Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 264 Shen Shixing Yang Sichen

Chapter 264 Shen Shixing Yang Sichen
Several members of the cabinet, Zhang Siwei, Li Youzi, and Shen Shixing are all members of the chief assistant Zhang Juzheng's party, and everyone in the world knows this.

Among them, Li Youzi, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was just a coincidence. When the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Han, was hesitating, he made the right bet on speculation.

He was able to enter the cabinet only as a reward, while Shen Shixing and Zhang Siwei were clearly the Zhang family. Although they were already important court officials in the last years of Jiajing, without Zhang Juzheng's support and love, I am afraid that they would be in power in the Longqing Dynasty. At that time, I will retire and return to my hometown.

Now Zhang Siwei is a Bachelor of Wuyingdian and Minister of the Ministry of War, while Shen Shixing is a Bachelor of Dongge University and Minister of Rites.

But in fact, before the second assistant Lu Tiaoyang became an official, Zhang Siwei was already the actual second assistant of the cabinet. Zhang Juzheng made major decisions, while Zhang Siwei dictated minor matters by himself.

Although Shen Shihang's status is high, it is not an embarrassing situation. If the cabinet is not the first assistant or the second assistant, the things that can be done are only the counselor's confidentiality. The thing is, Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei are both capable people. As cabinet members, they don't even have a chance to make suggestions.

Then Li Youzi has survived to this point, already contented, safe and wealthy, with a large amount of filial piety, and a high status, and when he is old enough to be an official, this life is not in vain.

In the beginning, Shen Shixing started not much lower than Zhang Siwei. Now, even though he joined the cabinet and was the minister of the Ministry of Management, he had done his part, but no matter inside or outside, he felt that Shen Shixing was not reconciled.

The Ministry of Rites is the Qingshui yamen, and everyone enters the Ministry of Rites just for the purpose of being promoted. The Dongge University Scholars are generally ranked fourth in the cabinet and have no status. If the current Shen Shihang and others are idle, it is better to manage the Ministry of Industry, which is not in the cabinet. happy.

But everyone's thinking is the same thing, but he, Shen Shixing, is very friendly, never showing any signs of depression and resentment, and is always smiling all day long.

After returning to the mansion, he either played chess, or enjoyed calligraphy and painting fans, and chanted the wind and the moon with a few Qing guests. Although he was in the court, he lived a first-class rich and leisurely life.

In the cabinet court meeting, no one dared to say anything about major political matters, otherwise it would be bad luck to be suspected by Zhang Ge, the chief assistant in Huguang, but some small things that Zhang Siwei can decide, everyone still has to discuss However, Ma Ziqiang and Li Youzi also have to fight for the interests of the people around them and their subordinates. The ministers, ministers, Du Yushi who are not in the cabinet, as well as various internal and external bigwigs of sufficient level, have their own appeals and disputes.

Ordinarily, it is easiest to see what kind of attitude Shen Shixing has in this kind of debate, but Bachelor Shen has never had any objection to Zhang Siwei's decision, and he has always fully supported it.

There were even two matters involving Shen Shixing's disciples. They could have stayed in Beijing and entered Taichang Temple, which was an extremely noble future, but they were rejected by Zhang Siwei's people, so they could only be released to participate in politics However, political affairs are personnel affairs, and there can be no sloppyness in the slightest, but Shen Shixing also gave in.

Whose disciples leave Beijing, as usual, they have to go to the teacher to say goodbye, but these two disciples also hated it so much that they didn't go to see them, and they still said among their peers that "although there are teachers, there are no teachers".

After all these incidents came out, everyone's eyes gradually left Shen Shixing. It seemed that this man had no great ambitions, nor did he intend to fight for power with Zhang Siwei. , Zhang Siwei is two, there are no variables.

Minister of Rites, Shen Shixing, has a pavilion in his mansion, just beside the pond in the garden. This pavilion is called Linfeng Pavilion, and it is a very famous place among the rich and noble in the capital.

The most famous one in Linfeng Pavilion is "Famous Piano and Famous Singer". Shen Shixing likes the rhythm, and there are singing girls and luthiers in his family. They are all first-class entertainers in the world. Famous things.

On the night when the moon is in the sky, three or five friends gather in this Linfeng Pavilion. Behind the curtains, famous pianos are played, singing prostitutes sing, there are delicious wines and delicacies, and there are high-ranking scholars. It's really like a fairyland.

Few people can go to such a good place. This Shen Shixing is just watching with a few Qing guests around him, and occasionally invites a few nobles from the capital or famous people who live at home.

Those who have been to the party in Linfeng Pavilion are full of beauty when they come out. They say that this is like a heavenly palace, and the nobles of the capital also went to the mansion of Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant, to have a banquet. They all say that they are rich and luxurious. First, but when it comes to elegance and beauty, Shen Shangshu's Linfeng Pavilion is much better.

The reputation is getting bigger and bigger, but the number of parties held by Shen Shihang in this Linfeng Pavilion is less and less. The literati in the capital, who are of sufficient status, regard entering here as a symbol.

Among them, Yang Sichen, the son of Xianghe, is the one who will be present every time. This Yang Sichen is a wealthy family in Xianghe County.

The children of the rich and powerful have many hobbies. Yang Sichen has learned the art of playing the piano since he was a child.

But to put it bluntly, such a person is nothing more than a high-level cleaner. Yang Sichen is only thirty this year, handsome and tall, with such a skill, he is very well-known in the capital.

For such a handsome young man, the gates of the rich and noble mansions in the capital are all on guard. If he enters the mansion, if there is something unclear with the female family members, it would be shameful to spread the word.

But some people who appreciate Yang Sichen invited him to be their guest. During this period, there were some disputes. There were always the young ladies and maids who were full of love, and the concubines who couldn’t bear the loneliness, and even the masters who liked the masculinity. There are many kinds of things, but this Yang Sichen is upright and self-sufficient, clean and self-sufficient, and has not caused any evil karma or scandal.

Moreover, Yang Sichen didn't go to the brothel, he had a property in his family and didn't have to worry about food and clothing, so he found a house in the capital, and lived here after marrying the woman he had been engaged to since childhood, and socialized with friends every day, or closed the door Studying to prepare for the Wanli seven-year exam.

Capable, skinny, and upright, such a young man is naturally famous, and Yang Sichen has also earned the nickname of "Sichenzi".

This Yang Sichen is gradually self-confident, he doesn't go to banquets and gatherings of ordinary people, even if it is a meeting with the first-class rich and noble people in the capital, he still has to choose and choose.

The greater the reputation in the capital, the greater the possibility of being selected in the general examination. Although the examiner who grades the papers does not know who the test papers belong to, there are many joints in it. , even if you fail the general examination and fail to win the election, there are still many good jobs you can go for as a candidate.

Looking at it now, Yang Sichen is the most successful one in the capital. Everyone has read the papers written by him in the literary society, and the articles are not bad.

There have even been rumors that Yang Sichen will be No. 6 in the palace examination this time, and he will probably be working in the Ministry of Industry, and his future will be bright.

Shen Shixing is good at the qin, Yang Sichen has such abilities, and his character is also top-notch, the two of them got along very quickly. Li Youzi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Ministry of War, both invited Yang Sichen to be a guest, but he refused them all.

Everyone knows that at this time, the capital flatters the dignitaries, and Zhang Siwei and Li Youzi are more worthy of effort than Shen Shixing. Yang Sichen's move made Shen Shixing appreciate it even more. This move gave Yang Sichen a higher status in the capital.

Nowadays, not to mention the piano meeting in Linfeng Pavilion, even during the daytime, Shen Shixing sometimes invites Yang Sichen to the mansion. The two parties meet friends with the piano and chat over tea, which is also a good story among scholars in the capital.

"Mr. Mo, the first assistant will return to the capital in the next day, and there is a lot of discussion about gold, flowers and silver. If Mr. Mo can speak out in the court, he will definitely win the favor of the first assistant."

Yang Sichen touched the strings with his little finger, and the sound of the piano was melodious. At the end of the song, Yang Sichen spoke indifferently. Shen Shixing had long since changed his official robes and was wearing a Confucian gown. He pressed his hands on the strings and closed his eyes slightly. After playing together, Shen Shixing OK still aftertaste.

Hearing what Yang Sichen said, Shen Shixing smiled and said:

"Sichen, during the piano meeting, don't talk about such troublesome things, disturbing the purity of this time."

"The amount of gold flowers and silver doubled to 200 million. When the collection was made, the small officials in the local area allocated for the looting. I don't know how much more will be added. In the end, it is not the common people who will suffer. , this stable situation is going to be turbulent again.”

Shen Shixing moved his fingers, let out a long breath, and with a smile on his face, he asked:
"I've never heard you, Sichen, talk about such political matters before. The matter of gold, flowers and silver was just casually mentioned in the meeting of the emperor. It has not been decreed nor arranged for the cabinet to discuss it. It has not yet been sanctified. Why are you so anxious?"

Yang Sichen pushed away the piano in front of him, stood up and saluted solemnly and said:
"Mr. Mo, students read the books of sages and sages, and they should uphold the righteous way. Now that the holy will has deviated, the people of Li are about to suffer, and the students are burning with fire, but there is nothing they can do. Mr. Mo is in his position, and it is right to speak up!"

Sitting there, Shen Shixing looked at Yang Sichen in front of him. This young man looked resolute. Shen Shixing's expression turned cold a little bit, and he waved his hand and said:
"I'm tired, Sichen, go back first!"

"Mr. Mo, please think twice about this matter. The student has offended you. Please leave first!"

Yang Sichen gave a deep bow, got up and walked out, the butler standing outside smiled and bowed, as a greeting, Yang Ruochen walked down the steps, but a servant happened to run over, and the two accidentally bumped into each other.

The servant got up and kowtowed on the ground to make amends. Yang Sichen didn't care. He was about to take a step to dust off the dust. As soon as he took a step, he heard the housekeeper behind him say in surprise:
"Isn't this the jade plaque given to Qinniang by our mansion? Why is it on you, Mr. Yang!?"
Happy for the brothers, a happy event, and share the joyful mood with everyone, haha

Thank you everyone, please vote for my monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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