Chapter 280 The Weird Incident in the Haihe River: Protection or Punishment
The canal is busy during the day, but the Haihe River is a little quieter during the day. Although many large ships are docking at the port, no one can be seen walking around, as if they are all asleep.

A few people dressed as clerks came from the north, pointing at the north bank of the Haihe River, but they recognized the people working on the bank, and raised their voices to say hello:
"Huang San, I don't need you to deliver food in broad daylight, what are you doing here!!"

"The business in the store is getting bigger, and I'm too busy to deliver food at night. I have recruited a few new guys from Jinghai, come here to find out the way!"

The leader was Huang San, the guy from Xingcai Inn. Everyone was familiar with him, and they greeted each other with a smile, and the newcomers also nodded and bowed their heads.

The guys looked not too young, maybe they were from the countryside, they looked around, and they didn't see much of the world at first glance, Huang Sanzhi pointed and spoke.

There are many big boats on the Haihe River, everyone may be looking at it fresh, and they have been walking along the river bank.

The business of Xingcai Inn has improved a lot recently. Everyone knows that Wang Tong, the evil god in the city, lived here when he first came to Tianjin. He took care of it afterwards, and it is said that the meals for the recruit training camp are now also provided by Xingcai Inn. The shopkeeper specially sent people to the kitchen built next to the head of the camp, no wonder there was not enough manpower.

If it was placed some time ago, the men of Chuantouxiang couldn't rub the sand in their eyes, and they would definitely have to find trouble or something, but after the Jinhe warehouse was bombarded in the city, more than 70 heads are still hanging outside the wall of the Jinyiwei official office , Who doesn't open their eyes to find this trouble.

However, the business of Xingcai Inn is really good, and it should make people rich. Everyone talked about it with emotion, so they didn't say anything. Seeing that the group of Xingcai Inn went farther and farther, they walked towards Haikou. .

This is also common. The Haihe River has no scenery, but the mouth of the sea is beautiful. In order to replenish water for the canal, the seawater has gradually flowed back, which is even more spectacular.

At the intersection of the canal and the Haihe River, a large ship came from the north and stopped at the intersection, but a small boat was put down. There were four people in the small boat, and one of them nailed it to the north bank with a wooden stake, and then tied the rope. Up there, three of the four were rowing, while one was holding a rope and letting it out.

There must have been a huge bundle of ropes on the boat, or else the boat rowed to the south bank, and the ropes hadn’t been unwound yet, but the ropes were not thick. So he rowed back again, pulled out the stakes, rolled the rope and got ashore to the boat.

It's not that no one saw this scene, but they were confused. They didn't know what these people were doing. Everyone was busy with their livelihoods, and they couldn't understand. Who would study it, let him go.

What everyone is most concerned about right now is whether the Jinyiwei Qianhu Wang Tong should go out of the city to hang a sign. He has nearly a thousand soldiers in the city, and nearly 3000 people in the training camp outside the city.

It is said that some dilapidated houses on the south side of the new barracks were all demolished, and there was no one living there. I don’t know if it was death or fire. .

People doing business around Tianjin Acropolis have already taken the initiative to go to the Jinyiwei official office to ask for a piece of safety sign, and everyone's account has been settled.

If you don’t pay the money to Jin Yiwei, you have to go to burn incense on the bow of the boat. According to the businessmen in the city, there is not much money for peace, and there is no such big trouble after paying. The soldiers of Jin Yiwei use money to do things, but it is not extortion , which is not bad.

But those businesses outside the city couldn't get this brand. Jin Yiwei's reply was very simple:
"hold on!"

However, one thing has been clarified on the ground in Tianjin, it is okay to offend anyone, Jin Yiwei is untouchable, and the new Qianhu Wang Tong fired cannons and killed people, committing all kinds of evil, I really dare to take off my shirt with you, don't offend me.

Look at the idlers who watched the fun that day, all of them were beaten terribly in the prison, and they had to ask their family members to provide bail before they were released. Dozens of unaccompanied bachelors were all sent to the new barracks While working as a coolie, handling stones every day, life is worse than death, this is a lesson.

Compared with the tranquility of Tianjin Wei, the Jingshi side is much more lively. There are more than a dozen provinces in Zhili, and the attention of high officials in the court and central government will not always be on Tianjin side.

Everyone said that Mr. Zhang Ge was about to change his ways. They said that since Emperor Hongzhi of the Ming Dynasty, the treasury has been tight. The Jiajing Dynasty fought against the Japanese pirates and the little prince in the north, and even wiped out all the money in the treasury. Jing, after Mr. Zhang Ge came to power, he first cleared Zhang Zhang's land, and the treasury suddenly became full. Now he is going to reform. It is said that after the reform, the treasury will have endless money.

However, some people also said that after Mr. Zhang Ge came to power, although Qingzhang Tianmu was good governance, but all aspects were also tightened. For one thing, peace is the most important thing to the outside world, and the use of flowers by the royal family is also severely restricted.

With more storage and less expenditure, the treasury is naturally full, but the Ming court operated, and the civil, government, and military departments did not do anything, and did not spend money on any of them. Such savings may not be a long-term solution.

Basically, these words will not be brought to the table. Last year, Shangshu thought that Zhang Juzheng should guard the fate of those people. Everyone has seen it. Why bother to disobey Lord Shoufu.

Moreover, since Zhang Juzheng came to power, there has been no example of failure of the national policy implemented, and no one will jump out at this time to seek bad luck.

The dignitaries of the capital, having access to this reform, naturally have nothing to say, what they don't know is just looking for someone to inquire about, to see if they can make some benefits from this.

Compared with other people's attention, Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, who is also a member of the powerful, is now paying attention to a different direction. He is worried about the affairs of Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu.

It was not a trivial matter to open fire on shops and behead seventy people on the street. According to Wang Tong's instructions, Tan Jian first sent the physical evidence, witness testimony, confession and other things related to the case to Beizhen Fusi.

Beizhen Fusi is in charge of civil affairs, and the thousands of households sent to various places, except those stationed in Nanjing, are all managed here. There was a little delay, and it was immediately sent to Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei.

Leaving aside who is behind Wang Tong, Beizhen Fusi can't control it. Even if it's an ordinary thousand household, it can only be punished by Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, who commits such a big event.

Liu Shouyou is Zhang Juzheng's most devoted party member, the commander of Jinyiwei is the top military official in the world, and the number of court meetings is the highest among military generals, but Liu Shouyou usually behaves like a horse of the chief assistant.

He also knew that no matter whether it was the cabinet, the six ministries, or even the civil servants in the capital, they all regarded Wang Tong as a traitor and a shameless villain.

I wish Wang Tong would cause trouble outside, the capital had a good reason, everyone impeached Shangshu together, even if the emperor protected him, he would not be able to escape.

Ordinarily, firing artillery and killing people in Tianjin is considered a serious crime. Liu Shouyou should immediately report this matter to Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Isn't this the crime everyone dreams of?

But Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, didn't do that. He was extremely embarrassed. He saw the report in the morning, and after an hour, he called the two commanders and two commanders who were on errands.

In the Ming Dynasty, the honors and rewards given to the military officers and the titles to the nobles were the military positions of the Jinyiwei. There are dozens of people in the world who wear the titles of Jinyiwei Commander Tongzhi and Qianshi, but these are the only ones who work. Just a few.

Liu Shouyou didn't say much, and directly distributed the items presented by Wang Tong to everyone, and everyone looked at each other after reading it.

"Liu Dutang, what did our secret line in Tianjin say? Is what Wang Qianhu said true?"

After a long silence, someone finally asked a question.

In addition to the thousand households that Wang Tong clearly stationed, for various purposes, there are also hidden Jinyiwei in Tianjin. Hearing this question, Liu Shou nodded and said:
"It's the truth."

As soon as he told the truth, everyone looked at each other again, but refused to speak. Liu Shouyou looked around, and a commander he had promoted asked hesitantly:

"What does Master Dutang mean?"

"If Bendu has an idea, why invite you guys over here? Everyone in Wang Tong knows who he is. Why bother if he is an ordinary family!"

Did Liu Shou say something angrily, and the man smiled awkwardly, and then said again:
"Dudang, the court has always had a prejudice against Wang Tong. Since he has done such a thing that does not know the heights of heaven and earth, it is up to the higher authorities to make up their minds. The six ministers of the cabinet will definitely want to see it."

After this matter was finished, Liu Shou nodded his head, and a fellow commander next to him took a copy of the newspaper and read it carefully. After he finished speaking here, he raised his head and asked:

"Dutang, the four servants below were beaten and disabled. Is this true?"

"I followed the dark line in Tianjin that day, and it was true that they were beaten by the guards of the warehouse in the street. I also asked the doctor afterwards. Two of them are disabled, and the other two will need to be raised for half a year."

The fellow who asked the question put the paper on the table, pondered for a while and said aloud:

"This guy Wang Tong doesn't know how to do things. He has offended many people in Beijing and outside the capital. He committed suicide. It has nothing to do with us. Let him do it."

Speaking of this, the commander of the Jinyiwei, Tongzhi, changed the subject and said in a deep voice:

"But our Jinyi army has to protect this matter. After all, our people were beaten when they were on errands. Wang Tong came out to find justice for them. If we don't care, who will do our best in the future?" On an errand, who in the world would take our Jinyi army seriously."
Thank you everyone, I will continue to ask for monthly tickets! !
(End of this chapter)

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