Chapter 301

The construction on both sides of the Haihe River has not yet started, but grids have been drawn in the wilderness with white ash. If you want to rent a shop, you must pay the rent for the first three months!
The merchants had doubts. The reputation of Jinyiwei was not very good. What if the deposit was swallowed for the empty-handed cakes? However, warehouses and storage yards were already being built along the river bank. The boats pulled the construction materials into the Haihe River and unloaded them on the shore.

These warehouses and storage yards belonged to Master Wang of Jinyiwei Qianhu. If they only stored the goods shipped by the sea merchants, and there were no nearby merchants to eat them, they might lose money.

If there are no merchants nearby, it is better to unload the sea boats on the tank boats and transfer them directly. Master Wang repaired this warehouse, which means that there will be a large number of shops on the Haihe River in the future.

After the Gu family and the Zhang family took the lead and settled on the shop closest to the warehouse, everyone had no doubts and began to pay the deposit in full swing.

The rent has not remained the same for the past three months. After the shops a little far away from the warehouse were robbed, the location is a little worse, but the rent has risen to one year's down payment, and it has risen to two years outside.

Everything is afraid of excitement, and many things are easy to be coaxed, not to mention that this is also a profitable business.

Merchants from Tianjinwei came, merchants from Jingshi came, merchants from Baoding Prefecture came, merchants from Hejian Prefecture came, merchants from Shandong and Henan came, and merchants from Shanxi also came.

The news spread centered on the Haihe River, spread to North Zhili, and spread to several nearby provinces. When the merchants in the south and Shaanxi got the news, there was nothing left to give on both sides of the Haihe River.

But with the emergence of such a place, seeing that the commercial center is about to appear, some capable people must come in to get a share of the pie. This is also a long-term plan.

If you don't have the best location, then go to the city of Tianjin, just go to the bank of the canal.

Of course, it was already November when the news spread to the whole of Northern Zhili. At present, some discerning businessmen in Tianjin Weizhong have taken action, and many people have not yet recovered from the joy of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Master Wang, the tents here in Tianjin are far worse than those in the palace and the Ministry of Household Affairs. We can only calculate the number today. If the store can sell well according to what your lord said, you can invest 1 taels of silver in it every month, plus The deposits paid by the merchants should be able to support the project until completion."

The salaries of Wang Tong's soldiers and the meals of the strong men are a lot of money. There are also money-eating institutions such as his own iron workshop. The cost of building guns and building forts on both sides of the Haihe River is not small. Building houses on both sides of the Haihe River Roads, daily money is spent like flowing water.

The money collected from the Ping An brand, the money allocated by the capital, and the remaining money given to Tianjin by the imperial court for the house raid and the establishment of customs, apart from training and raising soldiers, it is really difficult to free up some for construction.

Cai Nan has been leading people to do calculations. He doesn't know much about this calculation, so he still relies on Wang Tong to give him some tips to get started.

When he reported the budget results to Wang Tong, he looked a bit haggard. Wang Tong took a charcoal pencil and marked the Arabic numerals next to the uppercase numbers on the result calculation form, so that he could see it more intuitively.

Looking at it, Wang Tong himself frowned, covered his forehead with one hand, put the paper on the desk, and scratched it down with a charcoal pen. It took a long time before he said:
"My official said, remember, the profits of the Gu family and the Zhang family belong to our dividends. Except for leaving three points for the Zhang family, the rest are invested in it. Tianjin's peace money and the imperial court's talk should be all If you can stay, in this way, in the last five months, there should be a monthly gap of about 6000 taels."

Wang Tong's oral and mental arithmetic ability is not comparable to that of Cai Nan. After Wang Tong finished talking for a long time, Cai Nan nodded in agreement. Wang Tong patted the table and said:
"That will be half a year later. There must be some way. At that time, warehouses and storage yards should also make money. After the Haikou tariff is given to the capital, there should be some surplus."

"My lord, every year the imperial court allocates a lot of money to the firearms workshop, why don't you use it first?"

Hearing this simplicity, Wang Tong shook his head and said helplessly:

"Absurd, although I have this in my hands now, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it, embezzling it just to give it to someone else, wouldn't it be sending me to my door to seek death?"

Cai Nan apologized in shame, Wang Tong waved his hand and said in relief:

"It's okay, there are so many people here, and everyone is a warrior, you are exhausted from worrying about your heart and soul, it's hard for you."

While talking, Sun Dahai came in with an announcement from outside, and said:
"My lord, this morning Wandao, who supervises the grain, sent people to inspect the entrainment on the river again, tsk tsk, the canal has started to be blocked again..."

Eunuchs have a kind of paranoia about gold and silver money. Being alone is useless, but they are insatiable. This is almost the performance of most of them.

Supervising grain Wandao is one of the majority. The situation inside and outside the city changed suddenly, and the situation changed suddenly for nearly ten years. Wandao was slapped in the face by Wang Tong again when he was carrying out an inspection by the river, and he also restrained himself for a while. day.

However, August and September are the busiest times of the year on the canal. Boats come and go. I don’t know how many boats are entrained. It’s like money coming and going on the river. I can’t help but stretch out my hands.

Seeing that Wang Tong was making a fuss around the Haihe River, and the canal outside the city has never interfered. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Eunuch Wan sent out all his errands.

The big vermilion boat has been moored by the river. There is a flagpole on the boat. After the flagpole is hung on the flagpole, it means that there will be a random inspection of the ship.

The guards under Eunuch Wan have been in the city for a long time, and this time they are released one by one, they are much more aggressive than in the past. It has been two or three months since the entrainment has not been checked on the river, and word of mouth, everyone thinks that they will not be checked. Each ship brought a lot more than the previous one.

This really made Wan Dao's subordinates "like ducks in water", and if they caught one, they would be severely seized, and the canal was in a mess.

When eunuchs go out to run errands, there may not be more than five people under their command who receive imperial salaries, but there are hundreds of them.

This group of people became more and more noisy and joyful. After lunch, the fined silver and confiscated goods were piled up in several boats. Everyone's pockets were bulging, and then they began to run amok on the river.

Shen Shi said that before the time of You, there was a lot of noise on the river. One person came from Changzhou to the capital to visit relatives. He brought a dozen bolts of silk on board, as well as some lacquerware and porcelain.

This man was considered a rich man, and the things he brought were not for sale. He paid the taxes at the seven customs offices along the way. Anyway, there were not many goods and little money.

When I was stopped in Tianjin, I was given the proof of tax payment. The officers who boarded the ship for inspection read the proof, rolled a few times at random on the ship, and prepared to disembark.

This kind of civilian ship has no oil and water. These people are all fried dough sticks that have been checked for a long time. It can be seen at a glance whether there is any cargo on board. Everyone is about to disembark while cursing, but there is a policeman who is dishonest and touches the rich man casually. A handmaid.

Followed by the maids from south to north, nine times out of ten, they are not clear with the master. If they are their own female relatives, seeing the female relatives being taken advantage of, the rich household will immediately quarrel with the police.

In this quarrel, the unreasonable policemen became furious. One of them snatched the tax payment form, tore it into pieces, and then pointed to these things on the boat as entrainment. The dishonest person just now did it again.

The rich man immediately started yelling and cursing, but was kicked in the stomach by a police officer, and the rest followed up with punches and kicks, and several female family members who accompanied the boat cried loudly, forming a mess.

After such a commotion, there are still spectators around, and the entire canal is blocked up and down. It is a common routine to beat up, take away the belongings on the boat, and then throw people into the river.

Just as the person was being lifted up to be thrown away, someone shouted:

"Fall, fall!!"

"What fell?"

"The flag on our big ship has fallen!!"

Wan Dao's guards looked over in astonishment, only to find that the flagpole of the vermilion ship docked on the bank was tilting towards the bank, and there was no wind on the river, so it must not be blown down.

Immediately the reason became clear, there was a rope tied to the top of the flagpole, and someone was pulling it aside, and the policemen didn't care about beating them, and hurriedly rowed the boat back, who had the guts.

"Who told you to act so mischievously on the water!!!"

Someone nearby shouted loudly, and before the guards had time to turn around, more than a dozen sticks were poked across the boat, screaming, and people fell into the water.

The river was already crowded and crowded, so if you are more athletic, you can jump from one bank to the other without getting wet. Wan Dao's men suddenly found themselves surrounded.

The people surrounding them were fierce, with long wooden sticks in their hands, and it was too late to react. The sticks hit their heads and covered their faces, and they were directly thrown into the water. When they reached the river, they were not finished. It is difficult for people to float up by stabbing downwards.

When the fight got to this point, people didn't even have a chance to fight back. Drowning in the canal water was not a big problem. Just after fighting for a while, Wandao's guards couldn't take it anymore, and shouted repeatedly in the water:
"Stop beating, do you know whose family we are, we are the subordinates of Eunuch Wan, the superintendent of grain!!"

Eunuch Wan was sent to Tianjin by the palace, and if he beat one of his subordinates, it was a slap in the face of the palace, no matter what official he was, he should be afraid of it.

However, the sticks still fell like raindrops, and the beating men replied coldly:

"Grandpas belong to Wang Qianhu!!"
Continue to call monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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