Chapter 297

"Your Majesty, this matter is inappropriate!"

"What's wrong?"

"This one……"

There are usually no major issues in the court meetings during the holidays. This is also the tacit understanding of everyone, and the holidays are relaxed, but the issues raised on August [-] caught everyone by surprise.

What Emperor Wanli proposed was very simple. He said that Tianjin Wei was near the sea, and it was also the gate of the capital. Recently, some people have repeatedly mentioned that Tianjin Wei’s sea area is not stable, so they are going to let Tianjin Jinyi Wei Qianhu Wang Tong be responsible for the rectification.

The courtiers will oppose anything related to Wang Tong, because everyone has not been informed in advance, so they think that Mr. Zhang Ge did not know beforehand, but Mr. Zhang will definitely object.

But no one can come up with any real and powerful reasons to refute, the sea is not peaceful, the emperor sent his personal guards to inspect and rectify, there is nothing wrong with this.

What's more, Jinyiwei has the duty of inspecting and apprehending, and the unrest in the sea is not caused by foreign thieves, which happens to be the responsibility of Jinyiwei.

After a few words of remonstrance, Emperor Wanli refuted it lightly and cleverly. According to the usual rules, it should be the cabinet scholar who came out to persuade him. Shen Shixing and Zhang Siwei looked at Zhang Juzheng. No one thought that the cabinet chief assistant Zhang Juzheng said calmly there:
"Your Majesty is wise, matters concerning the sea and border areas should not be ignored. Tianjin not only serves as the gate of the capital, but also serves as a water transportation hub. If it is not stable, the hearts of the people in the north will be in turmoil. It is time to arrange a person to picket and manage it. Wang Qianhu is very appropriate."

After saying this, the people in the cabinet couldn't suppress the surprise and doubts on their faces, they all looked at Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Ge's attitude would not change drastically for no reason, how could he speak up for Wang Tong.

But Zhang Juzheng's statement made all the debates stop immediately, and everyone didn't mention the matter again. The next step was to submit the cabinet vote to the Supervisor of Rites for approval and decree.

A smile appeared on Emperor Wanli's face, then he became serious again, and said in a cold voice:
"Li Qiufa!"

Everyone was stunned again, wondering why His Majesty called the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry was not qualified to speak in Wenyuan Pavilion on weekdays.

"Wei Chen is here!"

A chubby middle-aged man came out, and the Ministry of Industry ranked the lowest among the six cabinet positions, but building palaces and cities, building water conservancy, supervising the manufacture of utensils, and a lot of money and goods came in and out.

"Tianjin Firearms Workshop privately sells weapons to pirates and Japanese pirates, do you know about this?"

As soon as this question came out, Li Qiufa was stunned at first, then knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said:
"Your Majesty, I don't know about this matter, and this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"The heads of the two engineering departments of the Tianjin Firearms Workshop are colluding and colluding. They actually sell weapons to pirates and Japanese pirates. Lu, who is in charge of the workshop, also blames himself for this. He has been selling weapons for nearly ten years and made hundreds of thousands of money. How dare you I don’t know, how did you become the minister of the Ministry of Industry!!?”

No one thought that Emperor Wanli would suddenly mention this and suddenly become strict. No one in the Wenyuan Pavilion knew anything about it.

Their news is either through the official newspapers, or through the rumors leaked from Jinyiwei and Dongchang. If all aspects are blocked, if they want to know the news, they have to have their own intelligence network, and not everyone has one. This kind of skill is up and running.

Li Qiufa, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, just kowtowed to plead guilty, and he didn’t dare to say anything. The firearms workshops everywhere were jointly managed by the Imperial Supervisor and the Ministry of Industry, but the status of the Imperial Supervisor in the palace was much higher than that of the Ministry of Industry. Everyone in the firearms workshop listens to the imperial supervisor, who cares about the Ministry of Industry,

Besides, there are too many places for the Ministry of Industry to make money, and it is not bad to compete with the palace for a few pennies, and it does not manage it. I did not expect to cause such a disaster today.

Tongwa is a serious crime of genocide. Even if he is involved, he might be imprisoned. Li Qiufa was already frightened to the extreme, so he just begged there, thinking in his heart that his family has never delayed honoring Mr. Zhang Ge. He only hopes that Mr. Zhang can Say a few words to help.

However, everyone else in Wenyuan Pavilion had already seen Zhang Juzheng's expression, and some thoughtful people even looked at Feng Bao and Eunuch Feng's expression.

Both of them looked indifferent and noncommittal, and everyone sighed in their hearts, knowing that Li Qiufa would not have anyone to help this time, the people above would not speak, and the people below would not make a sound.

Emperor Wanli's angry expression was even worse, he got up from the dragon chair, pointed at Li Qiufa and cursed:
"Kowtow, kowtow, all the troubles have come to my house, why do you have the face to beg here, someone..."

"Your Majesty, after all, Tianjin Wei is not the capital, Xiaoxiao's generation is lucky, and they do illegal things, Master Li will definitely not have any involvement, I hope to see clearly!"

Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, finally spoke. Li Qiufa was just relieved, but Zhang Juzheng continued:

"However, Mr. Li's negligence is unavoidable. Your Majesty, please consider that he has been loyal to the country for so many years, and let him return to his hometown for retirement!"

Li Qiufa's whole body was cold, and he came to the court happily. Who would have thought that he would say such a thing suddenly?

However, losing an official job is a small matter, and if the investigation continues, it would be a serious crime to be involved with the Japanese. Li Qiufa has also made a fortune in the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and it would be the best ending if he returns to his hometown.

Emperor Wanli sat back on his seat angrily, and after a while he said:
"Since it's Ge Lao who spoke, then read Li Qiufa for your hard work, and go back to the school today to ask for your resignation!"

"The guilty minister thanked His Majesty for the reward..."

"Get out, get out, I feel annoyed when I see people like you, get out quickly!!"

The little emperor lost his temper and shouted angrily. Li Qiufa stood up in cold sweat, and quickly retreated out. The Wenyuan Pavilion was unusually quiet. No one thought that Emperor Wanli would lose his temper like this today. But he is the Son of Heaven after all, and his might is unpredictable.

There is also a quick reaction to think of one thing. Li Qiufa, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, is very good at being a man, and he is well-managed in all aspects, but he is not Zhang Juzheng's team, but just a harmless person left by other factions. Will the recent events be Zhang Juzheng took the opportunity to attack, no one can say.

The room was quiet for a while, and Emperor Wanli sighed and said:

"My dear friends, do things with heart and loyalty. The emperor Sejongsu spent half his life fighting against the Japanese pirates. It was not until the time of his father that the Japanese pirates were wiped out. But our Daming's own yamen actually came to the Japanese. Isn't this a joke? , can't I sleep comfortably in the imperial city?"

It can be considered earnest, the ministers in Wenyuan Pavilion had to kneel down under the leadership of Zhang Juzheng, and said in unison:
"Your Majesty, please be at ease."

The atmosphere has become quite friendly, Emperor Wanli was silent for a while, and said again:
"There is a vacancy for the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Zhang and a few lovers will push it and hand in the candidate, and the supervisor of ceremonies will approve it!!"

Officials above the fourth rank need to be jointly recommended by the cabinet scholars and the six ministers, and find out a few candidates to report to Emperor Wanli for selection. At this time, Zhang Juzheng actually reported the candidates, and there would be no refutation from above.

Seeing Zhang Juzheng knelt down to receive the decree, everyone exchanged understanding glances. Zhang Ge, a veteran with open eyes, got the position of Shangshu so easily. I don't know who this position will be given to.

"This incident reminded me that Tianjin is the hub of waterways, sea and land, and the firearms workshop has the important task of supplying Jizhen and Liaozhen. It cannot be easily relocated to other places, relying on the sea, it will inevitably be messy and unpredictable. The bandits are harassing and coveting, if you don't pay attention, you will be taken advantage of, just like this time, the pirates and Japanese pirates harassed the frontier and killed the people, and they used our own government-made weapons in Ming Dynasty. What kind of bastard is this? As for the matter, I think that in such an important place, it is best to find a reliable person to look after it, don’t you love me?”

Having said that, can it still be said that it is not the case, all the ministers praised His Majesty's sages in unison, and Emperor Wanli finally showed some smiles on his face, nodded and said:
"Don't worry, I have it at hand. Qianhu Wangtong found out the case of the Tianjin Firearms Workshop. The confession, witness testimony, and physical evidence were all supervised by him. Lou, he takes care of everything properly and is a capable person, why not let him take care of it!!"

The faces of all the officials were not good-looking, Zhang Ju was sinking like water, and said slowly:

"Your Majesty, Wang Tong is a military officer. The firearms workshop has always been managed by the imperial supervisor and the Ministry of Industry. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do so?"

Today, everyone felt that something was wrong. Ordinarily, Mr. Zhang Ge should be firmly opposed to something, but he said he was not firm. Emperor Wanli said with a smile:

"It's okay, it's okay, the imperial prison is my servant, and the Jinyi's soldiers are my soldiers, they are all my people, I can trust whoever is let go, let Wang Tong take care of it, Feng Daban, how do you arrange it? This title?"

Feng Bao at the side said in a respectful and gentle voice:

"Going back to Lord Long Live, the imperial supervisor is the position of an internal official after all. Since Wang Qianhu is going to take care of it, it's better to take a post in the Ministry of Industry and use the title of Tianjin Firearms Supervision Ambassador."

"Okay, okay, what Feng Daban said is, Mr. Zhang, the cabinet draft will be issued as soon as possible after the supervisor of ceremonies approves it!!"

The corners of Zhang Juzheng's brows twitched a few times. He was really not reconciled to benefiting Wang Tong like this, but thinking about Feng Bao's request and the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry, he had no choice but to step forward and say:
"The minister obeys the order!"

At this moment, someone in Wenyuan Pavilion couldn't help but yelled "Hey", but everyone pretended not to hear it, and their minds turned sharply, wondering what the hell was going on.

"By the way, dear dear ones, in less than three days, 25 taels of silver were collected in the confiscation of Nalu's family property and management of the sea. In just a few days, a quarter of the increase in gold flowers and silver has been completed. , there is still nearly a year to come, is the 100 million taels still worrying?"

Emperor Wanli said with a smile, the eyes of the courtiers widened in surprise, and then their faces turned dark, very ugly.
Changed a small mistake, thank you careful readers for reminding, it’s still the same sentence, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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