Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 267 Concealment and Quality Inspection

Chapter 267 Concealment and Quality Inspection
The so-called pigs run without eating pork. Wang Tong has seen too many pigs running. When he said this, Qiao Dayi was still explaining foolishly.

"My lord, when the cannon is pushed, it is indeed placed on the wooden box. Before firing the cannon, the wooden box must be buried with soil and fixed with ropes and wooden nails."

Wang Tong was confused, he waved his hand to tell them to shut up, and took a pointed wooden stick to draw directly on the ground. In his memory, this kind of artillery in the middle ages should have a big iron wheel, and the iron wheel There is an iron frame on the ground. When the gun is mounted, the tail of the iron frame is placed on the ground. When it is in action, the iron frame is leveled and pulled away by horses.

He drew and explained there, Qiao Da and other blacksmiths in several local workshops were all amazed, while Bean, Carlos, and Acero turned pale.

Before they finished speaking, the three people had already knelt down and kowtowed over there. This sudden behavior made Wang Tong stunned, but he didn't ask the reason. He turned to the people in the workshop and said:

"My officer said that the artillery needs to be inspected and tested. Have you done all of this?"

Tan Huo is a solid man, but he spoke first:
"Returning to the master, I tried it. Before firing the cannon, I used a log stick that was a little thinner than the cannon muzzle to stick in through the cannon muzzle. It went all the way to the end without any hindrance. These three cannons fired more than ten shots, which was very smooth. .”

Use a round wooden rod about the same thickness as the caliber to reach the bottom to check whether the barrel is straight and whether the interior is smooth. This is related to whether the barrel will explode. More than ten shots have been fired. There will be too many problems.

Hearing this assurance, Wang Tongcai turned to the three foreigners and said:
"What are you kowtowing for!?"

Different from the contempt and ignorance of foreigners in this era, Wang Tong is still wary of these people. When the strength is inferior, the white people are respectful and respectful, and when the strength exceeds it, they immediately become vicious wolves.

So he had to ask his own family what the problem was, and then asked the foreigners. Acero kowtowed on the ground and said in a crying voice:

"My lord, when you were in Frangji, the young ones just watched the master make it, and didn't participate in it. They didn't really learn it until they came to the firearms workshop in Tianjin. The cannon that the big lord said is only true for the young ones. It can only be done by experienced firearms masters, but the younger ones don’t understand it. If you really do it by force, I’m afraid it will delay the adults’ business.”

Wang Tong was stunned when he heard this, and turned his head to look at Qiao Da. Qiao Da trembled all over, and hurriedly turned to ask a craftsman:

"Qi Zhuzi, didn't you say that this cannon is well made, better than your firearms workshop? Why are these three ghosts here to deceive you? It's your fault!!"

The craftsman's face was dark, and he turned purple when he was said so. He glanced at the three foreigners, then at Wang Tong and the armed warriors behind him, and immediately called out his grievances, and hurriedly said:

"Shopkeeper Qiao, Mr. Wang, this cannon is really good. It turns out that such a cannon is made in the official workshop. If the army wants it, it will cost more money. Eunuch Lu is very strict. Waiting for a good cannon, make it out." Afterwards, Eunuch Lu counted them as usual and kept them alone, and the towns would clearly mark the price when they came to ask for it.”

Tan Huo nodded and said:

"The cannon is good. I heard from Qiao Da, and now I have built these three. I thought that only one cannon would be usable, but I didn't expect all three to be so good."

Wang Tong was a little confused when he heard that, these three foreign craftsmen obviously learned how to make cannons when they came to Tianjin Craftsmanship. Seeing that the three are not geniuses, why did they make good cannons.

As if hearing the question in Wang Tong's mind, Carlos kowtowed and said tremblingly:
"Eunuch Lu's workshop was finished, and there was no one to advise it. It was so-so when it was done. The three of you, the younger ones, kept an eye on it. From the selection of materials to the subsequent pouring, they did not dare to relax. It is naturally good. Others are confused, as long as they look like a cannon, it’s over, and no one cares about it when it’s piled up in the warehouse and sent out, so it’s all dealt with carelessly.”

Three foreign devils with high noses and deep eyes, said in Mandarin with some accents that the work of the official workshop was not careful, and they dealt with it indiscriminately. , These few people coughed a few times unnaturally or lowered their heads or turned their eyes away.

Wang Tong felt uncomfortable, and said in a deep voice:
"Qi Zhuzi, are the three people telling the truth just now?"

"Back to the old man, that's the way it is. However, the money is not paid, or the money is not paid, and the urging is urgent. Anyway, the thing is made, and everyone cares whether it can be used or not."

The more you talk, the lower your voice is. This is not a glorious thing. The chill on Wang Tong's face gradually increased. Finally, he sighed and turned to the three foreigners and said:
"Stand up, and from now on, just stare at it from beginning to end. You must memorize everything you make, and who made it. If something goes wrong with these weapons and firearms, if it is because of the weapon If something goes wrong and an arm is broken on the battlefield, the person who made this weapon will have his arm broken, and if someone dies on the battlefield, the person who made this weapon will die with him!"

The voice gradually became louder. Wang Tong looked around. Every craftsman he saw lowered his head. Wang Tong's voice became louder:
"Qiao Da, you are the leader. If you come to watch this matter and want the people below you to cut off their limbs and heads, do you think you will be safe?"

Qiao Da shivered, knelt down hastily, kowtowed and said loudly:
"Please don't worry, Eldest Master, the younger one will definitely keep an eye on this scene for Elder Master, and there will be no mistakes."

None of the craftsmen on the side dared to continue standing, they all knelt down, and the production without quality inspection would be rotten goods, and the weapons and firearms that are life-threatening are produced here, and even more so. Don't be a little sloppy, Wang Tong raised his voice and said:
"Did you ever get less points for what you should get here, and you didn't eat enough for that meal. Since I am worthy of you, you should also be worthy of me. Get up and prepare!"

Everyone stood up tremblingly, Wang Tong turned his head and said to Cai Nan in a low voice:

"Write the things I just said into rules and read them to everyone in this workshop, let them know the rules, and let them know how powerful the rules are!"

Cai Nan nodded respectfully, and Wang Tong said to the three foreigners who had just regained their composure standing there:

"You can't make it, and all the people who can make it are there. Could it be that you want to go to Franz's side?"

Just now, the three foreigners listened to Wang Tong's words with a vague sense of praise, and their hearts were relieved a lot. Hearing Wang Tong's question, it was Bean who answered this time. His attitude was extremely respectful, and he said:
"Back to the old man, there are also craftsmen in Daming who can build the kind of gun mounts and artillery that the adults said, and there are troops stationed in Macau by the little Franji, and there are also some craftsmen who accompanied the army or migrated here. Many of these people are skilled craftsmen. "

In Macau, Wang Tong lived there and learned blacksmithing skills there. When he mentioned this place name, he also pondered.

When he left from there, he was still a son of Xiaoqi, and his expectation for the future was only to make a living. Now his status and status are different. Over there, Tan Huo has already begun to direct the soldiers to charge the gun barrels for compaction. Wang Tong left He took two steps, pondered for a while, stopped and asked:
"How long does it take to go from Tianjin to Macau, Guangdong? Do you have to go to Nanzhili to go to sea?"

Zhang Shiqiang, who had been silent all this time, took a step forward and said:
"These days, my subordinates inquired about things over the Haihe River. Many boats there came from the south, and they went back and forth. If the sea route is smooth and suitable, it will take four months."

At that time, Wang Tong followed his father back to the capital, and went north on the canal where he changed boats in Nanzhili. The time conversion was about the same. He nodded and said:
"Go and ask the old boss of the warehouse to come tonight. He should have dealt with people at sea, and I will entrust him with some things."

Zhang Shiqiang bowed and agreed, and Wang Tong walked up to the cannon. Compared with the cannons seen in various media in that life, the structure of the cannon at this time is simple and rough, but it is still the most powerful in this era. A powerful weapon, Wang Tong stroked the cannon body with his hand.

Qiao Da followed behind and said:

"My lord, these three cannons are four-jin cannons. It is the first time for the small one to build this thing, but the door can ring, and the inner chamber is cleaned smoothly."

16 taels a catty, four catties is almost seven pounds, and the gun body is estimated to be two meters, Wang Tong unconsciously converted it with modern units.

"How far can you hit?"

"Looking at the charge, there are eight hundred and nine hundred steps."

Qiao Da is familiar with these numbers, Wang Tong quickly reported the answer to every question, and Wang Tong kept talking about the numbers as if he was doing some comparison.

There were three cannons over there, and the soldiers held wooden bars to tamp the shells inward. Tan Huo stabbed into the fire doors with a long awl, and then carefully guided the lead wires in.

After all the preparations were completed, Tan Huo raised his voice towards Wang Tong and said:
"Master, please come over and light the cannon!"

Then someone handed Wang Tong a thin iron rod with a wooden handle. The front of the iron rod was already red-hot. Wang Tong took the iron rod and leaned towards the lead wire, and said in a low voice:

The lead wire begins to burn rapidly.

On the morning of June [-], Wenyuan Pavilion in the imperial city of the capital.

"Why don't you see Mr. Shen, usually you will be here at this time."

"Didn't you hear that Yang Sichen, the cleaner, had something to do with Qin Niang in his mansion? Maybe it's embarrassing to come after the incident happened."

They were discussing happily, but they heard someone clear their throats. The two followed the voice and saw that it was Zhang Siwei, a senior scholar and Minister of the Ministry of War, who was nodding with a smile in his direction.

The two of them didn't dare to talk anymore, thinking that Mr. Zhang was really protecting his comrades. The eunuch outside informed that the chief assistant, Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Ge, had grown old.——
Ask for a monthly ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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