Chapter 289
People who often run boats on the sea are well-informed. They have seen thousands of people constructing large-scale construction projects on the banks of the Haihe River.Since the commotion in the morning until now, each table has a scale, and the black cannon is placed there.Who hasn't seen the fort placed by the river?Leaving, to put it simply, looking at the sunken ship on the river with only the masts left, and then looking at the holes in the two ships that were docked, everyone's heart was cold to the bottom.

The young old man looked young, and his words and expressions were friendly, but how many children in the south and north seas killed people with knives in their early ten years, and no one would get lucky just because of this.

"After inspecting the goods and paying the tax and silver, you can leave. Everyone will not believe it, but everyone has thought of it. This will not let everyone pay all the goods and silver on the ship, and then kill everyone. Let everyone's souls return to their hometowns!

Seeing Wang Tong's smiling face, some of these maritime merchants even trembled.

"I don't know how much tax the Grand Master will collect?"

Someone asked tremblingly, and everyone cursed in their hearts, thinking that this life may not be saved, and you still ask how much tax money will be drawn.

"Two out of ten!!"

Among the thousands of people below, there are only a hundred or so people who can call the shots and have some status. Wang Tong speaks loudly, and these people can hear clearly.

It was quiet down there, Wang Tong thought that everyone hadn't heard what he said, so he had to say it again at the top of his voice, but it was still quiet.

"My lord, just draw [-] out of [-]?"

After finally reacting, someone tentatively asked again. This time, no one cursed inwardly, and everyone showed their concentrated expressions.

"Naturally not..."

Wang Tong held his tongue and saw that the expressions of the people below had turned into ashes again. He held back his laughter and continued to speak loudly:

"You didn't take the initiative to declare the value of the goods this time, but you took the initiative to pay the tax, and the tax penalty will be doubled, which is [-]%."

"My lord, the [-]% and [-]% are just based on the value of the goods?"

The voice of the person who asked the question below was a little trembling, and the sea merchant sailors below were all staring at Wang Tong with wide eyes, which made the guards around Wang Tong a little nervous, ready to make a move at any time.

"According to the value of the goods!"

Wang Tong's voice was not so loud this time, but what he said was very certain. There was a loud bang below, the fear and despair just now disappeared, and everyone whispered to each other, buzzing into a ball.

"However, the gold, silver and money carried by each ship to the sea will also be taxed. Regardless of gold, silver and copper coins, [-]% will be deducted."

"My lord, all this money is your own private property, not for business..."

People's emotions adjusted quickly. Seeing that Wang Tong was here to talk good things and talk about them, and he didn't look like he was going to grab them, these businessmen became more courageous.

"No matter what you bring in from overseas, it will be a huge profit after you sell it. If you exchange it for gold and silver and buy cheap goods from the Northland, you will definitely have a large amount of gold and silver left over. If the goods are not unloaded, the goods will not be sold, so naturally there will be no large sums of money. However, from now on, the next time you ship goods in, if you pay the tax, you will only have to pay the tax on the value of the goods when you go out with the receipt.”

"My lord, the little ones always have to bring some emergency money with us. It would be a big loss if we smoked these too!"

"Each ship can have a duty-free quota of 300 taels of silver."

Hearing Wang Tong's kind answer to the question he raised, everyone became more courageous, and someone immediately called Qu and said:
"My lord, if the little ones brought more gold and silver, wouldn't they be wronged?"

"Bringing a lot of gold and silver for no reason. What is the intention? When this happens, I will never collect taxes, but I must be arrested and questioned!"

Wang Tong's voice rose sharply, and his face became gloomy. This is to open a dye shop immediately for the three-point color, and he doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

Seeing Wang Tong like this, the group of people below realized their current situation, stopped their mouths resentfully, looked around, and everyone became quiet.

Wang Tong's words just now contained a lot of information. After everyone calmed down from the panic, they began to ponder what Wang Tong's words meant.

The hustle and bustle everywhere was overwhelming, and the noise was abnormal, which made the silence here even more. This time the silence was very long, and Wang Tong was not in a hurry. The reaction of everyone showed that everyone was digesting his words at this time.

It had been more than half an hour since Ma Sanbiao had gone, and a cavalryman had come back from that direction, got off his horse and reported:
"My lord, Commander Ma has already arrived at the weapons workshop, and asked the villain to report back to my lord. He has surrounded the place and not a single one has escaped."

Wang Tong nodded and said solemnly:
"Go back and tell Ma Sanbiao to guard it firmly. No matter who is inside or outside the city of Tianjin, any official wants to go in, stop me, change a horse, and go back quickly!"

The cavalryman gave a military salute, mounted his horse hastily, and left again. Wang Tong felt confident again. He didn't expect Tianjin Haihe to set up a fort and set up a card to collect customs duties. There was such a discovery that Tianjin Wei was only three miles away from the capital. It's less than a day's journey, I didn't expect these people to do such a lawless act.

"My lord, what did you mean just now, that you will get [-] out of [-] out of [-] from now on?"

I don't know why, but the voice of the person who asked the question was a little trembling. Wang Tong smiled and nodded, but then added something, and said loudly:

"This is naturally the case for ordinary goods, but prohibited goods, or goods with huge profits are not included in this list."

"My lord, is silk counted?"

Wang Tong shook his head, and the voices below came one after another, "Porcelain can be counted", "Bamboo wares can be counted"... Wang Tong denied one by one, and the questions he asked were all ordinary goods, and it was indeed not the kind he said.

Finally these questions subsided, the scene was quiet again, and then commotion followed, the boatmen and sailors behind were just whispering, but the boat bosses and businessmen in front looked excited, looked at each other, and the voices of the conversation became more and more loud. Great, finally someone shouted:

"If you can go in and sell it if you pay [-]% here, the goods will be considered tax-paid. No one will say that we are smuggled and stolen goods!"

Wang Tong replied loudly:
"Naturally, I have worked so hard to build forts and set up checkpoints. Naturally, it is for the emperor to collect. If I want it myself, it would be better to just wash you off!"

This is rude, but after the people below laughed, they were all convinced that if the goods from the south of the Yangtze River are to be sold in Shandong, they need to go through four tax customs, and if they go to the capital, they need to go through seven. The tax paid is Siwen, not to mention the price increase, but also to compete with those Nanhuo who use water boats to carry goods without paying taxes.

Shipping goods by sea is more than [-]% cheaper than sea transportation, and it is much faster.

But going to sea is too risky. Out of ten ships going to sea, six of them can go back safe and sound. Pirates and Japanese pirates at sea are even more harmful.

Although Jiangnan has the best fertile land in the world, its population is more prosperous, with less land and more people. Many people go to the city to work. Industry and commerce are the most developed places in the world, producing a large amount of goods, but these goods cannot be produced locally in Jiangnan. Completely digested, must be sold to other places.

There are only a few of the most prosperous and prosperous places in the world. The south is naturally Jiangnan and Huguang, and the north is around the capital. Shanxi Jinshang and Xi'an are indeed rich, but they are too far away from the waterway, and they are either limited in scale or extremely scattered.

Goods from the south are sold to the north, and the sales to the capital and the northern Zhili prefectures account for almost [-]% to [-]% of the total quantity. If you want to sell the capital and its surrounding areas, you must come to Tianjin. The node in Tianjin is to go to the capital and The most convenient location for each prefecture and county in Beizhili.

The emperor guards the border city, and the capital is on the northernmost border of the Ming Dynasty. The traffic is quite inconvenient. However, Tianjin, where the three prefectures meet and the junction of water and land, has become the best commercial city in Hebei. Goods are transported to Tianjin and then to the capital and Baoding Prefecture, Yongping Prefecture, and Jizhen are distributed locally in Hejian Prefecture, and they can go to Liaozhen and North Korea by sea and land, and can also go to grasslands, Shanxi, and Henan by land via Saikou. Several prefectures in the north and Shaanxi are all possible.

If you want to sell to the Northland, Tianjin is almost a must-go place, but there are also many difficulties. First, Tianjin is not a commercial port. Tianjin City is originally a military port. Even fishing boats are not allowed to enter and exit. Merchant ships should not appear here. The last charge of smuggling was to confiscate all the goods, and the charge of smuggling was probably about to be beheaded.

Although the Haihe River has opened a port in private, the loading and unloading fees are high, and the port tap is too heavy. Occasionally, officials will come to rob and blackmail.

All kinds of expenses and various risks add up, and after going through many difficulties and obstacles at sea, they come to Tianjin, but the benefits they get are only [-]% or [-]% higher than those of taking the canal. If compared with the risks, the benefits are almost [-]% none.

But not everyone has the relationship to be entrained by water boats, and not everyone has the ability to sell goods to Nanyang and Dongyang.

If you don’t come to Tianjin, if you don’t do this, the funds will not be able to move, and you can only lose money at home. Instead of losing money, it’s better to come here to make a small profit, or even come here to make no loss but be able to transfer funds and goods .

But according to what Wang Tong said, [-]% of the value of the goods is charged for business affairs, which avoids the trouble of violating the prohibition, and [-]% of the value of the goods. It's just a little cheaper than water transport. If you only pay [-]%, you can get at least [-]% of the profit, or even double it or more.

The goods of ten taels of silver can at least earn seven taels, or even ten taels, earning 20 taels, what a huge profit! ! ——
Second update, a little later
(End of this chapter)

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