Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 292 Wang Tong's Tianjin Guard

Chapter 292 Wang Tong's Tianjin Guard

The Japanese pirates caused disasters to the southeast, and Tongwa was also the most serious crime in Ming Dynasty. Once they were charged with this crime, they would undoubtedly die, and those involved would also be punished with capital crimes.

After General Li Shen heard the charge, he could not continue to entangle here anyway, so he simply led his troops to withdraw. The army was beaten to pieces.

Wang Tong's order was to control, but he did not order to arrest people. Dozens of guards in brocade clothes surrounded the small courtyard of Mr. Nalu, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

The courtyard is not big, and when you open the gate, you can see Eunuch Lu and a few of his subordinates staying inside, looking like headless flies.

The soldiers outside also saw the people inside struggling to climb up to the roof with something to cushion them. As long as they didn't run outside, they didn't bother to pay attention to what they were doing.

"Eunuch Lu, General Li's troops have left, what should we do?"

The man on the roof yelled heart-piercingly, and Lu Gonggong, the head of the firearms workshop below, had a black face that almost turned into a white face, and sat on the chair blankly.

Several craftsmen leaders and stewards in the house looked at Eunuch Lu in panic, and when they heard the shout from above, they said to Eunuch Lu in a hurry:

"Elder-in-law, this is for no reason, how did these fanatics come to take people!?"

Eunuch Lu sat there in a daze for a long time, then said weakly:
"There are too many things to arrest us. Selling weapons to outsiders privately, greedy for money and materials, all these are sins!"

When he said this, Eunuch Lu became more courageous, stood up from his chair suddenly, and walked out with big strides, and several people behind him hurriedly followed.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the brocade-clothed guards who were guarding there immediately blocked him. Eunuch Lu took a breath and said sharply:

"You guys, why do you want to take over our family? Our family is working for the emperor and Mr. Feng Bao. You are looking for your own death and conspiracy. !!"

"You haven't given an explanation until now, and you will threaten people with knives and guns when they come. What kind of documents are there for arresting people, what is the will of the Holy Majesty, show them and give an explanation!!"

All the people following Eunuch Lu were clamoring, and the guards in brocade clothes blocked the door, looking at these people blankly.

Jin Yiwei's silence made these people feel a little bit of hope. When Eunuch Lu went up, he pushed and hit him, screaming like a shrew:
"First came the blacksmith who came to dig the workshop, and then blocked our house. You guys are too lawless. Do you still have Long Live God in your eyes..."

Wang Tong's order was to keep an eye on it, which was a military order, and the Jinyi guards didn't do anything but blocked the door there, but they were pushed back a few steps.

A general surnamed Tan who was patrolling around heard the movement here and came over, and shouted coldly outside:
"Why are you being polite to these bastards, call back!!"

With this order, how could the soldiers at the gate be polite, they took the sheathed waist knife as a stick, and beat them head and face.

This group of people are all pampered, and after going through this there, those crying for their fathers and mothers retreated, and Eunuch Lu fell to the ground, crying at the top of his voice:
"Eunuch Feng, ancestor, the children are being bullied by these gangsters outside, do you always know..."

The whole person is like a shrew, she looks like she is crying, but every sentence is to use Feng Baohe's power in the palace to suppress people. Tianjin Wei is close to the capital, and she has a little understanding of the government, and she knows Who is Feng Bao? After saying this, the soldiers of Jin Yiwei hesitated.

The general of the Tan family has always behaved prudently. This man originally wanted to order the soldiers, but seeing the appearance of Lu Gonggong was extremely disgusted, he stepped forward and drew his knife, pointed at Lu Gonggong and shouted:
"You son of a bitch, when you are convicted, I will kill you alive with my own hands!!"

As soon as these words were said, Eunuch Lu seemed to be struck by lightning all over his body, he was shaken violently, and his whole body was limp on the ground, and the few people around who wanted to make trouble with him also stood there dumbfounded, trembling all over. As if sifting chaff, the famous general looked at him in disgust, strode out of the yard, and ordered at the door:

"It's all guarded, the adults are coming to arrest people soon!"

The outside agreed abruptly, but Eunuch Lu struggled to get up from the ground, turned around and walked into the house with a face ashen, muttering to himself:
"When I was young, I was cut off by my mother and sent to the palace. In the past few decades, our family has lived a happier life than those who have eggs. It is worth living."

While speaking, he untied the sachet at his waist, took out a black pill from it, put it into his mouth with trembling hands, chewed it a few times, swallowed it, and said with a smile:

"It's still sweet, what a treat!"

As soon as he got up the steps, his body bent suddenly, with an expression of extreme pain on his face. Eunuch Lu clutched his stomach and yelled "ho ho" twice, lay down on the steps in pain, struggled a few times, and never moved again.

The bewildered chief craftsmen and those stewards in the yard collapsed when they saw Eunuch Lu lying on the ground. Some rushed to check, and some cried loudly there.

The soldiers guarding the gate rushed in, turned over Lu Gonggong's body, and found that his face was purple and black, his eyes were white, and he was dead.

"Sanbiao, you did a good job! If you really complied with the teachings of the martial arts hall, you are really a seedling of a general!"

Wang Tong patted Ma Sanbiao's shoulder heavily, and Ma Sanbiao couldn't see his eyes when he smiled.

The two battalions of infantry and cavalry joined together. Although there was no battle, the soldiers seemed to have won a big victory and their morale was extremely high.

Wang Tong was about to speak to General Tan, but a man ran out of the workshop quickly, his face was not very good, he didn't even care about etiquette, and reported:
"My lord, Eunuch Nalu committed suicide by taking poison."

The high mood of the crowd suddenly fell, Wang Tong was stunned for a while, and said with a sneer:

"Okay, knowing that I am a sin of a thousand cuts, and knowing that I am so happy to die, the rest of the people immediately tied up and gagged their mouths. The place where Mr. Lu works, the place where he lives, and the places he usually goes to, are for me. The official digs the ground three feet to search, General Tan!! You lead to do it, and if there are any mistakes, I will march the law!!"

General Tan hastily and solemnly agreed, and Wang Tong let out a sigh of relief. Seeing everyone's serious expressions, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"You don't need to be like this. Haihe has already been captured by us. Now we have captured the firearms workshop. The city is also in our hands. Now we are the ones who talk in Tianjin. You all have meritorious service, so go on a errand."

The crowd agreed in unison.

There was a lot of commotion outside the city, and in the afternoon, the inside of the city almost knew the general situation. People from the Bingbei Road Yamen, the Food Supervision Office, and the Qing Military Office were extremely busy.

However, this busyness lasted for less than an hour, and they all disappeared. There was nothing to criticize for what Wang Tong did outside the city, and they couldn't find any other way except to impeach them.

Not even the impeachment of Shangshu. Tianjin is a military port, and merchant ships come in and out, and there are merchant ships colluding with Japanese pirates. They have been under the noses of the officials for several years or even more than ten years. What a dereliction of duty. Whose crime is this? , which is completely a blind spot and a void.

The three major warehouses in the city, the Jinhe warehouse has been seized by people, and the people of Yongsheng Trading Company are as busy as ants in a hot pot. The sun has just gone to the west, and there are already more than a dozen large carts loaded with soft goods, and a dozen trucks loaded with personnel and family members. The van went out, and even the guards had nearly hundreds of riders.

Not only is Yongsheng Trading Co. so busy, there are quite a few people in and out of the city leaving in a hurry with their families. On the contrary, Tonghai Trading Co., which has the largest business and the widest influence, is very quiet.

The only difference from the past is that after noon, the shops in the city and outside the city closed their doors early, but the shopkeeper and the shopkeepers also explained to outsiders that they will open as usual tomorrow.

The main store in the city is located, with the store in front and the house of the big boss, Chai Fulin, in the back, which is also one of the most luxurious places in the city.

It used to be a lively place, but today when the news from outside the city came in, it became quiet. Chai Fulin was entertaining guests these days, and he was very interested. This news must have spoiled his interest. Chai Fulin was at his home The rules of the private house are very strict, and no one wants to touch this bad luck.

The doors and windows of the living room in the inner house have been closed, and there are no lights in the room, but it is still extremely hot, but this can prevent the sound from coming out.

There were only two people in the room, and Chai Fulin sat on the grand teacher's chair, half lying there, with his face turned upside down, and said weakly:
"After ten years of hard work, is it possible that I will throw it all away overnight...Second brother, I am not reconciled, I fight and shrink, how can I let that half-grown child choke his neck everywhere and fall everywhere? In the downwind, I thought I could wait and see, but I didn't expect it to be today..."

"People don't fight with officials, he follows the rules, what can you do for nothing."

In the darkness, a very peaceful voice sounded, Chai Fulin sighed to Tianchang, and said in a muffled voice:
"We also have this and that behind our backs, and we can't move them in the dark. If we take out the bright ones, it's useless at all..."

The peaceful voice laughed, and answered:

"The one behind him is the emperor. What's the use of our officials? This kid's brain is also missing a string. He doesn't plan for himself everywhere. He just repays his loyalty. Third, we have enough money. Go back and wait." After the big event is completed, you will come back in a good mood, and everything will be arranged for you, big brother."

Chai Fulin suddenly got up from the chair, slapped the back of the chair heavily, and said in a fierce voice:

"Let's go! But before we go, we have to make a big deal. The people don't fight with the officials. Humph, a certain family is going to try it. Let's go from here, and they don't want to sit still!!"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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