Chapter 306

There were people coming and going on the running water mat, and none of the five incense heads showed up, but there were quite a few heads from all over the place, and these heads were not small, and one or two or two followed. Then I also sat on the flowing water table and ate wine.

He didn't come alone, and he also brought his subordinates with him. At every table or two, there were always people who drank too much and made trouble, either cursing or beating, or standing up and yelling at Wang Tong and Jin Yiwei. .

Building a fort by the river, bombarding Jinhe shop, killing Cui Da in the street, beheading Jiang Song in the courtyard, no one knows about these things, that dog official Wang Tong is young, but his methods are fierce and tight, and everyone is not afraid.

Before the person who drank too much said a few words, some old-fashioned people advised him to keep his voice down, and some people who drank too much yelled something like, "Big guy, go to the dog officer for justice", and some even yelled at him.

It was a noisy day, even though there was nothing wrong with shouting and complaining, everyone went back full of resentment.

I spent a little money to eat a lot of wine and meat, but I still have to think about how to live when I go home. I think what I said at the banquet is true. I lived comfortably in the past. Isn’t it because Wang Tong came and made it like this miserable.

Ma Dafu's mother-in-law woke up crying in the morning, but in the afternoon she couldn't shed any tears, so she just howled, or she would laugh out loud.

Counting Ma Dafu's winnings, plus the followers everywhere, the total is 300 taels. With this money, it is not difficult to go back to her natal family and take the children to remarry, and her life will be worry-free in the future.

That head said it clearly, after finishing the funeral today, and burying the person out of the city tomorrow, hire a big car and go straight back to your mother's house. In this city, you orphans and widows are inconvenient for everything. "

Although there is a special requirement of seven days or something, but for a small family, life is important, and the money is given to them, and they can do things well in the daytime, so the mother-in-law of the Ma family agreed.

On the second day, the Shoucai Shop sent a cart and a few young men over, and someone hired a cart for the family, and they left straight away as soon as they packed up the soft clothes.

After the two carts went out of the city for ten miles, the two sides were already quite desolate, so they turned to this side, and they arrived at the treasured geomantic place said to be Shoucai Shop, where people were buried.

After a while, the two carts came out, the coffin was gone, and the people on the cart were gone, only the young men were left with the cart to go back to Tianjin City.

As for the mother-in-law and children of the Ma family who did not go back to their mother's house, no one knew about the distance between Tianjin Wei and Jinghai, and few people went to inquire about it.

Some of Chuantouxiang's followers drink and gamble at home all day long, some use their previous savings to start a small business, and some use their savings to start a small business.

Left and right are all working hard to eat. They used to eat meat, but now they eat vegetables, but they are still full and alive. There may be a turning point in the future. It doesn't matter if you think about it.

This year, Sha Erbao is the most common congregation of Chuantouxiang. To put it bluntly, they are strong and strong, in order to have a fragrant meeting with a full mouth.

He has no father and no mother. There are two siblings in his family. His elder sister is married to Tianjin Wei. His brother-in-law is just a peddler selling steamed stuffed buns, and he has two more children, which can't help him much.

After entering Chuantouxiang, he was willing to work hard, unloaded a lot of cargo, and got a lot of money. He could often give his sister and brother-in-law some pocket money, without delaying his own full stomach, and lived a happy life.

As soon as the bow incense fell, Sha Erbao didn't feel any sadness. He had only been burning incense for a year, and he worked a lot inside. It's okay, isn't it too late to survive the year, and my sister and brother-in-law have to pay for the money for burning incense for the steamed stuffed bun shop that my sister and brother-in-law run from dawn to dusk.

Now pay the peace money, this kind of stall pays a fixed amount, five cents a month, if you have difficulties and don't pay, you can extend it for a few years, it's the same as not paying, it's much easier.

Go to the pier by yourself to carry the work, do more and get more, not get pumped by the above, and not get paid by those old guys and seniors, on the contrary, you earn more than before.

Sha Erbao had lived a hard life, he knew it was not easy to make money, and he also knew how to treat his sister and husband well. He worked on the pier for more than a month, but the shopkeeper of a porcelain warehouse thought that this kid was a good one, and he was a loyal person. For those who are divided, it is good to come into the store and be a buddy.

Working as a clerk in the warehouse, at the beginning, the money was similar to that of outsiders, but for food, there was a red envelope at the end of the year, and the status was more decent.

After Sha Erbao got this errand, his sister and brother-in-law were delighted, but the neighbors knew about it, and some people came to propose marriage.

It was almost the day of Ma Dafu's funeral. Sha Erbao, who was working in the backyard, was called by the shopkeeper. After passing by, the shopkeeper straight to the point said that there is no need for Chuantouxiang people in the shop, let him go.

This is really a blow to the head, no matter how Sha Erbao thinks about himself, there is nothing wrong with him, but he has no way to reason with the shopkeeper's words, the worst thing is to go out and work hard to make money.

An honest person can live without being tired if he sees it openly. Now on the ground in Tianjin, it is easy to work hard to eat enough. If you find the right place, such as by the Haihe River, you can still make money.

Anyone with a little discernment can make a judgment. The large number of shops and warehouses by the Haihe River can use less manpower.

Although Sha Erbao could think about it, it was not a good thing after all. He went home and told his sister and brother-in-law, his sister was crying, and the brother-in-law even scolded himself, saying that Erbao should not have been in Laoshizi Chuantouxiang back then.

Sha Erbao bought some sweets for his nephew and niece with the remaining wages in his hand, went to the market to buy some fruits, and went back to his residence, and went to sleep to do the work tomorrow.

His residence is a shed by the pier outside the city. Those who have no money and no family live here. Sha Erbao's residence is next to it. It is nothing more than a broken house and a broken bed for sleeping.

There is no rest in this place at night. Firstly, the boats on the canal also unload at night, and the warehouses of commercial firms also need people at night. The ones who are working go to work, the ones who are not working drink and go crazy, gather people to gamble, and even lead a woman to make troubles in the house, anyway, it is noisy.

Even the yamen servants seldom come to such a place. In lawless places, everyone just sweeps the snow in front of the door, and cares less about the affairs of other families. Even Chuantouxiang suffered a lot from here in the past, and the result was a lot of noise. Some of them don't even know who did it, so let it go.

On the night of September [-]th, except for the moon getting bigger and the weather getting colder, there was nothing unusual. Everyone ate, drank, prostituted and gambled without delay. Those who had no money slept with their heads covered, and they didn’t calm down until midnight.

There was nothing to do all night, so it just passed by, and when I got up the next morning, I was still doing my own thing, and the man who was carrying the work on the pier, Sha Erbao came to say hello last night, saying that we would go together tomorrow, and that if we go early, we will be selected. If you go late, you may die. Whoever thought about waiting, Sha Erbao didn't come.

"Damn, you haven't been a buddy for a few days, and you have developed a young master's temper. Erbao, you are not the second young master."

Fortunately, Sha Erbao was really a good person in the past, he would go over to help anyone who had a headache, and he didn't care about getting paid for the work. Everyone always remembered the favor, and scolded him, but he always went over and shouted.

In a dilapidated shed and a dilapidated house, the door is just a cover, and the caller is not shy, watching the door close, he slapped it hard outside, and cursed at the top of his voice:

"Second treasure is up, what's wrong with being a buddy..."

But by coincidence, the door was knocked hard a few times, and the door actually opened. Could it be that the person had already got up, probed in and looked, and the caller screamed "Oh my god", stepped back a few steps, and tripped over the threshold He fell down and sat on the ground all of a sudden.

There were more than a dozen people waiting outside. Hearing the screams, they all felt that something was wrong, and hurried over. The person sitting on the ground tremblingly stretched out his fingers and pointed into the room, and stammered:

"Dead... dead..."

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other, opened the door and ran in. Sha Erbao tied a knot on the beam with a cloth strip tied around his belt, and hanged himself.

At this time, no one cared about going to work, and put people down from the top in a hurry. Their bodies were cold, stiff, and dead. Some people ran to report to the police, and some went to his sister's house in the city. Reporting the letter, everyone has no words at this time, such a good young man, why can't he think about it so much!
This is outside the city, and Chuantouxiang's yards are all here, but Chuantouxiang got the news the fastest. When Chuantouxiang's people came, Sha Erbao, his sister and the people from the government were still there. Come.

Chuantouxiang came with more than thirty people. Although the momentum was not as good as before, but there were so many people, others had to be a little afraid. The leader looked at the corpse on the ground with a face full of anger and said:
"Good boy, why can't you think about it so much? How old are you, everyone, who knows what this is for?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, everyone went their own way, I really don't know, but someone in the outer circle hesitated and said:
"I saw it last night. Erbao said that he was kicked out by the shop where he worked. He said that he was afraid to use him because he was burning incense."

After listening to the head, he looked back at the people who followed him, calmed down, and heaved a long sigh after a while, his face was full of frustration.

Tianjin Wei is not big, not long after, Sha Erbao's sister and brother-in-law rushed here, saw his brother's body, think about the young man who was there yesterday to comfort his couple not to worry, and bought sugar for his niece and niece , I didn't see you all night, and I actually hanged myself.

Sha Erbao's elder sister stared blankly for a few moments, then rushed forward and burst into tears, the siblings were heartbroken, weeping miserably, his brother-in-law squatted on the ground covering his face, his shoulders shrugged.

The people around couldn't bear to watch, the one who came over said in a hoarse voice:

"This will make our Chuantouxiang live."

The atmosphere was oppressive, and everyone was a little stunned. There was a moment of silence behind the head, and the head turned back and stared fiercely. The incense crowd who followed immediately began to lament and complain...
Thank you everyone, there is still a little more than a day before the end of the month, please subscribe and support with monthly tickets! !

(End of this chapter)

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