Chapter 290
These sea merchants originally thought that their family was suddenly trapped here by Tianjin Jinyiwei, and what they were waiting for was bankruptcy, and even their lives.

Unexpectedly, this young Qianhu gave them a road of golden light. The transportation of goods from the south to the north is huge profits, and the same is true for goods from the north to the south. Water transportation has such huge profits, not to mention the lower transportation costs and the greater volume of transportation. shipping.

After the shock, fear, and surprise, everyone became extremely anxious. Wang Tong didn't care about the emotional changes below, but just waited there.

But this impatience was unexpected, and he couldn't help asking:
"Why are you so impatient?"

When asked by Wang Tong, the first few ship bosses smiled awkwardly, and one of them stepped forward and said:

"The old man is so kind, the little people just want to go back by boat quickly, and bring some more goods to sell here."

A man next to him boldly yelled out;
"My lord, hurry up and check on the young ones on board, the young ones are willing to pay taxes and fines!"

Even in accordance with Wang Tong’s taxation ratio and the fine, each ship still has a large amount of profit left over, and anyone with a clear mind can figure it out. Once this rule is implemented, Tianjin will become a commercial port, and there must be a large number of them. With the influx of goods, the price of southern goods will definitely drop significantly, and the money earned will be less at that time.

The sooner you run a few times, the higher the profit you will earn. Everyone can't wait to pay the silver at this time, and go back quickly to load a few more shipments back.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the adults of these thousand households cheated and paid the tax and fines, they could still leave with the ship and goods, and get away whole.

Hearing this sentence, Wang Tong was stunned for a while, then laughed, waved his hand and said:
"Start to check and settle the accounts now. I advise everyone, don't try to use any secret tricks. It will be a trouble for you and me, and it will be a disaster for you!"

After finishing speaking, a few people behind stood up and said loudly:
"Everyone, go forward and line up, one ship at a time."

In the warehouses of Gu Zibin and Zhang Chunde, shopkeepers and buddies all came. These people are not only proficient in arithmetic, but also familiar with the prices on the market.

In addition to these people, there are also several Jinyiwei brought by the capital. These few do not participate in the investigation, but just follow and monitor to avoid any corruption and fraud.

The sailors and boatmen on two of the three ships that escaped first were also given a chance to redeem their sins, that is, to follow the cargo inspection team to check them out. They have been on the sea all year round and are familiar with the structure of the cabin and the crew. If there is something hidden about the sailor's living habits, it may be possible to hide it from Wang Tong's men, but it may not be possible to hide it from them.

What's more, Wang Tong also said:
"If you can find out the hidden things, not only will you pay off the crime, but you will be rewarded with [-]% of the [-]% of the property."

Money touches people's hearts, and everyone came out to risk their lives and run the ship just to make money. When they heard such a good thing, the dejected sailors were all in high spirits.

Several guards behind Wang Tong gave each other thumbs up and whispered:

"Our adults are really good at it, this strategy of fighting poison with poison is really a clever plan!!"

The banks of the Haihe River were no longer so noisy and messy, and the fort by the river gradually took shape, a platform built of granite and mud, and an earth barrier surrounded by fences connected by wooden piles.

The artillery was placed on the platform, and the artillery and soldiers guarding the fort were stationed in the earth barrier. The boats on the river continuously pulled various materials from the upper reaches.

What the soldiers do now is to dig trenches outside the fence, and under the guidance of some experienced craftsmen, build simple anchorages by the river.

The Haihe private port has been built for decades, but almost nothing has been done about the infrastructure, not as much as what Wang Tong leads the guards in brocade clothes and horses to do during the day.

The inspection team had already boarded the ship, and the two businessmen under Wang Tong's protection knew what today's incident meant and what it meant to them.

Gu Zibin and Zhang Chunde not only sent their competent assistants and accountants here, they also pushed aside their busy business and rushed here.

Hearing the amount of taxes that Wang Tong said, both of them didn't take it seriously. When everyone got busy, Gu Zibin stepped forward and said in a low voice:
"My lord, it's worth two points to pick up goods. If the goods from the south are brought here, the profit will be at least eight points. If the goods from the north are transported back, the profit will be doubled every time. My lord is fair and allows them to do business again." , even if they draw four points, they are willing to pay it."

Zhang Chunde nodded again and again, and said in a low voice:

"My lord doesn't know, when my lord came to collect the money, they looked like they were losing money, but in fact they made a lot of money. On weekdays, when they come to this Haihe River, Chuantouxiang gets a fortune, and Eunuch Wan gets a fortune. All the gods on the sea You also have to take a sum, and the deduction is more than four points."

Wang Tong smiled, looked at the busy crowd and said:
"The value of the goods is taxed. These sea-going ships have traveled a few times. Everyone in the world knows that there are eight times the profit. Who would want to come and make money? This sea-going ship comes fast, loads a lot, and a large number of southern goods come. If you go to the north, the price will definitely drop, the value of the goods will drop, and the tax will also drop. However, there will be more ships coming, and the sum will be more. If there are more ships, and the ships are thinking about other crooked ways, who will come here? .”

Gu Zibin and Zhang Chunde looked at each other. Gu Zibin had a big business, and he quickly understood what Wang Tong said. Hearing this, he couldn't help but slapped his chin in admiration.

Wang Tong glanced back at him, raised the whip in his hand to the bank of the Haihe River, and said with a smile:

"Ships come, goods come, people come, do you think that Tianjin will look like it is today, and what will be gained by then will be taxation!?"

After saying this, the two businessmen were stunned for a moment, then their eyes widened, and they couldn't say a word. They were already shocked by the prospect Wang Tong described.

While talking, another cavalry came running towards this side in the distance. The cavalry who came this time was much more embarrassed than last time, and their faces were a little flustered. Tong Shili said:
"My lord, Li Dameng, the general guarding Tianjin, is leading people to confront the people led by Ma. They want us to release them!"

"All ghosts and monsters have jumped out!"

Wang Tong sneered, and then asked again:

"Has General Li Shen rushed in?"

"No, Commander Ma led people to fight against them, and they didn't do anything about it. Now the two sides are confronting each other."

Wang Tong nodded, turned around and went to the carriage not far away, and said to Yu Dayou who was sitting in the carriage:
"Master Yu, the general guarding Tianjin will prevent me from taking people. I want to take two battalions away. What's wrong with Haihe!?"

"What can interfere, the fort has been repaired, just go, I will keep an eye on this side for you!!"

Yu Dayou answered loudly, Wang Tong clasped his fists and nodded, turned around and mounted his horse, and shouted loudly:

"The fourth battalion and the fifth battalion come with me. This place will be presided over by Boss Yu and Tan Gong and Tan Huo. The rest of the cavalry and the two battalions will follow me!!"

The following suddenly took orders, and many soldiers who were on duty by the river bank ran towards Wang Tong and lined up. There were more and more people watching the excitement around, but no one dared to get too close. Jinhe Warehouse was bombarded in the city At that time, the idlers who watched the excitement around were all caught in the prison. With the lessons learned from the past, it is better to make less trouble.

After the personnel assembled quickly, Li Hutou also rode to Wang Tong's side with a weapon in hand. Wang Tong shouted:

"We took down this sea and river bank today, and now someone is making trouble for us, what should we do!?"

A series of smooth actions boosted the morale of the soldiers of the Jinyiwei battalions. Hearing this question, they raised their weapons and shouted in unison:
"Break him, beat him!!"

Wang Tong nodded in satisfaction, turned the horse's head, and swung the whip downward. The brigade immediately started to move. When Wang Tong was about to leave, he heard someone shouting behind him:

"The value of a certain ship's cargo, together with the gold and silver it carried, totaled 2 taels, and the tax and fine silver totaled 5000 taels!!!"

After receiving the first sea trade tax payment at Tianjin Port, a smile appeared on Wang Tong's face, and he accelerated the speed of his mount.

"Commander Ma, you young hero, you have a great future ahead, don't mess around with that Wang Tong, this Eunuch Lu is sent by the imperial supervisor, he is a servant in front of Eunuch Feng Bao, that is, in front of His Majesty the Emperor Man, this firearms workshop is also an important place in my town of Ji. If you lead troops around here, it is no different from rebellion. If you withdraw your troops now, we can talk about everything. Big crime!!"

Outside the firearms workshop outside the city, a large number of officers and soldiers lined up layer by layer, making the circle impenetrable. Just outside the door of the firearms workshop was the cavalry team led by Ma Sanbiao. And the brocade guards guarding various vital points.

At first glance, it seems that the officers and soldiers of Ji Town are about to attack the firearms workshop, and Ma Sanbiao is leading the guards, and a general in uniform is riding a horse and shouting loudly there.

Ma Sanbiao was irritated, spit on the ground, raised his arm and swung it a few times, and then swung forward twice. He directly drove the horse forward in small steps, and the cavalry behind him changed teams, taking Ma Sanbiao as the leader. The vertices form a triangle, which is the charge formation of the cavalry.

Mr. Qian who shouted saw it, and hurriedly pulled his horse back to the front line.

In the ranks of officers and soldiers, General Li Dameng looked at the other side with a gloomy expression, and a guard next to him gritted his teeth and said:
"My lord, we have more than 3000 people, and they are only a few hundred people, and they are the ones who beat the mother!"

General Li Shen was furious when he heard this, he swung the whip in his hand, and lashed the guard's face with a whip, cursing:

"Hit your mother!! There are so many pawns and more than a hundred horses, how can you resist being rushed by that cavalry!!!"
thanks for your support

(End of this chapter)

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