Chapter 266
"Elder Ge is tired from the journey, and he has to go home to rest. Lord Long Live will hold a banquet in the palace tomorrow to welcome Elder Ge."

"Your Majesty is terrified, and I thank Your Majesty for your kindness."

Outside the capital city, hundreds of officials gathered, and the eunuch Zhang Hong, the supervisor of ceremonies, greeted Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the dynasty, on behalf of the emperor. Such a scene was really rare in the Ming Dynasty.

After the series of etiquettes were over, Zhang Hong became more casual. Although Zhang Juzheng was unparalleled in the outer court, he was always polite to the eunuchs in the inner court.

"There are Jiangling specialties here, father-in-law don't think it's shabby."

The high-ranking eunuchs and ministers of the court and the central government had already gathered here, Zhang Juzheng asked his servants to bring a plate without hesitation, since it is the first-class taboo for foreign ministers to make friends with the inner court.

But this taboo exists in name only, everyone is doing it, Zhang Juzheng's move seems aboveboard, but no one can say anything behind his back.

"Zhang Ge is always polite, and our family is just taking it with a face!"

If this white jade boy's pillow is also shabby, I'm afraid there will be nothing rich and noble in the world. Zhang Hong accepted it with a smile on his face, and said to Zhang Juzheng:
"Mr. Zhang Ge, our family has returned to the palace to return to our orders. You always go home and rest. Enter the palace tomorrow!"

Zhang Juzheng bowed his hands in salute, and when Zhang Hong left, several senior scholars from the cabinet gathered together, and several ministers and imperial envoys who were not in the cabinet were squeezed outside.

Seeing these top people in the world bowing to him and expressing their flattery in various ways, Zhang Juzheng felt that it was normal and it was a matter of course.

"Government affairs are important. There are still many things to discuss at the court meeting tomorrow. You should go back first. I am also a little tired."

This is the eviction order, the smiles on everyone's faces remained undiminished, and they all said a few words of concern before leaving, Zhang Juzheng got into the carriage with the support of his long follower You Qi.

As soon as the carriage entered the city, someone outside reported:

"The Commander of Jinyiwei, Liu Shouyou, Mr. Liu is here."

Zhang Juzheng didn't say a word in the carriage, he just leaned towards the window beside him, Liu Shouyou had already leaned his horse over, and said towards the curtained window:

"Master Ge, the news of these two days did not reach you immediately, but it is not a big deal. I will tell you that a clean-up guest under Mr. Shen's family was kicked out. The news from the people in their mansion , Said that the Qingke had an affair with a female musician in the mansion."

Zhang Juzheng in the carriage frowned and said dissatisfiedly:
"Why do you talk about such things, pick up the important ones and talk about it."

"Elder Ge, Mr. Shen and his wife are very affectionate. It is said that several female musicians have worshiped him as foster father in private. This Qingke's reputation is also very good. If there is something really going on, wouldn't it be better to marry him? .”

The Commander of Jinyiwei continued to explain a few more words, Zhang Juzheng patted the wall of the carriage with his hand, and said in a cold voice:
"Small things are useless, talk about something else!"

"It's my subordinate Meng Lang. Yesterday, His Majesty mentioned the matter of gold flowers and silver at the court meeting. This subordinate also went to Eunuch Feng's to find out. It seems that this matter is His Majesty's own idea."

Zhang Juzheng just said "hmm" inside, and Liu Shouyou didn't know whether his news was right or wrong, so he was uneasy for a while, and then said:
"Bing Dao Panda in Tianjin Acropolis, General Li Dameng, and Tongzhi Gao of the Qing Army jointly impeached Jinyi's pro-army Qianhu Wang Tong for wanton acts in Tianjin, harassing the people, extorting money, and killing innocent people indiscriminately. , It is said that the people from the Transit Department of the Household Department, and the father-in-law sent by the palace to Tianjin to supervise the grain, also delivered papers to their respective superiors."

After saying this, Zhang Juzheng fell silent. Liu Shouyou rode his horse outside the carriage and followed for a while, and finally couldn't help but whispered:
"Old Ge, the officials of the Kodao are all on the move. Now it is the adults of the Metropolitan Procuratorate who are suppressing it. It is estimated that it will only be a few days. After all, this Wang Tong is under the jurisdiction of his subordinates. Come down here, and then I have to ask the old man to take care of me."


Zhang Juzheng agreed lightly in the carriage, and when the carriage arrived at the door, Liu Shouyou, commander of Jinyiwei, had nothing to report, so he whispered outside:

"Ge Lao has been exhausted all the way, so let's take a rest, and the subordinates will come back tomorrow."

"Shouyou, there are quite a few academies in each province, arrange for your subordinates to check it out, check the number, and finish it before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

When Liu Shouyou was about to leave, Zhang Juzheng said something behind him. Although Liu Shouyou didn't know why Zhang Juzheng wanted to investigate, he still accepted the assigned order.

Zhang Juzheng got off the carriage, and the people staying behind in the mansion naturally came out to greet him, it was quite lively again.

It was either an official boat or a big sedan chair along the way, Zhang Juzheng was naturally not tired, so he went straight to the study after returning home, naturally there was a personal attendant to deliver the corresponding papers.

Not long after, someone announced that "Feng Youning is coming to pay homage". Since Zhang Hong, the eunuch with the supervisor of ceremonies, responded, Feng Bao, the eunuch with palm seal, could not come out. This is a matter of etiquette.

However, because of a personal relationship, Feng Bao sent his nephew Feng Youning here, and it was considered impolite. After entering the room and kowtowed, Feng Youning said:
"My uncle and Zhang Cheng have the same intentions about the increase in the amount of gold flowers and silver. I thought I would talk to His Majesty after the boss came back. I only gave a blowjob beforehand, and the amount of 30 taels was added. Unchanged, who knows that Long Live Lord has his own idea, and wants to add 100 million taels."

Sending someone to explain this matter was actually to express our attitude to Zhang Juzheng. This matter was not instigated by the eunuchs of the inner court. After all, the increase of gold flowers and silver would always benefit the palace.

"The imperial court knew that Li Dameng was not from Lao Qi, so he was put in Tianjin as a general. Otherwise, he would not be at ease."

Yu Dayou didn't know why, but he suddenly said this to Wang Tong. There were nearly 20 soldiers in Jizhen, and Qi Jiguang was a famous general who was proficient in military tactics and good at training soldiers. A person needs to be arranged to guard, but this person cannot be arranged by Qi Jiguang.

If Jizhen can completely control Tianjin, it means that it can provide food and grass for itself. If it is slightly different, it may be an uncontrollable situation. This is also a strategy of controlling big and small.

However, since he is such a character, if Wang Tong wants to fight, the court may not easily move him.

That day the archer sniped Wang Tong in the alley, afterward he could guess who was in charge, but he couldn't move him for a while, there were reasons both internal and external, Wang Tong knew it well, but Yu Dayou was afraid that he would not be able to figure out this joint, so he also nodded.

"I understand that when all preparations are not complete, this matter will not be spread, and I will only say that nothing happened."

Sitting opposite Yu Dayou, Wang Tong got up and thanked him first, and then said his plan in a deep voice. Yu Dayou took a sip from the large coarse porcelain teapot, and said with a smile:

"If you really want to do something, you can use your backstage connections in the capital. Why do you build a car behind closed doors here? Wang Tong, the old man has been fighting for so many years. He has fought against the Tartars and Japanese pirates in the south and north. This cannon is a siege. The good things in the village are useless.”

"My lord, the workshop is ready, please go over and have a look."

Hearing the greeting from outside, Wang Tong got up and cupped his fists, bowed in salute and said:

"Master Yu, I'm going to go over there to test the guns. This recruit training camp asks Master Yu to help train and use the soldiers regardless of the labor. Please take the trouble."

Yu Dayou waved his hand impatiently, and said:

"There is an old man watching over you, and people from the three battalions sweep around every day, so there won't be any bastards coming out to bite people. It's also a good opportunity for military training."

Wang Tong cupped his fists again as a salute, turned around and strode out the door.

Outside the house, General Tan and a group of people were waiting there. After passing through the back alleys, every time Wang Tong went in and out of the city, he was accompanied by more than fifty cavalry guards.

Three of the generals of the Tan family died, but General Tan didn't show any sadness on his face, but he was much calmer than usual. When they saw Wang Tong going out, everyone bowed as a salute.

Wang Tong walked in front, Tan Jiang followed, Wang Tong slowed down and said in a low voice:
"When the matter is settled, your three brothers will have a grand funeral. The news must be suppressed right now. You brothers have to bear with it. I owe you all."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Tan Jiang shook his body, bowed and replied in a low voice:
"The little ones have been wielding knives and swords for so many years, and they dare not expect a happy death. With the words of the master, they did not die in vain. They went down to see the elder, and they can say that they have lived up to the entrustment of the elder."

Although what he said was appropriate, at the end of the sentence, General Tan's voice was still a little unclear. Wang Tong stepped forward and continued:
"Each family has 1000 taels of pension money. From now on, I will take care of these three families. The old ones will take care of the elderly, and the young ones will want to study and learn martial arts. In the future, I will take care of the family and business."

People are not afraid of death, what they worry about is the wives, children and parents left behind. As Wang Tong said, General Tan also had a lot of worries, but everyone was bored.

The blacksmith workshop is on the north side of the recruit training camp, and there is also a barren beach where no grass can grow, and it is farther away from the canal and the city. No one in Wang Tong's circle said anything wrong.

Although it is a workshop, it occupies a large area. The real iron furnace occupies a small area, mainly because the site required for testing the cannon is not small.

Three cannons are placed over there, and a simple fort is built with earthworks below. Dozens of soldiers are busy there, but a general of the Tan family is there to demonstrate and teach, and it is also dark under the lamp. He was looking for a firearms lesson, but he didn't expect that someone in the Tan family would understand.

This family general followed the cannon test series of things, and it is also strange that his name did not have the word "pao", but it was called Tan Huo.

Wang Tong frowned and walked to the front, everyone dodged to salute, Wang Tong looked back and forth several times, turned around and asked several craftsmen:
"Is this a cannon?"

"My lord, this is it."

"Isn't there an iron wheel under the cannon? You can walk with a horse."
Thank you everyone, Lao Bai went out to eat, come back to see if the monthly ticket has increased, ^_^, thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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