Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 293 1 As usual

Chapter 293

On the third day of August, the hottest weather was almost over, and the wind blowing from the sea in the morning was already a bit cool.

From dawn to noon, from quiet to noisy, everything inside and outside the city was as usual. The people on the pier were busy, and the boats on the canal were the same as usual.

On the side of the canal pier, the red boat that was supposed to block the river today for inspection did not come out. For some reason, Wan Dao, the grain supervisor, did not send anyone to fish for money on the river.

The dozens of seagoing ships on the Haihe River hadn't departed yet, but the work of checking the value of the goods and calculating the tax amount was about to be completed. Sun Dahai found dozens of soldiers with good water skills and went to the place where the sunken ship was, and took turns to go into the water to check.

The cargo on this ship was surprising. Except for a dozen wooden crates of oxtail medicine that had been soaked in water, the rest were deerskin.

Everyone on the ship was arrested and experienced the power of artillery. He was very obedient, and he knew why the two cargoes were being transported as soon as he asked.

Oxtail medicine can only be bought for fifty renminbi a pair in Ming Dynasty, but it can be sold for [-] renminbi in Wa country. There are a few medicinal materials available in Ming Dynasty, but not in Wa country, but many cattle and horse diseases use this disease.

This medicine is a cheap commodity in Ming Dynasty, and it is understandable to sell it to the Japanese people to make huge profits. If they don't run away, Wang Tongcai won't bother to let them go there after paying the tax.

A piece of buckskin was sold for two taels of silver in Ming Dynasty, but in Japan it was sold for one tael of gold. The profit was frighteningly high, but the buyers were the daimyos of the Japanese kingdom and the samurai below.Because deerskin is an important material for making armor and protective gear, Japan's own deer have been hunted very rarely.

Buying and selling with the princes and warriors of the Wa Kingdom is a real communication with the Wa Kingdom. It is no wonder that they want to run away if they have bad intentions.

After Wang Tong surrounded the firearms workshop yesterday, he did not wait for the results of the search. He explained to the top and bottom of the firearms workshop that all the major crimes were committed by Lu Gonggong and his party, and had nothing to do with the subordinates, but the workshop still needs to be closed. Please work as usual and wait for the facts of the case to come to light.

The firearms workshop was originally a semi-enclosed place, and the craftsmen lived in the area of ​​the workshop, so there was no place to go. What's more, Wang Tong immediately transferred those foreigners from his own iron workshop and the original ones. A few artisans here distributed white rice and pork to everyone, and people's hearts quickly stabilized.

After stabilizing the firearms workshop, the overall situation outside the city was basically determined. However, Wang Tong did not return to the city to rest. Instead, he returned to the river and camped overnight with the soldiers stationed by the river.

It was a quiet night, but there were too many mosquitoes, and people couldn't sleep well. When the sky was just dawn, Wang Tong got up.

Just as there was some movement in the tent where he was staying, someone outside lowered his voice and said:

"My lord, three of Chuan Tou Xiang's five incense heads left the city last night, and the other two stayed behind closed doors early. They didn't send anyone to contact the boat workers outside."

Wang Tong rubbed his face and walked out of the tent, and said to a man dressed as a commoner bowing outside:
"Keep watching. If there is any change, take my letter and send troops to get someone nearby."

The commoner bowed, turned around and left in a hurry. After walking more than a dozen steps, it was Zhang Shiqiang who came quickly, and the commoner stepped aside, bowing his head slightly to salute.

Zhang Shiqiang nodded to indicate that Wang Tong arranged hidden posts everywhere. Zhang Shiqiang was in charge of contact management. He went to the capital to deliver an urgent letter and came back last night. Wang Tong arranged for him to sit in the city.

"My lord, when the firearms workshop was living outside the city yesterday, someone entered the official offices of Bingbeidao and Jianliang, and then these two residences sent people to the camp of General Li Can outside the city. After the troops were withdrawn, they sent people to those two men, and through these two men, they closed their doors to see no visitors, and sent messengers out of the city before dark, heading towards the capital."

Wang Tong sneered a few times, and said:
"These few still have to take care of Tongwo's affairs. It's really a deep friendship."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Zhang Shiqiang pondered for a while, and reported again:
"My lord, this subordinate is here now, because the news came from the eyeliner of those two, Bing Beidao Panda seemed very happy, and said, 'If you mess up like this, let's see who can protect you', Wan Dao Over there, I saw two guests, these two guests came in and out on horseback, and they walked so fast that our people had no time to keep up, but after seeing them, they lost their temper in their own house."

The reaction of these two people was beyond Wang Tong's expectation, but to achieve such a level, the dark lines arranged when they came to Tianjin had an effect. Now there are very few people under Wang Tong who are in charge of inquiring undercover agents, and they can't be forced. .

"How about the Qing Army Department and the Ministry of Household Transit Department?"

"Returning to the adults, there seems to be no movement in those two places, and everything is as usual."

Wang Tong nodded, and ordered:

"Go to the city and send Cai Nan here quickly, brother Zhang, maybe you will have to work hard again today or tomorrow, and you have to go to the capital to deliver the letter."

"It's the job of the subordinates to do things for the adults. What's the hard work?"

Zhang Shiqiang bowed and saluted, and Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Bring Chihei and ten dealers, each with two horses. There may be dangers on the road, so be careful."

During the conversation, there was a smell of food. Both of them were empty stomachs in the morning. They couldn't help but stop talking when they smelled this smell. There was a creaking sound of wooden wheels rolling on the ground. A carriage with large wooden barrels of food came here. Wang Tong He waved to Zhang Shiqiang and said:

"You go back to the city and eat something good, I won't keep you here."

Zhang Shiqiang said goodbye there, and walked towards the river with the carriage carrying food. The fort and the fence behind it were already in shape, and the rest was to be carefully modified.

The base of the fort built with masonry and civil engineering yesterday was not solid, and it was estimated that it would fall apart after a few shots, but now that time has been bought, the next step is reinforcement and repair.

The sun hadn't come out yet, but everyone was already busy. As soon as the food cart came near the fort, the guiding soldiers shouted loudly:
"Our lord Wang has brought food to everyone!!"

Seeing the steaming hot meals, and their own adults came to deliver them in person, the soldiers of Jinyiwei cheered loudly. Before reaching a fort, Wang Tong and the cook took the big wooden barrel from the car and gave it to everyone. All the soldiers served steaming meals and expressed their condolences.

Under intentional or unintentional rumors, Wang Tong has a very high image in the hearts of the soldiers. Although Wang Tong is younger than most of them, everyone respects him very much.

The two battalions of soldiers and horses brought to the firearms workshop yesterday left one battalion there, and brought another battalion back. Facing the soldiers and horses several times their own, Mr. Wang talked and laughed happily, and calmly faced them. He dismounted and led everyone to attack. The soldiers and horses twice as large as their own retreated without fighting. Such awe-inspiring deeds have spread.

Today's soldiers not only regard Wang Tong as their boss, but also as a hero in their hearts. They were busy or fighting yesterday, and they had to work after camping all night, hungry.

At this time, Wang Tong personally delivered hot meals, and greeted and chatted cordially. The guards in brocade clothes who were recruited were originally simple-minded soldiers from military households. They are full, and being treated so favorably by their bosses, everyone is extremely excited.

After walking through five forts, the banks of the Haihe River were already boiling, and people kept shouting loudly:
"Thank you, Mr. Wang!!" "Willing to die for Mr. Wang!!" "Even if you go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, the little ones are willing to go."

Words of allegiance come and go one after another, and training in the camp alone cannot cultivate loyalty, only through such actions can people's hearts be attached.

After the victory, when you are hungry, people's hearts are the most agitated and most vulnerable. At this time, some actions will have the greatest effect. Wang Tong knows how to grasp this point and how to use it.

Walk through all the forts first, and then walk through all the camps stationed here. The sun has risen, and Cai Nan has already arrived.

After Wang Tong finished his work, his forehead was also sweating. Just as he wiped his sweat with a towel, a soldier ran over and reported:
"My lord, among the three ships yesterday, there was not one of the Japanese pirates. The owner of the ship begged the villain to come to the lord at the guard, saying that he would pay double the tax and fine, and only begged the lord to let them go."

It wasn't sunk, and there wasn't a single Japanese pirate's ship, so it wasn't a big mistake, but it was just running along.Ships going to sea these days want to make money, so they have to go to Japan and Southeast Asia. The people who trade are not necessarily Japanese or pirates, and their backgrounds are not clean.

Wang Tong wanted to open and close tax collection in Tianjin, so he would naturally allow overseas trade. Hearing the soldier's report, he asked Cai Nan with a smile:

"Have you checked the cargo on this ship?"

"Responding to my lord, we have only seen the goods on this ship. The goods are all poplin. There are a total of 200 pieces. The tax and fine are [-] taels."

Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, and asked puzzledly:
"How much is a piece of poplin capital?"

"Two, two or three dollars, the price of such a big deal is a little cheaper. The accountants of the two warehouses said it yesterday, and the small ones will be remembered."

Wang Tong patted his forehead and said with a smile:

"When I left yesterday, those ships that didn't run away paid more than 2000 taels of tax, and this one ran away with the same amount. Is it worth the effort for the money?"

When Cai Nan thought about it, he also showed a look of sudden realization, and Wang Tong said with a narrow smile on his face:

"Find the highest-ranked boatman among the people who got off the sunken cargo ship, and tell him that if he finds anything weird, give him 500 taels of silver, and I will release him immediately!"

Cai Nan smiled and agreed, and immediately went to order. Wang Tong was in a relaxed mood, humming a ditty with a grass stick in his mouth.

Because of the shortage of manpower, the people from Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu were only able to keep an eye on the Xiangtou of Chuantouxiang, but they did not notice that there were people frequently coming in and out of the homes of various leaders.

On the third day of August, inside and outside the Acropolis of Tianjin was still the same as usual...
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(End of this chapter)

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