Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 269 The Monarchs Talk About Jinmen Why Ask Wang Tong

Chapter 269 The Monarchs Talk About Jinmen Why Ask Wang Tong

"When Tan Shangshu was here, he also mentioned Chen Lin to me many times, talking about water warfare, this person is the number one in the world."

When Lu Guangming came out, Emperor Wanli turned his head and said to Zhang Juzheng, leaving the person there directly, the emperor asked, and the ministers should wait.

Zhang Juzheng nodded sideways and said:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, Tan Zili also talked about this person with his ministers, but the Japanese pirates have been pacified, and the Fujian and Guangdong sea bandits dare not cause harm to the inland. The navy is only a precaution, which is of little use, and Chen Lin is also a good general on land. How many credits have been paid to eradicate the Miao Rebellion, and it can be regarded as the best use of talents."

Emperor Wanli thought about it, and said with a serious expression:
"The land is my territory, isn't it the sea? Those red-haired people used tricks to rent Macau in Guangdong. Every time I think about it, I feel uncomfortable. Although the contract is made, I can't let them live on the territory of Ming Dynasty. Xiaoyao, Mr. Zhang, the cabinet and the Ministry of War have a discussion, let Chen Lin manage the navy in Guangdong."

Zhang Juzheng pondered for a while, turned around to look at Zhang Siwei, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty accepts the order, but there is one thing that your Majesty must be careful about. Land is the foundation of the country, and the sea is a small matter. The actions of Sanbao eunuchs going abroad and other actions that consume people's wealth must not be done again!"

This statement was agreed by all the ministers in Wenyuan Pavilion, and everyone came out and knelt on the ground and said:
"Your Majesty, please think carefully!"

Emperor Wanli didn't expect his words to provoke such a reaction, he hesitated, and said:
"I am in the tiger. I have heard that there are endless wealth in the sea. The Nanzhili and Fujian and Zhejiang sea merchants are each rich."

As soon as these words were spoken, the room was silent. The ministers exchanged glances with each other, and Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng also exchanged glances. Zhang Cheng clenched his hands a few times, walked out from the side, and knelt on the He kowtowed to the ground and said:

"Long live lord, my servant will die. Yesterday, in order to make you happy, long live lord, I found a few storybooks for you. The things on it are all made up, and they can't be done. I missed the long live lord, and my servant will die. Doom!"

Wanli was stunned for a moment, his fair and round face quickly flushed red, and Zhang Cheng already kowtowed. Emperor Wanli glanced at Zhang Juzheng who was kneeling on the ground, and found that Zhang Juzheng was staring at him and shook his head slightly.

The redness on Emperor Wanli's face slowly disappeared, and he said after a while of silence:
"It's none of Zhang Banban's business, it's just that I'm too credulous. Get up, and all your lovers, get up too!"

An eunuch showed the emperor the scriptures, and convinced the emperor to believe that the words were true, and then brought the words that he believed to be true to the court meeting. Everyone was silent for the second time.

A sophisticated eunuch like Zhang Cheng, who confessed to the heinous crime just now, returned to Feng Bao's side like a normal person after getting up.

And the sharp-eyed one could still see Feng Bao nodding slightly to Zhang Cheng, and the ministers in the room all returned to their original positions as if nothing had happened.

Lu Guangming, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, was left there just now, but he was so sophisticated that he didn't notice it at all. After Wenyuan Pavilion became quiet, he came out again and said:
"Your Majesty, the memorandums of officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Imperial Academy, and the Imperial College have been handed over to the Secretary of General Administration in the past few days. I wonder what His Majesty's will is?"

The smile on Emperor Wanli's face had long since disappeared, and he said coldly:

"I don't know why Lu Aiqing is so sure. How do you know that these memorials have not been sent back by the Supervisor of Ceremonies? I must have seen them?"

Lu Guangming looked stunned. According to the rules, the memorial should be handed over to the Secretary of the General Administration, and then the Secretary of the General Administration will pass it on to the Supervisor of Rituals. After being reviewed, it will be in the hands of the emperor. Most of the time, the Supervisor of Rites will directly approve the unimportant memorials, which is not good for eunuchs. The memorial was sent back directly, and the emperor didn't even know about it.

This time, Lu Guangming, the imperial censor, seemed to know that these memorials were in the hands of the emperor, so he asked directly, but Emperor Wanli caught the conversation.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Lu is the chief inspector, and it is his duty to ask such a question. If there is a slight slip of the tongue, His Majesty is magnanimous, just let it go!"

When Lu Guangming didn't know if he should kneel down and plead guilty, Zhang Juzheng calmly relieved him. After saying this, Emperor Wanli stopped asking, and said with some resentment:
"The widow does not receive the memorial that day, God knows what Master Lu said!?"

"Master Lu, when the officials go to the shuffle, they usually discuss with their superiors. As the leader of the supervisory officials, Master Lu naturally knows the most. Just speak up!"

Zhang Juzheng said again, Lu Guangming just tidied up a little bit, and said loudly:
"Tianjin Acropolis is a water transportation hub, a place where grain, fodder and supplies gather, and a first-class important town. The imperial court set up an official office in Tianjin to severely punish lawbreakers and supervise the transfer of transportation. Tianjin set up the Jinyiwei Thousand Household Office for these duties. Now Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu Wang Tong acted recklessly and ran amok."

After hearing the name "Wang Tong", some of the officials in Wenyuan Pavilion directly lowered their heads, and some were contemplative, but took a few steps back.

"Wang Tong drove Jinyi guards to run rampant in the city, forcibly distributed safety signs to various shops and households, extorted money, and killed good people in the street. The people were forcibly expelled from the city, and the people were frightened by the power, and they dared not speak out."

After Lu Guangming finished speaking loudly, Shen Bingfeng, the censor of the right capital, also came out and said:

"Tianjin Acropolis is an important place for the military and state, and there can be no slightest mistake. Wang Tong's actions, not to mention corruption and violation of the law, ruined the reputation of the imperial court here in Tianjin and disturbed the major affairs of the water transportation. This is the key to the Ming Dynasty. I ask Your Majesty to order Wang Tong to be brought to justice, and punish Liu Shou, the commander of Jinyiwei, for negligence!"

Emperor Wanli sat there and looked at the ministers lined up on both sides. He couldn't see anything on the faces of these old men, all of them looked like old gods.

Emperor Wanli leaned back, and a smile gradually appeared on his cold face. Although the officials were standing upright, everyone was observing the emperor's expression.

This sudden smile also gave people a feeling of inscrutability and profoundness. Everyone felt a little weird. Emperor Wanli said:
"Do Lu Aiqing and Shen Aiqing have any other reports?"

Ma Ziqiang, a bachelor and Hubu Shangshu who has been silent for a long time, said in a report:

"Your Majesty, the Transshipment Department of the Household Department has also sent letters to your ministers in the past few days, saying that Wang Qianhu seems to be particularly hostile to the sailors and labor on the canal in Tianjin. Otherwise, the supply of grain and rice in the capital city will not be enough, and I am afraid that something big will happen immediately!"

The smile on Emperor Wanli's face was faint, and he said loudly:

"Brother, bring the report and letters from Dongchang!"

Feng Bao hurriedly moved the stacks of newspapers in front of Emperor Wanli. The few people in the house who knew the inside story were all staring at Feng Bao. Wan Dao, the eunuch of Tianjin Supervising Grain, must have also written it. Why didn't Feng Bao mention it? The eunuch's speech must be more powerful.

"My dear friends, have you ever heard of the name Chuantouxiang?"

Emperor Wanli picked up a paper and asked leisurely. Everyone in the room was taken aback. Zhang Juzheng was stroking his beard with his hand, but he turned his head to look at everyone in the room when he heard it. There was a look of astonishment, but Feng Bao said softly from behind:

"The boat head incense is an association of laborers on the canal wharf and boatmen on the boat burning incense."

Feng Bao is in charge of Dongchang, so these news are naturally understood. Emperor Wanli continued:

"Once there are too many people, you will become more courageous. Relying on the power of the crowd, this Chuantou Incense actually forces merchants to burn incense in the city. The incense is all paid in taels of silver. The people are struggling to live and complaining endlessly. Feng Daban, is this the truth?"

"If you go back to the Long Live Lord, it is true."

"Wang Tong was not afraid of risks and wiped out the evil deeds. His killing in the street was only to save the suffering master who was persecuted by Chuantouxiang. Companion, these things must have been included in the Dongchang report!"

"If you go back to the Long Live Lord, there are all of them. The confession of the suffering master has also been sent, and there are some other evil deeds of the boat head incense."

Feng Bao answered in a low voice, with a helpless expression on his face, but he did not answer slowly. Emperor Wanli smiled and put the document back on the desk, and asked softly:
"Dear dear friends, Chuantouxiang has been rampant in Tianjin for so long, and none of the civil and military officials of Tianjin Wei has reported it. Feng Daban, Zhang Banban, and the Secretary of Rites received the memorials of the Secretary of General Affairs. Are they all sent back? The widows will see. Why not?"

The chief of ceremonies obstructed the way of speaking and deceived the saints. Even Feng Bao, who had power over the government, could not afford such a crime. Feng Bao turned his head and looked at Zhang Cheng and the other eunuchs beside him. Shaking his head with affirmative expression, the eunuch Feng Bao, the chief inspector of ceremonies, said in a loud voice:
"Going back to Lord Long Live, I have never received such a report since my maidservant joined the Supervisor of Ceremonies. The Dongchang secret stake stationed in Tianjin is mentioned in common sense, but according to the rules, such things can be filed, and there is no need to submit them to the Holy Majesty. "

Wanli nodded while listening, and when Feng Bao finished speaking, Wanli turned to Lu Guangming and Shen Bingfeng who were standing there, and said calmly:

"Chuantouxiang has been in violation of the law for so long, and Tianjin's civil and military officials have never reported a single report. Why did Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong take action to punish, but the officials were immediately impeached? What is the connection?"

Zuodu Yushi and Youdu Yushi looked at each other, and they both knelt down. Everyone in the room looked unnatural. Emperor Wanli leaned back in his chair, his tone became a little serious, and he said:

"Tianjin Bingbei Dao, the generals guarding Tianjin, and the Qing Army Tongzhi in Hejian Prefecture, no one impeached them for the crime of negligence, why a person who punished the villains for doing things was impeached, is this how the Metropolitan Procuratorate supervises! !?"

It was hot in summer, but Wenyuan Pavilion suddenly cooled down at this time.
I don't know if you still have a monthly pass in your hand, give it to me

(End of this chapter)

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