Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 285 I raise 1 2 by myself

Chapter 285 I raised 100 million taels by myself

The additional amount of Jinhuayin is 30 taels, which is the amount agreed by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, and has been reported to the Empress Dowager Li for approval.

However, this matter was fought by Zhang Juzheng, and it was decided to make a decree after Emperor Wanli's wedding, because at that time, the expenses in the palace would be reduced, and there might be a possibility of further compression.

Cisheng Empress Dowager Li strives to be frugal, and Feng Bao has other ways to make money. Naturally, the two of them fully agree with Zhang Juzheng's suggestion.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Wanli brought it up at the court meeting today. Although Zhang Juzheng made the country's major plan, on this occasion, the emperor said that it was the will, and everyone must take it seriously.

Zhang Juzheng frowned and looked at Feng Bao again, only to find that Feng Bao was also looking at the little emperor in surprise, his eyes met Zhang Cheng who was beside him, Zhang Cheng also shook his head with a wry smile.

It seems that this matter is entirely the little emperor's own idea. Zhang Juzheng moved his shoulders and stood more upright. The emperor is not the child with a baby voice. He has grown up and he is becoming more and more decisive. Maybe he should Treat it with more caution.

Hearing the emperor's words, Zhang Juzheng was still calm, while Ma Ziqiang, Minister of the Household Department, stepped forward on his knees and said earnestly:
"Your Majesty, the world's wealth is a fixed amount. More gold, flowers and silver are used in the palace, and less is used outside the palace. Now the treasury is full, but the previous arrears have been collected, and there are still many places to spend money. 30 is already a household. I just gritted my teeth and squeezed it out, Your Majesty, please think carefully and act carefully!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed heavily, and the atmosphere in the courtroom changed a little. Zhang Juzheng didn't care about the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers, and just glanced around.

Zhang Juzheng's eyes were very radiant, and when his eyes swept over them, everyone felt trembling in their hearts. Zhang Siwei and Shen Shixing came out to worship almost at the same time, and Chen Zou said excitedly:
"Your Majesty, it's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Now that the country is thriving, money is used everywhere. You must not set a bad example and seize people's wealth for your family's use!"

"With the addition of gold, flowers and silver, the taxes and taxes for the common people in Jiangnan and Jiangbei will be heavy, and the world will surely be restless, or foreign troubles and internal thieves may take advantage of the situation, please think carefully, Your Majesty!!"

After these two people finished speaking, Ma Ziqiang, Li Youzi, the ministers of the cabinet, Du Yushi and others all came out and knelt down, and said a few impassioned words if they felt that they would lose their words. Kneel down and kowtow.

Emperor Wanli always had a smile on his face. When everyone knelt down, the smile on his face was only a little stiff, but he was still smiling.

Such a smile fell into the eyes of the ministers, making it even more unpredictable. Zhang Juzheng lifted the hem of his court clothes, knelt down in front of the emperor, and said solemnly:
"Your Majesty, the world belongs to His Majesty, and the subjects of the world are His Majesty's children. Your Majesty's food and clothing are all provided by the subjects of the world. Those who are elders spend more, and those who are children spend less. For the sake of the world, please Your Majesty." Cherish your people, don't spend extravagantly."

"The widow hasn't said how much money will be added, why are all the loves so earnest, they all get up, the monarchs and ministers are discussing matters, kneeling so much that there is no way to say anything."

The ministers did not get up, and Emperor Wanli did not insist, and said with a smile:

"Ma Aiqing, I ask you, where did all the gold flowers and silver come from?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the gold flowers and silver are all tax deductions from the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River."

"What are these taxes?"

"It's probably a field tax."

After questioning and answering, all the ministers gradually straightened up and made eye contact. This question is supposed to be something of common sense, but when Emperor Wanli asked it, everyone felt even more strange.

"Tian Fu? That is to say, the widow has to increase the amount of gold flowers and silver, and the apportionment has to be apportioned to the people below, right?"

"The Holy Tomorrow is nothing better than the emperor. If your majesty spends more, the common people and farmers will spend less. Please be considerate of the people's livelihood and don't increase gold, flower and silver."

"The widow was still young when I was in King Yu's Mansion, but I still remember that the guests who came to the mansion often said that the rich and wealthy in the south of the Yangtze River did not accumulate wealth in the fields, but in business and trade. Since the taxes of farmers and common people cannot be collected, why not collect merchants' taxes?" Tax?"

When Emperor Wanli mentioned the commercial tax, all the people in the house changed their faces, and Zhang Juzheng protested:

"Your Majesty, the land is the right path for a country's wealth. Land tax and corvee are the pillars of the country. Commercial taxation is a trivial way. If it is used extensively, it will definitely ruin the country. Your Majesty must not have such a plan. Please think twice, Your Majesty, please be careful! !"

"Your Majesty, please think twice, please be careful!!"

All the ministers said something in unison, and then kowtowed together, a muffled sound could be heard in the room, Emperor Wanli raised his eyebrows, the smile on his face faded, and he asked again:
"Mr. Zhang, apart from the salt tax, how much can Daming's business tax be for a year?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the world's commercial tax totaled 27 yuan last year, mainly from customs revenue on the canal, but the tax made by the ancestors must be used to repair the river works and tidy up the tank boats, and must not be embezzled."

This question was answered by Ma Ziqiang, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, first. After all, there is a specialization in art, and the courtiers played 120 points, and did not dare to let the emperor find out the language problem.

Emperor Wanli nodded with a smile, and said:
"The widow wants to set the annual amount of golden flowers and silver at 220 million taels, plus 120 million taels, what do you think about it!?"

No one would have thought that the amount would be mentioned directly when the subject changed the subject. This amount was too shocking, 120 million taels, how many taels of silver did Daming's wealth have in a year.

Chief Assistant Zhang Juzheng frowned, his face was filled with awe, he kowtowed again and said:
"Your Majesty, this number is too unimaginable. If it is really promulgated to the world, hundreds of officials will not know why, and the people will be terrified. The peacetime festival will inevitably be turbulent, and the country will also be in danger of being overthrown. Your Majesty, this situation and this situation are worthy of the ancestors. Would you like to see him, would you like to see the late emperor's spirit in heaven, and would you like to see the Empress Dowager!!?"

At the beginning, he was persuading, but later his tone became more and more severe, and the smile on Emperor Wanli's face gradually disappeared. The eunuch Feng Bao, the eunuch, was stamped by the supervisor of ceremonies.

"Long Live Lord, save your servants, you can squeeze out more expenses in the palace. If you continue to fight with the adults like this, the Empress Dowager will lose her temper. Has the Lord Long Live forgotten about kneeling in the Taimiao?"

The Emperor Wanli knelt down at the Taimiao, and the Empress Dowager Cisheng dressed in formal attire wanted to offer sacrifices to her ancestors. This was the thing that Emperor Wanli was most afraid of.

According to Feng Bao's estimate, the little emperor would accept it as soon as he said this sentence, but this time it was different. Emperor Wanli gave him a smile and said in a low voice:

"Feng Banban don't have to worry, I know how to measure."

Feng Bao was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that the person in front of him was no longer the child he had grown up with since he was a child. The familiar round face was full of confidence and calmness, and there was a faint aura emanating from it. This little ancestor was really emperor.

Not knowing whether it was sentimentality or some emotion, Feng Bao took a step back subconsciously, and said in a low voice:

"Old slave Meng Lang, please forgive me, Lord Long Live."

Wanli nodded with a smile, turned to Zhang Juzheng, who still had a serious expression on his face, and said:

"That's what Mr. Zhang said, how about the widow making a concession and adding 100 million taels."

Zhang Juzheng's solemn expression was already a little angry. He was a little confused. Why did the little emperor, who was in control of everything, suddenly bring up this inexplicable topic? Could it be that someone in the court was instigating it? It is impossible for Jin Yiwei under his control to be unaware of the rumors.

"Your Majesty, 100 million taels is too much, please think carefully, Your Majesty!!"

Zhang Juzheng didn't kowtow, he just said loudly there, his voice was already a bit high, the curtain on the outer door of Wenyuan Pavilion was raised by someone, several guards looked at it, and lowered the curtain again.

"I add this one million taels, if there is no land tax and no commercial tax, so what?"

All the ministers who had kowtowed to the ground raised their heads together and looked at the little emperor in astonishment. Could it be that the emperor uttered such crazy words after drinking? Even Zhang Juzheng stared in astonishment. Ma Ziqiang reacted rather quickly and said hastily. :
"Your Majesty, the salt tax is also fundamental, and it must not be used for fishing..."

"Ma Aiqing is thoughtful, and I don't make any decisions about the salt tax."

"If the name of the tax is increased, the common people will suffer..."

"I will not add new tax items."

Wenyuan Pavilion was completely silent, both ministers and eunuchs were staring at Emperor Wanli sitting on the dragon chair, the 15-year-old god of heaven continued:

"No tax increase, no donations, no misappropriation of public funds from the treasury, since the 100 million quota is set, I will raise it myself, but my business is the world's business, and my behavior is to follow the rules and regulations, saying that this is just a foreknowledge All the ministers and workers, everyone, get up!"

After a while of silence, all the ministers got up one after another. Ma Ziqiang, a cabinet scholar and secretary of the household department, was getting old. At this time, he asked in a dazed way:
"Your Majesty, if taxes are not increased, new donations are not made, and public funds are not diverted from the treasury, where will the palace raise the extra one million taels of gold and silver?"

Zhang Juzheng suddenly said:
"Huangzhuang Huangdian is an act of disturbing the people, and the Empress Dowager will never allow this."

"I won't make a fuss about it."

At this moment, even Zhang Juzheng was confused. Just as he was about to continue asking, he heard Zhang Siwei cough lightly behind him, and Shen Shixing said in a very low voice:
"Master Ge, this is the Son of Heaven!"

Only then did Zhang Juzheng take a deep breath, feeling that he was forcing too much, but it's better to speak firmly, so as not to cause troubles in the future, he said immediately:
"Since Your Majesty said so, the ministers should obey, but no taxes will be raised, no donations will be made, no public funds will be diverted from the treasury, and no Huangzhuang Huangdian will be opened. These cabinets must be included in the bill. Can't approve red?"

"What I said, I will naturally approve, how could the Supervisor of Ceremonies not approve of the red?"

Having said that, no matter how unbelievable it is, it must be settled, Zhang Juzheng sighed, and bowed down with all the officials.

"I will obey your orders!"
Thank you everyone, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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