Chapter 305
It is uncertain to bet on this kind of thing. When you are unlucky, you will fall to the bottom. When you are lucky, nothing can stop you.

Ma Dafu used to be a small gambler, Chuan Touxiang was busy with his day's work, he took tens of pennies for entertainment, and left when he lost, and he was not greedy at all when he won, just doubled and left.

But Wang Tong started, Chuantouxiang had to bargain with the boatman for the price while carrying the work on the pier. She worked hard and was exhausted, but it was only enough to earn a day's food for the family. Maybe it was not enough, and the mother-in-law had to do some work to supplement it .

Those who are incenses usually feel that their family is superior to others, and let them be like the coolies in all directions, most of them are not reconciled.

If he is not reconciled, he has no work, and people who are idle at home have all kinds of bad habits. Ma Dafu spends all day in the dice shop. At the beginning, he really won money every day and made some money.

It is better to eat meat and drink at home than to work for Chuantouxiang. Ma Dafu even boasted:
"When we win dozens of taels, we'll go back to our hometown in Wuqing and buy some fields to enjoy ourselves."

How can there be such a good thing in this world, the next thing is to lose every day, once people fall into it, they don't want to turn back, and the more they gamble, the more they lose.

Tossing and tossing day by day, the husband and wife fight and cry when they go home, Ma Dafu beats his wife and scolds the children, and the things in the seller go out to toss, until today.

On the night of September [-]th, it was already a little cold to walk on the street. Ma Dafu, wearing a single shirt and with red eyes, entered the dice shop.

He won today, his luck and luck came out of nowhere, and tonight he was really lucky, and he lost more than one or two at the beginning, and he killed all directions by means of it.

He wins almost every time. Except for the banker's draw, all the money on the table is won by him alone. When he wants to leave in the middle of the game, how can the other losers be able to do it? He sat down and continued to win, and when it was over, it was already past midnight, and all the gamblers' money had been won by him.

Counting, this night I won back all the previous losses, and I won nearly 40 taels more.

Ma Dafu walked out of the dice shop in ecstasy. Even though he carried his money in his bosom, he was not afraid of being snatched by others, because Ma Dafu was tall and strong, and the people here were familiar with the land, and all the people living in the boat head were fragrant. He yelled, Dozens of people came out to help, very courageous.

Walking on the road, the cold wind blows, and Ma Dafu, who is wearing a single shirt, does not feel the cold at all. With the silver in his arms, it seems that there is a fire in his arms, scorching hot. It is hot here, followed by the whole body. I couldn't get in, and the blood all over my body seemed to be boiling.

"Show the money to that silly woman to scare her. I bet this way for the good of her and the child..."

Seeing that the door of the house was right in front of him, Ma Dafu's mood was even higher. For some reason, his body seemed to be on fire. Ma Dafu thought that he was happy, so he simply tore off his shirt and walked forward with his arms open.

It was already late at night, and Ma Dafu was an old resident on this street. Even if he walked over, the other dogs would not bark. The street was very quiet.

Just as he was about to push the door open, Ma Dafu suddenly felt a thunderstorm ringing in his ears. The loud bang made Ma Dafu's head buzz, but the street was still quiet, and the dogs didn't bark.

Thinking of the sound of thunder, Ma Dafu only felt that his mind was getting more and more dizzy, his body was not in control, and his eyes were getting darker and darker, and the moon was bright and bright.

Before the sun came out on September [-], Ma Dafu's mother-in-law was in a hurry to go out to find someone. His man had a lot of gambling lately, but there was never a night when he didn't come back. What was he doing tonight?

As soon as he opened the door, he almost tripped over something in front of the door. He was about to yell and curse, but when he looked down, his own man was lying there. Ma Dafu's mother-in-law turned him over with trembling hands, but saw that Ma Dafu's mouth and nose were bleeding, and his body Chilled and stiff, everyone was dead and stiff.

After being dazed for a while, Ma Dafu's mother-in-law sat down on the ground, crying and howling, the people on the street were neighbors for many years, and the rooster hadn't crowed in the early morning, but there were people there Howling, they all came out with their clothes on to have a look, and when they saw a dead man at the door of Ma's house, everyone was stunned.

Maybe some people put on their clothes in a hurry and came out here to ask questions. Everyone is a fan of Chuantouxiang, and there is still some kind of friendship. Some people habitually go to the top leaders. Chuantouxiang does not report to the officials , They are all handled by their own incense hall, which has been a rule for many years.

A seasoned person came over, looked at the appearance of Ma Dafu's corpse, and then at the money in Ma Dafu's arms, and made a judgment:
"Maybe it's because the head was hit by a strong wind, and if you don't slow down, you will be finished."

Others came to advise:
"Ma's family, what's the use of crying, there are still a few children in the house, quickly take back the money on your man's body, go to the Qing army hall to find an assistant, and get things done, it's still hot at noon today Yes, if you continue to toss, people will stink."

Ma Dafu carried a total of more than a hundred taels of silver with him, and someone helped to report to the Qing Army Hall, and someone went to the Shoucai Shop to invite people to do business, and set up a hastily in the yard of Ma's house. The coffin was carried in.

When someone dies, as usual, the Qing Army Department will send a foreman over for an autopsy. If they find it not a murder or something, they will issue a document and the person can be buried in the coffin.

The clerk of the Qing Army Department came to inspect and found that it was indeed a strong wind that blew up his brain. In this era, cerebral hemorrhage is not known. All such sudden things are mostly explained by the wind. Ma Dafu was very excited after winning the money. Being so excited by the cold wind, there may be some early problems, and there is no way to fall ill all of a sudden.

People from the Shoucai Shop came to do the funeral, and the Chuantou Xiang also came, but there were quite a few Xiang people who were idle at home, and everyone came to help.

Ma Dafu's mother-in-law had lost her mind at this time, and relied on the people around her to speak, but that one leaned her head over and said in a low voice:

"From the Ma family, Dafu is also a decent person in Chuantouxiang. It's okay if he can't handle it like this when he leaves. Let's do it better. Dafu will have a nice person down here."

Although Ma Dafu's wife had lost her mind, she was not a fool. After hearing this, she murmured:
"Master, we orphans and widows have no one to rely on. We all rely on the little money left by the rich to do our jobs. There is nothing to do with a few dozen taels of silver."

That head showed a very righteous expression and said:
"Anyway, everyone burns incense, don't worry about the money, just listen to our arrangement when the time comes, it doesn't cost money, and if you count the gift money for the obligatory affairs, you can still earn seven or eight taels!"

Seven or eight taels is enough to live frugally for a year and a half. Ma Dafu's mother-in-law is worrying about her future livelihood. When she heard that there is such a way, she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

However, I was also puzzled. In the past, Ma Dafu was very respectful when he saw this leader, and he had to give gifts on New Year’s Day. shop do support.

Not to mention how the Ma family's mother-in-law was thinking wildly, she turned her head around when she went out, and when she turned around, she actually brought a lot of cash. There were more than a dozen silver ingots on the ground, and it looked like more than a hundred taels.

With this cash, everything is easy to talk about, so it's up to the head to decide. Twenty or so people came to Shoucai Shop and got busy. Team, monks and priests.

That's not to mention, the money that he didn't know where he got it, actually set up a floating mat on the street, inviting people from all over the boat to come and sit.

Anyway, I don't need to spend my own money, and the mother-in-law of the Ma family doesn't care anymore, and the running water table is nothing. There are many people who come and follow, and the family earns more.

Neighbors in the neighborhood are dumbfounded, but the running water mat with nearly 100 tables is indeed too big. One street is not enough, and the four streets on the left and right are all occupied. The team that makes this kind of flowing water mat in the city and outside the city has been brought in, and the fat pigs are overturned. After a few sips, I am afraid that [-] taels of water mat alone will not be able to hold it.

All the incense people inside and outside the city are informed that they have time to spare, and they all come to participate in this running water feast, and the rewards are only five yuan and ten yuan. There are fish and meat here. During these days, everyone's money is tight, but it's been a long time since I saw Hun Xing.

As a result, when the banquet started, there was still wine. How much money did this Ma Dafu win, and how much money he had won? You are allowed to worship, and you are not allowed to ask questions. The mother-in-law of the Ma family is howling there, and the children are crying.

Burn the incense, pay homage, give the share, and then come out to eat with your cheeks open. After a few sips of wine, everyone is a little dizzy. Those who know each other are all full of stomachs when they talk about the recent situation. The grievances, burning incense in the bow of the boat was good, why did it suddenly lose out!

There are thousands of people in Chuantouxiang, and there are quite a few people they don't know. People often throw their wine bowls on the ground and curse at each other while talking.

"Dog officer, I used to walk on the road, even the shopkeeper of the big shop had to nod politely, but now I lift my nostrils up to the sky, that's the old rules!!!"

"...A few days ago, we put our heads on the barge to pick up the work. A ship from Huzhou unloaded the cargo. We asked for ten taels of silver to unload the cargo. When our men were doing it in the past, how could such a southern cargo ship be accepted? It’s 30 taels, but the coolies from Jinghai are willing to do it for three taels of silver, so how can they do this job!!”

"...It used to cost 500 taels or 1000 taels to unload a ship at sea. Brothers, how can you say that each of you has the advantage of being a little older? Now, if we are in a gang, we can't get in..."

"Wang Tong, that bastard, it must be a false biography that our Tianjin guards have committed misdeeds, let's find justice with him!!"

I don't know who raised such a voice, but the scene immediately quieted down. Wang Tong, that is a thief, but he is also a evil star!The opening of Jinhe warehouse that was blasted by the cannon is still there, and there is still blood on the opening. If you want to kill you, we will not follow...——
Thank you everyone, please continue to support Lao Bai with monthly tickets, and you can't relax at the end of the month! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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