Chapter 270

Seeing the two censors kneeling on the ground, none of the great scholars and ministers standing on both sides dared to speak, but looked at the emperor sitting in the middle and Zhang Juzheng next to him.

Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, also looked indifferent, he only glanced around the crowd, and his eyes stopped on Ma Ziqiang, the scholar of the household department.

Ma Ziqiang, Minister of the Household Department, bowed his head for a while, and stepped out to break the disturbing embarrassment. He knelt down and reported:
"Your Majesty, I have never heard of the name of the ship's head incense, but I have heard of the labor union of the boatmen for a long time."

Seeing that neither Wanli nor Zhang Juzheng made a sound, Ma Ziqiang continued:
"In the past, the biggest headache for the departments of the Ministry of Household Affairs was the loading and unloading of grain in Tianjin. When the capital went to Tianjin, whenever the river was dredged or the weather was dry, the passage of ships would be difficult. The tank boats could not wait, but could only unload and load and unload grain. The labor of strong men is not a daily requirement. Whenever there is a need, they have to be dispatched and gathered, which often delays things. For the sake of smooth transportation, private ship owners and ship gangs do not waste time on it. They form associations in private. I also know that this private association is easy to cause trouble, but after forming the association, it saves a lot of effort to recruit civilian husbands on the river bank, and the boat has not been delayed.

Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Ministry of War, also knelt down and said:
"Your Majesty, I have also heard from my side that Qi Jiguang, the general officer of Jizhen, and Li Dameng, the general in charge of Tianjin, once said that Tianjin's grain transfer is fast and has never delayed military expenditure. People who work hard to do things with one heart and one mind are the most powerful, and I think it is also the result of this association!"

There were two people who came forward, and Li Youzi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who was also a cabinet scholar, also came out to play:

"Your Majesty, there are many boatmen among the people, and they are negligent in discipline. It is inevitable that some lawless people will take advantage of the opportunity to do evil. I have heard from several adults that this ship's prow fragrance has made great contributions to water transportation. This water transportation is the lifeline of the country. If they do evil, they must be strictly disciplined, and they must not ruin the event because of choking."

Having said so much, everyone's eyes turned to Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Juzheng bowed and reported:
"Your Majesty, water transportation should not be neglected. Folk associations are beneficial to water administration. This is a great good. There are one or two outlaws, which are small evils. It is unwise to use small evils to abolish great good. What kind of conspiracy is detrimental to the government and the court, Dongchang and Jinyiwei will send reports, but now there is no news, it must be true as what the adults said, it is just a small matter, the big thing is good, what does your majesty think?"

Emperor Wanli showed a smile on his face, nodded and said:

"Elder Ge and all the lords have thought about it carefully and sent a secretary to fix the matter of Chuantouxiang. I thought the court didn't need to send other officials. Since Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong has already started this matter, why don't he continue to do it, the cabinet Discuss with the Ministry of War and Jinyi's army over there, and then report to the Supervisor of Rites for an order!"

I thought it was the criticism of the officials, and the ministers took advantage of the situation to clean up Wang Tong, but they did not expect that Emperor Wanli had already prepared. If there is a bad side, the opposing Chuantou incense must be good.

But the position of the emperor is high above, and he exerts his strength lightly. The people below have to do a lot of preparations to deal with it. Some people in the room have already kept in mind that this little emperor never fights for anything in the court. Government decrees are also echoed, but when it comes to Wang Tong, they are tit-for-tat and will not give an inch.

The people in charge are Mr. Zhang Ge and Eunuch Feng. It's all right, but this world still belongs to the Zhu family. Who knows what will happen in the future, so why bother to offend this bad luck.

The others shrank back, and several academicians in the cabinet had to say that the two censors who were kneeling there were sitting on wax. If they followed the instructions of the Holy One, they would not be able to continue as officials. Others can let go, they But not.

"Your Majesty, there may be some partiality in what the speaker said, but Wang Tong's behavior is detrimental, and it is true that he is corrupt and corrupt. I implore Your Majesty to investigate carefully!!"

Emperor Wanli frowned, staring at Lu Guangming who had spoken just now, the capital censor kowtowed to the ground again, Emperor Wanli also knew who the officials in this room listened to, so he looked directly at Zhang Juzheng.

But what surprised him was that Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, seemed to be a little distracted, and his eyes were looking elsewhere. Zhang Juzheng's spirit was extremely focused. This is a well-known thing, why is there such a scene.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Juzheng had returned to normal, leaned forward and said:

"Your Majesty, the censors will definitely not be aimless. As the Chief Constitution, Mr. Lu and Mr. Shen must understand it in more detail. Let Mr. Lu explain, so as not to use the wrong person. What do you think of your Majesty?"

This statement was expected by Emperor Wanli, Wanli nodded, but he didn't know that just now Zhang Juzheng turned his head and made eye contact with Feng Bao who was beside him.

Faced with Zhang Juzheng's questioning, Feng Bao showed a bit of helplessness on his face, and shook his head. Since the matter is not under Feng Bao's control, there is no need to blame it. Zhang Juzheng quickly made a judgment.

"Your Majesty, if the Chuantou incense really blackmailed the merchants and people, it would be a good deed for Wang Tong to get rid of them, but after that, Wang Tong issued a sign of safety, repeating the extortion act of the villain in the Chuantou incense. Private pockets, this is corruption."

"What Wang Tong collects is much less than what Chuantouxiang collects!"

Hearing Emperor Wanli's relaxed tone, Lu Guangming's heart twitched, but he straightened up and said:

"In such a big Tianjin Acropolis, Wang Tong relies on the power of Jinyiwei to sit on the ground and collect money for his private pockets. Your Majesty, this is real greed!"

"Lu Aiqing, will this greedy person report the accounts to me one by one clearly, how much money was collected, how much money was spent, and clearly recorded in every pen. Is this also called greedy ink?"

Emperor Wanli picked up a few pieces of paper with a smile, and raised them in his hands. Everyone was stunned, looking at the few pieces of paper. For some reason, Emperor Wanli looked at the surprised faces of the people, and felt strange in his heart. pleasure.

Lu Guangming straightened his body even more, and said word by word:

"Everything in the world has its own rules and regulations. Jinyiwei is the emperor's pro-army, but he has no authority to collect money from the local area. Wang Tong's move is illegal. The money he got is extortion and robbery. Same crime!!"

Emperor Wanli slapped the table heavily and stood up abruptly. He stared fiercely at Lu Guangming who was kneeling in front of him, and roared angrily:

"You said that I am also greedy for ink, and am I also blackmailing and robbing?"

Lu Guangming said with a straight face:
"Has your majesty ever had a decree, has the cabinet ever voted for it, has the supervisor of ceremonies approved and approved the redemption, if you step back ten thousand steps, you don't even have a decree, what is there to rely on for what Wang Tong did!!"

Shen Bingfeng, the censor of the right capital next to him, knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise his head, but he heard a rustling sound beside him, and turned his head carefully to look over, only to find that the sound was caused by the constant trembling of Shen Bingfeng's robe, and The sound of the ground rubbing, the traces of sweat dripping can already be seen on the ground, it is obviously extremely frightening, no wonder Shen Bingfeng is surprised, this Zuodu censor Lu Guangming has never been a man of character.

Shen Bingfeng suddenly understood that if he confessed silently and was dismissed from office in the end, it would be better to act like a forceful order, and both left and right would be dismissed from office, and he might be able to survive.

Wanting to understand this joint, Shen Bingfeng kowtowed heavily and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, there are Tiqi garrisoned in all major cities in the world. If everyone is like this, if you give His Majesty a copy of the account and search it wantonly, then the world will be in chaos. Your Majesty, the rules of the ancestors and the laws of the court are the foundation of this country. , must not be broken, must not be broken!"

"Come here!! Come here!! Drag these two lawless bastards down, drag them down."

Emperor Wanli's eyes were already red, and he shouted loudly there, the door curtain was lifted, and four guards and two eunuchs rushed in, but the first action of these people was not to arrest people, but to look at Feng Bao and Zhang sincerity.

During this moment of astonishment, Zhang Juzheng knelt down first, and all the courtiers and eunuchs in charge of ceremonies in the room followed suit, saying in unison:
"Your Majesty, calm down!"

The momentum of the officials kneeling down caused Emperor Wanli to take a step back immediately, and did not shout out the rest of the words. Zhang Juzheng straightened his upper body as soon as his head touched the ground, and said loudly:
"Your Majesty, the ancestral system does not sin against people, not to mention what Lord Lu and Lord Shen said, it is not unreasonable. I hope Your Majesty will understand it!"

Everyone kowtowed in unison and said in unison:
"Your Majesty, please be aware!!"

Wanli turned his head to look at the inspector of ceremonies. Feng Bao, Zhang Cheng and others all lowered their heads, looking at the kneeling courtiers. Emperor Wanli took another step back. Sit back.

"Your Majesty, during Emperor Wuzong's reign, Tiqi and internal eunuchs spread all over the world, and the people were in dire straits. In the end, Jiang Bin and Qian Ning almost overthrew the world. Emperor Sejongsu's heroism restrained the internal eunuchs and military officials. Only then did the Daming Jiangshan Sheji rejuvenate. Your Majesty, Mo If you want to lose your way because you trust a villain, shake the foundation of the country, and hurt the love and hope of the two empress dowagers!"

Zhang Siwei, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, said earnestly, "Emperor Wanli sat on a chair and looked at the guards and eunuchs who came in. Those six people all lowered their heads and lowered their hands, silent as if they were chilling. They looked at the eunuchs and courtiers kneeling on the ground. "The two empress dowagers "The words made him tremble even more.

The guards and eunuchs did not dare to obey orders, and everyone in the room was kneeling. Suddenly, Emperor Wanli had an illusion, as if everyone was standing, but he was kneeling there, extremely breathless and extremely lonely.

There was silence in Wenyuan Pavilion, Emperor Wanli let out a sigh of relief, put his hand on his forehead and said dejectedly:
"My dear ones, stand up, since what Wang Tong has done has no decree, how about the widow's decree?"

The ministers stood up with a sigh of relief, but when they heard the last sentence, they all looked at Wanli in astonishment.
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(End of this chapter)

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