Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 276 You Can Tolerate Such Things

Chapter 276 You Can Tolerate Such Things

Yang Jieba is a general banner under Hang Daqiao. They drink and gamble together, and the two families are also neighbors, and their relationship has always been good.

Hearing that this good friend was beaten at the entrance of Jinhe's warehouse, and was scolded by Li Yang here, it was the time when he was embarrassed and couldn't get off the stage, so he took the opportunity to step down with this news.

Hang Daqiao hurriedly asked:
"Don't talk about what's going on, just lead me over there to have a look!"

A group of people ran towards the south in a noisy manner, and the shopkeepers of several warehouses all poked their heads out, watching the backs of Hang Daqiao and others burst into laughter, then Li Yang also came out and sarcastically said:

"Many unrighteous deeds will be punished. Do you really think that the people of Tianjin don't have blood, courage and fortitude!?"

"Damn you, all the elders in the court say that you are not in compliance with the rules for collecting money, yet you still dare to come here to bluff and cheat, and you will not return the money you took, and you dare to curse people, how can there be such a thing in the world?" rule!"

At the entrance of Jinhe Warehouse, dozens of strong men surrounded a few people, beating and cursing.

The people who watched the excitement surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and they couldn't see clearly from the inside. They vaguely saw a few people in the inner circle holding their heads and being kicked and punched.

There are three largest warehouses in Tianjin City, Tonghai Warehouse, Yongsheng Commercial Firm, and the other one is Jinhe Warehouse. These three firms are the most profitable business, and the bulk goods are also eaten up by these three. It is said that this Of the three warehouses, except for the head office of Tonghai Warehouse in Tianjin, the other two are nothing more than semicolons.

It is said that when the censers of Chuantou Incense were placed in various shops in the city, these three big businesses did not dare to let them go.

Everyone in the city and outside the city knows that it's not that Chuantouxiang is powerful, but that these three big businesses have given him Chuantouxiang's face. Such a big business has no idea how much power is standing behind it. Who would be afraid? This Chuantouxiang, after this incident, the goods of these three companies were loaded and unloaded on the canal, and Chuantouxiang was never delayed, and they were the first to do it. This is also an allusion inside and outside the city.

There is also a legend that Chuantouxiang will arrange people to guard the home for three big businesses, but these three are not rare at all. One day they specially pulled out people to pick up the goods at the riverside port. Each family has nearly a hundred people. Man, with this elite appearance, he might not be able to defeat General Li's personal soldiers.

Legend and so on, drinking and chatting on weekdays, everyone in Hang Daqiao also talked about it, but I didn't expect to meet it in person today.

The people from Hang Daqiao, who are wearing the official uniforms of brocade guards, have gradually gained prestige in the city recently, but now several people inside are being surrounded and beaten, and the idlers watching the fun outside are all laughing, and their prestige has disappeared. Who will give them Give Way.

"Get out, get out!"

"Hurry up and get beaten, some men can do it too!"

"Speaking out scares you, do you know who is squeezing in, that is Jinyiwei, we are the Jinyiwei of Tianjin Acropolis!!"

"Haha, the knife hung on their waists is like a fire stick, and the few inside didn't pull it out when they were beaten!!"

The idlers and gangsters in the crowd couldn't help laughing, and even deliberately stopped in front of Hang Daqiao and the others, but Hang Baihu and the others, who had no momentum, dared not rush, and could only walk forward in a low voice.

The group of guards in Jinyi was a little dazed, thinking that this was back to a few years ago, they finally squeezed into the inner circle, those men had already beaten them smoothly, and the screams of pain inside gradually subsided.

"Brothers, stop fighting, stop fighting!!"

Anxious in his heart, Hang Daqiao waved his hands and shouted loudly outside, his voice already had a bit of crying, inside he was a commoner, he was an official servant, but this Hang Baihu didn't dare to say a single hard word, he just begged in a low voice.

"Hey! Isn't this Hang Baihu Uncle Hang!? Your old man came to collect the safe money in person. You always look at it. There is a safe sign, but there are still fights at the door. This is not safe!"

He yelled a few times, and finally a leader turned around. He knew this man, Hang Daqiao. He originally opened a martial arts gym in Tianjin City. Go, give a small shopkeeper the title, actually the leader of the bodyguards of the courtyard.

There have been many contacts between the two sides in these years. The leader has never given Hang Daqiao a good face. He had a smiling face a few days ago, but today he has become the same again.

"Brother Yuan, you know Yang Jieba too. We are all working on errands for food. The Jinhe family has a big business. Why bother with people like us? Let them go. If you fight again, you will have trouble. Stop beating!! "

Hang Daqiao didn't dare to make a move. How could a dozen or so people on his side have beaten so many strong men? Seeing the booing and applause outside, I'm afraid there are not many who can help him. After all, children are unreliable. How could I be fooled by lard at that time, so I believed him!
That Brother Yuan was about half a head taller than Hang Baihu. Hearing Hang Daqiao's pleading in such a low voice, he sneered with disdain, turned his head to look at the door of the store, and then yelled:


Those guys didn't seem to be enjoying themselves enough, and they moved their hands a few more times before they stopped. The leader surnamed Yuan raised his hand high, and threw it down hard. There was a crisp sound, and everyone looked over, but it was a safe sign with red letters on a black background , the leader surnamed Yuan raised his foot and stomped on it hard. What kind of effort should he have used for this stomp.

The wooden Ping'an sign suddenly fell apart, and the surroundings became quiet for a while, and no one knew who made the move. Everyone applauded loudly, and the surname Yuan clasped his fists to signal, and said loudly:

"We were born and raised in Tianjin, and we are responsible people on weekdays, but we can't let the villains from outside bully us casually. If we Jinhe this way, even if we go to a lawsuit, the Emperor Long Live will be on our side!! "

The idlers applauded loudly again, Hang Daqiao and others in the crowd wanted to find a crack in the ground but couldn't find it, so they could only help their companions who couldn't stand up dejectedly, and the guards of Jinhe Warehouse beat them up It was too ruthless, the Jin Yiwei who came to collect the money hugged their heads anyway, but at least two of them had their arms broken, and one of them probably had a broken rib. You can only find out if you ask a doctor to see it. The rest of the muscles and bones are inevitable. .

In the midst of ridicule and laughter, Hang Daqiao's group of people help their companions to walk back in despair. Fortunately, he is still caring about his companions and asks people to go to various places to say hello, and to call back all the money collectors, so as not to cause trouble again .

After the gun test, Wang Tong spent less time going to the recruit training camp, and more time working in the government offices and mansions in the city.

When Hang Daqiao and others returned to the official office with their heads downcast, Sun Dahai and a few others were exercising in the yard. This Tianjin Jinyiwei thousand-household official office is usually taken care of by Sun Dahai and his old brothers, but Wang Tong is not there now.

Seeing the distressed appearance of Hang Daqiao and the others, as well as those who came back in a daze, Sun Dahai wondered how much better these Jinyi guards in the city were than when they first met. Why are they so depressed today? Embarrassed.

"What happened!?"

Sun Dahai asked aloud, Hang Daqiao had suffered so much outside, and he was also angry with Sun Dahai who followed Wang Tong, so he ignored him and went directly to the back wing.

Sun Dahai is also very hot-tempered, so he can bear this. He is shorter than Hang Daqiao. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the front of Hang Baihu, pulled him directly, and cursed loudly with his eyes wide open:

"Tell me quickly!!"

After all, he was a gutless character. Seeing Sun Dahai being so fierce, Hang Daqiao shuddered all over, and hurriedly stammered.

Following the narration, Hang Daqiao could see that Sun Dahai's face in front of him was gradually turning red, and his eyes were bloodshot, but he could still keep calm and ask the people around him from time to time.

After finishing speaking, Sun Dahai gritted his teeth and asked:
"The surname Hang, you just crawled back like this?"

"Sun Baihu, today is different from the past, dare not offend"

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped on the face by Sun Dahai, and the people around him shrank subconsciously. Hang Daqiao covered his face and asked angrily:
"Sun Baihu, why did you beat me!"

Instead of stepping forward to make a move, Sun Dahai was so angry that he questioned him aggrievedly, and cursed:
"You bastard, you look like a bitch, our Tianjin Jinyiwei's face has been completely thrown away by you boneless bastards!"

After cursing this sentence, he turned around and greeted a few old brothers:

"The person who beat us, let's finish the calculation like this, go with me, go find it back!!"

As soon as he greeted him, he saw that no one around him moved. Looking at the door, Sun Dahai turned his head in wonder. Wang Tong and a few followers were standing at the door. Sun Dahai was so angry that he didn't care about other things. He said harshly to Wang Tong:
"My lord, did you know all these things just now?"

"I heard what Hang Daqiao said just now."

"How to do!?"

Hearing Sun Dahai's words, Wang Tong laughed, and asked with a few smiles:
"Also ask me what to do, lead people to find it back!!"

After listening to the order, Sun Dahai agreed with a heavy heart, and Wang Tong raised his voice and said:
"As long as you are bloody, go out with Sun Baihu and get back what you have suffered. Don't be a bastard here!!"

When these words were excited, a dozen or so people who came back from the yard followed and walked out. Wang Tong glanced at the others with disdain, then turned his head and said to Cai Nan behind him:

"Everyone asks, which ones didn't pay, which ones cursed, and which ones beat people."

Cai Nan hurriedly bowed and agreed, and Wang Tong said coldly to Tan Bing beside him:
"Assemble troops!!!"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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