Chapter 275

On the fifth day of the seventh month of the fifth year of Wanli, Yang Sichen, who had left the capital, was still on his way, but the news of the fierce debate between the court and the Chinese government had already spread to Tianjin City.

In fact, two days after the court meeting, there was already news from Tianjin Acropolis.

Because of their different positions, everyone sees different things. What Zhang Juzheng and the big shots in the court saw is that this matter should be blurred and cannot be generalized into a routine.

How Wang Tong hangs this safe sign in Tianjin Wei, people think they don't know, let him do it, anyway, Wang Tong is only in Tianjin.

But in the eyes of some people in Tianjin Wei, this shows that the signs of safety that Jinyiwei hangs everywhere are not legal. Before looking at the signs on the incense burner, everyone thought it was a national law. It turned out that the imperial court did not have relevant rules and regulations. The account only collects money by itself.

The court of the Ming Dynasty collects money and taxes, that is the law of nature and the law of the country. Chuantouxiang collects money with big fists and black hearts. You Jinyiwei collects money just by putting up a sign?

The viciousness with which Wang Tong killed the leader of Chuantouxiang in the street that day, and the power of leading his troops into the city to drive the Chuantouxiang people out of Tianjin City, has almost been forgotten by people.

There are [-] Jinyi guards in the city of Tianjin, but they practice in the yard every day, and occasionally they go out very well. There has never been any incident of beating or scolding the people, and I have never seen incidents of blackmailing or molesting women from good families. .

People are forgetful, and they are all bullying and fearing the hard. The soldiers of Tianjin Jinyiwei are so dedicated, the awe that everyone had at the beginning gradually disappeared.

Wang Tong's personnel assignment is that the servants and teenagers in his hands do not participate in general affairs, but practice with all their strength, while the original 200 people from Jinyiwei Thousand Households in Tianjin plus those who came back later are used to do follow-up work on the Ping An brand in the city.

These people have been soft for a long time and have a good temper. Wang Tong set a dead rule for them, that is, to make money with kindness, and to be kind when collecting money. Every day, they have to go from shop to shop and ask if there is anything that needs help.

Since the merchants have paid the safety money, they must make the other party feel that the money is worth the money. This job is just suitable for the people of Hang Daqiao, and they will be polite and smile when they go.

People are good at being bullied, and Jin Yiwei is also being bullied for being too polite. Half a month after Wang Tong led his troops into the city to chase them away, there have been more rumors in many merchants.

By the time the news of the court’s fierce debate came, the bold merchants had already dared to ridicule them face to face. Jinyiwei Baihu Hang Daqiao remembered Wang Tong’s instructions, don’t lose your temper with those who give you money, and treat them politely. It turned out that the old people of Jinyiwei in Tianjin were very afraid of Wang Tong, so naturally they didn't dare to disobey orders.

On the fifth day of July, something went wrong. Unlike the annual payment in the capital, Tianjin is a small city. For everyone’s convenience, Wang Tong used monthly payment. Pay the safe money for the remaining months of the year.

The time to collect money every month is the fifth day of the seventh month. Every time the money is collected, Baihu Hang Daqiao personally leads the team. In Hang Baihu's words, he has been frustrated in this city for several years. Although my family wanted to make a smile at the time, but the other party handed over the money with both hands, and took it away from the family, ironing it once in my heart.

Go out and walk more than a hundred steps to the right of Tianjin Jinyiwei Thousand Households Office, and there are three warehouses on the street. This side is next to the west gate. The location is very ordinary, and the warehouses are also cheap.

Hang Daqiao was accompanied by four soldiers, all of whom were local native soldiers in Tianjin. They also looked relaxed and had smiles on their faces. From time to time, I will also give some food and drink, which are all affordable.

Doing this job has a lot of face and pride, and hundreds of Jinyiwei people have to come here in shifts by drawing lots. The first warehouse I will come to today is called "Deyixuan". This store is a bit different, but it is a shop of calligraphy, painting and stationery. .

Pens, inks, papers and inkstones, calligraphy and painting ornaments, and all kinds of things related to literati can be found here. It is said that several counties in the north of Tianjin will come here to buy goods.

People who went to the capital in the south and disembarked in Tianjin wanted to buy some supplies, and some people would recommend them to come here to buy things, because this place is relatively famous.

The owner of the shop, Li Yang, is a 45-year-old veteran scholar who has never passed the examinations, but he has a bright eye. He has served as a secretary for the former Bingbei Dao, and he is very appreciated. He is also quite well-known on the ground in Tianjin. He called himself the owner of Yangliuju, and accumulated a lot of contacts when he was a study. Now all the pens, inks, papers and inkstones of the yamen in Tianjin Acropolis, as well as official supplies, are sold here.

Because of this relationship, although there is an incense burner in his house, Chuantou Incense has never charged him money, and when the incense burner is smashed to exchange for a safe brand, he will have to pay.

Looking at the ferocious Jinyi guard with a weapon in his hand that day, no matter what righteous indignation he said, he swallowed it in his stomach, and obediently took the sign.

After only paying a month's worth of money, Li Yang began to write articles privately to scold him. When the news of the court meeting came, Li Yang criticized Wang Tong publicly. The four words "little man" are said to have already been spoken.

"Gong Xifa Cai, the shopkeeper of Deyixuan, it's time to pay the safety money today!?"

Hang Daqiao led the people to the door, and shouted in a full-fledged manner. I still remember the last time when I collected the money, I yelled this voice. The shopkeeper and the guys ran out politely, and they really flattered me. I feel very comfortable.

While waiting to be humble, he found that the faces of the clerk at the door and the shopkeeper at the counter were very cold. Hang Daqiao reacted quickly, and immediately knew that something was not right.

The news of the fierce debate between the court and the central government has already spread, and Hang Daqiao has also noticed the actions of the boss, and the adults of Qianhu will treat it as if there is no such thing, and they are not afraid of it, and no one alone said that they should stop collecting money. Yes, what, are you going to run into trouble in this shop! ?
Thinking of this, Hang Daqiao hesitated and shouted again:

"Did Yixuan, it's time to pay!"

Before the words were finished, something suddenly slammed over with the sound of wind, Hang Daqiao subconsciously dodged to the side, and a wooden sign with black lacquer and red lettering was thrown on the ground, which was exactly the sign of safety.

"How dare you smash the Ping An brand, you bastard, don't you want to open a store!?"

Seeing the sign on the ground, Hang Daqiao immediately yelled out, but his voice was a little out of breath. Ever since he heard the news about the capital, he had always been afraid of this, but he didn't expect to encounter it in the first store today.

"Ms. Li is opening a store, buying stationery, paper and pens, and never doing anything wrong, why should I pay this hard work money to you, Jin Yiwei!?"

As soon as Hang Daqiao finished shouting, a person in the store shouted back angrily. While talking, a middle-aged man in a blue silk scholar's gown came out.

This person is Li Yang, who is familiar with all the yamen in Tianjin, and can be regarded as the number one person on the ground in Tianjin. When Hang Daqiao saw this owner coming out, he was a little flustered. Li Yang's three-strand beard looked quite Confucian After walking to the door, he looked at Hang Daqiao coldly and said:
"Jinyi's army is the emperor's army. They follow the emperor and monitor evil. When did they have the authority to collect money from this good man!?"

When Hang Daqiao was asked this question, his aura suddenly disappeared without a trace. He was not so confident in the first place, so he groaned a few times before he said:
"This is the rule of our Master Qianhu! Mr. Li, don't ask for it!"

"You Qianhu are just a fifth-rank official and a martial artist. On the ground in Tianjin, Gao Tongzhi of the Qing Army Hall is a fifth-rank, and Mr. Pan, a military officer, is a fourth-rank. They didn't speak. You Qianhu's rules can still be broken. Passed them, and this peace money, Ming laws and regulations, you tell Li, which one says that there is this peace money!"

Baihuhang Bridge took a step back, and the soldiers behind him didn't dare to step forward. People from the two nearby shops also surrounded him, with gloating expressions on their faces.

"What are the rules, the Son of Heaven, Shengming, all the elders in the court are loyal, the elders, the heavenly officials, didn't they say that the safe money is random, there is no such rule, you lunatics, think that we don't know the imperial court. Is it true, everyone has known each other for many years, Li Mou advises, it is better to wake up in time, do you think that Mr. Pan and Mr. Gao have not moved, that is to see if you will repent, or wait until the sword of Shangfang and the flag of Wang Ming come Now, if that villain is hacked into pieces, all of you will lose your heads too!"

When these words came out, Hang Daqiao and the few companions behind him shuddered in unison. In Li Yang's words, it was Mr. Pan, Mr. Gao, and the emperor and monk Fang Baojian. Think about the rumors these days Thinking about it, Li Yang was originally a person who had a lot of friends and dealings with the government. Some grievances also disappeared without a trace.

Under Li Yang's cold eyes, Hang Daqiao took two steps back, was stunned, and then said with a smile:

"Mr. Li, why should you be so angry? We also obey orders, we can't help ourselves!"

Li Yang snorted, ignored it, turned around and entered the store, Hang Daqiao and others stood outside the store, looking left and right, this store has suffered, and the guys from the other two warehouses will naturally not treat them well Face, directly back to their respective shops.

Hearing what he said just now, it was a little difficult to go to the other two to collect money, but he couldn't get off the stage if he just stood on the street like this.

At the moment of embarrassment, someone ran over quickly from the south, it was the soldier who went to collect money elsewhere, and shouted with panic on his face:
"Brother Hang, Lord Hang, it's not good, Yang Jieba was beaten at the gate of Jinhe's warehouse, and the brothers who followed him were surrounded and beaten, hurry up"
Thank you everyone, it's a bit late, but there are still two updates!
(End of this chapter)

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