Chapter 273

Wanli was not a fool, maybe he didn't realize it at the time, and when he went to court the next day after the heated debate, his face was much gloomy.

However, no one mentioned whether the Ping An brand was reasonable or not, and no one raised the question of Wang Tong's impeachment, and the Secretary of General Administration did not continue to receive memorials about Wang Tong.

The court meeting on this day was very peaceful, Zhang Juzheng just said that on the way to and from, he saw that the academies in various provinces were flooded, and interested people gathered in the academies to give lectures and discuss government affairs, local officials and even the clans of feudal lords went to make friends, and sometimes the government actually wanted to accommodate these people For the teachers and students in the academy, this is not conducive to governance.

Emperor Wanli naturally didn't have his own views on such matters, and Zhang Juzheng's side would definitely have to follow suit on how to deal with it.

Listening to Zhang Shoufu's eloquent talk, the ministers next to him felt a little bit astonished, thinking that the gathering of people in the academy would be harmful to governance, and the gathering of people at the bow of the boat in Tianjin would make the world peaceful. Choose your moment.

To put it simply, Zhang Juzheng wanted to leave the court early. Originally, Zhang Juzheng wanted to start the courses immediately after the court meeting, but Wanli said that the journey back home was hard for the husband, and the resumption of courses would have to wait until July.

At the court meeting, the debate was fierce, and the big bosses almost remonstrated to death, and even brought up the goddess of the queen mother. The hearts of the ministers were far from as peaceful as they were at the court meeting.

After the court breaks up, they go home separately, and they don't talk to each other to greet each other. Such a big commotion can't be calmed down just because there must be aftermath. Don't accidentally get involved in it.

After Zhang Juzheng left the court, the sedan chair did not go back directly to the mansion, but turned to a mansion outside the east gate of the imperial city. This mansion is well-known in the capital, and it is "Shuanglinju".

Feng Bao's name is Shuanglin, this is his private residence outside the palace, the street in front of the gate is always very clean, anyone passing by will be stopped and questioned at the two entrances in the street.

Dongchang, Jinyiwei, Shuntianfu, and Wucheng Bingmasi all set up guards here. Of course, the first assistant Zhang Juzheng was not among the people who hindered the interrogation.

Stopping in front of the door, Zhang Juzheng got out of the sedan chair and entered. The butler of the Feng Mansion greeted the door respectfully. Feng Bao had already walked over from the second door and greeted him with fists cupped. Greeting at the gate and welcoming each other here is also the etiquette.

They bowed to each other and entered the study, Feng Bao waved his hand to repel the left and right, but Feng Bao didn't speak, just picked up the tea bowl and skimmed off the foam, waiting for Zhang Juzheng to speak.

"Brother Shuanglin, Your Majesty has just come of age, and I don't know some taboos. Brother Shuanglin and Eunuch Zhang still need to say a few more words. No one can understand the name of the Ping An brand. Could it be possible to change the name and pass it by?" , Your Majesty, if you really insist on going your own way, there will be great uproar in the world, don't you and I get any benefits from being courtiers?"

Zhang Juzheng was not polite in his words. This is also a habit all the time. The relationship between the two parties is too close, so there is not much humility and flattery in the attitude. Feng Bao shook his head there, and said with a wry smile:

"Long Live Lord was an obedient child in the past. Our family was also surprised by how hard he stood in the court yesterday."

After speaking, he took a sip of tea and said with some emotion:
"Long Live Lord's stubborn appearance made me worry at the time, but after thinking about it, I feel happy. After all, Long Live Lord is the real dragon emperor, after all, is Long Live Lord!"

Hearing this, Zhang Juzheng was in a daze, then sighed and said:
"Your Majesty has his own ideas. He can be the master. How can he be unhappy if he is a teacher or a courtier, but he can't touch this one. Don't tell me that Zhang's family doesn't know that digging food from the ground is a dead money, so doing business and working is a living thing." Wealth? If we touch it, Zhang won’t even be able to do the work of clearing up the land and reforming the land tax.”

"Master Zhang, don't be in such a hurry. Our family just look at Kong Kong and talk about it. You are too. On the left and right are Tianjin Wei, a city the size of a sesame seed. If you want to be safe, he will be the one. So angry, seeing the expression on Long Live Lord's face today, our family probably figured it out, so we must be even more angry."

Zhang Juzheng shook his head and said helplessly:
"If Lu Guangming hadn't said those harsh words yesterday, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to step down. As a result, things have become more and more rigid. What can we do now? The safety signs are implemented in the capital and Tianjin, so we can't see it. From now on, everyone Don't mention it again, but if you want to form a law and spread it, it must not be done, and hundreds of officials and ministers will inevitably fight to the death."

Feng Bao nodded and said in a deep voice:

"At that time, our family will report to the Empress Dowager and ask her to make the decision."

In response, Feng Bao couldn't help but said again:

"That kid Wang Tong didn't do anything wrong in Tianjin Wei, and the money wasn't taken from his own pocket, so why bother with him. Lord Long Live protects him like this, so he's about to be impeached, isn't it? Is it fun to ask for it?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Juzheng sat up straighter, his face became serious, and he said seriously:

"Eunuch Feng, His Majesty stumbled at the court meeting yesterday, but no one knew he meant that in the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall, this Wang Tong used all kinds of ingenious tricks to confuse the Holy Majesty, and made fallacies and heresies, which made His Majesty be close to him." I thought that expelling Wang Tong from the capital could isolate the villain, but I didn't expect that His Majesty still had contact with him. He was originally a humble pawn, but by chance, he reached this position step by step. Your Majesty is young, and Wang Tong is not very old either. , in time, what will happen?"

Feng Bao groaned silently, Zhang Juzheng continued in a loud voice:

"This kind of military officials only want to make meritorious deeds, but they don't know how to sympathize with the sufferings of the people, don't know how to care for the people, and want to please His Majesty. They don't know how to restrain themselves at a young age, and they will cause great harm in the future. Eunuch Feng, isn't this delicious restaurant Is it like the Leopard House in the Zhengde period, how did Jiang Bin and Qian Ning fall in love with them back then?"

During the Zhengde period, another building was built outside the imperial city, and tigers, leopards and ferocious beasts were raised in captivity. The Emperor Zhengde and the military general Fan Seng came in and out together, ignoring the government, which was considered first-class absurdity.

Repeating this example over and over again is really tiresome to hear. Although Feng Bao nodded, he didn't care about it. Zhang Juzheng naturally saw this expression. He paused, lowered his voice and said:

"During Emperor Sejong's time, who was the number one trusted person? It was Lu Pinghu. Did Emperor Sejong I ever trust the internal and external ministers, and he was the only one who could be trusted. Could it be that Eunuch Feng wanted Wang Tong to become the second Lu Binghu?" ?"

Lu Bing was the commander of Jinyiwei during the Jiajing period, and he was the only man with three princes and three orphans in Ming Dynasty. to follow.

Hearing Zhang Juzheng make this comparison, Feng Bao was stunned for a moment, then slowly put the tea bowl in his hand on the table, and said calmly:

"Wang Tong is a clever kid, but he is close to Eunuch Zhang. He is young, and he may not understand some things, and he keeps in touch with Lord Longevity by secret letter all day. In the future, he will keep an eye on him so that he doesn't know. Whether it is serious or not, if he does something wrong, he will harm himself and implicate the Lord Long Live."

Hearing what Feng Bao said, Zhang Juzheng's face softened, Feng Bao kept an eye on him, the power of Dongchang and the secret talks in the palace might be tilted, as long as any mistakes were found, the matter would be much easier to handle.

"Isn't Zhang Cheng and Eunuch Zhang over there?"

"Don't think about it too much. Zhang Cheng also talked with our family yesterday. His Majesty didn't even know what he said. Wang Tong is indeed capable. He beat and kicked himself to toss his favor."

After saying a few words, Feng Bao pondered and said:

"Dongchang reported the incident. Presumably Jin Yiwei Liu Shouyou also informed Mr. Zhang. After Zhang Ziwei (Zhang Siwei) returned home yesterday, it was said that he lost his temper. Does Mr. Zhang know about this?"

Zhang Juzheng nodded, took a sip from the tea bowl and said:

"It is said that it was a quarrel between wives and concubines, but the inspectors in the mansion said that the people under him had errands that were not properly handled, and Ziwei's cabinet and military errands were properly handled, and private affairs were ignored."

Feng Bao smiled and nodded, and said:
"Old Lin, the supervisor of the Yumajian, brought his younger brother into the capital. It is said that a rich family built a temple at home, and asked his younger brother to go back to be a mage in the house. Master Zhang said hello to everyone, Take care and take care."

Zhang Juzheng nodded, Feng Bao said with a smile:

"Old Lin is not as good as before. Although sooner or later he will go to the feudal clan with Lord Lu, but now the queen mother appreciates it, and he is not selfish in the palace. He is really prosperous. He has always flattered our family, and this time he asked our family to take care of him. Give our family some face."

Who would dare to mess with the elder brother of the eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor in the capital? What Lin Shulu did was nothing more than a show of sincerity. Because of the check and balance of power, Feng Bao has always been unable to reach out in the Imperial Horse Supervisor. This time Lin Shulu's kind attitude , did make him feel happy.

This is just a trivial matter, just casually, Zhang Juzheng said:
"Qi Jiguang, the commander-in-chief of Jizhen, met me once in Tianjin, and said that the whole army in Jizhen has been quite effective. Now that Ida Khan and his brothers are at odds, and there are internal disputes in the army of Jizhen, this is a good opportunity. If we go out to fight once at the end of autumn, maybe we will win a big victory, this matter should have been given to Eunuch Feng three days ago, I don’t know what the palace’s attitude is?”

"The Empress Dowager Cisheng said that since there is a peace agreement, it is better for us not to initiate quarrels first. After all, it was decided by the late emperor at that time. Now that the national treasury has not been recovered for a long time, it is better to use less weapons."

Zhang Juzheng shook his head, did not continue on this question, and said after hesitation:
"Your Majesty will get married in September. I don't know who is the person to preside over the wedding?"

"Yesterday, our family was discussing in the palace. During these several court disputes, Shen Shixing has always been silent. He is honest and upright, but he was elected. What does Mr. Zhang think?"

"Ru Mo (Shen Shixing) is dignified and prudent, and can take on this great task!"

Presiding over the emperor's wedding is a rare and important thing for ministers. After presiding, it is generally necessary for promotion or great use.

(End of this chapter)

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