Chapter 299

It is natural for parents to love their young children, both inside and outside the palace.

Although Emperor Wanli was pure and filial, he was lame since he was a child, and his temperament was not docile. King Lu was healthy, cute and cute. There were two brothers, and Empress Dowager Li still liked King Lu more.

According to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, feudal princes cannot live in the palace at the age of eight, and cannot enter the inner palace after the age of 12. However, the real master of the harem is the Queen Mother Li. Since he likes it, it is the emperor's family business, and no one will say anything.

Moreover, there are rumors in the palace that when he becomes a vassal at the age of 12, that is, when he goes to his own fiefdom, the Queen Mother Li will also keep him in the capital for a few years.

All the eunuchs and maids in the palace know that they accidentally bumped into Lord Long Live. Eunuch Feng and Eunuch Zhang may intercede for you, but if you bump into King Lu, no one will dare to give you relief. to be afraid of.

In the palace, King Lu can go anywhere except the residences of the new concubines established by Emperor Wanli. Several times even the eunuchs of the 24 yamen in the palace told Wanli that King Lu was too lively in the palace. It's better to be restrained, but unexpectedly, the little emperor lost his temper, saying that this is the widow's brother, so he can do whatever he wants.

The imperial study room has limited space, and it is not a collection of books from all over the world. They are often records of mountains and rivers, living records of successive emperors, history books and so on.

When the Ming Dynasty was founded, someone once said that Zhu Xi was the ancestor of Zhu Yuanzhang, but Zhu Yuanzhang said that he was from a farming family and would not attach himself to celebrities.

But after all, they have the same surname, and they are also masters of Neo-Confucianism. Zhu Zi's classics are one of the must-read books for the Ming Dynasty's clan, so the imperial study room always has "Zhu Zi Yu Lei" and other tomes.

After reading the book, pay attention to reading the version. The earlier the version has fewer mistakes, the closer it is to the original meaning. Lu Wang's teacher is also a master of Confucianism in the world, and he is the sacrificial wine of Guozijian. It is not unusual to borrow this.

Although the imperial study is an important place, but when King Lu wanted to come in, the eunuchs and guards outside really didn't have the guts to stop him, so King Lu walked towards the door calmly.

Zhao Jinliang took two steps forward, knelt down in front of King Lu, and said respectfully:
"My servant kowtowed to King Lu Qiansui, Lord Lu, in front of him is the important study area of ​​Lord Long Live, so we can't go any further."

Seeing the little eunuch standing in front of him, Lu Wang Zhu Yixuan couldn't help being taken aback, then said with a smile:

"It's okay, Benfan just went in to get a book. Didn't you see Benfan come in to borrow books last time?"

Going around again while speaking, Zhao Jinliang got up and ran two steps quickly, knelt down in front of King Lu again, kowtowed and said:

"King Lu stopped at a thousand years old. Lord Long Live once ordered that no one can enter the imperial study room without a will."

The smile on Lu Wang's face stagnated for a while, his voice became a little cold, and he said:
"Ben Fan is His Majesty's direct younger brother. Your Majesty says you can't avoid Ben Fan. If you, a servant, stop him, I don't believe it. You must watch it."

But Zhao Jinliang hurriedly got up again, stopped in front of King Lu and kowtowed, and just said:

"Lord Lu Qiansui forgives sins, Lu Wang Qiansui forgives sins, Lord Long Live has a will, if slaves don't obey the orders, they will resist the orders, please forgive Lu Wang Qiansui!!"

Zhao Jinliang raised his voice, the courtyard door that had just been concealed was pushed open, several guards looked in carefully, King Lu glanced back, the group of people retreated hurriedly, and an expression quickly appeared on King Lu's face. With a smile, he knelt down and touched Zhao Jinliang's head, and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect to embarrass you so much, so forget it, I will borrow it after the emperor's elder brother comes down."

After speaking, he turned around and left with a smile. Hearing the voices of the guards and eunuchs sending him off in unison, Zhao Jinliang raised his head, and blood had already been knocked on his forehead on the blue brick floor.

"Brother Huang, in the imperial study room, can you borrow the copy of Song Duanzong's book on Zhu Ziyu in the imperial study room? The master is talking about this passage recently!"

After the court was dismissed in the afternoon, Emperor Wanli had just stayed in the imperial study for an hour when King Lu came to borrow books again. Emperor Wanli said with a smile:

"If you stare at these books all day, you won't be afraid of damaging your eyes. Zhang Banban, call a few people to take Lu Wang there."

Zhang Cheng on the side hurriedly bowed and agreed, and Lu Wang walked to Emperor Wanli's desk with a smile, and said:
"Brother Huang, the younger brother came in the morning, but the servant outside stopped the younger brother from coming in, so the master's morning class was taught in the past."

Emperor Wanli frowned immediately when he heard this, and after a moment of silence, he shouted angrily:
"Zhao Jinliang! Get out!!"

Zhao Jinliang, who had been waiting outside the door, hurried into the imperial study room, knelt down at the door, and Emperor Wanli pointed at him and cursed loudly:

"King Lu is my direct younger brother, what he does is what I do, who will you show me as a bastard, come, come!!"

Several eunuchs came in immediately outside the door, and Emperor Wanli pointed at Zhao Jinliang and ordered loudly:
"Pull it out, pull it out, beat it to death with a board!!"

"Brother Huang, don't be angry, Brother Huang. This Zhao Jinliang is doing things according to the order, but it's just a small matter of borrowing books. Brother Huang, don't get so angry. He doesn't understand the rules at a young age, so don't bother with him. "

Emperor Wanli threw the book in his hand on the desk, waved his hand irritably, and shouted:
"I'm upset just looking at it, get out!!"

Zhao Jinliang kowtowed a few more times, then got up and retreated out. When he went out, the wound on his forehead was bursting and bleeding again, looking quite embarrassed.

At this time, Zhang Cheng, the eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, came in. He also saw Zhao Jinliang's appearance, but he still asked calmly when he entered the room:

"Long live, the person who moved the books has been found, should I send it to Lord Lu now!"

Emperor Wanli nodded, and King Lu quickly saluted and thanked him, and said:
"Then don't bother the emperor, and the younger brother will also leave and go back. Hurry up and flip through the books. Tomorrow, the master will take the school exam!"

"Be careful with your eyes, and go to the queen's place early for dinner, don't let the queen wait."

Emperor Wanli gave a warning. Seeing King Lu go out and leave, and the door closed after he left, Zhang Cheng couldn't help asking:

"Long live, what's wrong with Xiao Liangzi?"

Wanli put the document in his hand on the table, the anger disappeared on his face, but he became a little gloomy, and said:
"Let him in."

After Zhao Jinliang came in, Emperor Wanli just asked plainly:
"Has King Lu been here this morning?"

Zhao Jinliang's report was intermittent, because the wound on his forehead was injured for the second time, it was quite painful, and he would be affected by a few words, but he didn't cry.

After listening to Zhao Jinliang's report, Emperor Wanli turned his head and glanced at Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng lowered his head there. Even Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng would not dare to intervene in such matters. The emperor's family affairs are too taboo.

"Zhao Jinliang, you did nothing wrong, I just wronged you."

"...It's all the duty of a servant girl..."

Zhao Jinliang's voice was a little choked up at this time, but he calmed down quickly.

"Go on, if there is something to do in the future, it will be handled accordingly."

After thanking Zhao Jinliang for his gratitude, Zhao Jinliang bowed and retreated. Emperor Wanli picked up the paper again, looked at it twice, and then fell on the table again, and said in a cold voice:
"I've been here in the morning. If I don't come in the afternoon, I'd be guilty. Come again in the afternoon. It's just perfect. There's nothing wrong with it. It's still a widow who doesn't know how to do things!"

Zhang Cheng lowered his head even lower, and Emperor Wanli said in a deep voice:

"Zhang Banban, put away all the important things, don't let others see them."

"Long Live Lord, His Royal Highness Lu Wang may just borrow books, so there is no need to be so angry."

This kind of words may not be right, but it must be said anyway. Emperor Wanli sneered and said:

"This is not the first time, maybe it's borrowing books, maybe it's something else, the queen mother keeps him in the palace and she doesn't let him go, if it's a widow, the widow is also full of imagination!"

Zhang Cheng bowed and dared not answer, Emperor Wanli sighed, patted the table in front of him, and said with emotion:
"In and out of the palace, the ones who are sincere to me are Zhang Banban and Wang Tong. The people around you two are also loyal and available. Besides, I have no one to trust. This is funny."

A sentence, a sentence of emotion, Zhang Cheng did not dare to answer, Wanli felt a little gaffe after saying a few words, and asked with a smile:

"Zhang Banban, what is Zhao Jinliang's position now?"

"Back to Lord Long Live, Zhao Jinliang is ten years old this year, and he is still studying in the inner study hall. As usual, the servants in the imperial study room are of no rank."

"You are not very old, but you know the principles of justice. Give me a place in the inner court. People who don't follow me are more comfortable than those who follow me."

"Long Live Lord, there is a vacancy for the Supervisor of the Zhidian. This position is to clean and repair the various halls. Zhao Jinliang is also suitable, but this position is a seventh-rank. If you give it like this, someone else..."

"First get a position from the seventh or eighth rank, and then take it on your behalf. When you are old, you will be in Fuzheng. If you are young, what if you don't have enough qualifications? Should you choose those who are older and have enough qualifications, but don't listen to me?"

Lu Wang's recent visit to the imperial study room made Wanli's mood agitated and very unstable. Zhang Cheng wanted to persuade him a few more words, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"Lin Banban, going to the Imperial Study Room today, and making so many twists and turns, will Brother Huang be angry and make him think about it?"

"My lord, you don't have to worry too much. I thought that Zhao Jinliang was not too old to be afraid of things, but he didn't expect to be tough. But it's not a big deal. It's best if you can read the letter, and it's fine if you don't."

Although Lin Shulu has become the supervising eunuch of the Yumajian, he is still doing his old job as Lu Wang's companion.

King Lu had dinner at night, chatted with the empress dowagers of the two palaces, and then turned back to his residence. As usual, only Lin Shulu served him personally, and no one else was allowed to come close.

"Hey, I made the emperor angry. I don't know how long I will stay here in the future. I'm afraid I will go to Henan soon..."

"Don't worry, the prince. Whether you can stay here or not depends not on the emperor, but on the empress dowager."
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(End of this chapter)

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