Chapter 286
The news of the capital and Tianjin could not be delivered within one day, and the capital made a strange decree, and this news also could not be transmitted to Tianjin within one day.

The gold flowers and silver used for the palace and rewarded by the emperor increased from 100 million taels per year to 200 million taels a year, which was a sudden increase of 100 million taels.

Although the Di Bao has not yet been published, the officialdom of the capital has been blown up, but only for a while, because everyone was frightened by the appalling decree at the beginning, and then confused by the restrictions in the decree.

Taxes will not be raised, new donations will not be opened, Huangzhuang Huangdian will not be moved, and the treasury will never be squeezed out of public funds. People in the world can't think of any other way to get money.

Could it be that the emperor drank wine that day, and didn't know where the gossip came from, saying that the day before the decree was issued, the emperor was reprimanded by the queen mother after returning to the palace, but he still did not change his original intention. In the end, the queen mother was also helpless. This is the childish nonsense of the little emperor.

The capital inexplicably has a legend, saying that when the great ancestor killed Shen Wansan, the cornucopia taken from their house was dug out in Nanjing. It was delivered to the capital by the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing. There is this cornucopia, 100 million What is two silver coins? If you put in a copper coin, it will be full of pits and valleys in a few days.

This legend is a later story. The cabinet vote was drawn up the next day after the court meeting. In the afternoon, the Supervisor of Rites had already approved the redemption, and the decree was issued to the world.

The reason why it is so fast is nothing more than fear that Emperor Wanli changed his mind. Everyone can see that Emperor Wanli is determined to add gold flowers and silver, but the reaction in the palace is so ambiguous. Is it because some eunuchs mean that even With the intention of Empress Dowager Li, it is better to settle it as soon as possible.

Emperor Wanli may have some ideas, but the organs have been exhausted, and if there is right and wrong at that time, everyone will make a fuss about this purpose.

On July [-]th, the capital decreed that Tianjin would of course not receive any news on the first day of August.

The brocade-clothed guards who had been staying in the courtyard suddenly marched out of the camp, patrolling the city, and saw soldiers with spears and broadswords walking in formation.

All kinds of people in the city were trembling with fear, and those who could not go out did not go out, and the streets became much, much quieter.

In the recruit training camp outside the city, there were also people riding horses to patrol the area around two miles around the camp, and there was also a large group of soldiers patrolling like a sieve.

Anyway, staring at the work of Wang Tong and his subordinates is a long-term thing, so there is no rush at this moment, just take a day off.

On July 28, people in Tongzhou who wanted to find a boat to do something suddenly found that they could not find a boat, including some tank boats that unloaded grain and cargo in Tongzhou and stayed for a few days to do some private work.Someone went to inquire, and they said that on July [-], a big tycoon from Shandong chartered the boat, and they didn't know what to do with it.

In Dabotou, where Tianjin transits, apart from the port outside the city, there are many ships waiting upstream and downstream. Just upstream of the port, there is also a fleet of more than [-] large tank boats berthing.

The boat stayed there for a few days without looking at the place. Someone was driving a cart to deliver food to the docked boats. There were many people coming in and out, but the management was very strict, and they usually stayed on the boat honestly. .

On the night of the first day of August, the places where the twenty or so large ships were berthed were brightly lit and full of people, but this place was remote, and it was not an important place. Even if he sees his deeds again, he will stay far away.

There is an unwritten rule outside the city of Tianjin, don’t meddle in other people’s business, it’s the same on the canals and Haihe River, open one eye, close one eye to live in the long run.

The second day of August was another sunny day. In the past few days, two warehouses under Wang Tong's name were loading and unloading goods on the pier, and many guards in brocade clothes in the city came to help.

Wang Tong can't afford to offend, the wealthy businessman Gu Zibin who cooperated with him, and the Zhang family who recruited a son-in-law are all warehouses under Wang Tong's protection, so it's better not to provoke them.

So in the past few days, the eunuch Wan Dao River inspected and carried all the people back to the city, and the canal transportation was very smooth.

The ships delivering goods to Wang's Warehouse and Zhang's House also set sail to leave the shore after unloading their goods. Coincidentally, it happened that a large fleet from upstream came over.

Walking on this canal, the more boats the better, everyone is connected end to end, firstly, it is safe to walk, and secondly, there is mutual care.

There are more than 30 large ships, all of which are covered with bamboo sheds, and the sheds are covered with tarpaulins, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

The current Haihe River is in disarray, a lot of cattle and horses have run to the river, and a dozen or so men in grazing clothes are anxiously busy there.

The labor sailors on the Hai River are all yelling:
"Whose animal is this? If you don't take care of it and come here, you won't be able to pay for this animal if you buy it with broken goods!"

"Brother, I'm sorry, some bastard kid at the inn cut the reins, and as a result, all the cattle and horses ran away, and there was no drinking water in the morning, so they all came to the river!!"

The shepherds were sweating profusely to make amends, and soon Huang San and a few fellows from Xingcai Inn also came. Seeing this scene, they all smiled wryly and said loudly:
"Brothers, these cows and horses belong to an innkeeper of our Xingcai Inn. The inn caretaker accidentally ran away. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Our shopkeeper said that we will send wine and meat for free at night."

Huang San is an acquaintance, and these people by the Haihe River are not easy to get too angry, cursing and going about their own housework, the busier and more chaotic, it seems to be what they look like at this time.

Some shepherds caught some cattle and horses, but they didn't move at the same place, while some herdsmen drove the cattle and horses farther and farther, and even went to Haikou. It was hot and noisy, and there were many people in the sheds on the bank of the Haihe River. After a busy night, I was sleeping over there, when I heard people shouting and neighing outside, everyone was woken up and cursed angrily.

A convoy of more than 30 large ships turned in from the intersection of the canal and the Haihe River, but this large ship was a flat-bottomed tanker that walked on the river and could not enter the sea at all. What is it for? Is it for loading? That should also come in when it is dark.

But now the shore is in chaos, who cares about these boats on the river, anyway, they are either here to load or go to the sea, loading and unloading at night, who cares if you go to the sea to die.

Some of the shepherds on the shore always stop some cows and horses, and try to gather around them to comfort them, trying to drive them back to their original places. Several ships in that fleet are constantly separated and docked on the shore, which is a coincidence , the place where the boats anchored happened to be the place where the shepherds anchored their cattle and horses.

Some people also noticed that where cows and horses are piled up, the distance between the piles seems to be the same, and the ships only dock there.

Gradually, some people felt that something was wrong, and greeted each other and came out of the shed to look around. They were just sailors on the ship and laborers on the shore.

Chuantou Fragrance City was severely suppressed by Wang Tong, and there was a lot of power outside the city, but there were thousands of incense people, those who only knew how to work hard, didn't know anything, and just watched the fun at this time.

Finally someone felt that something was wrong, and was wondering whether to tell the boss and Xiangtou above, the boat finally docked on the shore, and there were only a few sailors on each boat.

At this time, the tightly closed hatch opened, and the strong and strong men rushed out one after another, and ran towards the shore. When the spectators saw this, they were all startled, and subconsciously ran towards the back.

However, it was quickly realized that the large number of men pouring out of the boat ignored them at all, and instead became busy on the shore.

"Don't make a mess! The first team, according to the prior arrangement, put the reins on the oxen and horses first, the second team helped the boat dock, tied the cannon with ropes, and the third team went to pull the two small boats up directly. , be careful not to get the gunpowder wet."

"Get off the boat and take the sword and weapon. Once you get it, immediately go to the outer perimeter to guard!!"

"Hurry up and report to your lord, you've landed, you've landed!!"

The military academy members of Jin Yiwei were not wearing flying fish suits at this time, they were all in short attire, and some of them were topless, shouting orders loudly.

These generals were either distributing weapons there or busying with the soldiers. Some people also put saddles and harnesses on the horses they had brought earlier, and rode on the horses and ran towards the city.

At this time, the outside of Tianjin City has become a mess. The distance between the Haihe River and the city is not necessarily known. The reason for this chaos.

It was because the Jinyi guards who had been training in the new barracks suddenly came out in full force. There were soldiers holding whips and sticks in front, followed by a team in plain clothes.

In the team, more than a dozen horses surrounded a carriage, listening to the orders on the carriage, those young men who were originally warehouse guys also received several months of training, and they were already considered a militarized organization.

When the soldiers with whips and sticks in front saw someone blocking the road, they called them over with sticks and whips to facilitate the passage of the brigade behind.

In the city, no matter it was the Jinyiwei official office or the houses of several garrisons, the gates were closed. The farmer and the [-]th household of the first battalion stayed here to guard, and Wang Tong led dozens of cavalry to wait for the brigade on the road.

There were more and more people on the banks of the Haihe River, but seeing the shining swords and guns of the Jinyi guards, no one dared to approach.

"Tie the rope more firmly. If this big guy weighing a thousand pounds falls, your lord will have to march..."

"Okay, okay, let the animals move!!"

The shepherds on the shore were no longer in a hurry, yelling and beating the cows and horses that had been lined up, the cows neighed, and the thick ropes were tied to the cannons, and they were slowly dragged to the shore.

"The ship loaded with stone is docked!! The brigade is coming, ready to unload the ship!!"

"No wood!? Isn't there a wooden shed over there, take it down!!"
Thank you, thank you for your support! !
(End of this chapter)

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