Chapter 284
No one can see Zhang Siwei's abnormality. Of course, the uproar in the academy and the trend in the capital may not have anything to do with Zhang Siwei. After all, if Zhang Da Sima really did such stupid things, how could he be in the position he is today.

It is precisely because there is no evidence in the investigation, so Zhang Siwei is still in his position, and no one is going to pursue anything, at least on the surface, everything is as usual.

The academy was banned, and the name of the secondary assistant has not been determined. If something really happened, these two actions are enough to warn people. Those who are interested in observing openly and secretly, Zhang Siwei is as usual, no matter whether in court or in private, there is no abnormal behavior .

Even spending money to bribe the servants of Zhang Siwei's house, he couldn't get any useful information. What Zhang Siwei does on weekdays is what he still does now. If a few teacups have been broken recently, it is considered abnormal.

Ever since Wang Tong left the capital, Lu Wancai, Zou Yi, and Li Wenyuan had a small gathering every few days.

When Zou Yi had an errand in the Yumajian, he didn't pay much attention to this small gathering, and the number of times he participated in it was seldom. When he committed a crime, he participated frequently.

Every small gathering is just a few dishes and a pot of sweet wine. Everyone needs to be vigilant at all times, and the place for the gathering is easy to find. Just find a courtyard in the Zhenxing Building on South Street.

Lu Wancai was only a fifth-rank at this time, and he was still in a government office like the Shuntian Mansion in the capital. Li Wenyuan was in charge of two hundred households, saying that Potian was a regular sixth-rank, and Zou Yi had no rank or rank after committing crimes.

However, no one dared to underestimate these three people in the capital. The three of them were the core of the Department of Public Security. Not to mention secret spying, but the peace money was a huge amount of money coming in and out.

The Department of Public Security has many eyes and ears in the capital. People in the market place, traffickers and pawns may be spied on by their eyeliner. What they said and what they did, they were accidentally inquired about.

However, these news should be reported to Eunuch Zhang, the eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, and then forwarded to Lord Long Live. Isn't this a different version of Dongchang?It's just that there are more eyes and ears, more careful work, and more financial rights.

The Yamen of Shuntian Mansion and the Jinyiwei are the agencies for external operations and preliminary information collection, while what Zou Yi in the palace is doing is the work of synthesis and analysis.

The three of them had a drink, it was more like a meeting than a remembrance gathering after Wang Tong left.

Everyone knows where they came from today, and who they need to rely on in the future, so the three of them have no intention of competing for power and profit with each other, but just go about their business quietly.

In such a state, the atmosphere of the small gathering is very good, talking about business, talking about the world, not hiding from each other, quite frank, everyone is very comfortable.

It was almost August, and this was the hottest time in the capital. The doors and windows of the single courtyard behind the Zhenxing Building were wide open, and mosquito coils were lit outside the house and yard.

There were wine and food on the table, and because the doors and windows were open, the voices of the people around the wine table were very low.

"Congratulations to Brother Li. Hutou has entered the training camp as a soldier. With such an outstanding talent, Mr. Wang is taking care of him. He must have a bright future in the future."

It was Lu Wancai who said this, and he and Zou Yi raised their wine glasses to toast. Li Wenyuan was usually serious, but now he smiled and touched everyone, but he pretended to be disdainful and said:

"It would be good if the bastard didn't cause trouble outside, what future is there, Mr. Wang doesn't know how much he has to worry about discipline!"

Having said that, he drank the wine in the glass, put down the glass, took a breath, and said in a low voice:

"The things I inquired here have also come out. Yang Sichen is a serious scholar, and the person he often associates with is indeed related to Zhang Siwei in a roundabout way."

Lu Wancai took a bite of food, shook his head and said:

"This person is no longer in the capital. Yang Sichen shouldn't have any other secrets. I didn't expect Shen Shixing to have such a means."

Zou Yi has rarely seen a smile on his face since he committed the crime. When he heard the news, he pondered for a while and said first:

"Hurry up and send it to Mr. Wang. Our family will tell Eunuch Zhang about Shen Shixing, and Long Live will also know about it."

This is of course, everyone naturally had nothing else to say, but Zou Yi was also a little surprised, sighed and said:
"Shen Shixing has always been known as a honest and honest gentleman in the court, and Zhang Siwei is known as the unparalleled ingenuity. If everyone thinks right, this time it was Shen Shixing who won for a while. He is only alone. How can he know so much? Do so many things."

Li Wenyuan also pondered in wonder and said:

"It's okay to be cautious about Yang Sichen, but it's not easy for an officer of the Ministry of Rites to do so in the academy."

Lu Wancai smiled, looked around subconsciously, and said in a low voice:
"Shen Shixing has been working in the Ministry of Criminal Justice for nearly 15 years. The Ministry of Criminal Justice is in charge of criminal prisons and investigates major cases. There are also some capable officials. The ability to catch something quickly is not small."

Having said this, both Zou Yi and Li Wenyuan suddenly realized something, and Lu Wancai said with a smile:

"Shen Shi's behavior is generous, and he is equally generous to the subordinates. Now that he has done a high job, the subordinates already have the intention to curry favor with him. He also holds a force in his hand, so he can naturally do something."

Li Wenyuan took a sip of his wine. After all, he was a martial artist, and he spoke frankly, and said:

"The titles have been decided, and there is an elder at the top, what is the meaning of the two of them arguing, look at our brothers..."

"Hehe, Brother Li, this is incomparable. However, looking at this posture, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who became an official last year might have been dismissed by Zhang Siwei like this. The position of the first assistant can't be competed for. Isn't there a second assistant?"

"Mr. Zhang, dear dear ones, since I ascended the throne, the officers and soldiers of all the battalions in the capital have been dedicated to their duties and have been loyal to their duties. Seeing them like this, I, my mother and the others feel relieved."

On July 29th, when the courtiers finished discussing the Celestial Court Meeting, Emperor Wanli suddenly said.

In this court hall, everyone speaks in secret, and there must be a reason for what they say and do. This sentence is the opening remark. The courtiers are waiting for Emperor Wanli's next words, and then everyone is more or less silent. He glanced at Zhang Juzheng.

What was discussed and decided at the court was decided by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao after careful consideration. What they said and did every day was just repeating what had been decided to follow the situation.

Today the emperor suddenly mentioned this, obviously the matter has already been discussed, could it be the meaning of Zhang Gelao, everyone looked over together, only to find that Zhang Gelao also had a surprised expression.

Could it be His Majesty's own intention? After much deliberation, there is nothing to bring up. As for the opening remarks, there is nothing wrong with Guan Jingying and Jingwei.

Emperor Wanli sat on his seat and spoke with a smile. He noticed the expressions of the civil servants in the room, and he also noticed the eyes looking at Zhang Juzheng. He didn't know that the eunuchs on the side of the body, the supervisor of ceremonies, would do it when he gave orders. I wouldn't look at Feng Bao in the same way.

However, Emperor Wanli forced himself to have only a smile on his face, and not to show his unhappiness. Zhang Juzheng bowed to salute, and all the officials who had been waiting to disperse returned to their positions. Emperor Wanli continued with a smile:

"The generals are so loyal and hardworking, but the military salaries owed over the years have not been paid, and the armored battles of the battalions of the Yumajian are also dilapidated and damaged. The Ministry of War has not allocated any money."

Zhang Siwei, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, hurriedly went out to display and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, the nine borders are the most important, followed by the capital. The nine borders have accumulated arrears for many years. The cabinet, the Ministry of household affairs, and the Ministry of war have notified the supervisor of ceremonies and the supervisor of the horse. It's not that the Ministry of War is perfunctory and dereliction of duty, Your Majesty please look into it!"

Emperor Wanli smiled and waved his hand, and said:
"Zhang Aiqing, please stand up and listen to what I have to say."

Zhang Siwei kowtowed his head and then got up to go back to the line. He got up and glanced at Zhang Juzheng. Zhang Juzheng looked indifferent, but he didn't look this way.

Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, looked sideways at Feng Bao, who was at the supervisor's side. Feng Bao then looked at Zhang Cheng beside him. Zhang Cheng shook his head in bewilderment, and Zhang Juzheng turned back wondering.

"I'm going to have a big wedding in September, and this year there will be various big sacrifices and ceremonies. The money in the palace will be spent like water. King Lu is getting older, and the mansion costs money. The steward of the prison called here to make plans, the money in the palace is not enough!"

After saying this, no matter the civil servants or eunuchs in Wenyuan Pavilion knelt down together, Zhang Juzheng glanced at Ma Ziqiang, straightened up and said loudly:
"Your Majesty's words make the ministers ashamed to kill them. The world is His Majesty's world. The benevolent Empress Dowager is kind, and Your Majesty is holy. The palace expenses are always frugal, the big gifts and sacrifices, and Lu Wang's affairs are all shared by the internal treasury and the household department." Write-off, God bless Daming this year, the treasury is full, and the budget for these things has long been left, please don’t worry about these things, Your Majesty."

Emperor Wanli said quickly:

"Get up, get up, I'm just talking about things, you don't need to be so panic, this year will have this year's expenses, next year will have next year's expenses, palace expenses and generals' salaries, these things should always be It is not a long-term solution for the money that comes from the internal treasury, which is owed every year and raised every year."

The ministers didn't care about being impolite, they made eye contact with each other, Zhang Juzheng frowned, bowed and asked:
"What does your majesty mean?"

"Mr. Zhang has also explained the truth to me many times. Everything can be established if it is forewarned. Accounting in and out, adding trouble!"

Jinhuayin, Zhang Juzheng looked back at Ma Ziqiang again, and Ma Ziqiang, Minister of the Household Department, hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down to Chen Zou, saying:

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Household Affairs has already calculated an approximate amount. The amount of golden flowers and silver entering the palace will increase by 30 taels each year, making a total of 130 million taels for the heavenly household's expenses."

"How can adding 30 be enough..."
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(End of this chapter)

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