Chapter 278

It's not that there are no people on this street, idlers are blatantly watching the excitement, and these people secretly watch the excitement through the cracks in the doors and windows.

The idlers were captured, these people shrank back, seeing that the guards in brocade clothes did not come in to arrest them, they peeked at them again, and discussed a few words from time to time, it was a bit like watching a drama.

When the cannon was pulled over, no one talked about it. The timid ones even dragged their family members away from the back door for fear of being affected.

In fact, there is a cannon, which is a bracket refitted with a cart, on which a wooden frame and an iron frame are tenoned and fixed. The creaking sound indicates that the weight is very heavy.

From the two sides, it was just a thick black iron pillar, but after hearing Tan Huo's report, everyone knew it was a cannon.

For many people in this era, artillery is still a legendary firearm. It is said that when a shell is fired for more than ten miles, all the people and horses along the way are turned into flesh and blood.

No one thought that it was just a street fight, and Jin Yiwei actually used artillery.

"My lord, the cannon is here!!"

Hearing Tan Huo's report, Wang Tong pointed to the gate of Jinhe warehouse and said:

"Boom there!!"

Tan Huo took orders immediately, got off his horse and got busy with a dozen soldiers. Someone unloaded the livestock, pulled the cart to adjust the direction, someone unloaded the wooden box from another ox cart, dug soil and loaded it into the wooden box on the spot. The box is used to block the bottom, front, rear, left, and right sides of the cart. This is actually building a fort. Otherwise, after the gun is fired, the huge recoil force does not know where the cart will go.

After the successful test of the cannon, the manufacture of the cannon was much faster. Out of some considerations, a cannon weighing about six catties was placed in the barracks in the city.

There is no one who knows how to make gun mounts and carriages, and there is only crude and simple, using a cart to modify a movable device for easy transportation. The six-pound artillery is already the maximum that can be transported, and the nine-pound artillery will use six A cow, and it is very difficult to walk on the official road.

"Lord Wang, everything is easy to say, everything is easy to say!!"

The people in Jinhe Warehouse no longer dared to lie on the wall, but there was still a gap in the front door with the raised door, but they saw the black cannon erected.

Seeing the artillery pointing at the target, it was really frightening. He was so scared that he couldn't be more afraid. He shouted loudly, but Wang Tong ignored him and just said:
"Come out and shoot one by one, don't stop!!"

Someone over there opened the door without hesitation, and Tan Gong and a few people shot over here with their bows and arrows, which happened to be nailed to the door.

After cleaning the barrel, adding medicine, ramming it, and loading the ammunition, Tan Gong ran over to report, but Tan Bing stopped him with his hand, moved closer to Wang Tong and said:
"My lord, I'm afraid many people will die if this cannonball goes on, and the matter will become serious. It will not be easy to end at that time. My lord, you should think twice!"

"I'm still worried that this cannonball will still not be able to suppress people. There are people inside and outside the city who are behind the helm, and if they don't completely tear us apart, they keep making small moves in private. If the official takes a step back today, nothing will happen next." Don't do it, and if you take money to do things again, you will be accused and sent to the capital."

Wang Tong waved at Tan Gong who was waiting for orders, and continued coldly to Tan Bing:
"It's useless to quarrel with me. I just want to die a few people today and bleed some blood. If the quarrel continues, there will be more blood bleed and more people will die!!"

"It's time to ignite!!"

Tan Gong shouted at the top of his voice, the soldiers separated to the two sides, and the riders also pulled out cloth balls to plug the horse's ears, and also covered their own ears.

"Master Wang, you guys are wrong, someone provoked you"


The fuse was ignited, the cannon fired, there was a loud bang, a large amount of smoke gushed out from the muzzle, and the smell of gunpowder filled the surroundings. When the cannon was fired, everyone felt the ground tremble slightly.

Although the horse had its ears blocked, it was still neighing wildly in shock, and everyone was busy grabbing the horse.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, more than half of the door panels of Jinhe Warehouse were smashed, and more than half of the walls inside the house could be seen from here, and the courtyard inside could already be seen from here.

The people in the warehouse were stunned, completely dumbfounded. There was blood flowing out of the broken door panel, and the shot must have brought people.

"The three brothers of the Tan family can't die in vain. If one of us dies, we will pay back ten or a hundred lives of others."

Wang Tong said to Tan Bing in a deep voice, at this point, Tan Bing nodded emphatically, and the people in Jinhe Warehouse finally came to their senses, someone in the warehouse stood up and ran out madly, and someone collapsed there crying loudly , Facing the power of the artillery, many people have already collapsed.

Wang Tong sneered, waved his whip and shouted:
"Don't get away with one person, and arrest the entire warehouse!!!"

The soldiers shouted in unison and rushed in together. A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Tong's mouth, and he said to Tan Bing:
"Let's go, ask for the bill!!"

One of the soldier training programs in the recruit training camp is different from ordinary barracks, that is, how to capture and arrest people. This is the talent of the guards and guards, and it is also their job.

It is appropriate to use it here at this time. One battalion besieged, and the other battalion went in to sweep and arrest people. Anyway, the warehouse had plenty of ropes, so they could be tied up and taken out.

Tan Gong also led a few artillerymen and a craftsman in. They were either arresting people, or they were watching the traces of the shells. They broke through the deconstructed brick and wood shop houses and stopped at the third one.

Several people walked to measure the distance, looked at the wooden walls along the way, and murmured in low voices. They all said that there was a problem with the amount of dosing this time, or else the cannon of this caliber could fire longer.

Not many people died after this cannon shot, seven of them were near the door and were killed by flying pieces of wood before they could run, and the four unlucky ghosts inside.

Those idlers who were just caught watching the excitement, although they were far away from the place where the artillery was fired, everyone was scared out of their wits, and some even lost control of themselves.

The people in this warehouse are even worse than the idlers watching the excitement. If they were not tied up, there might be crazy people, but even so, most of them were crying at the top of their lungs.

"Fight, shut up these people!!"

Wang Tong gave the order impatiently, seeing the appearance of those comrades who were injured and maimed, the soldiers of Jin Yiwei were furious in their hearts, no one would hold back when Wang Tong gave the order, and they all started fighting.

Beating is the most useful, although crying is still crying, screaming in pain is still screaming, but it is not so broken and crazy.

Dama took a few steps forward, looked at the people on the ground who were looking so dazed and embarrassed, and thought about how a few soldiers described how rampant and arrogant these people were when they were beaten. This comparison is really interesting.

Before Wang Tong could speak, someone rushed over from the intersection. Soldiers stopped him, and the two sides started arguing. Who would dare to argue?

This person has never had any contact with him, so he came here to join in the fun, Wang Tong frowned, and still ordered:

"Put it in!!"

Under the guidance of several guards, the four-carried sedan chair quickly ran to Wang Tong's side. Originally, these guards and bearers had expressions of resentment on their faces, but when they saw the murderous soldiers on the side of the road, they were already timid. After a few minutes, when we got to Jinhe's warehouse, everyone was terrified when they saw the cannon and the storefront that had been bombarded.

Stopping the sedan chair and opening the curtain, Tongzhi Gao saw the cannon being adjusted as soon as he stepped out of the sedan chair. After staring at it for a few times, his body trembled and his face turned pale.

It was Wang Tong who asked aloud to break the embarrassing calm. Wang Tong asked in a deep voice:
"I'm on business, what's the matter with Mr. Gao coming here!"

The two are of the same rank, gentlemen and martial artists, so it is said that Wang Tong should get off his horse and hold his fists to participate, but Wang Tong asked in a cold voice immediately, without any courtesy at all.

There are powerful soldiers and cannons, this Gao Tongzhi didn't dare to be tough, he just wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile:

"My lord, these people are all fools. They don't know the rules and regulations. They offended you, but you can't die. Why should your lord make such a big fuss? We have no one in Tianjin to look at, so Gao has a cheeky face. Please, my lord. Let them go!!"

Seeing this fellow Gao coming, a few members of Jinhe Warehouse, who had been crying, shouted out:

"Master Gao, help!"

"Master Gao, this Wang Tong will kill people when he comes up!!"

"Master Gao, let the little ones decide!!"

Gao Tongzhi pretended not to hear, but looked at Wang Tong. Waiting for his reply, Wang Tong turned his head and said a few words to Tan Bing, and several stretchers who had been following behind the team were carried up. Wrapped in bandages, they all looked miserable.

"The soldiers of Jinyi's soldiers came to Jinhe Warehouse to do business, but they were beaten to death. Jinyiwei is the emperor's personal soldier. If you have any doubts when you are on business, you can come to my official office to plead. Such actions are regarded as treason, and those who participate are rebels!!"

After Wang Tong finished speaking sharply, he asked again:

"Gao Tongzhi, conspiring against the traitor, how will the Daming law reform deal with it!!"

Gao Tongzhi took a step back from the harsh question, wiped the sweat off his face, and replied in a dry voice:

"Dang, cut immediately!"

Wang Tong nodded, turned around and said:

"Let the wounded recognize the person, arrest the person who beat the person and the first three shopkeepers of this house!!"

As soon as the words fell, the people brought by Hang Daqiao and the people who were beaten all came to the people in Jinhe Warehouse, identifying them one by one, and every time they recognized one, the soldiers came over to drag them out.

Despite crying and shouting, No. 70 people were captured and knelt in a row, forced to kneel on the ground towards the shop, and another soldier drew his waist knife and stood behind them.

Wang Tong pulled the rein and said loudly:

"Open your eyes wide and see, this is the end!

After speaking, he waved his hand and said:
Ask for a monthly pass! ! ! !If you are cool, please vote for your monthly pass! ! !Lao Bai shouted for the monthly pass! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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