Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 298 One wave after another

Chapter 298 One wave after another

The amount of gold flowers and silver increased by one million taels, but the emperor did not make decisions from various known sources, but boasted about raising money himself. Well, maybe it was a joke.

Unexpectedly, in less than a month, nearly 30 taels of silver were prepared. Looking at it now, it is really hard to say who is a joke.

No one dares to intervene in the plagiarism of stolen goods and family property. If it is considered to be implicated, it will be an injustice, and it is not a long-term solution anyway.

But there is still 4 taels obtained by Wang Tong's rectification of the sea area.

I know but I can't say that sea ships carry goods to the north for sale. This is the usual business of the rich and wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is a prohibited business, which is not allowed by the national law.

Wang Tong's rectification of the sea area is just to make them earn less, but if he speaks up and makes this matter clear, then he will be completely banned, so that everyone will lose money.

Whether it is more people who offend more people by making less money, or more people who offend people by cutting other people's business, everyone will settle the account, and after weighing it, they can only watch Wang Tong go to "rectify the sea."

As for the relationship between the ships that can go north to Tianjin from South Zhili, Zhejiang, and even Fujian, and what kind of relationship they have with the pirates, no one cares.

Maritime affairs are the buttocks of tigers. If you touch them, you will be eaten by tigers. In the Jiajing year, Zhu Wan, the governor of Zhejiang, wiped out the pirates on Shuangyu Island in Zhejiang. If the Son of Heaven does not wish to kill me, the people of Fujian and Zhejiang will kill me."

This is still at the time when the Japanese pirates were the most destructive to the southeast, why the extermination of the pirate pirates and the Franji armed merchant ships were suspended and forced to death, because his actions greatly damaged the interests of the southern gentry and merchant class. This interest class, even Emperor Jiajing are all affected by it.

This was still the case in the Jiajing year, but in the Wanli year, the situation is even worse, and it is a big tiger that cannot be touched. Otherwise, why did Mr. Zhang Ge only make a fuss about the land tax.

He Qianhu Wangtong is willing to do this, so let him do it, it is considered lucky if it is done, and everyone is happy to see it if it is not done.However, in order to attack Wang Tong, spread out the matter of Tianjin Weihai Sea, who knows if there will be any other right and wrong, if someone says something about closing the port or sending troops to wipe it out, that person will not be happy, and you This causes right and wrong, but also brings bad luck.

Everyone just turn a blind eye and pretend to be confused, just pretend that Wang Tong is there to regulate the sea...

The private house of Li Wenyuan's family has been moved from the dilapidated house on the south side of South Street to a better place. He is considered to have a high official position now, but there is no one to take care of him in the house, and he is still busy with his life.

The house is clean and there are few guests, but today someone came to visit. The Zhenxing building delivered some dishes early, helped arrange the arrangement and left quickly.

Li Wenyuan's guests were nothing more than Zou Yi and Lu Wancai, they were not so much guests as a meeting, and those two had already arrived at the door before dark.

After taking his seat, Li Wenyuan first opened his mouth to talk about his investigation of Yang Sichen, and Lu Wancai and Zou Yi followed up with additional verification.

"It's a lucky man. Shen Shixing sent him to Mr. Wang's side. Our little lord is very lucky. We have a bright future!"

Lu Wancai joked with a smile. The identity of Yang Sichen is really nothing complicated. It is very simple to inquire with the current intelligence strength of the Department of Public Security. After the verification by the three parties, there is no conspiracy in it. About Zhang Han.

Li Wenyuan nodded and said:
"Please trouble Master Lu to write a document tonight, and send an urgent letter to Tianjin Wei tomorrow. When Master Wang is in the capital, Master Lu and Eunuch Zou can help you. When you get there, you will be able to write articles by your side. There is only one Eunuch Cai, so there are not enough helpers, if this Yang Sichen can be used, it will really help a lot."

Zou Yi looked at the sky outside the window, and said in a deep voice:
"Our family will go back to the palace later. There are a few matters in the palace and we have to send a letter to Mr. Wang. The firearms workshop on the Tianjin Wei side is under the supervision of Mr. Wang. The Supervisor of Rituals has approved it. Your Excellency's project of governing the sea has been decided, and Tianjin will actually be switched on and off in the future.

Lu Wancai, who was at the side, slapped his palms with a folding fan with a smile, and said:
"It's all a good thing, it's all a good thing. As usual, this firearms workshop is the work of the father-in-law. What is the purpose of Mr. Wang's business?"

"It is said that it is the firearms supervision ambassador of the Ministry of Industry. As usual, the Ministry of Industry will send a chief to go there."

"Oh? Eunuch Zou still remembers Ren Yuan as the head?"

But Lu Wancai went around in circles, Zou Yi nodded, the director of the Ministry of Industry came to help for a long time, everyone knew each other, Lu Wancai said with a smile:

"If Eunuch Zou can speak up, acquaintances are easy to handle, and the chief is a man who doesn't try to make money. He went to Tianjin, and maybe he can help the adults here."

"It's not difficult."

The three of them already had inextricably linked relationships with Wang Tong, and everything was closely related, so everything was for Wang Tong's sake, Wang Tong's good was naturally for their own good.

"I asked you to work in Dongchang, not to run around in the kiln all day to play. Such a big thing happened in Tianjin. Both Long Live and Zhang Cheng knew about it, but our family didn't know it at all. You Dongchang What on earth did the prisoner Qianhu do?"

Outside the imperial city, in Feng Bao's private house, Feng Bao is losing his temper with his nephew Feng Youning. Feng Bao has no children and treats his nephew Feng Youning as his own son.

Although reprimanded there, Feng Youning was not afraid, and just explained with an aggrieved face:
"Uncle, Xiang Yan, who was arranged by Dongchang in Tianjin Wei, is from Xue Zhanye's side. Everyone in Xue Zhanye listens to Zhang Cheng, and my nephew can't do anything about it. Besides, it's not your uncle who always ordered me to. Do you want my nephew to stop meddling in Zhang Cheng's affairs?"

Feng Bao slapped the coffee table next to him fiercely, and said sharply:

"Telling you not to interfere, it's not that you don't care about Tianjin Wei's affairs. The firearms workshop caused our family to be reprimanded by the Long Live God and the Empress Dowager. How many people have been lost...then the king Tong is too ignorant, and after such a toss in Tianjin Wei, immediately arrange for someone to go to Tianjin to watch!"

"Yes, nephew, let's make arrangements now!"

Feng Youning agreed in trepidation, turned around quickly, and was stopped by Feng Bao after taking a step, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't tell others about sending people to Tianjin, not even Xue Zhanye."

Feng Youning quickly agreed.

After several decrees about Wang Tong were issued, many people from the capital set off for Tianjin Wei, as well as those from Dongchang, Jinyiwei, and even the Criminal Department... However, these people did not inform their colleagues in Tianjin about their trip. Quite a secret.

On August [-]th, Emperor Wanli went to court early, and he had to stay in Wenyuan Pavilion a lot longer than usual on this day.

This is also a custom, and it is the same on the 29th and [-]th of each month, because the first and fifteenth of each month are the Great Court Meeting, and all the officials will be gathered in the Zhongji Hall. , this time everyone on the fifth rank of the capital will participate, and the scale is very large.

But this is just a court meeting in etiquette, and does not discuss political affairs, so there are two days to do on August [-]th, and August [-]th is the Mid-Autumn Festival. This [-]th is different from the past. Monthly gatherings, there is this tradition both inside and outside the palace, and often nothing can be done on August [-]th.

Therefore, on August [-]th, a lot of work was done, and the emperor and his ministers spent a lot of time in Wenyuan Pavilion.

The imperial study room is usually divided into inside and outside. The outside is outside the courtyard gate, and the inside is the courtyard gate and study room. The eunuchs and guards outside the courtyard gate were personally selected by Zhang Cheng and reported to Queen Mother Li and Feng Bao for confirmation.

Zhao Jinliang is the only one who is actually stationed in the inner courtyard to serve. The study is cleaned by other eunuchs, but they must be under the supervision of Zhao Jinliang and a Dongchang fan.

Before it was time for cleaning, only Zhao Jinliang could be in this yard, and he put some letter paper memorials directly to Emperor Wanli on the desk.

Different status and status, Zhao Jinliang's status in the palace is also rising. He lives very close to Zhang Cheng's house, and it is also a private house, and there are two older maids living together. To put it bluntly, they are serving his daily life. .

An eunuch of Zhao Jinliang's age should study in the inner school in the morning or in the afternoon, but Zhao Jinliang was working in the imperial study, so he couldn't make up the time. The teaching in the inner school depended on when Zhao Jinliang had time, and he took the initiative to come and teach.

For Zhao Jinliang, a ten-year-old kid, the daily maintenance and cleaning of the rooms and courtyard of the Imperial Study Room is already a bit hard for him.

But Zhao Jinliang never treats people arrogantly. He is taciturn every day, works diligently, never complains about hard work, and does not use his status to ask others to help, because Zhang Cheng confessed that the fewer people coming to this yard, the better. He will definitely do it. Zhao Jinliang knows that all these are his opportunities, and he must firmly grasp them and not lose them.

On August [-]th, almost half an hour after Emperor Wanli left, someone sent another letter from Tianjin. This time it was not a secret letter, but Wang Tong's report on the daily situation and a few assumptions. Zhao Jinliang restrained himself from thinking. Desire to read, put the letterhead on the desk.

As soon as he went out, he heard the voices of eunuchs and guards saluting outside the courtyard:

"...I have seen Lu Wang Qiansui..."

While talking, a young man carved with jade walked into the yard and said with a smile:

"The third volume of Zhu Ziyu, I heard that the emperor's brother has a private engraved copy of Song Duanzong at that time, borrow it to have a look!"
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(End of this chapter)

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