Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 274 The Summer of the Capital

Chapter 274 The Summer of the Capital

On June 23, the sixth year of Wanli, the palace decreed that Shen Shixing, a scholar of Dongge University and Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, was appointed as the officiant of the Wanli wedding.

Scholars sit in the position of assistant minister and deputy capital censor, and if they want to go up, it is a matter of chance. Among them, being a servant of the East Palace and presiding over the emperor's wedding is a chance.

A servant in the Eastern Palace will be the emperor's cabinet team in the future, preside over the emperor's wedding, and be promoted to a higher level afterward. , Now there are people in various positions.

According to the previous rules, this Shen Shixing is at least a substitute for the cabinet's second assistant.

The official circles in the capital were shaken. I thought that Shen Shixing was just an idle job in the cabinet. Recently, there was a scandal at home, and such a good job would never happen to him.

Unexpectedly, the sky is not open, neither Zhang Siwei, the actual assistant, nor Ma Ziqiang, who is more qualified, did not share this. On the contrary, Shen Shixing, who was recently memorized, was able to do it.

There are also gossip and gossip legends, saying that the courtiers argued fiercely with the emperor for righteousness, and the emperor was furious. That day, almost everyone in the court was impassioned, arguing for the well-being of the people of the world, and demanding that the treacherous men far away in the town be punished for the sake of the peace of the world. The villain turned out to be evil to the emperor.

Emperor Wanli got married, so he was naturally unwilling to use those courtiers who offended him. Shen Shixing claimed to be sick that day, but it happened to be at this moment.

Shen Shixing is also a cabinet scholar, and has the status of the Ministry of Rites. The emperor's wedding is also a grand ceremony, and it is the Minister of the Ministry of Rites to preside over it, so he won this prize.

Xungui, an official of the capital, lamented Shen Shixing's good luck, and walked around the door one after another. His mood from watching a joke quickly turned into envy.

There are two servants who made mistakes in the family of Zhang Siwei, a scholar of Wuyingdian University and Minister of the Ministry of War, who were sent to Shuntian Mansion. They were said to have stolen something, and they were tortured in the lobby that day. , not even attracting attention, passed away quietly.

The news that the judge Lu Wancai got was that Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Ministry of War, had a very bad temper when he returned home after the heated debate. He lost his temper, beat up two unlucky domestic servants who didn't look long, and sent them to Shuntian Mansion.

No one knew that Zhang Juzheng had made an agreement with Zhang Siwei and Shen Shixing that Zhang Siwei and Shen Shixing could not be sick at the same time, and one of them must appear at the court meeting.

No one knew that Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Ministry of War, did not want to attend the first court meeting after Zhang Juzheng returned to the capital. It is said that he had contracted a "cold" at night, but Shen Shixing said that he was sick and asked for leave a few hours earlier than him.

No one knows about these things, but everyone knows how their own glory and wealth come from. If they are in the court meeting, if they don't stand up and speak out, it will be considered a betrayal , No one can afford this result, no matter what you think in your heart, you have to stand up.

There are already rumors about people who are good at the capital. It was originally recognized that Zhang Siwei was the second person under Zhang Juzheng and the first substitute for the chief assistant of the cabinet. Now Shen Shixing seems to be able to compete.

It seems that Zhang Siwei himself realized this, and Zhang Siwei was one of the first people who came to the door to congratulate him with the intention of presiding over the wedding.

After the news of Shen Shixing's wedding was announced, it meant that Wanli's wedding was approaching. The emperor's wedding was celebrated all over the world, and even the people of the capital could feel the meaning of celebration.

Yang Sichen, one of the protagonists of the scandal in the Shen Mansion, was originally well-known in the capital, but he couldn't feel this atmosphere at all.

Yang Sichen lives at the junction of the East City and the North City of the capital, and even wealthy people can't afford to live here. Yang Sichen's family is down, but there is still no shortage of money. Although the two houses are not big, they are also clean and elegant. There are not many people, Yang Sichen and his wife, and three servant girls.

After that incident broke out, Yang Sichen couldn't even get out of the house, Shen Shixing sent a few cronies to watch over here, the female family members were watched by two wives, and the male family members were accompanied by a few relatives.

The Yang family can't go out if they want to do anything, and the guards don't make things difficult. They just need to open their mouths, and they will go outside to buy and return. They will pay according to the market price, and they will not deduct money.

In the past, in Yang Sichen's mansion, wealthy families in the capital often brought money, rice and belongings to the worship service, which can be regarded as an investment, and when Yang Sichen gets fame, they will be rewarded.

Now there is not even a shadow of a ghost. A poor servant girl was frightened. One day, she ran out in disorder and was stopped by someone before she got out of the street. Only then did she know that the whole street was watched by someone.

Shen Shihang really has no real power in the cabinet, but it can still be done by mobilizing soldiers and yamen servants in the capital. From the day of the accident to the second day of July, the house could not be entered or exited.

On the third day of July, Yang Sichen got the news from those guards, saying that he could leave the capital, the destination had been chosen, and he would know when he got on the carriage.

At that time, he said that he would leave in three days, but he didn't expect to be under house arrest after returning home. Yang Sichen didn't have any temper.

There are more than 500 taels of silver in the family property, as well as some gold and silver antiques. Yang Sichen walks among high-ranking officials and dignitaries all day long.

There are a few people in the family, and it's not a big problem for the family to spend ten years, but they are not allowed to take the big exam next year. There is no hope of official career in a short time, and no one knows whether they will be able to participate in the next few sessions.

No chance to be an official, Yang Sichen is a scholar who can play the piano, and his wife is also a rich lady. Could it be that when the money is used up to farm and work, he is desperate for a while.

The people from the Shen Mansion gave them a day to prepare. After Yang Sichen was bored in the room for a while, he handed over the three guqins he had hidden to the people sent by Shen Shihang, and asked them to pawn them. With the money in the account, there is no problem with this money being rich in the countryside for a lifetime.

But Yang Sichen was raised in the capital, so how could he plan this? After sending out the three guqins, his whole body seemed to be drained of energy, his thoughts and hopes were all in vain, and his whole body was extremely depressed.

On the contrary, Yang Sichen's wife and servants were quite happy, no matter what, they were finally freed from the fearful life.

On the fourth day of July, Yang Sichen sat in a chair and watched his family make the final arrangements. The three guqins were exchanged for two thousand and one hundred taels of silver. It was Shen Shixing who wanted these pianos himself.

If something like that happened, would Mr. Shen kill people outside the city to silence them? Yang Sichen walked among high-ranking officials, whether he paid attention to it or not, these private rumors have been heard a lot.

After being under house arrest for so many days, Yang Sichen's mental state was already very wrong. After inexplicably thinking of this possibility, his whole body was cold and he began to tremble.

"Sir, these books are what you are most concerned about. Do you want to put them in your carriage? You can read them on the way to relieve boredom."

Yang Sichen's wife and maid stood there holding a pile of books and asked with a smile. Yang Sichen glanced at those books, and inexplicable thoughts came to his mind, he sighed and said:
"There is no need to look at it from now on. Keep it in the box. When you get there, just find a shop and sell it."

An hour after dawn, after packing up the things, the servant of the Shen family who silently watched all this said:
"Mr. Yang, it's getting late, let's go!"

The inexplicable words made Yang Sichen tremble all over, almost jumping up from the chair, the servant looked at Yang Sichen in surprise, and didn't say much.

The people in the Shen Mansion did a really good job. There were six large carts, four for household items, and two for people. They were all hung with bamboo curtains, and there was a scent in the carriage. To prevent mosquitoes, perhaps incense was also smoked.

The maids chatted and got into the car, Yang Sichen sat in the car numbly, not even paying attention to his wife's words.

When passing the city gate, Yang Sichen suddenly said:

"Look, maybe you won't see it in the future"

His wife didn't bother to pay attention to him, after leaving the city gate, it was about a stick of incense, the carriage stopped suddenly, Yang Sichen sat up suddenly, and then lay down slumped, come what you want!

The curtain was lifted, and a faint fragrance of makeup and powder entered the carriage. A woman wearing a hood and cloak sat in. Yang Sichen squinted his eyes, but was taken aback, and then asked in surprise:
"Four girls!? Why are you!?"

"My concubine is Feng Jin, and I have met my sister. I am a violinist in Lord Shen's house, and she is also Lord Shen's adoptive daughter."

Said something to Yang Sichen's wife, the fourth girl who claimed to be Goulian at that time turned around, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Yang, I know that you are confused, so let me say a few words."

Yang Sichen was completely confused, and nodded numbly.

"Mr. Yang hasn't practiced the piano for nine months except at Mr. Shen's residence? Apart from reading stereotyped articles, Mr. Yang spends more time at home reading military strategies and strategic planning, right? Half a year A few days ago, someone promised Mr. Yang that as long as he had a few words with Mr. Shen at the critical moment, regardless of the result of the final exam, he would at least give Mr. Yang a place to be the magistrate, right?"

Every time he asked a question, Yang Sichen's face turned pale, his wife beside him was surprised, and the carriage was unusually quiet, Feng Jin continued softly:

"Master Shen takes pity on Mr. Shen's talent and learning, and he doesn't want to embarrass Mr. Yang, but after this incident, Mr. Yang can't stay in the capital for himself and others. My master has already entrusted someone to take care of him in Tianjin, and he sent Cheng Yi for 3000 taels. I also asked the little girl to serve my husband, and my master also said that my husband is talented and learned, but you have to endure the loneliness in your heart, and you will have success in the future."

Yang Sichen froze there, wanted to open his mouth, but failed to speak a few times, suddenly covered his face, and cried bitterly in the carriage.
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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