Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 277 You still want to be safe

Chapter 277 You still want to be safe

The owner of Deyixuan, Li Yang, was in high spirits today, and publicly repelled Jin Yiwei's soldiers who collected money. Everyone must have seen the awe-inspiring character of the scholar.I heard just now that out of "righteous indignation", the guys at the Jinhe Warehouse beat the policeman who collected the safety money. Isn't this an act of righteousness for the whole city.

Since the reign of Xuande, whenever the conflicts between scholars and eunuchs and warriors prevailed, the parties concerned all became famous. Could it be that I also have this blessing.

The more I think about it, the more excited I become, and I can't help but write vigorously in the study room. Those literati who can't write poems or good articles are used to making notes, and then paying for the publication, which is also a way to make a name for themselves.

This Li Yang, who calls himself the master of Yangliuju, wrote "Notes of Yangliuju". After careful consideration of the words, he said that after Wang Tong led the troops into the city, Fanzi ran amok in the city, and the people were in dire straits. , today I am waiting for the first voice, advocating the city's charitable deeds
Just when I wrote that all the scholars and people in the city were excited, I suddenly heard a commotion in the shop in front of me, the door of the study room slammed, and a clerk rushed in scrambling.

"Master, it's not good, Jin Yiwei is calling at the door!!"

"What!!? They still dare to come to bully, is there any law of the king, is there any justice in this!!"

Li Yang suddenly stood up and asked, but then took a step back. This kind of scholar, with a lot of tongue in his mouth, would be timid if he really encountered a situation.

However, when his shop was smashed, he lost his own money. Even if he was afraid, he had to go and see it. Li Yang told his servants:
"Hurry up and report to Master Tongzhi!!"

He walked forward quickly, his house was connected to the shop, and his calligraphy and paintings were also sold there on weekdays, but as soon as he entered the shop, he could already hear the noise of hustle and bustle.

The shopkeepers of Deyixuan were all kneeling on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces. A lot of calligraphy and paintings in the shop were torn to pieces, and various ornaments were smashed to the ground. A short and sturdy man wearing the official uniform of Jinyi Wei Baihu sat on the counter.

"Why do you commit crimes in the daytime? Is there any king's law for this!!"

Seeing the mess, Li Yang felt distressed and angry at the same time. He pointed at the short and strong man and asked angrily. The short and strong man was Sun Dahai. He jumped down from the counter and said in a cold voice:
"Ping An sign keeps you safe. If you don't hang the sign, of course there will be no safety!!"

"Extremely absurd, what is the rule for hanging a safe sign? Don't you know that the current emperor and all the ministers say that there is no rule for hanging a safe sign in the world?"

Before he finished speaking, Sun Dahai stepped forward and slapped Li Yang's face hard. Half of Li Yang's face was bruised and swollen. Li Yang stepped back a few steps, covered his face and said angrily:

"I am acquainted with Gao Tongzhi and Master Pan, you are so rude and rude, be careful I will write a lawsuit to sue you!!"

After finishing speaking, the impatient Sun Dahai had already pulled out the Xiuchun Knife, placed it directly on his neck, and roared roughly:

"You ask what the rules of this Ping An brand are, and I will tell you, it is the rules of Jinyiwei in Tianjin City, and it is the rules of my Lord Qianhu!!"

The character of what he did was nothing compared to the sharpness. As soon as he felt the chill on his neck, Li Yang's courage of not fighting disappeared, his legs became weak, and he knelt down directly. The words in his mouth were trembling and said :

"It's a small one, no, I don't know the rules, please take the knife away, if you are a small one, you will pay the money, and you will hang up the sign."

It was these useless scholars who let Hang Daqiao go back. Sun Dahai spat in disdain and cursed:

"You can hang up this brand if you want, and throw it away if you want. The price to buy the brand is 100 taels, and the safe money will be doubled. Otherwise, this store will not open, and people will get out of Tianjin Acropolis!!"

With the knife resting on his neck, it's up to him to make up his mind. Although it doubles, it's not to the point where it hurts his muscles and bones. Li Yang agreed without a word, and Sun Dahai put the knife back into its sheath, and said harshly:
"Pay the money before dark, or you won't have to pay it!"

After speaking, he led the people to stride out, and as soon as he went out, the shopkeepers of the two nearby shops were waiting outside with a smile. When he saw Sun Dahai going out, he hurried forward and said:
"My lord, Mr. Hang was in a hurry to leave just now. Our two families wanted to pay the money but failed to catch up. We were about to send it to the Yamen, but it happened that you came over, my lord."

While talking, he took the silver money and sent it to Sun Dahai, but Sun Dahai didn't even look at it, and knocked it over when he raised his hand, and said in a rough voice:
"Don't pay when it's time to pay. It's too late now. The safety money will be doubled this month, and I will hand it over to the yamen before dark."

The shopkeepers of the two shopkeepers looked at each other, and quickly bowed and agreed with an apologetic smile. At this time, a team of infantry had already rushed into the Jinyiwei official office.

Sun Dahai led the people to follow quickly, and the two shopkeepers didn't raise their heads until Sun Dahai left. They walked to the door of the Deyi Xuan by themselves, and cursed inside:

"It's called such a small amount of peace money, Taiping does business, Li Xiucai, why are you arguing about this matter, and now you have caused trouble, and it has cost everyone a lot of money, what an idiot!"

They were the ones who laughed just now, and they are also the ones who are cursing now. Li Yang knelt on the ground dejectedly, but he still kept talking back.
"The doctor invited just now said that the four brothers have broken bones, and the bruises are not light. It is estimated that they can recover after half a year of care."

Wang Tong rode on the horse, watching groups of soldiers rushing over from various yards and lined up in front of him, while Zhang Shiqiang beside him reported in a deep voice.

In this era of such injuries, if there is no doctor, it is possible to die. Wang Tong nodded immediately with a gloomy face, and asked loudly:
"Tan Bing, are everyone gathered yet!!?"

"My lord, a total of 600 people from the three battalions in the city have gathered!!"

"Did Tan Huo lead someone to fetch things?"

"Go back to my lord, I've already gone!"

Wang Tong took a few steps forward on his horse and shouted loudly:

"Today, people from thousands of households were beaten when we went out to collect money. The safe money collected was not for their own use, but for the weapons in everyone's hands, the armor on their bodies, and daily food. Our people were beaten. That’s right, the official was beaten, which is tantamount to treason, everyone, follow me to quell the chaos!!”

The people below agreed abruptly, Wang Tong flicked the reins, and walked directly in front. Ma Sanbiao was leading other people in the recruit training camp at this time, and the horse team following Wang Tong was led by Tan Jian.

The city is not big, and it didn't take too long to walk to the street where the Jinhe Inn is located, and the time to come and go was also fast, and there were still many idlers who had been watching the excitement just now.

"It's broken up, Jingjie!!"

When Wang Tong gave an order, Tan Jian waved his hand and led [-] or so cavalrymen to rush out, holding whips and sticks on the horses, and lashed down fiercely.

Those idlers were talking and chatting there, but they didn't expect that soldiers would come to beat them all of a sudden. Most of them couldn't react in time, and they got hit on the head, face and body a few times. It's good to run somewhere.

The people at the Jinhe Warehouse reacted quickly, scrambling on the door and closing the door.

The streets were cleared over there, and the Jinyi guards led by Wang Tong opened up. The front door of Jinhe Warehouse can accommodate dozens of men to fight, and it is also very spacious. It can actually accommodate a battalion and a half of soldiers. The pawns can only be used everywhere in the street.

How could the door panels on the shop block the soldiers, the soldiers below were eager to charge forward, but Wang Tong did not give orders.

I could hear busy noises behind the door panel, maybe something was used to resist it, but it was of no use, the soldiers of Jin Yiwei had just finished lining up, but someone stood out on the wall next to him, looking at the short body Dressed as a guard, he shouted loudly:

"Master Wang, what do you want to do with your troops here? Do you want to rob our Jinhe warehouse in broad daylight? Tell your lord that our warehouse has sent people to report to Master Pan and General Li Can. It’s about to arrive, there is no such rule in the Ping’an brand Ping’an money, my lord, don’t be aggressive, if you sue the capital.”

"Tan Gong, shoot him down!"

Wang Tong said something in a cold voice, and Tan Gong who was beside him drew his bow and set an arrow, and when the arrow was shot, the person who shouted fell down from the wall immediately.

A panic and panic could be heard inside the door and inner wall of the Jinhe Warehouse, but the door still did not open.

But Wang Tong didn't send anyone to go up and smash the door, he just stopped his horse and waited there, the soldiers below also lined up quietly, although the idlers were beaten away, they were all interested in watching the excitement, and they were surrounded again from afar When they came over, they couldn't see the scene of the man on the wall being shot down.

He just watched these Jinyi guards coming aggressively, but they didn't do anything. They just lined up quietly outside the door. They didn't know what was going on, and they all watched nervously.

But after a while, the Jinyiwei soldiers still didn't move, everyone couldn't help but feel a little strange, many idlers still remembered the prestige of beating the Jinyiwei in front of the gate just now, and they couldn't help shouting along with the noise outside.

Wang Tong was on the horse, just tidying up the firearm slowly, and when he heard the shouts from both sides, he calmly ordered:

"All the idlers who watched the excitement were arrested, the soldiers in front of the door did not move, and the soldiers on both sides were dispatched!!"

As soon as the order was given to go, the Jinyi Guards who were already disturbed by the noise and screams swarmed out. There were so many people on the street, the Jinyi Guards rushed over suddenly, unable to run in a hurry, and first used the spears in their hands as growth guns. They were beaten with sticks, and those idlers were knocked down to the ground.

After crying for father and mother for a while, the street was very deserted, Jinhe Inn also saw the scene outside, and after a while, another person showed half of his head from the wall and shouted loudly:

"Master Wang, it may be a misunderstanding, our master is in the capital"

Wang Tong stretched out his hand and pointed, and Tan Gong next to him shot another arrow, only to hear a scream, there was another panic inside, and then fell silent.

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes on the other side, but it was Tan Huo who rode over and said loudly immediately:
"Master, the cannon is here!!"
Ask for a monthly pass! !

(End of this chapter)

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