Chapter 265

While speaking, the butler had already walked down the steps quickly, Yang Sichen didn't react at the first moment, when the butler of Shen Mansion came to him, his face was already flushed red.

Servants and maids cannot be killed at will, other than that, the master's family can do as they please, slaves and maids are like cattle and horses, which are privately owned.

In the mansion of the Minister of Rites and the great scholar of the current dynasty, the qin girl who played the piano and the kabuki who sang were all the private property of the owner. They were bought from others with a lot of money and signed a contract.Moreover, the qin girls and kabuki are all beautiful women, and it is common for them to serve their masters in bed.

Therefore, these qin girls and kabukis are different from other servants and maids from inside and outside the mansion. These people are equivalent to the master's concubines.

The woman of the master's family, the jade badge on her body appeared on the body of an outsider, who was still an adult man. Everyone knew what this meant, and Yang Sichen understood it even more.

There are six qin girls in Shen Shixing's mansion, all of whom are top-notch in appearance and body, and they are invisible to outsiders, but Yang Sichen just came to Shen's mansion as a guest, and Shen Shixing hosted a banquet in Linfeng Pavilion alone, saying that they are beauties under the moon Playing the piano, the sound and color are excellent, the so-called beautiful scenery on a good day is like this, you have to watch it.

The curtains in the Linfeng Pavilion were all rolled up, and several beautiful women played the piano and played music. At this time, it really seemed like a fairyland, but it was the first time for Yang Sichen to take a look, and the next few times he sat upright, Without raising his head, after three times, Yang Sichen sternly said to Shen Shixing:
"Mr. Mo, after all, the Dao of the Qin is about listening to the sound rather than watching the color. Let's just forget about such things!"

After saying that, Yang Sichen left and left, and never came to the door again. It was Shen Shixing who took the initiative to send someone to invite him, and then he turned around.

After this incident, Yang Sichen's reputation in the capital became even more lofty, and those top nobles were willing to invite him to the mansion for a gathering.

In the Linfeng Pavilion on the Shen Mansion, every time there is a party, before drinking, there will be a housekeeper holding a large porcelain pot to ask Shen Shixing or a certain distinguished guest to touch it, and find out the jade tablet, which is played by the qin girl. And the jade plaque is worn by the qin girl on weekdays, it is a identification of identity, it is also a well-known elegant thing in the capital, people who often come to the Shen mansion for banquets, probably know what brand represents which qin master, and know the level of qin skills feature.

Such personal badges are always taken out at parties, and will be handed back later, why did they appear on Yang Sichen's body?
Yang Sichen's mind turned sharply, but his face gradually turned pale. The housekeeper had already picked up the jade tablet, looked up and asked:

"Why is the fourth girl's brand on you, Mr. Yang!?"

On weekdays, everyone in the mansion knew that Mr. Yang, who was as rich as jade, was highly valued by the master, and even the housekeepers of Shen's mansion, who were treated politely by officials of the fourth rank, were very respectful to Yang Sichen.

But this question did not talk about etiquette at all, his face was cold, and his tone was also cold and terrifying. He had something to do with his master's private wife, so how could he be respectful.

Yang Sichen's usual composure had disappeared, and he took two steps back abruptly. The butler in his early forties moved much faster than usual, straightened up and grabbed Yang Sichen's wrist, gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice:

"Dog thief, do you still want to leave!?"

Yang Sichen pulled back vigorously. As a scholar, he was as strong as this servant, so he couldn't move at all. He could only hear the housekeeper angrily yell at the servant who kowtowed to apologize:
"You bastard, what are you still kneeling there for, go and close the yard door and find a rope!!"

The servant hurriedly got up from the ground, first closed the door, and when he came back, he grabbed a roll of rope in his hand, and when he was about to tie it up, a person came out from the inner hall and shouted coldly:
"What are you making a fuss about, the master has spoken, bring Yang Sichen in!!"

After finishing speaking, this man also came down to help. He was Shen Shihang's long follower, and Shen Shihang's piano room was always served by this long follower.

None of the three dared to make any noise, but the movements of their hands were not light at all. Yang Sichen knew that these people were afraid of making scandals public, but he really didn't know what this jade card was about. He had only seen the fourth girl once, and it was indeed a A beautiful woman, but there is no other contact.

Yang Sichen struggled desperately, but he couldn't move, but his body and mind became cold little by little. Even if he was dealt with in the mansion, there would be no one to say anything inside and outside. He still has a bright future. There are also parents, wives and children, and a declining family business that needs to be revived.
Shen Shixing sat on the seat with a face as heavy as water, looked at the jade plaque over and over in his hand, and said indifferently to Yang Sichen who fell on the ground:

"Mr. Yang, you are usually a polite person, how do you do such a thing?"

"Mr. Mo, Mr. Shen, Sichen really doesn't know that this is a frame-up, this is wronged."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked hard by the housekeeper behind him, and cursed in a low voice:

"Goucai, who framed you, who would frame you like this!"

Yang Sichen was dumbfounded by this questioning, Shen Shixing put the jade plaque on the table, sighed and said:

"Go and call the fourth girl over."

"Damn the servant girl, I gave the jade card to Mr. Yang in private. He said, he said, he will be with the master when the time comes."

"Bitch, you still have the face to say it."

The four girls knelt there while crying and talking, but the housekeeper next to him got angry and gave a low drink, the four girls stopped crying, Yang Sichen knelt aside but fell silent.

There are witnesses, physical evidence, and now he can't wash it away no matter what, and the good reputation he has accumulated so hard in the capital has disappeared. I'm afraid he won't even be able to take the big exam next year, and... everything is over.

"Sichen, you keep talking about the principles of sages and sages, but you have done such a scandal yourself. Alas, I know people and faces, but I still misjudged people!"

Listening to Shen Shixing's sigh, Yang Sichen's face was ashen, and he knelt there without saying a word.

The room was quiet, except for the woman's crying. Seeing Yang Sichen's silence, Shen Shixing's housekeeper and long follower were all angry, and they were about to strike.

Shen Shixing raised his hand to stop him, picked up the jade tablet on the table, and threw it directly in front of Yang Sichen. The jade tablet immediately broke into several pieces, and Shen Shixing said coldly:

"If this news gets out, I will be disgraceful. If you die here, I will not be able to explain it clearly. You can't stay in the capital, and you can't go back to Xianghe. If you go far away, just say anything. You can only suffer from boredom, and after three days, you can go out of Beijing."

Yang Sichen kowtowed numbly, Shen Shixing's voice returned to calm again, and he said:
"Just pack up your things within three days and don't see a single outsider. You should also look after your wife, children, and family. If you say something that shouldn't be said to the outside world, the crime of beheading and exterminating the family is not unreasonable. Apply for insurance. You can trust two Let's go to Yang's house to watch, get out, I'm upset!"

The easygoing man and the servant picked up Yang Sichen, and walked out cursing.

Ordinarily, a servant of a wealthy family has the kind of careful thought just now, and knows how to speak in a low voice. If he drags him out with such abusive words, he will definitely attract attention.

I don't know how many people are staring at the mansion of Dongge University Master and Minister of Rites. This Yang Sichen is also a well-known figure in the capital. Throwing him out of the mansion like this will arouse many suspicions, and it is even more unjustifiable in face.

Shen Shixing sat there, waited until Yang Sichen walked out of sight, was silent for a while, then looked forward and said:

"Miss Si, you go out crying, don't say a word to outsiders, Shen Bao will arrange a separate house for you later, and you will live in it first, understand?"

The fourth girl who was still crying there just kowtowed her head on the ground and stood up. Although there were tears on her face, she couldn't see any sad expression. She saluted and walked out. Before reaching the door, she was already crying. speak out.

The butler Shen Bao looked at her back and shook his head, Shen Shixing stood up and said:

"Drink some wine tonight and talk to someone who is outgoing."

Shen Bao hastily lowered his hands and bowed, agreeing, Shen Shixing waved his hand, and Shen Bao bowed and left knowingly.

There was no one in the piano room and the inner courtyard, so Shen Shixing walked a few steps in the room with a sullen face, then stopped in front of Yang Sichen's piano, and stretched out his hand to lightly pluck the strings.

The sound of "Ding Dong" sounded very pleasant. Shen Shixing grabbed the guqin violently and threw it on the ground. With a loud bang, Shen Shixing seemed puzzled, and smashed his other guqin on the ground. On the Guqin, he smashed it hard a few times, and there was a bit of ferocity on his usually gentle face, and he shouted in a low voice:
"Zhang Siwei, do you think I'm Zhang Han!!?"

After saying this, Shen Shixing suddenly stopped talking, and looked around vigilantly. The piano room and inner courtyard were empty, and Shen Shixing sat back on his chair in a slumped manner.

An anxious look gradually appeared on Shen Shixing's face, he patted his forehead with his hand, and murmured a personal name in a low voice:

"Feng Bao. Zhang Cheng Zhang Hong Li Youzi. Zhang Jing Li Wei"

Every time he said a word, there was a short pause, Shen Shixing shook his head, and the expression on his face became more and more anxious. The top eunuchs and ministers in the inner and outer dynasties, and the most powerful foreign relatives Xungui, said their names one by one. He kept shaking his head, and finally fell silent again, the expression on his face gradually changed from anxiety to despair.

".Wang Tong."

Shen Shihang suddenly said the name, and after finishing speaking, Shen Shihang stood up from his seat, walked quickly back and forth in the room, nodded heavily, and said in a slightly louder voice:
"Wang Tong!!"


There are so many people on official errands, merchants, and travelers from the capital to Tianjin Wei that no one will notice if there is one more person or one less person. Besides, the most important thing now is the return of the first assistant to the capital.
Ask for a monthly ticket, there will be another update later, thank you, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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