Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 302 Scholar or Useless

Chapter 302 Scholar Or Useless

The two battalions in Wangtong City came out and beat up Wandao's messengers by the river. The beating couldn't be said to be measured. Several people were already in the water and couldn't get out.

Most people who live on the river have a good water quality, but these sent people into the water, but few people are willing to save them, and they all stand by and watch.

If it wasn't for Wang Tong's order in advance not to kill anyone, Jin Yiwei's soldiers wouldn't bother to pay attention to these scoundrels flopping about in the water. Their viciousness had already suppressed the people on the river, so they simply gave orders to bring them out.

After more than fifty people knelt on the bank in fear, the boats coming and going on the river didn't know who started and cheered loudly, and everyone followed suit for a while.

The applause on the canal resounded sky-high, but the flagpole that had just been pulled up slowly stood up again, and the cheers of the crowd gradually subsided.

A white flag hanging from the flagpole was slowly lowered, with a dozen big characters written on it with a thick pen, which could be clearly seen by sailors and boatmen on the river.

"Proactively pay [-]% of the value of the pumping goods, and [-]% of the value of the pumping goods if you conceal it."

With word of mouth, the applause gradually subsided, everyone looked at each other, the whole river was silent, only heard someone shouting loudly:
"Every ship has to be inspected, regardless of official ships or civilian ships, goods that are not in compliance with the rules and have not been taxed will be taxed. Those who take the initiative to declare are [-]% off the value, and those who do not take the initiative to find out will be fined [-]%!"

"Those who have already paid money to these people can continue on the road now!!"

After the shout, the boats on the canal moved again after a short period of confusion.

[-]% levied and [-]% fined, this is still reasonable, better than the unscrupulous extortion by Wan Gonggong and others, besides, seeing so many vicious men, who dares to say no, isn't that just asking for trouble? ?
The shopkeepers, tents and other things brought out of the city are all familiar with the work, and they are directly pulled over by a small boat, board the boat for a general inspection, estimate the value of the goods, and then collect the money.

There are too many ships, and these people are not fussy. They often charge lower than the actual value of the goods, and they hide them in secret, so they don't pursue them.

Just pay the money and leave, never extort or disturb the female relatives on the boat, simply and swiftly, by the time it gets dark, the navigation on the river has become smooth, and the money collected has been fully rewarded.

The few ships of goods collected by Mr. Wan's subordinates, and all the private possessions of each of them belonged to the people sent by Wang Tong. Among the dozens of subordinates, none of them were paid, and they were all helpers from local rogue backgrounds. Even if you want to go back to the city, you can't do it now, and you will be escorted to work on the construction site by the Haihe River.

The canal is the most prosperous area in the Acropolis of Tianjin. There are many shops and warehouses of various colors. This afternoon, they are all silent and dare not say a word.

Wang Tong seldom set foot here in the past, but now he suddenly sent someone over, majestic and majestic, everyone was scared when they saw such strength.

When it was getting dark, more than 100 Jinyi guards came out of the city, and the leader was the Baihu Hang Bridge that everyone looked down upon before.

Every store politely asked if they wanted the Ping An brand, and who would dare not want it? If you want it, you don’t know, but if you don’t want it, you will feel unsafe immediately. Everyone knows this.

In the past, when Wang Tong didn't come here, everyone was lucky. Now that he came here, the Ping'an money is not the price for bloodletting and beheading, so everyone accepts it.

"Little bastard!! You will be struck by lightning sooner or later, and you will be hacked into pieces!!"

Eunuch Wan Dao and Wan didn't know what to do when he was in the capital, but after he came to Tianjin, his status was different, and he also acted like a nobleman, learning how to hide his emotions and anger all day long.

Today, there were a few people on the shore who ran fast and ran back to the city to report. After hearing what his subordinates said, Wan Dao was stunned for a while, grabbed the things at hand and smashed them down. It looks like it's gone.

The people kneeling below looking for help looked at each other, thinking that Eunuch Wan would send someone out of the city or find someone else, but he didn't expect to just smash and curse here.

This appearance looks insane, but no one knows that this is clearly fear, not daring to confront Wang Tong from outside the city, but after running back from his family, who cares about the life and death of those people outside, everyone kneels there silently.

At last Wan Dao was tired of beating and scolding, stood there panting heavily, gritted his teeth and blushed, and said in a low voice:
"Alright, alright, alright!! You are so arrogant, let's see how long you can be so arrogant!!"

No matter what Wang Tong is doing now, everyone will pinch their noses and recognize it. Bing Bei Dao Panda seems to be focusing all his energy on his job and ignoring Wang Tong.Li Dameng, the general guarding Tianjin, even entered the city less frequently, and the Qing Army Department and the Transit Department did not even need to be mentioned.

As Wang Tong said that day, Tianjin City was firmly in his hands.

Even if the general Li Dameng had any ulterior motives, the thousands of soldiers in Wang Tong's hands could defeat him alone before the army came to suppress him, or at least a tie, not to mention the thousands of soldiers in the firearms workshop who could be armed The young and strong labor force, as for the goods are under control.

Panda and Wandao, the military equipment, had no influence on Wang Tong in the slightest. With the money allocated by the capital, Wang Tong could fully supply his subordinates without military pay.

The night in late August was getting cooler, and the field of smashing rice by the canal was the only exciting thing during this period, and everything else was ordinary.

The decree arrived in Tianjin Wei after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Wang Tong received the official title of supervisor of the firearms workshop. Although this official title is low, it has clear management rights and responsibilities, and the firearms workshop officially became Wang Tong's subordinate organization.

The government-run firearms workshop receives a large amount of silver and materials allocated by the imperial court every year. There are nearly a thousand craftsmen, nearly [-] young and strong laborers, and [-] soldiers guarding it. It is also a big yamen.

It has been slack and neglected in the past, and if it is handed over to Wang Tong, it will not be justified if there is no improvement. This Wang Tong is not ambiguous.

It is nothing more than strict quality improvement and efficiency improvement. Whether it is the three foreigners or Qiao Da and the others, they have all been trained in Wang Tong's own workshop. What we need to do now is to spread this.

Ren Yuan, the director of the Ministry of Industry, arrived two days later than the imperial decree. Ren Yuan is a rare official who understands craftsmanship, and is also a down-to-earth person. It was Wang Tong's intentional operation that made Ren Yuan transferred here.

But there is something wrong with doing things in a down-to-earth way. Originally, when old people met, Wang Tong also wanted to hold a banquet with wine. A foreigner discusses one or two to see what is worth learning.

The immediate boss, who is also an old acquaintance, invited him to a banquet, but rejected it so directly, he really didn't understand the world, no wonder he was sent to Tianjin by his colleagues.

Wang Tong was a little dumbfounded about this, but he was also a little relieved. Such people were similar to the technicians in the production department in that life. This kind of person who does practical things.

Regarding Yang Sichen's various investigations, the capital sent a letter to Wang Tong the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, in which he guaranteed the reliability of this Yang Sichen.

Zhang Shiqiang came to visit with money, rice and various gifts. He didn't say anything other than withdrawing the guards to express condolences.

Although the guards in the open had withdrawn, the shadow watchers were still there. Until August [-]th, Yang Sichen and his wife and concubines lived in seclusion, that is, when they went out to buy food, there was a melodious sound of the piano.

On August 21st, Zhang Shiqiang came to invite Yang Sichen to Wang Tong's residence.

It's hard to imagine that this state of devotion to thinking will appear in a teenager. After seeing Wang Tong who was thinking hard, Yang Sichen was still stunned.

"Mr. Yang, please sit down. I don't know what Mr. Yang knows, what will he do?"

Wang Tong said straight to the point, Yang Sichen was stunned, he could see that he took a breath, and replied loudly:
"I have studied for nearly 20 years and traveled for five years. I have some superficial knowledge. In the past few years, I have read more books about strategy and strategy. I hope I can help adults plan affairs and give some ideas."

Wang Tong patted his forehead and asked helplessly:
"Do you know arithmetic?" "Do you know how to coordinate?" "Have you ever been a master?" "Have you ever learned the art of punishment?"

A series of questions were asked, except for the answer of "I have dabbled in the art of criminal names", the rest just shook their heads. Even Yang Sichen's calm and calm face turned red when asked by these questions. There are two reasons for the redness. One, one thinks he is full of talents, but finds so many things he doesn't know. The other is what Wang Tong asked. It is impossible for a scholar to know. Whoever studies seriously will think about these "minor skills". , that is an absurd loafer who does not do his job properly.

Wang Tong sighed, this sigh made Yang Sichen even more embarrassed, Wang Tong said straight to the point:

"Strategy, I can't use it. I feel that no matter what in this world, as long as you are stronger than others and have the upper hand, then you don't have to play tricks, just crush the past in an upright manner. If your strength is not as good, Then work hard to develop, surpass the opponent, and forget about everything else.”

Yang Sichen had an embarrassing expression on his face, mixed with shame and anger. His life was so down and out, and he was forced to refute by such a young man. He really didn't know what to do at this time.

Wang Tong stood up and said:
"Let's talk about it first, it's not that I don't need you, but you are not familiar with this official and Tianjin. Now you don't need to say anything, find someone to lead, look around, and ask if you don't understand. Look, see me again then!!"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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