Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 295 3 Water King Weapon Smuggling

Chapter 295 Three Water King Weapon Smuggling
"The official Mercury in the bilge has also seen it. Including your poplin, I will show you 2000 taels of silver and let you go!"

Now that he understood this point, Wang Tong was unambiguous, and went to the deck to directly bid. The captain and several leaders of the sea-going ship looked bitter and dark, and did not make a sound for a long time.

Seeing their expressions, Wang Tong couldn't help but jokingly said:
"You want to make more than 3 taels of profit inside and out, and even a fine of [-] taels is too much? If you really meet someone with a bad heart, will you give me [-] taels?"

It was a joke, but those who listened did not dare to take it as a joke. The few people on the boat could understand that if the [-] was not paid, the draw would increase to [-].

Everything can be negotiated, except for money. Although the leader of the ship is still a prisoner, he is careful to accompany him for fear that he will die here, but when it comes to this, he is extremely careless.

"Master, the younger ones are working for King Sanshui, and they lost so much money all of a sudden, and the younger ones can't explain it... Even to the elder master, even to the elder master, I'm afraid it will be a little bit of a hindrance."

These ships were only stopped yesterday, and it has not been 24 hours until now, but I have heard a lot of knowledge and anecdotes that I did not know before, including the huge profits of some goods traded between Ming and Wa, and this never-heard "Three water kings".

Because there was no impression in his mind, Wang Tong turned his head and looked at Tang Shan. Tang Shan's dark complexion became much lighter at this time. Seeing Wang Tong looking over, he said quickly:
"My lord, go away and talk."

His voice trembled a little, he was a rough man and he didn't understand the politeness of "excuse me for a while", but it could be seen that Tang Shan was extremely scared.

Wang Tong frowned and Tang Shan walked around the cabin on the deck and walked to a place out of sight of those few people. When they got there, Tang Shan knelt down to the sound of the flute with a plop, kowtowed repeatedly and said:
"Damn the villain, damn the villain!"

"If you have something to say directly, you will know whether you deserve to die or not!"

Wang Tong was a little impatient, and this made something strange, Tang Shan trembled all over, only then did he realize who was in control of his life and death, and tremblingly replied in a low voice:

"With so much mercury, I should have thought that ordinary sea merchants would not be able to do this business, but I didn't expect it to be the business of Sanshuiwang. This is a villain who is stupid and damned, calling trouble for the old man!"

"Who is Sanshui Wang?"

"Master, have you ever heard of the name of Captain Wufeng?"

"Don't make a fool of yourself, just explain it clearly!"

People in this era always like to talk about the ins and outs when they talk, which makes people anxious. Wang Tong is already very popular. This Tang Shan kowtowed and said:

"The owner of Wufeng is King Wang Zhi Wang. It is said that the King of Sanshui is the descendant of King Wang, and he is also the most powerful leader in the sea. Water King, it is said that there are thousands of boats under his command, and tens of thousands of men who work hard for him, if they sail on the sea, they have to receive a flag from him before sailing, such a person offends..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Tong laughed out loud, and said in a cold voice:
"Why do you think that a man with three heads and six arms is just a strong man at sea, like a fish, is this kind of person worthy of my care?"

Then he turned around from that side, and could see that the faces of the people who had just announced the name of "San Shui Wang" were quite relaxed, and they were a little bit pale. When they saw Wang Tong coming, they quickly became serious, and Wang Tong came to him and smiled. said:

"Since it is the King of Sanshui, I don't say anything. I pay 5000 taels. After paying the money, I sail away. Since the goods trafficked to the Japanese country are huge profits, I can't just draw two. Mercury, silver, Poplin, oxtail medicine, raw silk, etc., all have different tax rates."

After saying this, the faces of the people on board changed, and the smile on Wang Tong's face disappeared, and he said in a cold voice:
"Who do you think you are? This official is the Emperor's pro-army, the thousand households of Daming Jinyiwei. What are you? How dare you bargain with this official. With your share of money, this official is considered to be earning money. Without your share, it's nothing Loss, weigh it yourself!"

After speaking, he turned and disembarked, and the soldiers also escorted these people down. As soon as the group stepped off the boat, a captain came over with a smile on his face. Going down, he smiled and said when he looked up:

"My lord, the younger ones have paid their taxes, and now we're going back to the south. Years ago, I reckoned that we could come again twice. I don't know what the lord likes in the south. The younger ones will bring you filial piety." sir."

"Thank you so much for taking so much money from you!!"

Wang Tong joked with a smile, and the captain took out a document from his pocket, and said with a smile:
"This is stamped with your lord's big seal. With this tax payment document in hand, you can already pull more ships and buy more goods when you return to the south. Anyway, you can come here earlier than others, and you can also make more money. It’s all the blessings of the adults, besides, it’s not that the adults pay less taxes and don’t make no money, earn more and earn less, and make a lot of money in the future, this is all the kindness of the adults!!”

The captain seemed to have studied for several years, and his speech was quite methodical, but in the ears of the fleeing ship captain, there was something else.

If the boat is detained here and does not leave, it will not earn a single copper coin. The detention time is long, and once the sea season is over, it will take a later time to go. Time, delay how much money you earn.

"Except for the one that was sunk and one that was seized, there are fourteen other ships. A total of 2000 taels of tax and fines were collected, and 7000 taels were actually collected."

After tossing and tossing for three days, Wang Tong returned to the Acropolis of Tianjin. The money was collected quickly. Looking at the tight state treasury, the folks are really not short of money.

Those sea-going ships have made a lot of profits by transporting goods from the south to the north. The special products they bought in the north are cheap, and they have a lot of money in their hands. When driving, run more times and make more money.

As for the shortfall of 5000 taels, it was owed by the ship that transported the mercury, and it was really impossible to make up so much money. Wang Tong was also unambiguous, and directly unloaded all the poplin on the ship to offset it.

"You don't need to wait for them to come back to redeem the poplin. You can just sell it locally. The accounts and vouchers will be prepared as soon as possible, and a copy will be sent to the capital."

Wang Tong sat there and ordered in a deep voice, Cai Nan quickly wrote down the list here, and Cai Nan picked up another account book and reported:
"The firearms workshop Lu Mou's family property is almost confiscated. The gold is 1000 taels, which are all the money of the Japanese country, and there are more than 8 taels of silver ingots. The rest of the items can also be worth [-] taels."

After reading it, Cai Nan himself gave a few clicks of admiration, and commented:

"To be honest, my lord, I have seen several house raids inside and outside the palace, and it was always more silver than gold. It is really rare that Lu has turned it upside down."

"There is a lot of gold in the Wa country, and I don't know how many weapons and belongings this surnamed Lu sold."

Wang Tong said with a sullen face, without saying anything, the result will come when it is mentioned. Outside the door, Sun Dahai hurried into the room with the paper, and reported:
"My lord, the ship that connects to the Japanese has already recruited!!"

There are people with strong bones, but they will never appear in people who deliver weapons to Japanese pirates for greed. The people of Jinyiwei have not yet used the "advanced experience" of torture brought by the capital, and they have already reached the result.

Now the biggest daimyo in Kyushu, Japan, is Otomo’s family, and the rest are passively beaten. Originally, each family’s weapons could be made by themselves, and some bought from big merchants in Sakai Town and Shishan would be enough.

But Otomo's oppression became more and more severe, and the blockade of sea routes became more and more strict, and the big businessmen on Honshu Island were unwilling to offend the million-dollar name of Otomo's family for some small businesses.

At present, when the famous families of the Japanese kingdom are fighting each other, if there is no supply of weapons, they will perish themselves. At this time, the maritime merchants of Ming Dynasty discovered this business opportunity.

The pirates originally tried every means to get through Lu Gonggong's way in order to obtain high-quality weapons for themselves, but later they focused on the idea of ​​trafficking.

Wa country has gold and silver. In order to maintain the situation, it would rather buy weapons from Ming Dynasty at a high price. The smuggling and trafficking of pirates in Ming Dynasty also has advantages that Wa country merchants do not have. The daimyo didn't dare to interfere at all.

This business has only been done year after year. Under the memories of the managers of the firearms workshop, they even sold a few small cannons at a price of 3000 taels for two years, even though the manufacturing cost was only a few dozen taels. This kind of weapon is nothing in Ming Dynasty, but it is called "big tube" by euphemistic name in Wa country.

What makes people laugh and cry is that the pirates of the Ming Dynasty not only trafficked weapons to the Japanese country, but also trafficked weapons from the Japanese country back to Daming. The Japanese swords made by craftsmen are very popular in Daming. The goods with twice the profit, the pirates’ weapons were bought by Lu Gonggong, and the Japanese pirates came to buy them. Naturally, they were all expensive. Later, the Japanese daimyo sent his retainers to buy them directly. Although the price was cheaper, they used gold.

Originally, the pirates of the Ming Dynasty took gold from Wa, but gave Lu Gonggong silver. The ratio of gold to silver between the two countries is very different, and this is another profit.

Naturally, all of this has disappeared, and all the accumulated things have been copied by Wang Tong, and the related people will inevitably be beheaded.

"All the physical evidence that can be transported to the capital will be transported to the capital, and the confession will be delivered quickly, and a battalion of soldiers will be allocated to escort the criminals to the capital. We can't keep this hot potato in our own hands. If we can leave today, let's start today!"

Without much hesitation, Wang Tong immediately gave the order.
There was no canvassing during the period of double monthly tickets, and at the end of the month, there was a tense fight. Please support me a lot. Thank you, Lao Bai.
(End of this chapter)

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