Chapter 303
Yang Sichen himself does not mean much to Wang Tong at present, but he was sent by Shen Shixing, a cabinet scholar, Minister of Rites, and the backbone of Zhang Juzheng's party.

What is the meaning of this is really worth pondering. Wang Tong checked the ins and outs of Yang Sichen during this period of time through the capital's network.

Shen Shixing was careful enough. In the eyes of outsiders, he severed all ties with Yang Sichen and drove him out of the capital.

For a scholar, what is the biggest blow is that the imperial examination is coming soon. This person can pass the Jinshi exam, but he doesn't even take the exam.From the perspective of outsiders, if such a deep hatred is required to do this, then Shen Shixing and Yang Sichen must have fallen out.

Although Wang Tong told him not to say anything, besides the political theory, some necessary self-reports are still required, and the matter is not complicated.

Yang Sichen is also a smart person. After leaving his hometown to go to the capital, he made up his mind to make friends with the nobles.

He already has real skills, and his piano skills are just what he likes to do when he is in Shenshi. It can be said that everything will go smoothly. Ninety-five percent.

However, soon someone came to the door and asked him to do a few things. With a university scholar as a backer, ordinary people would not be threatened, but this person who came was not an ordinary person. The matter is clear, if If he refused, even if Shen Shixing tried his best to protect him, Yang Sichen would not be able to be promoted to Jinshi, and the safety and lives of the whole family would be in danger. If he agreed, regardless of whether Shen Shixing was in office or not, he would be guaranteed to succeed in the imperial examination.

And there are several options, one is to enter the Imperial Academy, if not, then go to the most prosperous places in the world to be the magistrate, and after three years, you can guarantee a career in politics.

If you take 10 steps back, even if everything fails, and if you hate Shen Shixing, then you can go to Changlu Yanzhengsi as a juror to be promoted.

If you don't do it, you will die, and if you do it, you must protect your glory and wealth, and the person who asked him to do this is Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Ministry of War.

If you ask a person to do something to a bachelor, if you don't reveal your identity, the other party will not obey. If you reveal your identity, you will be given extremely generous conditions, and anyone with a little brains will weigh it and then obey.

Zhang Siwei, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, looked like Meng Lang, but in fact he calculated every step accurately, which was also a clever plan.

However, Zhang Siwei was staring at Shen Shihang, and Shen Shihang was also staring at Zhang Siwei. The fact that Zhang Han, the official minister, made a wrong step and was kicked out of the capital is really suspicious.

Zhang Siwei thought he had a clever plan, but Shen Shixing used a method of self-defilement, and then drove Yang Sichen out of the capital.

"Master Shen's status in the court is not as high as that of Mr. Zhang. Although he can protect himself this time, he doesn't know whether he will be able to protect himself in the future. Therefore, he needs to find foreign aid. However, as Zhang Ge's old disciples, there is nowhere to move. In desperation Only then did I think of the adults of Tianjin Wei, this is also treating the students as idle chess."

Although let Yang Sichen see it first, but what should be explained to Wang Tong is still to explain a thing or two, after all, we have to stay here often.
Wang Tong didn't feel the benefits of a bachelor's contact with his family. The news from the court kept coming, and Shen Shixing always showed a clear position on any matter against Tianjin.

It seems that there is no hope in a short period of time. After Wang Tong was excited for a few days, he gave up this idea. Since he regarded Yang Sichen as a free move, he also regarded Shen Shixing as a free move. It will always be useful when.

Walking on the canal, official boats and civilian boats from south to north, if they want to get some benefits for private individuals, they have to entrain goods. In the year of Hongzhi, there was a clear document that allowed official ships to entrain [-]% tax-free.The imperial court allowed [-]%, which means that it is cheap to entrain more than [-]%, so there are all official ships and civilian ships that do not entrain.

Tianjin Wei set up a card inspection here, voluntarily declaring [-]% ​​of the fee, not voluntarily declaring a [-]% penalty, and there is absolutely no other extortion.

From Hangzhou to Jingshi, there are seven tax customs. If each tax card is tax-paid, then at least twice the value of the goods must be paid. Everyone either entrains or bribes to break through the customs. Here Only [-]% of the vaping is really nothing. Those who have been vaped before have many lice and are not afraid of itchiness. If they have not been vaped before, since they are tested, [-]% is only [-]%, which is not a big deal.

Even some merchants, since they shipped to Tianjin, are themselves a distribution center, they simply unload and sell their goods on the spot, and a large number of northern merchants eat them locally.

Taxes and fines are an income, and the goods are left in Tianjin for turnover. Although there is no obvious income, the market is booming, which is always beneficial to the Haihe River under construction.

A large number of goods are collected, transported and loaded, and a large amount of labor is also required. The autumn harvest in the north is early, and many farmers who have been idle in the four miles and eight villages come here to work hard to make money, and the new year is better.

There were a lot of people coming, and the price of hard work on the pier also dropped a lot, but these people who came outside were satisfied. This income was not bad compared to farming and food, and it was more or less a subsidy.

Merchants and ship owners are also satisfied. When they came to Tianjin Wei, they set up card inspections, not to mention extortion by the officers. The labor for loading and unloading is also much more expensive. Linqing and here are only about three days away, and the labor for loading and unloading Only one-fifth or one-sixth of this side.

And if you use the guys on your own ship to load and unload, the pier is not allowed, and there will definitely be some entanglements, and there will be things like smashing the ship and smashing the cargo.

On August 27th, another four ships from Taizhou entered the Haihe River. Now the fort is covered with thatch and tarpaulin, and it looks like a pile of firewood or rough cargo from the outside. It is to remove the camouflage, and when the people on board find that the Haihe River is blocked by artillery, it will be too late to go out. After the shock, then cover the camouflage.This is also because they are afraid that cargo ships coming from the sea will not dare to enter the port after seeing the fort.

Seeing the black cannons and the cannonballs that fell on the side of the ship after being fired for a demonstration, the four ships loaded with cargo all considered themselves unlucky, and lamented in their hearts that both the cargo and the ship could not be saved.

Who would have thought that someone from Tianjin Wei boarded the ship and explained the rules to them, saying that [-]% of the tax is charged, [-]% of the [-]%, and they can still make a lot of money, but everyone is worried that there is another trick, and the goods are looking for Buyers are still in trouble.

Unexpectedly, the cost of loading and unloading at the shore is less than one-tenth of the usual cost, and there are special personnel on the shore to guard them. As soon as they see a sea-going ship docking, they immediately go to the city to notify the merchants to buy.

Another ship was originally scheduled to take over a batch of mercury and buckskins from Tianjin Wei. Seeing officers and soldiers guarding the port, they also gave up their thoughts. They thought about getting some special products from the north to sell back, but they didn't expect that the company that prepared the goods for him The merchant actually delivered the goods directly, and it was aboveboard, but it scared the ship's ups and downs. Of course, this time the goods were not [-]% and [-]%.

Except for those ships that took the route of trafficking in the Japanese country and paid high taxes, the rest of the merchant ships had to settle their accounts when they were full of goods and left the port.

The high loading and unloading fees are cancelled, there is no exorbitant miscellaneous taxes, and the pumping value is [-]%. Strictly calculated, this is much cheaper than loading and unloading goods on the Haihe River in the past, and it is very cost-effective.

Buying and selling goods on a sea-going ship can bring Wang Tong several thousand taels of tariff income, but this money cannot subsidize the construction on both sides of the Haihe River, which must be counted as gold flowers and silver.

The only thing Wang Tong fought for himself was the peace money collected from inside and outside the city of Tianjin, which was designated by the Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu to be disposed of by the palace.

The sea ships coming from the south took away what they saw and heard in Tianjin Wei, and this knowledge was completely positive. It can be expected that more and more ships will come to Tianjin Wei in the future.

With the re-entry of these four sea-going ships, a large number of goods were emptied by the merchants, and those who were not assigned could only regret it. After this time, the merchants in and outside Tianjin began to realize that the river banks were being built. The value of the pavement, some people began to pay a deposit to ask for a fixed lease.

Wang Tong's Jinyiwei, Tianjin's merchants, sea merchants from the sea, and village households from all over the world, each of them got a bargain, and each of them made money, and the market in Tianjin Acropolis also prospered.

There is no perfect thing in the world, and there is no thing that makes everyone happy. Chuantouxiang, who has been silent for a long time, is the one who has lost the most.

There are more than 6000 people in Chuantouxiang, some of them are boatmen and sailors on the river. These people travel all over the country and have no fixed residence. What happens in Tianjin has no effect on them. The real main body is the coolie workers who make a living by the canal.

They originally monopolized the loading and unloading market, charging fees at a much higher price than other places. The loading and unloading costs of those ships on the Haihe River can even be called outrageous, and because they have a large number of people, they charge similar protection fees. Burning incense money, all of these disappeared without a trace.

The influx of a large number of cheap labor and the dominance of Wang Tong Jinyiwei made it impossible for the incense holders of Chuantou Incense to maintain this monopoly price.

Cutting people's fortunes, this is the biggest enmity. Originally because of Wang Tong's thunderbolt policy, the Chuan Tou Xiang, which was about to become a mass of scattered sand, began to gather gradually under some external force.

In Tianjin Weizhong, undercurrents are raging. Every night, dozens of people, or even hundreds of people, hook up with each other and discuss with each other. Some even walk the streets to connect the former leaders.

But all the Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu's hands are on the docks, they are all on the bank of the Haihe River, or they are stationed in the city, and the personnel are already stretched and insufficient.

On the fourth day of September, Yang Sichen asked to see Wang Tong again, probably because he had seen enough.
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(End of this chapter)

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