Chapter 304

"My lord, what is the establishment of Jinyiwei in Tianjin?"

"One thousand and thirty-five people!"

"My lord, how many people do you actually have under your command now?"


"The student said on behalf of the adults that there are seven battalions of regular soldiers, one battalion of cavalry, and thirteen reserve battalions. The students also saw soldiers and horses drill when they were in their hometown. Vests and weapons, drills and drills are not as good as an adult's reserve battalion."

Yang Sichen said in a deep voice, although Wang Tong was serious and serious, but he was a little proud in his heart, Yang Sichen said again:

"There are several financial resources in Tianjin, the land tax is the lightest, the Ping'an money is the second, the canal tax is the second, and the Haihe tariff is the first. Among them, the Ping'an money, the canal, and the Haihe tariff are all in the hands of the adults. Although the Tianjin Acropolis is not big, it is It is the place with the most merchants in Beizhili, where supplies are collected, and the financial resources in the hands of adults can almost catch up with several big houses."

Wang Tong nodded, as long as you pay attention to these things, you can observe them. Yang Sichen did everything quite well, and Yang Sichen said again:
"My lord is currently also the supervisor of the firearms workshop. The manufacture of firearms and weapons are all in the hands of my lord. My lord is also a thousand households of Jin Yiwei, and the responsibility of monitoring and spying is also on my lord."

Wang Tong smiled and was about to speak, but Yang Sichen stood up, bowed deeply and said solemnly:
"My lord, a catastrophe is imminent!"

Hearing this, Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, then slapped his forehead with his hands dumbfoundingly, and then spoke out the solution calmly,

This kind of marketing method is not uncommon for Wang Tong, it is also one of the common methods, but Yang Sichen looked at the unpredictable appearance, but it is really boring to come up with such a trick.

"Mr. Yang, if you have something to say, just talk about it, why bother with the plot in this drama!"

Wang Tong's words were already a little unpleasant, but Yang Sichen didn't seem to hear it, and clasped his fists and said:

"My lord controls military power and financial power, and is located in the hub of food transportation. He is not a mediocre and incompetent person. If you in the capital say that your lord has evil intentions, what should you do? How can you deal with yourself?"

These words are true, Yang Sichen said again:
"Canals, Haihe Rivers, inside and outside the city, there are many young and strong, and the adults control the firearms workshop, and can make a large number of weapons at any time. If you have the heart, you can coerce the strong men to send weapons, that is the side of the capital, and you can mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers. The grain villages in Tianjin Acropolis have waterways to go south and north, so this is not a serious problem."

Wang Tong said with a cold face:
"I won't do that again!"

"But the lords in the court will say this, the emperor is close to you, but Beijing and Tianjin are a few days away, and the lords in the court have never liked you, don't you know the saying that three people make a tiger?"

"I know, I know..."

Wang Tong murmured, what the royal family values ​​most is whether it can maintain this dominance and whether it can extend the dynasty's existence.

Any unstable factors must be obliterated. Wang Tong trains soldiers and horses and collects financial resources. Although everything is planned for the emperor and Ming Dynasty, he is dictatorial everywhere for the sake of efficiency. Everything is in his hands, military power and financial power. It even has the power to manufacture weapons and control the arsenal.

If someone with a heart thinks about it, he will indeed think of many unpredictable places. The relationship between the emperor and himself is good, and he is constantly fighting for his interests outside to consolidate Wanli's monarchy. It is easy to judge what kind of trade-offs will be made.

Even if Emperor Wanli did not make such a choice, Empress Dowager Li, Feng Bao, and Zhang Juzheng would also make such a choice. As for why he is still sitting in this position, it is nothing more than that his strength has not yet reached that level.

But at present everything is rapidly expanding, and the time to be said so is almost here...

When Yang Sichen said it so bluntly, Wang Tong looked serious and fell into deep thought. After thinking for a while, he raised his head with a smile and said:
"Mr. Yang reminded that since the capital is not at ease, then the official should delegate power."

Hearing this answer, Yang Sichen was surprised, and then solemnly bowed down, saying:
"Adults have great insight, and students admire him."

So what if you can mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers and horses? There are more than [-] troops in Ji Town and more than [-] in Beijing, and there are nearly [-] in Xuanfu and more than [-] in Liao Town. Not to mention there are soldiers and horses in Shandong and Henan. When the army gathers together, what use will the tens of thousands of mobs have.

On the fifth day of the ninth lunar month, Wang Tong of Jinyiwei, a thousand households in Tianjin, went to Shu Tianzi. He said that he could not be responsible for the many affairs, and he was afraid that he would bear the grace of the saints. He asked His Majesty to send capable personnel to take charge.

There is another secret note, stating that apart from their own establishment, Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu also has a soldier and horse that he promised His Majesty to train when he left Beijing. Now there are 3000 people. If they have soldiers and horses, they should follow the regulations of the imperial court , Send an inspector to monitor the army.

Ping'an money, canal tax collection, and Haihe customs duties, these three places are all set up to raise gold flowers and silver. Although the imperial court has returned a lot of money, the inflow and outflow of a large amount of money is also sensitive, so please send someone from the palace to check and count.

"Wang Tong is a man who thinks things through."

After the memorial was delivered to the capital quickly, according to the rules, the memorials of the memorial and the secret memorial were first sent to the supervisor of ceremonies, and among the memorials sent to the capital from the local government, Wang Tong arranged them very quickly. First, the chief inspector of ceremonies and the cabinet didn't think there was any important matter in Tianjin, it was just that Wang Tong was the most trusted minister of Emperor Wanli.

When the memorial was delivered, even the eunuch Zhang Cheng, the supervisor of ceremonies, hadn't even read it, so he sent it to the desk of the eunuch Feng Bao, who was in charge of the seal of the supervisor of ceremonies. After looking through it a few times, he gave this evaluation with a smile.

After laughing, Feng Bao read it again carefully, picked up the ink brush to make comments on it, thought about it or put it down, and raised his voice and said:
"Eunuch Zhang, come down here!"

The court meeting has been dispersed, and these memorials are directly submitted to the inner court, and the people in the outer court don't know it, and everyone in charge of ceremonies is busy working.

Hearing Feng Bao's call, Zhang Cheng hurried in. Feng Bao handed over the booklet in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Wang Tong's child is thinking about things properly. He has caught too many and is not in compliance with the rules. Eunuch Zhang can choose some useful people in the palace and send them there!"

Feng Bao monopolized the power in the inner court, but he also knew that Zhang Cheng, the second person in the inner court, would have some space to save face as the current emperor's companion. Wang Tong was directly under Wanli and Zhang Cheng, so he left it to Zhang Cheng to arrange.

What's more, the household department is only responsible for 200 million taels of the 100 million taels of gold flowers and silver, and the other 100 million taels have to be raised by Wang Tong. This is also for the good things in the palace. Feng Bao's impression of Wang Tong is not bad.

Coming out of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, Zhang Cheng was slightly angry, thinking that Wang Tong had the right to write secret letters, but he still used this kind of memorials and secret memorials that everyone could see. Isn't this centrifugal?

However, people like him quickly figured out the link here. The effect Wang Tong wants is to let as many people know about his actions as possible, and to let everyone know about his actions, and know that although Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu Wang Tong has great power and is favored, But knowing the scale of advance and retreat, there is no ulterior motive.

"It's just a few thousand soldiers, several 10 taels of silver in and out, why is Wang Tong so careful, I let him go there to do business, I can trust you, Zhang Banban, write a letter to Wang Tong, let him feel at ease and bold Do what you want, don’t think about what’s there or what’s not.”

Seeing Wang Tong's memorial, Emperor Wanli was very unhappy. In his mind, it was completely superfluous.

At present, the power inside the palace is in the hands of Feng Bao, and the power outside the palace is in the hands of Zhang Juzheng. What he says is what he says. The one who judges Wanfang is the Merciful Empress Dowager Li. Wanli now goes to court every day. It's an internship, and the only one who can really grasp it in his hands and can command and order it is the security department of the capital, Jinyiwei Qianhu in Tianjin.

Seeing Wang Tong taking down so many authorities with fists and kicks, but suddenly a memorial came, saying that he wanted to let go, and that he could not take care of so many responsibilities by himself, the little emperor immediately became anxious.

Emperor Wanli was not reconciled to sending anyone, either Feng Bao's people or Zhang Juzheng's people inside and outside the palace, and sending one was to divide his power.

"Long live Lord, Wang Tong's doing this is an old-fashioned move. With so much power concentrated in one person, sooner or later he will be used by courtiers and officials. Now I ask for the separation of powers, and the appointment can be what Long Live Lord prefers." , if you wait for the foreign court to bring this up, I'm afraid it will be up to the Long Live Lord..."

Emperor Wanli straightened up, and then leaned slumped on the back of the chair.Zhang Cheng said in his heart, 'I'm still a child who can't hold his breath', then took two steps forward, and said with a smile:

"Long Live Lord, if you send someone, send someone there. Anyway, there are still people who are caring about Long Live Lord in Tianjin Wei."

Emperor Wanli sat up straight again, and Zhang Cheng said leisurely:

"In the fire organ workshop, let Ren Yuan from the Ministry of Industry be the head, and Wang Tong will be the inspector. For the thousands of soldiers, let Cai Nan over there be the supervisor. As for the various income and expenses, let Wang Tong Choose someone who has an errand to be the income and expenditure office, and the person who is reported to the Long Live Lord is sure."

This arrangement is tantamount to not moving Wang Tong's existing structure, just changing the name. Emperor Wanli laughed after thinking about it for a while.

Empress Dowager Cisheng Li and Empress Dowager Rensheng Chen knew the news not much later than Emperor Wanli. A court lady who served her personally said privately that Empress Chen read the memorial and said, "I am a child of duty, and I know who owns the world." The queen mother also smiled and nodded in agreement.

Many incense sticks in Chuantouxiang have some savings in their hands. When Chuantouxiang was prosperous, they all thought that their good life would last for thousands of years.

Now that he is in a sudden decline, and he is unwilling to do that cheap job, he spends a lot of time at home, with two spare cash, so he can't stay at home, and spends his days drinking and gambling.

Ma Dafu, who lived in Renhouji in the east gate of Tianjin City, ignored his mother-in-law's crying and scolding at night, and went to the nearby dice shop with the only two taels of silver left at home.
Thank you everyone, these few days at the end of the month are very dangerous, and it is easy to turn the tables. The last three days are less than three days. If you have a monthly pass in your hand, you can vote. It is a waste to keep it in your hand. Thank you again, please support Laobai
(End of this chapter)

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