Chapter 287
There were more than a dozen ships parked on the Haihe River, all with their sails lowered there, and the boatmen and sailors were all sleeping soundly there, and they were all yelled at this time.

These sea-going ships go on the sea once, go out with a boat full of grass, and return with a boat full of gold and silver. They earn a lot and are generous to the people on board.

After docking here in Tianjin City, the people on the boat were full of good food and wine, and there were still a few prostitutes on the shore.

There was too much noise and movement outside, and no matter how deeply I slept, I was woken up. I went to the deck and looked towards the shore, rubbing my eyes, thinking that I had left the edge of Tianjin and went elsewhere.

Yesterday and last night, there were still a few sheds on the shore, but now it suddenly looks like a large construction site, with thousands of people busy there.

And they were all tossing and turning on the shore. Tank boats docked one after another, and the boats were filled with strips of stones. Several young men joined forces to pick them up, walked in the waist-deep canal water, and yelled to go ashore.

After the stone landed on the shore, the mortar and wooden piles on the shore were ready, and the stone was piled up like that. What is the repair?Everyone on board was puzzled.

But when everyone woke up a little bit, they saw Jinyi guards with full armor and knives and guns guarding them. Although everyone can load and unload cargo blatantly here, they also know that their cargo ships are illegal. Tianjin is the sea gateway of the capital. Merchant ships are not allowed to dock except for occasional sea passages.

Now the water on the shore is lively, and there are more and more people watching the excitement around. There is a large village next to it, which is full of granaries, and there are sheds for the crew to rest and temporary storage places for goods on the shore. The people inside and outside are serious. Not a lot.

The movement became louder and louder, and more and more people came out to watch. Everyone was still ignorant of what to do on the shore, but everyone always recognized the guards in brocade with weapons in full vigilance.

Chuantouxiang, who was alert, had already reported to the higher-ups, and the news from the higher-ups had already been sent back.

Jin Yiwei's soldiers on duty only circled the circle where he was doing work, but ignored him in other places, and some people pretended to watch the excitement, and walked to the side of the boat.

When the reporter arrived at the side of the boat, seeing that no one was paying attention, he rushed to the boat along the steps and shouted loudly:

"If you can't afford to sail and go to sea, it will be a big disaster!!"

Although there were more than a dozen boats parked, there were only three boats that someone went to inform. After all, they were experts in begging for food at sea.

This is what the people on the shore did dogmatically. Many generals did not understand the purpose of this visit. Seeing the three ships anchored and pulling back the gangplank placed on the shore, seeing the sails on the mast Beginning to lift, the ship leaves the shore.

The ship's side was much higher than the shore, and without the pedals, people on the shore would not be able to climb up. Seeing the pedals withdrawn and the sails raised, the people in Jinyiwei became anxious.

Several groups of people ran over, but they could only watch the boat leave slowly and feel anxious. The impatient people jumped directly into the Haihe River, but it was useless even if they swam to the side of the boat.

The hull of the boat was bare, except for the anchor and the rudder rope, there was nothing to hold hands on. You could also see the people on the boat took out swords and weapons, even if they climbed up, they would be killed.

The officers on the shore had no choice but to yell for their men to come back. The three sea ships ran fast, but it was also a reminder to the Jinyi guards on the shore, and of course it was also a reminder to other sea ships that were docked. It is necessary to pump the boat board at this time, and we will talk about it when we reach the sea.

The navy here in Tianjin has only a few broken ships, and they dare not go to sea at all. Once at sea, everything will be safe.

However, the soldiers who reacted would not give them this chance. Before the pedals were pulled back, people had already rushed up. How could the sleepy sailors and boatmen fight against the heavily armed soldiers in brocade clothes? It is obedient.

Wang Tong watched all this not far away, and when he saw this, he said with a smile:

"Master Yu, our soldiers are obedient, but they are too rigid and dogmatic. Tell them that no matter how they build the fort first, there will be no one to manage the ship. They don't even think about it. What is the reason for building this fort? ?”

Beside Wang Tong was a carriage, the curtain of the carriage had been raised, Yu Dayou was drinking tea there, when he heard Wang Tong's words, he replied with a smile:
"It's good to be obedient as a soldier, the more you think about it, the more you will lose your life. It's you who should be thinking about it!"

Wang Tong laughed a few times, but did not answer, Yu Dayou said in the carriage:
"Three ships ran away, what should I do with these three ships, let them run away like this?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, someone has sent a message to Haikou just now!"

Wang Tong replied confidently. Yu Dayou looked in the direction of Haikou. Yiqi had already run far along the shore. He also nodded with a smile and continued to say with emotion:

"Under the world is Fujian, my hometown, and there are big ships and good ships that can be built in Zhejiang, but after this ship is built, it has become a troublesome business. Dozens and hundreds of people on the ship are fighting and smuggling at sea. Maritime merchants, but at sea, they can be robbed as soon as they can, to put it bluntly, they are pirates, scourge, scourge!"

Tianjin is near the sea, and the wind is already strong. As long as the sails are raised, the ship can start. The three seagoing ships slowly reached the middle of the Haihe River.

Seeing the jumping feet anxiously on the bank, and the guards in brocade who swam back to the bank in embarrassment, the sailors on the boat thought they had escaped from the sky, and they were all very proud.

Some sailors pointed and cursed at the people on the shore, and some stood on the side of the ship, took off their pants and made various unsightly movements.

The accents of the sailors were quite weird, I don't know if it was the dialect from there, anyway, it was not the official language of Ming Dynasty, and most of the soldiers of Jinyiwei were from Hejian Mansion and Shuntian Mansion, so they couldn't understand it at all.

Some of the people on the shore could understand it, and spread it in private, and all they heard were watching the guards in brocade clothes laughing, which meant canceling it.

The pier was very lively, under the guard of soldiers, a group of people were still busy in full swing, but there were a group of idlers on the outer circle, watching and laughing, as if Tianjin Jinyiwei had done something embarrassing.

Seeing the three big ships heading towards Haikou, when they entered the sea, there was really nowhere to chase them.

A few muffled thunder-like noises were suddenly heard, and the noise on the bank of the Haihe River was suppressed immediately, and everyone was frightened...

"Useless bastard, with a distance of dozens of steps, why can't you hit it with a single shot, you have to let it go!!"

Tan Huo looked upstream and cursed, no matter how fast the boat ran, it was not as fast as the galloping horses on the shore. The news of the three ships spread to the nearest position near the seaport early.

This side is different from the busy upstream. The artillery here has long been unloaded to the shore. At that time, it was a ship with a cannon. After leaning against the shore, it was directly dragged up by oxen and horses.

The guns here also have that kind of very primitive gun mounts, which are carried by carts underneath and fixed with iron bars and wooden frames. There are six six-pound guns.

"Calibrate quickly, reload the ammunition, everyone move, let a ship run out of our eyes, and everyone will have no face in the future."

Tan Huo pressed hard, and hundreds of strong and strong men all got up and got busy. Six cannons were lined up along the river bank, and the innermost cannon was loaded first.

More than a dozen people adjusted their direction vigorously, aiming at the three slowly approaching ships. After aiming, they ignited and fired. There was a loud bang, and the shells flew out roaring.

On the first ship among the three sea ships, there was a swift and nimble sailor, who was yelling and cursing there, and he had already driven far away, and people were still jumping on the side of the ship. His companions kept cheering and cheering for him, which made others go crazy.

He suddenly heard a loud noise on the shore, and the whistling sound came quickly, and the upper body of the sailor jumping there suddenly exploded, and the flesh and blood were smashed into pieces, and the people beside him were all covered in their faces.

Flesh and blood can't slow down the impact of the six-pound shell. Before the sailors on the ship could react, it passed through two people and hit the submast with a "click" sound. , and fall forward.

At this time, the people on the sea boat came to their senses. Someone even wiped the flesh and blood on his face, looked at the mutilated body of his companion, and after a moment of silence, he yelled loudly, seeing such a tragic scene at such a close distance , These sailors who thought they had escaped just now collapsed immediately.

However, the wailing on this ship was immediately covered by the roar of the artillery, and the six artillery pieces were fired one after the other.

The widest part of the Haihe River is [-] steps, and the waters that can sail large ships are about [-] steps from the shore. The range of these artillery made by Wang Tong is sufficient.

The cannonball is nothing more than a solid metal ball. When it hits the hull, it is just a hole, and the ship can continue to sail.

But Tan Huo kept adjusting the angle of the cannon, and the landing point of the cannonball was getting lower and lower. Almost when the cannon fired the third round, the hole that was punched in the hull was gradually below the waterline, running in the waterline. The boat at the front had begun to take in water and sink.

The ship was shot below the waterline, and the hole created was filled with water. The ship was about to sink. After the third round of artillery fire, the sailors on the ship raised the white flag and shook it desperately towards the shore.

"Keep charging and reloading, shout with me, lower the sails!!"

Because the sea wind was quite strong and there was no gunpowder smoke, Tan Huo immediately ordered his men to shout together when he saw the sign on board.

More than a hundred people shouted in unison so that the people on board could hear clearly that the sinking ship at the front blocked the way of the two ships behind.

Looking at the black muzzles of the six cannons on the shore, looking at the shattered limbs, the people on board lowered the sail obediently without any luck.
Thank you everyone, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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