Chapter 268
The bosses sit high, but there are very few people who don't ask for concubines. Whoever is rich is willing to guard the dross. There are so many beautiful women who are willing to enter the door, and no one can bear it.

Shen Shixing, a scholar and Minister of the Ministry of Rites, is a special case. He is ranked in the top five among civil servants, both in terms of appearance and in fact. He is already the top person in the world, but he has always been quite self-disciplined in this respect.

Shen Shixing's wife was engaged to him when he was young, and after they got married, they had three sons and two daughters. The couple were very loving. Although there were Qin Niang and singing prostitutes in the mansion, they had never heard of any act of contamination.

This kind of behavior is quite unusual among big bosses, and everyone is so jealous that it can't be said, but seeing such a thing happen in such an old-fashioned family, everyone feels gloating.

Master Zhang, the chief assistant, and Eunuch Feng of the inner court are in charge of everything, and small matters are under the jurisdiction of Zhang Siwei, the senior scholar of Zhang Siwei.

As a member of Zhang Juzheng's party, although Shen Shixing got a errand, he is a cabinet scholar after all, and the minister who did not join the cabinet and the officials of the yamen are jealous. Seeing him making a fool of himself, although they didn't say anything, they all gloated thoughts.

Zhang Siwei, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, cleared his throat and nodded with a smile, which was already an obvious statement for these bigwigs who were concerned with observing words and emotions.

Everyone didn't dare to continue discussing, but they were adjusting their judgments in their hearts. They all said that Zhang Siwei and Shen Shixing were at odds, but judging from Zhang Siwei's maintenance attitude at this time, it seemed that this might not be the case.

In the imperial city, in the Wenyuan Pavilion, this is the center of the world. The great politics of the two Zhili and thirteen provinces of the Ming Empire are decided here. Everyone who can be here is a human being. A look, a small change in expression , everyone will analyze and judge.

Zhang Siwei and Shen Shixing are Zhang Juzheng's disciples, and they are loyal to the chief assistant Zhang Juzheng, but their relationship with each other has always been very weak, which is also a normal situation.

Zhang Siwei, Zhang Han, Li Youzi, and Shen Shixing all obeyed Zhang Juzheng's words and all supported Zhang Juzheng's government orders, but they had no connection with each other.

Everyone is in such a high position, if they are closely connected with each other, it is okay to say that others are so jealous, I am afraid that Mr. Zhang Ge, the chief assistant, will be suspicious himself.

Both Zhang Siwei and Shen Shixing entered the cabinet either by luck or by means of their wrists, and their relationship with each other became more and more estranged. In the past, they might still be able to chat for a few words. After both sides entered the cabinet, there was a faint sense of competition between them. Relationship, relationship is cold and abnormal.

Don't say it's just chatting, like passers-by on weekdays, as long as Zhang Juzheng doesn't propose it in the cabinet, if one proposes it, the other will definitely keep silent.

However, Zhang Juzheng never said anything about the relationship between the two below, perhaps only such a relationship can reassure him.

Zhang Siwei and Shen Shixing can understand this matter, and other bigwigs can also understand it, so Zhang Siwei's intention to protect it today has made many people puzzled, and some people even thought that Shen Shixing today Is there any other relationship if the illness does not come?

When you are in court, you must think of the things you can think of, and you must also think of the things you can't think of. Otherwise, if you miss one step, you may be lost forever.

Originally, during the time waiting for Zhang Juzheng, it was customary for the courtiers to talk about romantic affairs that had nothing to do with political affairs, but after what happened just now, everyone sat upright, but hints in each other's eyes were unavoidable.

Following the transmission, the chief assistant Zhang Juzheng walked into the room, and everyone stood up abruptly. Apart from saying hello, they also wanted to greet Mr. Ge for his journey and express his condolences to Mr. Ge for his hard work.

In the past few months, Zhang Juzheng went back and forth from the north to the south, traveling the provinces like an emperor on a tour, majestic, so there is no hard work, but no one will mention it.

A few of them looked at Zhang Siwei when they were saying hello, and found that Zhang Siwei was as usual, respectful and polite, without any neglect.

Not long after Zhang Juzheng sat in his seat, the announcement of "the emperor is coming" came from outside, and everyone had to stand up to greet him.

"I haven't seen Mr. Zhang for a few months. I miss you very much. It's been a hard journey. Mr. Zhang seems to have relieved a lot. All dear friends."

As soon as Emperor Wanli entered the house, he first walked up to Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, helped him up with his own hands, and asked about his health. This move made everyone sigh inwardly. Lord Shoufu is Lord Shoufu, and no one has the status in His Majesty's heart. Can't compare!
"Your Majesty misses the humble minister, and the minister is terrified."

Zhang Juzheng thanked Zhang Juzheng for a few words. Feng Bao, who was following the emperor, looked up at Emperor Wanli. There will never be a smile on the face.

He hated the daily lessons so much, he would rather his strict teacher Zhang Juzheng come back a few days later. Coming back now means that his life is not so free, how can he be happy, and because Zhang Juzheng is not an outsider, Emperor Wanli will not hide his feelings.

But today, the little emperor Wanli spoke appropriately, and his attitude was kind, but Feng Bao always felt that the inner meaning was not so intimate.

I was a little bit puzzled, but watching Emperor Wanli lift up Zhang Juzheng and speak with a smile all the time, Feng Bao also felt that he was paranoid, the emperor was not a child, he was growing up, and his behavior became more and more mature up.

With a smile on his face, the little emperor Wanli said that he would set up a banquet in the palace at noon to clean up the dust for Zhang Shoufu, and then Zhang Juzheng wanted to thank him for his kindness. After this series of etiquette routines were over, everyone settled down.

Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaozhen, asked the imperial court to allocate food and pay, prepare for military training, and plan to launch another campaign against the Tartar Taining Department at the turn of autumn and winter, and completely wipe out this bandit that has harassed the border for many years.Qi Jiguang, the commander-in-chief of Ji Town, asked to recruit young men from Yongping Mansion and Hejian Mansion to repair the side wall and fortress of Ji Town. .

These are all under the jurisdiction of Zhang Siwei, Shangshu of the Ministry of War. After speaking, Zhang Juzheng was silent at first, then turned to Ma Ziqiang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, and asked:

"Is there enough money and food in the treasury?"

Asked about this, Ma Ziqiang, Minister of the Household Department, who is also a bachelor, replied loudly:

"There are still 400 million taels of silver in the treasury. This is all thanks to His Majesty's sages. The old man Qingzhang Tianmu has contributed, and the treasury will be safe from now on!!"

He was almost sixty years old, but he was full of air when he spoke. What Ma Ziqiang said about the national treasury was second, and the point was to flatter Zhang Juzheng heavily.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present, Ma Ziqiang is the only person from Guanzhong who has been in the cabinet. It seems that he has a reason for being able to get this position. The official words with a Guanzhong accent spoke loudly, and everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, and then everyone agreed. A few words are nothing more than praising His Majesty's sage and wise old man.

Zhang Juzheng showed a little smile on his face, turned his head and said to Zhang Siwei:

"Your Majesty, both Li Chengliang and Qi Jiguang are veteran generals, and they are doing things safely, and the Ministry of Taining is at the end of its rope. I answer that the Ministry should do something to deal with it. Your Majesty, can Ziwei take the lead in this matter? The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households together Check it out, calculate the amount, and then transfer the money?"

Even though he was asking Emperor Wanli for his opinion, he had already made up his mind on everything. Emperor Wanli nodded with a smile, and said:
"Mr. Zhang is thinking that after the cabinet vote is drafted, Feng Daban will approve it!"

Feng Bao, who was standing on the side, responded, and Zhang Siwei took out another booklet there, and said:
"Ling Yunyi, the governor of Guangdong, wrote a letter saying that it is not appropriate to neglect this matter. I ask my ministers to discuss it in the court proceedings. If there is approval, then I will act spiritually."

Emperor Wanli nodded, but Zhang Siwei still saw Zhang Juzheng's chin nodding, so he stepped forward and said:
"Chen Lin, deputy commander in chief and general of Dong'an, mentioned many times that Folangji rented the land of Macau in the Ming Dynasty, but he didn't feel at ease doing business in Macau. Instead, he built walls, stockpiled firearms, and colluded with pirates in Fujian. Although the number of people doing illegal things is less than [-], they are not of our race and should be guarded against, but the ships of the Guangdong navy are old and cannot withstand a war, so I request the imperial court to allocate money to repair the ships and prepare the navy."

Zhang Juzheng pondered for a while, stroked his long beard with his hands, and said:
"Chen Lin, Tan Zili has mentioned many times that this person is proficient in the art of war, especially in naval warfare. There should be a reason why he talked about this matter. What do you think?"

In other words, Zhang Juzheng didn't make up his mind and wanted to ask everyone's opinions. Several people looked at each other, and Ma Ziqiang said in a deep voice:
"Your Majesty, I have also heard about the affairs of Macau. To tell the truth, there are only a few thousand, and the young and strong are only three thousand. Most of these people are merchants and sailors. What can they do? There are more than 20 troops from Fujian and Guangdong. There are also hundreds of warships. If something really happens, it can be pacified in an instant. Although the national treasury is abundant, it still needs to live within its means. Frontier towns are important places. The troubles in the seaports are nothing but small troubles. You can organize the navy and build warships. There is no one million taels. Yes, although the problem of Japanese pirates has been calmed down, there are still many warships built at that time, and the navy soldiers and horses are all elite soldiers who have been on the battlefield. According to Yichen, the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian should be on guard, that's all."

Everyone nodded, why should there be so much gossip, Macau, Guangdong Province is a poor place, and the Frangji fan rented it, so it was up to him. Chen Lin's Dong'an Adviser is in charge of land and sea affairs It doesn't matter, the governor of Guangdong, Ling Yunyi, was urged to write this letter, presumably to ask for merit in battle, he is really an ignorant warrior, don't he know that using swords will kill people, it goes without saying that the court spends money.

"Your Majesty, what does your Majesty mean by ordering Guangdong to be vigilant and not to relax?"

"Mr. Zhang is right, so let's do it."

"Your Majesty, the Secretary of General Administration has submitted the memorandum and notes of the officials to the Supervisor of Rituals. I wonder what His Majesty's will is?"

Lu Guangming, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, came out and said——
Ask for a monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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