Chapter 279

Following Wang Tong's order, the soldiers of the Jinyiwei raised their Xiuchun knives, and those who were captured still had a little luck in their hearts at this time, hoping to just send them to the Yamen.

After all, Jinhe Warehouse is very popular in the big and small yamen in Tianjin, and maybe they can be released after suffering some crimes. After Wang Tong said "kill", everyone collapsed.

"My lord, please forgive me!"

Everyone was crying like this, except for this sentence, they couldn't say anything else. With the sound of "click" and "click", dozens of heads had already fallen to the ground.

Tongzhi Gao of the Qing Military Hall closed his eyes, not daring to look any further, subconsciously staggered back a few steps, tripped over something, and sat down on the ground.

None of the bearers and servants of Mr. Tongzhi knew to come to help him, they all hid back in fear, their faces turned ashen, unable to speak a word.

All the crying, screaming, and twitching all came to an abrupt end at this moment, and there was a long silence. All the people who were captured in Jinhe Warehouse lay on the ground, not daring to move or even speak out. Little voice.

After a while, the guards in brocade clothes put their knives back into their scabbards, and Wang Tong immediately said:

"The rest of them will be taken back to the prison and tortured severely. Among them, there must be someone who knows the mastermind and co-conspirators, and someone who knows the cause and effect. I will never let a rebel thief go!!"

With an order, the guards in Jinyi came forward to beat them with whips, forcing the stunned Jinhe Warehouse to stand up and go to the prison of the Jinyiwei official office.

Gao Tongzhi, who was sitting on the ground, finally struggled to stand up, held up the hem of his official robe, ran up to Wang Tong in small steps, raised his head and begged Wang Tong:
"My lord, my lord, act cautiously, act cautiously. After killing so many people, Gao has no way to explain it to the Fuzun. Jinhe Warehouse is not just a warehouse. There are many princes in the court who take care of them. , Now that the trouble has become like this, if you arrest people back, wouldn't it be even more impossible to end, stop in time, so as not to end!"

Wang Tong glanced at Gao Tongzhi, laughed loudly immediately, and said after laughing:

"The matter has come to this, and you have to call this officer to end it. Gao Tongzhi, don't say that you didn't hear about this matter. This matter will not be closed by this officer. You must investigate to the end!"

After speaking, he shook the reins, ignored Gao Tongzhi who was looking extremely ugly, and said loudly:
"Leave ten people here to guard, and the rest will bring the prisoners back to the camp!!"

While speaking, battalion officer Zhao Hong trotted up to Wang Tong, and reported in a deep voice:

"My lord, what should I do with those idlers watching the fun?"

"How to deal with it, of course it is brought back for interrogation, these bastards are witnesses!"

Wang Tong immediately commented coldly:
"Ignorant idiots, think that the government is afraid of trouble, and provoke troubles several times. Now when a certain family shows a knife and the head falls to the ground, everyone will know how powerful it is!!"

After finishing speaking, he beat the horse's belly and walked away, leaving only a mess of blood on the ground and Gao Tongzhi, whose face was green and pale.

The news quickly spread throughout the entire Tianjin Acropolis. When the officials collected the safety money, most of the shops were still afraid of the officials. Although they were reluctant, they still paid the money, and they were all very lucky at this time.

But the shops next to Jinhe Warehouse, watching Jinhe Warehouse majesticly beat Jinyiwei up like that, laughed and felt that they didn't have to pay the safety money.

There are also those people who consciously understand the general situation of the court, and after hearing some rumors, think that the Jinyiwei's collection of money is extortion, and they are stubbornly resisting what they have not paid.

Now they are all in a hurry, when the news of the bombardment of Jinhe's warehouse came, everyone panicked, some hurried to the door to find the broken sign, and some ran to the Jinyiwei official office with silver.

But no one expected that Wang Tong's reaction would be so fast. By the time they reached the Jinyiwei official office, the operation had already ended.

More than 70 bloody heads hung on the side of the courtyard wall. The businessmen who rushed to pay the money were all trembling and weak, and some even fell to the ground while walking on the flat ground.

When collecting the money just now, everyone was righteous and sarcastic, but now they are going to pay the money. Even those soldiers who used to be worthless in Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu, looking at the comparison before and after, they are still angry.

"My lord, the little one didn't have that much silver just now, now I bring the silver to my lord."

"These are not enough, one quarter of late payment will be fined twice, one hour late will be fined three times, one day late one day will be fined ten times, let's make it up!!"

In order to collect money for safety, this Jin Yiwei has used cannons, don't wait for the artillery to bombard, pay as many points as you can, it's better than lifeless.

The matter is not over here. For those merchants who paid the money late, the Ping An brand was taken back and replaced with a Ping An brand with black letters on a red background.

Those who thought they were stubborn and smashed the brand back then would naturally have to spend a hundred taels of silver to buy a brand with black letters on a red background, which would hang for three years.

From receiving the money from the Ping An brand in the morning to sending the money in a hurry in the afternoon, the time did not exceed three hours.Now these businessmen are complaining endlessly. In the morning, when others come to collect it, they grit their teeth and refuse to give it. In the afternoon, they send money to the door in a low voice, but others may not be willing to accept it, and they also pay a lot more. Why bother.

There are quite a lot of related people, many people went to Panda of the military preparation, Wan Dao, the eunuch of grain supervision, and some even begged to the general Li Dameng, but no one paid any attention.

In the afternoon, when they went to the Jinyiwei official office to pay the safety money, everyone knew one thing, the three largest businesses in the city, outside of Jinhe Warehouse, Tong Hai and Yong Sheng both paid the safety money in the morning.

After hearing the news, everyone beat their chests and regretted it again. Those wealthy and powerful people didn't show their heads, so they jumped around on their own.

"In the interrogation overnight, the witnesses, physical evidence, and confession must be complete, and there must be no less than one handprint. People in Jinhe Warehouse and those idlers who want to go out, they must find a guarantor in the city."

Wang Tong kept giving orders in the Jinyiwei official office, and Sun Dahai kept assigning people there. Those who were born in the capital are more proficient in such torture and review skills.

After giving instructions here, Wang Tong said to Hang Daqiao again:

"Several wounded brothers, as well as the doctor who treated them, also have to write a statement and press their fingerprints to testify!!"

Sun Dahai responded, and was about to ask the people around him to do it, but he was stunned for a while and turned around and asked:
"My lord, why does the sick doctor still have to confess?"

"How many bones were broken, what bruises you have on your body, and how much time you need to recuperate, all these must be recorded, and these doctors must jointly sign."

Sun Dahai agreed with a vague understanding, and hurried down to do it. Wang Tong sent someone to invite Tan Jian over again, and ordered as soon as he entered the door:
"Wait until the confession comes out, and you take these papers and go to the capital immediately, and report to the Fusi Yamen in Jinyiwei North Town in the form of official documents. If they don't accept it, you can directly find someone to report to the Commander's Yamen!"

Tan Jian nodded to accept the order, Wang Tong turned around and said to Zhang Shiqiang in a low voice:
"I'm going to write a letter here, you go to the capital overnight, and the sooner you hand over the iron box to the capital, the better!!"

Zhang Shiqiang quickly stood up and agreed, Wang Tong stood up and loosened his muscles, and said with a smile:

"Up to now, it depends on whose news can reach the capital as soon as possible."

Such a major event happened in the city, but all the forces in Tianjin remained silent. However, at this time, anyone who is qualified to write memorials and has such connections in the capital is writing about what happened today, either objectively or distorted. You have to add your own conclusions.

Apart from the warehouses and warehouses on both sides of the canal, there are also other courtyards built by wealthy families to enjoy the scenery of the canal. One courtyard is more lively than the others, and people come and go from early morning.

"Dadong, you always have to come forward to intercede on this matter. Jinhe Warehouse took the lead for this, and killed more than 70 lives. Now more than 100 people are still locked up in the prison."

"What are you crying about? Didn't your whole family go out of the city last night? Only over 70 people were killed. Back then, when you were running a caravan outside the mouth, what if more than 70 people died? "

With an impatient reprimand, the person kneeling there crying did not dare to say more, and immediately walked out. There was a lot of noise outside, but the room was very quiet.

The man sat in a daze for a while, then moved his fat body and stood up. This man was Chai Fulin, the owner of Tonghai Warehouse. He walked two steps in the room with a gloomy expression, shook his head and said in a low voice:
"At such a young age, he has such ruthless methods. He not only dared to kill people in the street, but also fired guns in the street. More than 70 lives were lost. He was so courageous, so courageous!"

While talking and walking, he clapped his palms, but laughed, and said in a low voice:

"Building this cannon to collect money in the city is indeed an ignorant and incompetent junior. In this small place in the city, with so little money, you can do whatever you want. You can fire cannons in the street and kill innocent people indiscriminately. You don't know that those big bosses in the court are waiting Do you see your fault, you send it to the door yourself, which saves my energy, great, great

When the Jinyiwei official office was extremely busy, Qiao Da, the leader of the blacksmith workshop, also hurried over. Seeing such busyness, he felt a little cringe.

Seeing that Wang Tong came out with the letter and handed it to Zhang Shiqiang, he hurried forward and whispered a few words in Wang Tong's ear. Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face gradually widened.

Zhang Shiqiang ran down the steps quickly, and was stopped by Wang Tong before he left the yard. Zhang Shiqiang turned his head, and Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Let's wait for half an hour, and there will be a letter for you."

Wang Tong turned around and entered the room, clenched his fist and waved it excitedly. Everyone who saw it wondered why the lord suddenly felt so much better.
Thank you for your support, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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