Chapter 288

"Let them go to the shore, and everyone on the sunken ship will come to the shore."

The boat stopped still, Wang Tong immediately sent someone to send an order, and several teams came over. These people were all carrying small boats. When they arrived here, they put the boat into the water and rowed directly.

Tan Huo wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned around and shouted loudly:
"Keep an eye on the movement on the river, if the boats on the river want to take advantage of the loopholes, fire immediately!!"

Finally relaxing a bit, Tan Huo watched more than two dozen small sampans paddling past, and the sailors on the sinking ship were not too flustered.

As long as they don't fire guns, the depth of the Haihe River doesn't matter. There are small boats and sampans on their sea boats, so just put them down and obey orders.

On the two ships behind, a large net of thick ropes was lowered, which is a tool for people to climb up and down. Watching small sampans passing by, soldiers biting their swords and climbing up.

Tan Huo took a long breath and was about to sit on the ground. Before his butt touched the ground, he heard a scream from the river.

Looking over hurriedly, I could see a young man who had just climbed up and fell off the boat. Everyone on the small boats and sampans leaning past cursed loudly, and the voice could be heard clearly even on the shore.

The soldiers of Jin Yiwei all accelerated their climbing speed, and Tan Huo jumped up again as if his butt was on fire, shouting loudly:
"Get ready, listen to my orders, and be ready to fire at any time!!"

"Reporting to what your lord said, the third battalion lost a brother. When he climbed onto the side of the ship, he was charged by that man with a knife. If he didn't guard against it, it would be over."

Li Tao said to Wang Tong while paddling, Wang Tong's face was a little gloomy, he thought it was a sure thing, but he didn't expect to lose a life.

"The pension is doubled, and it will be sent to this person's home tonight. If there is any difficulty in this person's family, we will solve it at our discretion!"

Tan Bing behind him hastily agreed, Li Tao paused for a while, and then reported again:

"The man was hacked to death by the people on their boat, and four others were also tied up. The younger ones saw something on the boat, so it's better to ask the adults to check it out.

After a short period of fighting on the ship, the artillery here was ready to fire, but it subsided quickly. After Jin Yiwei's soldiers boarded the ship and circled around, they went ashore to look for Wang Tong.

They climbed onto the ship together along the thick rope net, and when they got on the deck, they could see the sailors on the ship under the supervision of the soldiers, starting to raise the sails, but this time they were docking.

The corpse hadn't been moved yet, but he could see the weapon that killed the Jinyi Guard soldier, which was a long and narrow Japanese sword. Wang Tong frowned and looked at it, then turned his head and said:
"Bring over the ship's boss and a few leaders!"

After giving the order, the person was brought over immediately, and Wang Tong asked:
"Where do you come from?"

"Back to the elder, the younger ones were born in Yuegang, Fujian."

This is not unexpected, Wang Tong nodded, pointed at the corpse and said:
"Who is this person?"

The boat boss and a businessman looked at each other, then kowtowed and said:

"Reporting to the lord, the villains should be damned. This thief is a Japanese pirate, who kidnapped all the little people on board the boat. Fortunately, the lord led the crowd to arrive, and the little ones dared to fight back. The big lord is really kind to the little ones. People want to set up longevity tablets for the Grand Master."

What he said was not true, Wang Tong sneered but had no answer, turned around and looked at the four people who were tied up in a ball on the other side.

These four people are short and stocky, with resentful expressions on their faces. The people in the sea are all wearing turbans, and the turbans of these people have all been ripped off, revealing their hair.

But the hair is very strange, the hair on the forehead is very short, just a short stubble, but the long hair hangs loose on both sides. Wang Tong stared at it for a few times, but he remembered some images he saw in that life—— Samurai is such a hairstyle.

Seeing that Wang Tong was approaching, the four people suddenly vomited "Bah", Wang Tong dodged sideways, the guards behind him cursed a few times, and were about to attack.But was stopped by Wang Tong, and said in a cold voice:

"Do not hit!"

While speaking, he drew out the Xiuchun knife from his waist, and slashed down at the man obliquely. With a "Puchi", his head fell to the ground, and blood spurted out wildly.Wang Tong wiped the blood on the knife on the sole of his boots, put the knife back into its sheath, and asked:
"Where do you come from?"

No one thought that Wang Tong would kill as soon as he said it. The resentment on the faces of the three people immediately changed to fear. Seeing Wang Tong's question, they hurriedly shrank back.

"Master, let's go to the cargo hold first!"

General Tan reminded him from behind, Wang Tong nodded, and walked towards the cabin. This sea-going ship is much bigger than a tank boat, and it carries a lot of cargo.

"My lord, seeing so many weapons, the subordinates feel that the matter is not small. They are afraid that after landing, there will be too many people talking about it, and something will be leaked, so please come and have a look."

As soon as he entered the cabin, the light was a bit dim, Wang Tong got used to it, and then his face immediately became gloomy. The goods in the cargo cabin of the other party were wrapped in linen or straw bags. Several straw bags had been scratched, and half a foot was exposed inside. Long and short spear tips left and right.

Long-distance fighting at sea relies on artillery and bows and arrows. The short-distance space is narrow, and short weapons are used to fight. The spear tip is used to equip the army's weapons. Even if the people want to carry weapons, they will not travel with spears. , After all, it is too inconvenient, usually it is a sword.

The place where spears are really used on a large scale is the army. Wang Tong picked up a spear point and looked at it. The iron sheath of about one foot and the spear point of about one foot are well-built. He asked in a deep voice:

"Look at each bag and see what's in it?"

Li Tao responded by his side, but someone nearby shouted loudly:

"My lord, look this way."

There were a few wooden boxes piled up in the corner, which were also pried open at this time. Wang Tong walked over and saw that they were unassembled armor. The style was very strange. It was not the standard used by the Ming Dynasty, but what exactly did they look like? I don't know, but someone cursed behind me:
"These bastards!!"

The voice belonged to General Tan. With General Tan's usual calmness and prudence, there are not many things that could make him lose his composure. Wang Tong glanced back in surprise. General Tan's expression was a little distorted, and he pointed to the pieces of armor and said:
"This is the armor used by the Japanese generals... These pirates who have no king's law really deserve to be hacked into pieces!!"

"They should be killed, especially those who sold them weapons and armor!!"

Wang Tong said something expressionless, did not continue to read, walked directly to the deck, and ordered when he went up:
"Put a seal on it, and no one except this official is allowed to enter!"

On the deck, the captain of the ship, the four chief sailors and the man dressed as a businessman were still kneeling there. Wang Tong strode up to him and asked calmly:

"Who wanted this cargo, and who did you buy it from?"

All the people kneeling on the ground trembled, and the few people exchanged glances, and the boat boss kowtowed again, and said in Mandarin with a strong Fujian accent:
"My lord, the little ones are indeed..."

With a sound of "Puchi", the boss of the ship stopped talking abruptly, his head slid open, blood sprayed the deck in front of him, and several people around screamed in fright, the knife in Wang Tong's hand was not stained with any blood, and his face was cold. , pointed at those people with the tip of a knife and said:

"Ask later, if you don't tell me, kill the second one!!"

Turning around after speaking, a younger sailor leader looked left and right with a pale face, and suddenly moved forward. The guards behind Wang Tong thought it was him who was about to attack, and they knocked over a few times when they stepped forward. The sailor leader shouted loudly. :
"My lord, this batch of goods is going to be sent to Kyushu, the country of Japan, and the one who sold it to us is Eunuch Lu from Tianjin..."

Before he could finish his words, several people around him rushed towards him yelling in Hokkien, but they were stopped by the soldiers immediately. Wang Tong stopped and sneered twice, and just said:
"Be careful, don't let people approach this boat, and don't let the people on this boat escape, or the military law will be enforced!"

Li Tao quickly stood at attention and agreed.

After that, Wang Tong remained silent until the boat docked. When he got to the shore, Jiang Tan was about to ask a question, but Wang Tong sent someone to call Ma Sanbiao. As soon as Ma Sanbiao approached, he yelled loudly:
"My lord, our horse team doesn't have any work here, look at the brothers in the team..."

"Gather all the cavalry, and then go to the firearms workshop, and show me the inside and outside of the workshop to be strict, and no one is allowed to run out, even that Lu Gonggong, whoever wants to break in, kill people directly!! "

Ma Sanbiao did not expect to have this order. He was taken aback for a moment, then excitedly agreed, and went to ride the horse to greet his subordinates. Wang Tong turned around and said to General Tan:

"Brother Tan, take the second battalion here once, and send someone to the mansion of Grandpa Nalu in the city to check. He probably doesn't know the news here, don't let this person run away!"

It was the first time for Wang Tong to call Tan Weiwei Brother Tan, which also showed that he was cautious about this matter. Tan Jiang also knew that this matter was not easy, so he quickly and cautiously agreed, and also went in a hurry.

Watching the people heading towards the city, Wang Tong took a deep breath, turned around and said to Sun Dahai:
"Dahai, bring everyone on these big ships here, let the soldiers start clearing the field, drive away all irrelevant people, beat those who don't leave, kill those who don't leave!!"

Not long after, except for the blocked sea ship, the top and bottom of more than a dozen ships were brought over, and there were nearly a thousand people here. They were all very honest, the black cannon was placed beside them, and the continuous thunderous sound just now made everyone dare not have other thoughts.

Everyone saw the fight on the river just now, and after the shelling, the dilapidated appearance of the three ships was also seen by everyone. They were gathered by Wang Tong, and everyone was trembling and didn't know what would happen next.

Looking at this group of people, Wang Tong found a higher soil bag and stood on it. With a smile on his face, he said loudly:
"Don't worry everyone, after checking the goods and paying the tax, everyone can leave by boat!!"

The scene was silent, and everyone was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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