Chapter 263

There was no one else serving in the imperial study room. Seeing the emperor so happy, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but come forward to make fun of him. He asked with a smile:

"Long live, what is so happy?"

Emperor Wanli looked away from the letter paper excitedly, and said with a smile:

"Wang Tong suddenly dispatched troops into the city, and drove out the disciples who were in the city together with Chuantouxiang. It was really neat and tidy. The other party was obviously depressed, but he didn't dare to say a word!"

"A few days ago, I read Wang Tong's letter. Tianjin is so fragrant. It is indeed too much trouble. Long live Lord, what the slaves mean is to ask Hejian Mansion and Ji Town to clean it up. This is too shameful."

Emperor Wanli shook his head, looked at it a few more times before putting the letter paper on the desk, and said:
"That day when I was having dinner with my mother, I mentioned this matter. It happened that Feng Daban was also nearby. He said that the matter of Chuantouxiang had been recorded in the government to ensure smooth water transportation. He said that the government should not intervene in everything. After using this boat head incense, the queen mother also said that water transport is the lifeblood of the country and should not be touched lightly."

Hearing that the little emperor's tone was not right, Zhang Cheng didn't say anything, but it was about the empress dowager, the little emperor patted the letter paper with a smile, and said:
"The empress mother and Feng Daban said so, and the widow will understand, and I won't find it boring by myself. If it moves, the courtiers in the court will have to give advice and make a fuss, but Wang Tong's side Reasonable and well-founded, just do something neatly, as long as there is no mistake, the widow will naturally support it, and the courtiers who do things should not be chilled in the future, Zhang Banban, do you think this is the reason?"

"Long live Lord Shengming, it is better for Long live Lord to think about it properly, but the servant girl thought recklessly just now!"

Zhang Cheng hurriedly followed up with a word of flattery. Dongchang and Jinyiwei are naturally not blind if Chuantouxiang has made such a scale. With organization, this efficiency has really improved a bit.

The Hedao Yamen, the Household Transit Department, and other relevant yamen said that it was not good to leave the boat, and the higher-ups just turned a blind eye.

However, this is not something worth mentioning. If something goes wrong with such a large gathering, the relevant people must bear the corresponding responsibilities. As a result, everyone knows it in their hearts and pretends not to know it. This is an officialdom One of the norms on the Internet is "rarely confused".

Emperor Wanli has been involved in political affairs for a long time, so he naturally knows that it is better not to touch some confused accounts, especially since the Empress Dowager and Feng Bao have such an attitude, and Zhang Cheng is just following the words. He must also know that Emperor Wanli will not really do something.

But Chuantouxiang has done so many illegal things in such a confusion of truth and falsehood, it is not a bad thing to have Wang Tong to beat and discipline her.

Zhang Cheng knew in his heart that every time Wang Tong described what he did in Tianjin in his letters, Emperor Wanli deeply substituted it in. What Wang Tong did, Wanli would always think that he would definitely do better. Wang Tong Whatever hearty and joyful thing he did, Wanli's emotions would also rise accordingly.

Especially in Wang Tong's letter describing the various illegal activities of Chuan Tou Xiang, Emperor Wanli also became angry and complained that Wang Tongcai had killed two thieves, acting too low-key, this time driving everyone out of the city, suddenly Initiating an attack, and doing it quickly and decisively, naturally Longyan was very happy.

After the downtrodden Zou Yi entered the Department of Public Security, more useful information was sorted out, and Zhang Cheng found that he was able to check some things through the Department of Public Security in a targeted manner.

For example, Chuantouxiang sent gifts to various places in the capital every month, and they had joints in every aspect, and were inextricably linked with the capital. If they really wanted to meet, they didn't know who would be involved.

After Zhang Cheng thought about it here, Emperor Wanli read the letter there again. Zhang Cheng quickly withdrew from his thoughts, fell in front of the desk, and began to sort out those messy memorials and notes.

"Zhang Banban, the palace receives 100 million taels of gold flowers and silver every year, how much can be left? I remember that Feng Daban and you told me in April this year that there is still a shortfall of 10,000+ taels in the palace. Add some gold flowers and silver?"

After reading the process of dispatching troops above, Emperor Wanli picked up another stack on the table, looked at it a few times and then became serious.

Zhang Cheng was taken aback, Wang Tong didn't seem to have mentioned this matter in his letter, but he had written to ask the same question in the first half of May, but since Zhang Cheng and Feng Bao had planned together, he naturally knew the details , leaned forward and said respectfully:
"During the orthodox year, sending 100 million taels into the palace every year was custom-made. It was all given to the lower ranks of the Long Live Lord and paid to the military generals above the sixth rank of the Beijing Camp and Guards. It was enough in the past. When Emperor Sejong was grandfather, The palace has a lot of expenses, so it is necessary to use the money on it. Now, when the money arrives, it will be distributed directly to the twelve prisons. Not to mention the rewards, the salary for the military officers in Beijing has also been paid. It’s 30% off in eight years, and the servants and Eunuch Feng discussed that an additional [-] taels should be enough, so that’s why I mentioned it.”

Every year, in addition to the grain transported to the north, there are also 100 million taels of gold flower and silver in water transport. This is money exclusively for the emperor and the inner palace. It has been a routine for nearly 200 years.In addition to the emperor's reward, the generals of the Jingying, Jingwei, and Yumajian, the salaries of the sixth rank and above are paid out of gold flowers and silver in name, and the soldiers and horses will serve whoever pays the salaries. In an important place in the capital, the salaries of the military officers naturally have to be paid by the emperor to be assured. This is also a tactic.

With a [-]% discount in eight years, the generals below may not feel any kindness, and it would be good if they don't harbor resentment. Both Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng are the leaders of the inner court, so they naturally have to worry about this.

Emperor Wanli looked at the letter carefully again, raised his head and said with some doubts:
"There is such a shortage of money in the palace, the Ministry of Households allocates more money every year, isn't there a big surplus this year?"

"Long Live Lord, outsiders have been unwilling to pay more for the expenses in the palace. Mr. Zhang Ge is very tight in his management, saying that the money from the treasury is used to pay the officials of the world, and to pay the soldiers and horses of the world. Everywhere To build water conservancy and to relieve famines, the palace should be thrifty is the right way."

Emperor Wanli shook the letter paper in his hand, and said disdainfully:
"Mr. Zhang and those from the Sixth Department of the Cabinet, whose family lives frugally, eats better than the widows, concubines are better than the harem of the widows, and the cost of food and clothing far exceeds that of the elders. I don't know how to deceive me when I say these frugal words Who, still think that the widow is a three-year-old child?"

"Long live God"

Seeing that Zhang Cheng was approaching cautiously, Emperor Wanli leaned back in his chair and sighed, and said:
"Okay, okay, Zhang Banban, I have a sense of proportion, and I won't say these words in front of Feng Daban and Mr. Zhang, why are you nervous!?"

Zhang Cheng smiled wryly and said:

"Long live, the Empress Dowager also clears porridge and side dishes every day, and wears clothes and hairpin skirts. What she wants is to be frugal. When she hears this, the old man will also be angry."

Emperor Wanli lowered his head again, and said calmly:
"Why don't I use more people like Lin Shulu to find out all the greedy people in the palace, and the money is enough. You don't have to kneel, Zhang Banban. I'm not talking about you, nor Zou Yi."

Zhang Cheng stood on the side with his hands down, his face full of wry smiles. Ever since Lin Shulu made that incident, Emperor Wanli would suddenly bring it up and talk about it, and he didn't know whether it was beating or what.

Zhang Cheng was a little curious about what was written in the letter that made the Lord Long Live talk about Jinhuayin. He was a little dissatisfied with Wang Tong, but he was also helpless, because it was not because of him that Wang Tong got what he is today. Zhang Cheng is the emperor who is here to read the letter intently.

It was rare to see Emperor Wanli read a letter so intently. Zhang Cheng had a good idea of ​​the matter of Jinhuayin. In the past two months, although Zhang Juzheng went home to worship his father, the correspondence between Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng had never been brief. Cheng's plan is to ask Emperor Wanli to propose an increase of 100 million taels of gold flower and silver, a total of 200 million taels a year, and then Zhang Juzheng persuades him to act for the benefit of the people, and finally increases 30 taels, and everyone is happy.

But I don't know why Emperor Wanli brought it up again today. When he was thinking about it, Emperor Wanli raised his head after thinking about it and said:
"The expenses in the palace should be reduced, and the money that should be spent will always be spent. There will be no discounts on the salaries of the military officers and the rewards from the ministers. But then again, it is always good to have more money in the internal treasury. I think that if the gold flower and silver are added to 200 million per year, it should be almost the same!"

Hearing Emperor Wanli say this number, Zhang Cheng was taken aback for a moment. Feng Bao had to come forward a few days later to ask Emperor Wanli to issue an order for the matter of gold flowers and silver. This number may be said casually, but if it is brought up in the cabinet now, it will be troublesome.

Zhang Cheng hesitated and persuaded in a low voice:
"Long Live Lord, the ministers in the outer court will not yield an inch to the matter of extra money in the palace. If Long Live Lord reveals this amount, they will definitely make a fuss. Why don't you wait for Mr. Zhang to come back in a few days."

"Annoying the widows, using the imperial staff, and issuing an imperial edict, just fulfilled their reputation, right?"

Emperor Wanli sneered, and said, Zhang Cheng could only laugh along with him.

"I am the son of heaven and the lord of the people. If I want to use some money, it is not for my own enjoyment. Why is it so difficult?"

Speaking of which, Emperor Wanli raised the letter in his hand and said:
"The ones who are loyal to me outside the palace are those around Wang Tong. They know that there is a lack of money on my side, and they are spending money everywhere in the field to raise soldiers and errands, but they still want to find ways to make money for me. Such loyal ministers, I don't care. To protect and help, who else to help!!?"
Thank you everyone, there will be another update later

(End of this chapter)

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