Chapter 296
"Master Ma is getting old, please forgive me for coming here so late!"

"What's the matter with Mr. Zhang Ge? Although the old man is old, his spirit is not inferior to that of a mature man. Besides, if Mr. Ge invites you, it doesn't matter if you don't sleep!"

Ma Ziqiang, a scholar of the cabinet and secretary of the Ministry of household affairs, spoke impassionedly, but in his words he was dissatisfied with the old and flattered Zhang Juzheng. Both sides laughed and sat down on each other.

Zhang Juzheng waved his hands to both sides, the servants and maidservants bowed their heads and retreated, Zhang Juzheng asked straight to the point:

"Brother Tigan, how is the inspection going these few days?"

Ma Ziqiang is 63 years old this year, and he is indeed lacking in spirit, but when he heard Zhang Juzheng's question, he immediately straightened up from the back of his chair, and said solemnly:

"The top and bottom of the household department have checked it out. If the items His Majesty said are not used, there is really no way to make money in the world."

Hearing this, Zhang Juzheng stroked his beard and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said:

"What your Majesty and the palace think about is nothing but those things. What you read inside and outside the palace are all sage books, and what you listen to are all sage things, and you won't jump out of this circle. But what I'm worried about is Wang Tong. He is vulgar, but he often does things with ingenuity. He thinks that the predecessors did not think of it, or the predecessors did it, but he has something new. ghost."

Ma Ziqiang laughed and said:

"Elder Ge is worrying too much, maybe His Majesty is just arrogant. If Wang Tong really thinks so, it may not be a bad thing. Elder Ge has led us to think hard for so many years, and only a few million taels have been accumulated in the treasury. His upper and lower lips touched. , just come out with 100 million taels, if you can't do it, use this as an excuse to punish!"

Every Mid-Autumn Festival is also one of the busiest times in the palace. The arrangement of banquets, ceremonies and sacrifices are all extremely complicated.

Feng Bao, who is No. 1 in the inner court, has not slept more than three hours a day in the past few days, and is busy in the palace every day. Seeing that there are still ten days until the Mid-Autumn Festival, he has not done much to do, so he is quite anxious.

On the seventh day of the eighth lunar month, Feng Bao was approving several documents in the Imperial Prison, reprimanding two eunuchs in charge of ineffective purchases. He was just about to check the various supplies for the moon worship in the harem, when suddenly a little eunuch came to inform him that it was long live Grandpa has something to call.

After hearing the summons, Feng Bao was a little anxious. All the affairs in the palace were handled by him as the prime minister, and even the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li didn't get involved, let alone Emperor Wanli.

He also remembered that there was no government affairs today, and the court meeting ended in a calm and clear manner. What is there to do at this time? It is believed that Emperor Wanli was a child.

Finding someone to make him irritable at this time is like an adult who has an uninterested child coming to disturb him when he is busy, and the adult will get angry.

Feng Bao suppressed his irritability, sat on the palanquin and walked quickly to the imperial study room, walked outside the door of the imperial study room, he lifted the sedan chair, and the eunuch guarding the door immediately stepped forward to salute.

Seeing the Imperial Study Room, Feng Bao became even more irritable. He didn't know when the Imperial Study Room became Emperor Wanli's complete personal space, and the servants inside and outside were all promoted by Emperor Wanli himself, or recommended by Zhang Cheng.

Although the children always have their own privacy and space when they grow up, the adults always feel uncomfortable. However, after walking in and seeing Zhao Jinliang, the servant at the door, Feng Bao smiled a little. This child is smart and hard-working. For being motivated, the teachers of Neishutang have praised him many times, and he has always liked such a little eunuch Feng Bao.

When he walked into the imperial study room, the little emperor Wanli was half lying in the dragon chair, in his most comfortable position, holding up a few pieces of paper to read, while Zhang Cheng waited on him.

"Servant Feng Bao, kowtow to the Lord Long Live!"

Feng Bao yelled in front of him and bowed down directly. With his movement, Emperor Wanli sat up straight subconsciously, showing a serious appearance. He was taught by Feng Baoguan when he was a child in the Yu Palace, and many things became subconscious habit.

"Please hurry up, companion Feng. The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching these days, and it's been a hard work for my companion."

Although he didn't know what he was summoned for, but Emperor Wanli was kind, Feng Bao was relieved, stood up with a smile and thanked him:
"It's all in the old slave's job, Long Live God has praised it."

Emperor Wanli tidied up the documents on the table and asked with a smile:

"Does my companion know what's going on with Tianjin Wei?"

"Long Live Lord, why bother to ask this old slave, it is clearer to ask Wang Qianhu and Zhang Eunuch what Tianjin Wei has to do."

These words were a little ironic, Xiang Yan from Tianjin was from Xue Zhanye, and Xue Zhanye was Zhang Cheng's disciple, Feng Bao didn't move too much, and it was hard to say how time-sensitive the news was, Wang Tong Tong has its own system and reports directly to Emperor Wanli.

Emperor Wanli laughed twice, and said:
"Mate, there is really a lot of excitement. Tianjin Wei found out the big case of Tongwa in the early August. It was said that someone transported weapons to the Japanese country through Tianjin seaport for huge profits. This matter was Wang Qianhu's credit. out of the investigation."

Feng Bao's face became a bit more cautious, he knew that Wang Tong was not the kind of villain who faked incidents to earn fame for himself, he said that there was a Tongwo, this matter is credible.

"Long live Lord, Tianjin Acropolis is the gate of the capital, and the case of getting a Japanese here is the first-class major case. The servants will send Dongchang to go there, and please also ask Long Live Lord to issue an order to strictly investigate in all yamen."

Wanli waved his hand and said:
"If Wang Tong wanted to conduct a strict investigation, he would not have sent the case file to me, and had directly reported it to the Commander of Jinyiwei, the commander of the Si Yamen. Companion, the matter of Tongwo has something to do with you!"

"Long live, how can this old slave know Japanese!?"

Hearing this, Feng Bao turned pale with shock. The great crime of being a criminal can be punished immediately. Why did he have something to do with this? He asked in a voiceless voice, knelt on the ground and kowtowed:
"Slaves and servants are loyal, and the day can be shown, and the Lord Long Live will investigate..."

"There is something in the way, it's not that I'm going to be with you, get up, and read the document I received!!"

Zhang Cheng helped Feng Bao up while holding the document. After handing over the document, Feng Bao quickly browsed it. Emperor Wanli said with a serious expression:

"The witnesses and material evidence are already on the way. I guess they will arrive in the next few days. This Lu is under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Prison. This slave should be hacked to death. It is obvious that he has done a bastard thing that has no conscience. He died happily, and poured some dirty water on Da Companion."

"Bastard, bastard, really bastard!!"

Looking at the case file, Feng Bao's face turned ashen. Although it was a serious crime, it was just a crime of negligence on his side. Strictly speaking, he would not be involved too much. , seize the attack, that is troublesome.

Moreover, Feng Bao knew about this matter later than Emperor Wanli. This is the real trouble. Zhang Cheng, who was standing quietly there, must also know about it. Who knows what will be done.

After thinking about it, there was nothing he could do, Feng Bao handed back the paper, knelt down on the ground again, and said:
"Long Live Lord, this matter is appalling. This is the first time I've heard of it, but it's an unforgivable crime. I'm asking you to punish me. Please also ask Long Live Lord to investigate to the end."

A smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Wanli's mouth, but it disappeared quickly. He hurriedly stood up and helped him up, saying:

"Daban, what are you doing? That Lu has committed suicide in fear of crime. He is just a person who stayed in the early years. What does it have to do with Daban? The reason why I called you here is because he is on duty in the imperial prison. You It's his job, let me know, and I know it in my heart."

"The servant thanked the Lord Long Live for his kindness."

Naturally, Feng Bao wouldn't naively think that this was the end of the matter. After he got up, he didn't make any next move, just stood there and waited.

Sure enough, Emperor Wanli smiled and said:
"This matter is disappointing, but Wang Tong's fists and kicks really created a lot of trouble. He said in the memorial that Tianjin is adjacent to the sea, but there is no one to manage Haikou, and the boats come and go at random. He is afraid that something illegal will endanger it. The capital, so decided to rectify."

Having said that, Emperor Wanli asked Zhang Cheng beside him with a smile:

"Zhang Banban, how much is the fine for the rectification?"

"If you go back to the Long Live Lord, you will receive a total of 7000 taels."

"It's only been three days since the rectification, and so much money has been collected. If the rectification continues like this, how much money can be recovered, not to mention that this time there are more than 25 taels, almost 100 taels of silver that were confiscated from a certain family in Nalu It’s about to be handed in, big companion, I said that the gold flower silver quota will be increased by 25 million taels a year, look, it’s [-] taels, it’s only three days! If it’s one year, I don’t know how much it will be Woolen cloth?"

Listening to Emperor Wanli's excited summary, Feng Bao had no expression on his face, he just said:

"My servant congratulates the Lord Long Live. It is his own blessing that Wang Tong is so diligent and loyal."

"My companion is right. I think that if you can collect so much in three days, then it's better to make this temporary inspection a routine and set up a yamen for inspection in Tianjin. Wang Tong will be responsible for this task. I raised gold, flowers and silver, what does my companion think?"

"Long Live Lord Shengming..."

"If it wasn't for Wang Tong's intention to cover up what happened this time, and send someone to report to me first, I'm afraid the courtiers who don't look at each other will make a fuss. Wang Tong also helped Daban once. This time, Tianjin rectifies Haikou and sets up inspections. I am afraid that the courtiers will be a little confused, and it will inevitably be a bit tossing, why don't you go and talk to Mr. Zhang and the others, and the cabinet should take care of this matter, just draw up a ticket and submit it, what do you think?"

Feng Bao took a breath, he didn't expect the emperor's purpose this time, the words turned around, but the meaning was clear, the crime of negligence of Tong Wo, a subordinate of the imperial prison, can be suppressed, but Wang Tong's new job in Tianjin requires Feng Bao To help convince the cabinet officials to confirm.

Son of Heaven, he is indeed not a child anymore...
One month is going to pass, and everyone has a monthly pass at the end of the month. If you see Jinyi as the country, please support it, thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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