Chapter 272
"Take it from the people and use it for the people, what's wrong!"

Emperor Wanli's tone was not serious, but after he finished speaking, there was silence in Wenyuan Pavilion, and then everyone began to discuss in low voices, and Zhang Juzheng was also shocked.

At this time, no one said anything about Jun Qian's disrespect, Feng Bao turned his head and lowered his voice and asked:
"You taught Long Live Lord these things?"

The person he asked was Zhang Cheng, and Zhang Cheng said with a wry smile:

"Eunuch Feng, our family knows the seriousness, so how could we teach the Lord Long Live to say these things, besides, our family can't figure out these words!"

After Emperor Wanli said these words, he sat up straight. He was still a little nervous when he said these words, but after he finished speaking, he found that the aggressive aura of the civil servants was gone.

These big bosses who are usually full of reasoning are a little embarrassed, regardless of the exchange of glances and gestures in Wenyuan Pavilion, before the emperor.

Seeing all this, the little emperor's mind gradually settled down, and he leaned back on the chair.

Take it from the people and use it for the people. There is indeed nothing wrong with this sentence. How to refute what is not wrong is still uttered by the mouth of the emperor.

"Your Majesty, a gentleman loves righteousness, and a villain is greedy for money. It is not the right way to blindly pursue small profits!"

"Your Majesty, the Great Patriarch once said that levies are light and taxes are poor. This is the ancestral system and cannot be changed without authorization. Your Majesty, the ancestors before Emperor Sejongsu sent internal prisons to the outside many times, which caused anger and resentment among the people and continuous civil chaos. Your Majesty Renewing this policy today will create the source of disaster, Your Majesty be careful!"

"Your Majesty, you should not compete with the people for profit. Mr. Zhang Ge cleared up his farmland, reformed the land tax system, and the treasury was full. Why bother to compete with the people for such a small profit, which will only arouse the resentment of the people."

After a short period of silence, every minister in the room expressed his opinion, no matter what his status was, or whether he had just spoken or not, everyone expressed their objection.

Only Zhang Juzheng remained silent, while Emperor Wanli sat there, but his expression did not have the anger and depression just now, and there was even a smile on his face.

This smile is not pretending to be calm just now, nor is it sarcasm, but a confident smile. The reasons put forward by the ministers are either the laws of the ancestors or the principles of sages, but none of them can withstand refutation and are untenable. .

What Wang said in the communication was really useful. After these principles were laid out one by one, the officials seemed to be in a mess. Emperor Wanli had an obsession with gold, silver and money since he was a child. Since he can remember, he has always listened to him. The father and the ministers racked their brains to worry about the treasury.

There are too many places to spend money everywhere, and the sources of the national treasury are too few, making ends meet, and there are deficits every year. Even when he became emperor, he often heard these words from the Empress Dowager Cisheng and the Empress Dowager Rensheng. The queen mother talked about the depletion of the national treasury, and Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet who had always been his teacher, also worked hard every day on how to enrich the national treasury, subtly, and cultivated Emperor Wanli into a character who valued money very much.

What Wang Tong did and talked about was how to make money and how to use legitimate means to receive money from the people. This is why Emperor Wanli trusted Wang Tong more and more.

Ever since the two of them started communicating with each other, the chatting and interesting things have become less and less interesting, and people unconsciously became serious. Wang Tong talked about what he did in Tianjin. Emperor Wanli looked at it interestingly, and often asked about it. , why did Wang Tong do this, and what is the significance of doing so.

The function of the Ping An brand was explained by Wang Tong in a recent letter with a systematic theory. In the past, under the education of Zhang Juzheng, Emperor Wanli's thinking was almost concentrated on the farmland, thinking that the imperial court's wealth and income should only be in the land tax. And salt tax, the concept brought by Wang Tong's Ping An brand opened another direction for the little emperor. It turns out that there is such a cornucopia in the world, which has been in front of us for a long time, but no one touches it.

The theory of "taking from the people and using it for the people", covering the city walls, and guarding the army are all mentioned in Wang Tong's letter. When I read it at the time, I felt that this was an irrefutable truth. Speaking out, it really works.

The courtiers were chattering, but nothing could convince Wanli, not even themselves, and the smile on Wanli's face became stronger and stronger.

"Your Majesty is right, but the Ping'an brand is a new policy after all, and it is only implemented in the capital, and the capital is only a preliminary creation, and no regulations have been put forward. I think that it is not as good as the cabinet, the Ministry of Households, and the inner palace. Discuss with the supervisor, come up with a method, and then implement it?"

Zhang Juzheng, who had been silent all this time, said in a deep voice, Emperor Wanli's expression relaxed, and all the ministers around him were stunned, wondering how Mr. Zhang Ge could agree to such things.

But then a few quick-response people understood, Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Ma Ziqiang, Minister of the Ministry of Households, echoed and said:
"Your Majesty, what the boss said is the truth. There are laws for everything. The implementation of the Ping An brand in Tianjin is also a major event. After the cabinet and the Ministry of Households discuss it, everything will be implemented soon."

From when everyone opposed it just now, to now when Zhang Juzheng and several important ministers agreed, the situation has been greatly reversed. Emperor Wanli suddenly felt very tired, as if he had relaxed after a strenuous exercise.

Seeing that the top few people had made a decision, everyone watched and came forward to agree. Emperor Wanli nodded and said loudly:

"That's it for this matter. The cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs will come to a conclusion. Let's vote for approval as soon as possible!"

Zhang Juzheng took the lead, and all the officials bowed together and said in unison:

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

At the court meeting in Wenyuan Pavilion today, Emperor Wanli not only blocked the impeachment of Wang Tong, but also promoted the implementation of the Ping An sign at this time. This seems to be the first time that the ministers of the cabinet and the six departments followed Acting according to Emperor Wanli's will, not Zhang Juzheng's.

Emperor Wanli tried his best to control his excitement at this time, and pretended to be flat and said:
"I talked a lot today, the court meeting is over, all my dear friends, go back and do what you said today!"

Zhang Juzheng and the officials didn't have much to say, they just bowed and bowed to the saints to leave. Everyone could see the expression of Emperor Wanli.

Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng beside him looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time. Feng Bao had no expression on his face, but Zhang Cheng had a helpless wry smile on his face.

After the court was over, everyone had their own concerns, and they dispersed on horseback and in sedan chairs. The left and right of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were both censors, and there were many intrigues and fights for power and profit on weekdays. The meaning of the same hatred is here.

Shen Bingfeng, the censor of the right capital, may have kowtowed too hard, and his mind was a little confused. After he came out, he quickly walked a few steps to catch up with Lu Guangming who was about to get into the sedan chair, and said in a low voice:

"Brother Guangming, why do you adults agree again? Don't you know what the consequences will be if this matter gets out? Back then, Haigang Peak was knocked down just because it didn't touch the fields of Xuge's hometown."

Lu Guangming stared at Shen Bingfeng with a half-smile and said:
"Master Shen, whether you are really confused or not, the cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs have discussed it, but there is no explanation for how long it will take."

After finishing speaking, he got on the sedan chair directly. Shen Bingfeng stood in a daze for a moment, but then he understood, laughed a few times, turned and left.There is a trick in the officialdom, that is, the procrastination, so clear, Shen Bingfeng also understood it immediately.

"Long Live Lord, let's drink some water and have a rest. We will go to Zhongji Hall for dinner later. If you don't dress properly, Mr. Zhang will talk again."

In the courtyard in front of the imperial study room, Emperor Wanli was holding a long wooden pole in his hand, stabbing and shaking constantly. It was exactly the set of things he learned in Huwei military attache. His face was flushed and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Zhang Cheng watched from the side, while Zhao Jinliang struggled to bring the water basin and towels. Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Emperor Wanli put down his pole and said excitedly:
"Zhang Banban, today I protected Wang Tong from the wind and rain, and won the peace sign for him. I will send a fast horse to deliver the letter to him. He will be happy."

No matter what you think in your heart, you have to laugh with me at this time to have fun. Emperor Wanli stopped contacting, wiped off his sweat, and changed into casual clothes for walking in the palace under Zhang Cheng's service, and then went to Zhongji Hall. Today At noon, there was a banquet in the palace, and Emperor Wanli had to meet with the first assistant Zhang Juzheng.

For this kind of banquet, Feng Bao will accompany the emperor in person, Zhang Cheng does not have to go, after leaving the courtyard of the imperial study, Feng Bao is already waiting at the door.

After Zhang Cheng sent Wanli away, he called for a lifter, and several young eunuchs carried him to the south gate.

In the past, this location in the imperial city was also a second-class place, but after the delicious restaurant appeared, the south side door, which is the most convenient to enter and exit, became a popular place.

There are high-ranking eunuch leaders in the palace. When they are free, they are willing to go shopping and have a drink at the delicious restaurant. They all have their own residences here.

Zhang Cheng got off the lifting pole, dismissed the little eunuch who was following him, turned around and walked to a remote house, without saying hello, he just opened the door and walked in.

The courtyard outside looked dilapidated, and I thought it was a place where old eunuchs waited to die. After entering, I found it was quite clean and tidy. There was a young eunuch in the courtyard who was stupefied. When he saw Zhang Cheng push the door in, he was shocked. , Just about to go up to say hello, Zhang Cheng waved his hand impatiently, and strode in by himself.

The walls of the room are surrounded by bookshelves and bookcases, and five books are placed on the side. More than a dozen eunuchs are reading annotations there. When they see Zhang Cheng, they all get up and say hello. Zhang Cheng pressed his hand to indicate that there is no need, and said in a deep voice:

"Zou Yi, come here."

Zou Yi, who was also sitting by the desk, responded, and followed out silently. Once outside, Zhang Cheng said aloud:
"Secretary for Public Security, you should inform Lu Wancai and Li Wenyuan immediately that the collection and distribution of money for the Ping An brand will start to be settled now, and there must be no miscalculation of a sum of money. Let the two of them order them to go, and every shop with a brand name must go there. give a word"

Zhang Cheng paused, and said in a deep voice:

"Just say, the days are still long, everyone, don't forget the future just because of the present."
Thank you everyone, continue to ask for monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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