them."

Yu Dayou's position is aloof, and others will not disobey what he says about the arrangement and command here, and the corpses are carried back to the side of the camp regardless of enemy or friend.

The bloodstains on the street were also washed away, weapons and sundries were cleaned up, busy, and Wang Tong recovered a little while sitting there.

The broth was ready, and someone carefully brought the bowl over. The broth was very salty and a little hot, but it was just a supplement to Wang Tong now.

Wang Tong gulped it down and asked someone to get another bowl. Li Hutou who was beside him gritted his teeth and said:
"Brother Wang, Chuantouxiang must have done this. Let's take soldiers to the riverside this afternoon and arrest them all."

The few generals surrounding Wang Tong also had expressions of righteous indignation, as if they were waiting for Wang Tong to give an order.

Wang Tong closed his eyes, opened them after being silent for a while, and said in a deep voice:
"Don't move. Zhang Ge has been passing through the border for the past few days. He has no evidence and no evidence. Don't do anything. You just have to manage your own affairs well!"

While talking, Ma Sanbiao and his party had already turned around. Ma Sanbiao got off his horse and said in a rough voice with a slumped expression on his face:

"My lord, we have been chasing from our side to the crowded land, but those thieves have not been able to catch up. There are so many people outside the city, they can't find it wherever they go."

"In Tianjin Wei, there are only three people who can send such a team of archers to ambush. One is me, the other is Zongbing Qi, and the third is General Li."

Wang Tong returned to the recruit training camp, drank some broth, the wound stopped bleeding, and his spirit recovered quickly. He sent people to search everywhere, and went to Yu Dayou's house.

"I don't need to say that General Qi and I have never had any contact with each other, and only General Li will send people to attack. The eunuchs in charge of food in the city, the military guards, and the guards in the city seem to be alienated, but in fact they are inextricably linked. It’s really a good way to connect with each other.”

After saying a few words, Wang Tong sneered, and Yu Dayou took a few sips from his big coarse porcelain teacup, and asked calmly:
"Then when are we going to arrest people here!"

Wang Tong patted the table with his hands, gritted his teeth and said:
"I can't arrest him now, without evidence, who will admit that Li Dameng has nearly four thousand soldiers in his hands, and he is going to his barracks to arrest people. Is this guy going to arrest him without a fight? Besides, Mr. Zhang Ge has always been displeased with this officer. If you do it, I'm afraid something else will happen."

Yu Dayou put down his teacup, glanced at Wang Tong and smiled, and said with a smile:

"It's not your temper. The old man thought you were going to call up all the young and strong soldiers today, and go to clear the bows on both sides of the strait."

"Xiangzhong, Xiangzhong, the coolies on the pier, the most sailors on the ship, there will be no more than 400 people fighting and extorting. These 400 people are now scattered among the crowd. Without a list, they can't be found. If you delay The major matter of water transportation, and Zhang Ge’s passing through Tianjin, this crime is overwhelmed by me alone, so it’s not in favor of those people.”

"Is that so?"

"Forget it, there is"

Before I finished speaking, I heard a "bang" outside, as if there was a dull thunder. When I entered the house just now, the weather was still sunny, why did it thunder.

The two looked at each other, and there was no other movement outside, so they ignored it. Just as they were about to continue talking, they heard hurried footsteps outside, and someone ran to the door and shouted loudly:

"There is a happy event to report to Mr. Wang, the cannon from our workshop has been made!!"

The blacksmith workshop has just been moved to this camp for a few days, and everything has just been settled. I didn't expect that there would be a finished product so soon.

Wang Tong stood up abruptly, with an excited look on his face, and suddenly smiled and said to Yu Dayou:

"Of course I won't just let it go. I will make them repay a hundredfold for what they have done!!!"

"Eunuch Zhang is here to serve the Lord Long Live. Is the Supervisor busy today?"

"Still the same, Eunuch Lin is this?"

"I just reported a few things to Lord Long Live, so I'll go back to the Imperial Horse Supervisor, take my leave first, and come to say hello another day."

The eunuch Zhang Cheng, the supervisor of ceremonies, and the eunuch Lin Shulu, the supervisor of the imperial horse, greeted each other in the small courtyard in front of the imperial study. Seeing the smiling faces of the two, they thought that they had such a good relationship.

Seeing Lin Shulu nodding and bowing out of the courtyard door, Zhang Cheng turned around, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately. When he saw the little eunuch standing at the door, his face became better again, and he asked in a soft voice:
"Xiao Liang, what is Long Live Lord busy with?"

Standing in front of the door, Zhao Jinliang bowed respectfully and said in a low voice:

"Responding to Eunuch Zhang, Master Wang's letter from Tianjin arrived today. Long Live Lord was reading it after the court was over. Eunuch Lin stopped the meeting just now. He should still be reading it now."

Zhao Jinliang, who was less than ten years old, wanted to explain the matter clearly, but his words were a bit convoluted. Zhang Cheng smiled and stepped forward to pat him on the top of the head, and he passed the word outside the door.

Emperor Wanli agreed casually inside, Zhang Cheng walked in respectfully, glanced at Zhao Jinliang who was trying to make a serious appearance at the door, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If he can be recommended to the emperor, it will not cause any controversy. It is still his own. At present, this is Zhao Jinliang. This kid values ​​friendship, I hope he can be reliable!

As soon as he entered the study, he saw that the little emperor Wanli was reading the letter intently. His expression could be described as joyful. After entering the door, Zhang Cheng respectfully said:
"Long Live Lord, Mr. Zhang Ge will return to the capital in four days. The Empress Dowager asked Long Live Lord if he would come out of Beijing to greet him in person, as a show of kindness?"

"Didn't Zhang Hong go to send it off? This time, it's Zhang Hong who will welcome you. I'm busy with state affairs, and Mr. Zhang doesn't want me to worry about such things even if I think about it."

Emperor Wanli didn't raise his head, and still stared at the letter paper. Just as Zhang Cheng was about to bow and agree, Emperor Wanli suddenly patted the table and said excitedly:

"Happy! Really happy!"

At this time, Wang Tong had just finished writing the story of the attack, sealed it in an iron box, and the messenger to the capital was preparing to leave.
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(End of this chapter)

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