Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 300 Suspicion Arose from the Great Ming Developer

Chapter 300 Suspicion Arose from the Great Ming Developer
Eating moon cakes, feasting and having fun during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather gradually cooled down, and everything was normal.

It doesn't matter who is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, no one in the capital cares about this matter at all, except for the officials of the Ministry of Industry, those who have achieved the positions of Langzhong and Yuanwailang are all thinking about taking advantage of this opportunity to gain something for themselves. Don't get any harm.

As for the principals of the various divisions, they went out of their way to find connections. Naturally, they dare not expect to be promoted, but they must not be sent to Tianjin to work in the firearms workshop.

The Ministry of Industry handles a lot of money in various projects, and you can’t use it up if you do it casually. Why go to the Tianjin Firearms Workshop to suffer? Even if there is nothing to do, everyone is unwilling to go there, because the eunuch from the imperial prison is there. If you don't get much money, you will be suppressed and angry.

Now that there is such a big commotion over there, everyone is even more reluctant to go there. Wang Tong is even more troublesome. I can’t afford to offend him if I go there. It is said that this young man is not willing to make money. Doesn’t it mean that everyone even drinks soup? less than.

Since no one was willing to go, there must always be someone to go, and Ren Yuan became the only candidate who was "favored by all".

This director is an unusual person in the Ministry of Industry. He likes to study Western gadgets, and also likes to stay with craftsmen and builders. He spends more time in the workshop than in the yamen every day.

Fortunately, I still have a good reputation in the imperial examination. Don’t you know that you came to the Ministry of Industry to be an official, not a craftsman? , let him go.

Last year, when Wang Tong was in the most beautiful time in the capital, this director also dealt with Wang Tong, what a great opportunity, accepted it, met the emperor, maybe today he will be the minister of the Ministry of Industry, but this person brought Things went to the workshop, and spent some time with some hardworking people, wasting a great opportunity in vain.

When he has some projects in his hand, he doesn't even collect the regular money, and he doesn't even get the money for everyone, and he doesn't want it if others do it and want to give him some.

What's the use of saving the elm lumps that can't share weal and woe with everyone, let's send them to Tianjin as soon as possible!
It's really heaven's wish, everyone thought so, the new minister didn't know why, so he picked this elm head to go to Tianjinwei.

I thought that this idiot would be a little bit reluctant after leaving the capital, but I didn't expect that after the transfer order came down, the director Ren was overjoyed, saying that Wang Qianhu is a man of work, and he must have a lot to do when he went there to renovate the workshop. It's time for Da Ming to make more sharp weapons.

There is really no need to say anything about this kind of person...

"Mother, Zhu Yiliu is already eleven this year, so he should be a vassal. Always staying in the palace is not a long-term solution!"

At a banquet with Cisheng Empress Dowager Li, Emperor Wanli proposed to let King Lu go out of the palace to entrust the land. When the smiling Cisheng Empress Dowager Li heard this, his face immediately became gloomy.

"There are two of you brothers in the Ai family. Now that you are grown up, you are taking care of the government's affairs every day. The Ai family wants to have a child by your side, and you want to keep King Lu by your side for a few more days, can't you?"

No matter how sensible a person is, he will become irrational when it comes to children, even when talking about one child about another.

Hearing what the Empress Dowager Cisheng said, Emperor Wanli's expression froze, he put the chopsticks in his hand on the table, and said loudly:
"Go down!"

The surrounding maids and eunuchs all bowed their heads to salute, stepped back in small steps, and everyone went out. Emperor Wanli said with some pleading:
"Mother, Zhu Yixuan stayed in the palace for a long time, and there were too many gossips outside. If this continues, it will also damage the face of the royal family, and let some treacherous villains get into the gap..."

"Your majesty, Ai's love for King Lu is the same as for the emperor. What's wrong with mother's love for the child? Who would say anything outside, and dare to say anything?"

Empress Dowager Li calmed down a little, and said earnestly, Emperor Wanli lowered his head and sighed, raised his head and squeezed out a smile, and said:
"Mother, the emperor lived alone in a room when he was five years old, studying and studying with Mr. Zhang every day. Why can't Zhu Yiliu go out and become a feudal vassal instead of staying in the palace and let the mother take care of him?"

"In a few years, let him go out now. The Ai family is worried and reluctant. If he really wants to go to Wei Hui, the Ai family doesn't know if they can see him."


"The imperial city is so big, can't you even accommodate your own brother?"

Seeing that Emperor Wanli wanted to say more, Empress Dowager Li's face became a little cold and her words became harsh. Emperor Wanli looked at her expression, stood up from his seat quickly, and said:
"The emperor's disobedience made the empress angry. The emperor also wanted Zhu Yichun to go to the fiefdom as soon as possible, so that he wouldn't get used to being separated from the capital. It has no other meaning."

Empress Dowager Li looked at the emperor Zhu Yijun standing there with hands down, her expression gradually eased, and she said with a smile:

"The Ai family just doesn't want your brothers to be separated. The mother's thoughts are the same when she loves her children. They all hope for your well-being. The emperor's thoughts are also for his own good. You, my mother and our own family, why bother with so many etiquettes, let's eat quickly , it's going to be cold."

Only then did Emperor Wanli return to his seat, and soon got involved in other trivial matters, and the mother and son smiled happily again.

However, when eating with his head down, Emperor Wanli's eyes occasionally changed a little. The eyes he looked at the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li were much stranger. The son would not look at his mother with such eyes.

Although Emperor Wanli dismissed all the servants in the house before the dispute, there are still channels for interested people to understand.

"... Li Niangniang argued with the emperor for a few words, and the emperor gave in first..."

"Hehe, now it's fun to be an emperor. After returning to the palace, there is still a mother in charge. She feels that what she is doing is reasonable but she can't do it. She doesn't dare to show any prestige, for fear of destroying herself. This is slowly happening. I'm jealous..."

At present, the power triangle of Ming Dynasty is Feng Bao of the inner court, Zhang Juzheng of the outer court, and the Queen Mother Li of the royal family. Among them, the Queen Mother Li is the center. The appointment and dismissal of important positions and the implementation of state affairs, the consent of Emperor Wanli is not counted. Empress Dowager Li Approved to be considered passed.

Although the Empress Dowager Li slowly stepped back and intervened less and less in government affairs, she has always been responsible for the appointment and dismissal of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and she has also single-handedly arranged for the promotion of the Jingying and Jingwei. She is in control.

Wanli was just a ten-year-old child when he first came to the throne, and now he is only 16 years old, but everything is still in the hands of the Tian family, and has not been manipulated by the eunuchs. This is the full support of the Queen Mother Li for Wanli. The real Dinghaishenzhen.

But it can be supported or not.No one has dared to think about this question, and no one has ever raised it.

Wang Tong hadn't passed the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there were too many things to worry about. The palace's order had been issued, and 20 taels of silver were escorted to Beijing, and the rest of the silver was allocated to Jinyiwei Qianhu and the firearms workshop in Tianjin.

Now there are still 5 taels of money collected by the Department of Public Security of the capital to be paid, and Wang Tong's hand is also much looser.

Among the fourteen sea-going ships that were seized that day, five ships had just come to dock and were loaded with a large number of southern goods. After hearing Wang Tong's policy, they all hurriedly wanted to get rid of the goods in their hands and go back Bring more cargo ships to make a fortune.

The goods were sold, and the price was a bit cheaper. Gu Zibin's Wang's Warehouse and Zhang Chunde's "Deji" were close to the water, and spent money to eat all the goods.

Because these southern goods are exempt from extortion and various risks in the past, they can be [-]% cheaper than the imported southern goods. The Gu family and the Zhang family sold them at a higher price, and they were immediately eaten by merchants in North Zhili and Shandong. Down.

In any case, this journey is equivalent to paying taxes only once in Tianjin, and the sea freight is cheap. After amortization, merchants in Shandong bought goods and transported them back to Shandong by water, which is actually cheaper than those goods that were transported from the south and transported by water. And a few cents cheaper.

Buying goods is cheap, and earning more. Merchants are profit-seeking, and everyone is willing to earn such a cheap price. After these goods are sold, many merchants who have not bought the goods have asked when the goods will arrive again.

It turned out that Tonghai Warehouse, the largest warehouse in Tianjin, was silent this time, and could not organize any large-scale supply of goods. After a few days of closing, Yongsheng Commercial Bank directly joined the ranks of panic buying.

Those who have bulk goods are the Gu family and the Zhang family. Merchants from Beizhili, Shandong, and even Shanxi and Henan have come to place deposits. Those who have a branch in Tianjin Wei will send people from the branch to keep an eye on them. If there is no branch, they will stay. Specialized people, even waiting here with silver.

The Gu family and the Zhang family immediately became the most prestigious businessmen in Tianjin, and it seems that it is not difficult to become the largest in the future. The difference between the Gu family and the Zhang family is that Wang Tong has [-]% of the members in the Gu family, and [-]% in the Zhang family. Ninety percent.

It turns out that besides the simple wooden sheds on both sides of the Haihe River, there are some grain villages. Now people with a little vision are planning to build houses and storehouses there.

However, Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu has already reported to the Qing Military Office, saying that Jinyiwei has reorganized the sea area and designated the coast of the Haihe River as a special management.

The area near the sea on both sides of the Haihe River has a barren beach record in the Qing Army Hall. In addition, Wang Tong has a lot of face, so no one argues with him, and the land is easily taken over.

Then, the builders and craftsmen inside and outside Tianjin Acropolis were looted, and thousands of Jinyiwei households in Tianjin had to build their own houses on the shore.

When everyone was confused, another rumor came out, saying that these houses were designed according to the specifications of the shop, and the docks and roads would be repaired.

This rumor made everyone more confused, but the large bulletins posted at the Water Transport Wharf and the city gate made everyone understand.

"Busy shops on both sides of the Haihe River, the rent is favorable, and the rent is only [-]% off the regular rent for the first three years"

Signed by Wang Tong, stamped with the seal of Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu!
Let's support each other, haha, thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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