Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 291 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Former Wins

Chapter 291 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Former Wins
Li Dameng, the general guarding Tianjin, led 3000 infantry, and more than [-] personal soldiers rode on horses, and surrounded the firearms workshop.

There are thousands of craftsmen in the firearms workshop, thousands of laborers, iron furnaces, workshops and warehouses, covering an extremely large area. Naturally, the people brought by Li Dameng cannot be surrounded, and the people brought by Ma Sanbiao are also impossible. Layer protection.

So now Ma Sanbiao is the leading figure in control of the workshop, ordering ordinary craftsmen not to leave. This firearms workshop is originally an important place, and it is necessary to guard against the intrusion of rioters and troops.Like a medium-sized earthen fence, Ma Sanbiao first controlled the main characters, and after General Tan arrived, he led the infantry to control various key points.

Li Dameng came with his troops, and in a hurry, he could only enter through the gate. Ma Sanbiao led the cavalry to block the gate, and the two sides immediately stalemate.

Infantry against cavalry, except for the elite, ten infantry may not be able to deal with one cavalry, and three thousand infantry who are not elite cannot deal with [-] cavalry, or even two hundred well-trained cavalry.

And Ma Sanbiao's cavalry seemed to be the well-trained cavalry. Most of these young men were dressed in civilian clothes, and their horses were not so strong.

However, what a veteran like Li Dameng saw was not the clothes and horses. He saw the discipline and cooperation of these hundreds of cavalry. When changing formations, the opponent is always changing the formation, changing the arrow direction of the cavalry and aiming at their own left wing.

It was almost Ma Sanbiao raising his hand to order, and the cavalry behind him changed accordingly. Although they were a little scattered, the actions of the large team were always consistent.

Soldiers and horses gather and disperse as usual, and the cavalry behind Ma Sanbiao moves as one, which can already be called well-trained.

Li Dameng was able to gather [-] soldiers within an hour, and rush over from the nearby barracks within half an hour, which is considered capable.

But when they came here, the soldiers had been moving non-stop for an hour and a half. They were already a little tired, and the team was scattered. Seeing the cavalry of the Jinyiwei moving as one, they immediately hesitated.

After whipping the guard with a whip, the rest of the generals dared not say anything more. After Jin Yiwei's cavalry turned into a charging formation, they did not stop as they did the previous few times.

Ma Sanbiao shook the reins, and the arrows of the cavalry moved forward slowly. Everyone on Li Dameng's side tensed up and immediately grabbed the reins, and the pawns retreated subconsciously.

Retreat in front, there are people running behind, the team behind Li Dameng immediately became confused, Ma Sanbiao stopped the horse at this time, slowly retreated to the door, and put on the formation just now, Ma Sanbiao He laughed loudly on the horse, unexpectedly all the people got off the horse and stood holding the reins.

"The marching method of running and screaming!! Hold the formation!!"

The chaos behind Li Dameng and his crew were all overwhelmed. Although Ma Sanbiao withdrew, the chaos of the infantry team could not be restrained.

In desperation, he could only throw out his family's own soldiers and family members, and chopped off the heads of a few soldiers in the formation, which was considered stable.

After this incident, he was even more afraid to move forward, Li Dameng cursed in a low voice and said:

"All I can charge and fight is hundreds of people on hand. I followed up and stepped forward. If I really want to fight, I can't figure out what's going on here. Why are they shouting and beating and killing? It took a penny less to pick up the weapon from Lu, and it was the eggless one who gave you the money!!"

He yelled and yelled, but this time everyone was silent. While yelling, the team that had just stabilized was in chaos again. Li Dameng turned his head angrily. Before he could yell, he saw Mr. The horse came over and reported immediately:
"My lord, Jin Yiwei's Wang Qianhu has arrived with his men!"

"how many people!!"

"Twenty cavalry, four hundred soldiers!!"

Li Dameng cursed secretly, and shouted:
"Stop it first!"

It took about two hours to walk from the Haihe River to the firearms workshop, and Wang Tong led the two battalions to arrive in more than an hour and a half.

Thanks to the whole day of physical training since joining the Jinyiwei, the Jinyiwei soldiers of the two battalions came here with weapons, and their formation was only slightly scattered.

Seeing the formation of officers and soldiers in front, Wang Tong led the team to the front, and immediately stopped advancing. Wang Tong raised his knife, and the whole team stopped. Wang Tong said loudly:
"Stay where you are, the whole team!!"

The ranks of officers and soldiers in front were a bit scattered, but when they saw Wang Tong's ranks approaching, it wasn't long before someone came to ask questions, and it seemed that it was an officer dressed up like a general:

"Who is that person in front!?"

"Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong, I'm going to the firearms workshop to handle the case, you guys get out of the way!!"

He yelled at the top of his voice, but another person followed behind the boss, said something in a low voice, and the boss shouted loudly again:

"My soldiers and horses are performing military duties!! Please don't intrude!!"

Hearing this reply, Wang Tong couldn't help but sneered, and said coldly:
"This official is dealing with a major case involving the Japanese, please move out of the way quickly!"

The two people who rode over to deal with each other looked at each other, and the boss who called out shouted again:

"Master Wang, the military order is like a mountain, and it is difficult to obey!"

Wang Tong's face darkened, and he raised his voice slightly and asked:
"Give way!?"

The other side didn't reply, just turned the horse's head and turned back to the main formation. At the same time, nearly a thousand soldiers turned to form formation. Wang Tong stared at it for a few times and cursed:

"I don't know about life and death!"

After saying this, Wang Tong turned his head and asked Li Hu who was following him:
"Tiger head, are you afraid?"

Li Hutou was so excited that he was about to stand up immediately, and when he heard Wang Tong's question, he immediately replied loudly:
"Follow Brother Wang, you are not afraid of anything!!"

Wang Tong grinned, got off his horse, and said loudly;
"All the riders get off their horses and follow Lao Tzu forward."

After dismounting, Wang Tong patted his mount to let the horse go away, raised the waist knife in his hand and stood in place, Li Hutou and other guards riding horses around him also dismounted as usual, and each of them was included in the square formation of the two battalions. Between the two phalanxes, shouted:

"Preparation before the battle, is the team complete!?"

After the questioning, the battalion officers of the fourth battalion and the fifth battalion behind him shouted loudly, "The fourth battalion is ready" and "The fifth battalion is ready." Wang Tong waved the knife in his hand and strode forward. , in front is the array of soldiers several times the size of Jin Yiwei.

"One two one" and "one two one" the battalion officers shouted the number of steps and ran all the way. Everyone didn't even drink their saliva. , there are still enemies several times their own ahead, but everyone strides forward without any hesitation.

Daily training has turned discipline and actions after passwords into something in their bones, a kind of subconscious obedience, not to mention their chief officer, a Qianhu Wangtong who is younger than most of them, is at the forefront.

"My lord, my family is on military affairs, so don't go any further. If you use weapons, everyone's peace will be hurt, that's not good!!"

Several generals who faced Wang Tong did not expect that the other party rushed forward without saying a few words.

There were 200 people in one battalion, and 400 people in two battalions. The slogan "One Two One" was shouted in unison, and the steps gradually became the same. The 400 people seemed to be one person, and every step seemed to fall at the same time.

"Touch!" "Touch!" I couldn't help thinking of the muffled sound, as if a giant was striding forward and approaching so fearlessly.

The turmoil that had just subsided under the soldiers and horses of Li Dameng, the general guarding Tianjin, started to move again. Several generals facing Wang Tong found that their mounts began to become restless, and they could only desperately control the reins.

The soldiers behind him were even more unbearable. They were officers and soldiers on their side, and the soldiers of Jin Yiwei on the opposite side were also officers and soldiers.

All trained soldiers are sensitive to queues. Seeing Jinyiwei's soldiers' queues pressing down neatly, while their own are still so scattered, they all wonder if they will be crushed by the opponent if they run into their own, let alone in On the other side, there is a group of fierce cavalry.

Everyone was in a panic. The generals knew who Wang Tong was, but the soldiers didn't know, but they could see the color of thousands of households Wang Tong was wearing.

Everyone is a soldier of the Ming Dynasty, what does it mean to attack a thousand households of Jin Yiwei? It is a serious crime of beheading and exterminating the entire family, and the soldiers did not hear the orders of the officers.

The distance was less than [-] steps, the chant was louder and louder, Wang Tong had already reached a distance of more than ten steps from the opponent, the knife in Wang Tong's hand swung forward, and began to trot forward.

When he moved, the two battalions behind him trotted forward at the same time. The footsteps were still uniform, but the frequency became more rapid.

This kind of approach puts even more pressure on the opponent, and he ordered to act. With the current situation, the scattered formation of his own will inevitably be overwhelmed. The generals in front are naturally unwilling to block the sharpness. , the generals are like this, and the panicked soldiers behind are even less willing to stand up.

The panicked shouts all dodged to both sides, and the ground could no longer be suppressed.

"My lord, that Wang Tong led the people to rush over, the brothers can't stop it!"

"He dares to rush!? Why don't you block it!?"

"...My lord, Wang Tong said that he wanted to investigate the case of Tongwo. His subordinates are too strong, and our soldiers and horses in Ji Town..."

"Tong Wo!?"

Hearing this, General Li Shen's face immediately changed, and his expression changed a few times. He gritted his teeth and ordered:
"Let's not disturb this muddy water, withdraw, withdraw troops!!"

With this order, the soldiers scattered like birds and beasts. Except for his own soldiers and direct subordinates, the rest of the soldiers and horses could not be restrained, and broke away, as if they had been completely defeated on the battlefield.
Thank you everyone, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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